This site is a testament to my life’s experience & higher purpose. Made for the glory of Lord & Savior “Jesus Christ”. Through unwavering faith for his gift into salvation fate.

Faith Into Heaven’s Fate

The photograph above is of Yosemite National Park, California. It is a majestic slice of Gods natural Wonder & Beauty, and it is often referred to by locals as, “God’s Country“. What you will mostly find here, is a Ministry of Rhyme. A serene place of words, inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. To spend some of your thoughtful time. For discovery and reveal, of what truly exists behind the scene’s with malicious intent, and what it is, about the character of “Jesus Christ“, that has the most appeal. We hope you enjoy your time here. All are welcome to the site and all of its content, as there is something here for everybody. Please come back again, until a love so real occupies your heart of the Living God. A celebration of Salvation through faith alone, for all the angels in Heaven to applaud.

Every story has a start & an end. As the one of Jesus unfolds, just around the bend

You will also find on this site, Music Ive composed, and Photographs I have taken over the years. To know me, through some of my creative works as well. The Poems you will find here are written in plain simple English, and are easy for all peoples of the Earth to comprehend & understand.

My Story

My Story & testimony of faith in Jesus Christ began in early November of 2010 when I was suddenly called out of the blue, by my younger brother. Telling me that our elderly Father had suffered a horrible fall and traumatic brain Injury and most likely is about to perish from this world from a severe Hemetoma of the brain.


Upon receiving this urgent call to fly in a hurry to the Lebanon, half way across the globe to a place, that had left me with bad memories so long ago. I rushed and packed my bags and left everything behind, as I had to pay my respects and say goodbye to my old man, in a rush to Beirut, once and for all. As it was an urgency.


Then Upon arrival, I suddenly remembered what a street musician had said to me, along with an added addendum ” Ask Jesus to save your Dad, and know that if he was saved, that it was Jesus that saved him”. So out of a fear of loss, I made the request “Ok Jesus, If you truly are, who you say you are. Please save my father.

The Story of Jesus Christ begins with his birth at Christmas in a Manger

Read more of my redemption Story if interested on the Testimonial page.

I belong to the Church community of “Mariners” in the city of Irvine, CA. I really love the place. The campus is large and beautifully landscaped. Its new Pastor “Eric Geiger” as well as “Kenton Beshore” deliver bible scripture with clarity & compassion and occasional humor. The worship band is fantastic in creating the worship experience. The staff is super helpful and kind. Mariners Church also features many classes and group meets & learning events, such as “Rooted, Rogue and Deep Dive” that are well worth looking into. In an effort to grow into faith, through the Word of God in a safe fellowship environment. Please visit their site by clicking on the Contact button below to learn more about their services.

God is alive and well

The Holy Bible is a book of Godly wisdom. It’s the book that shows a pathway to his glorious Kingdom. Its the only book that does so, with much clarity. It does it with love & compassion. Divine tools necessary to combat Satan’s mission of chaos & disparity. It does it with tremendous mercy, grace, patience & finesse. All it takes, is to have a desire, to sincerely know him, and for this desire through your faith, to confess.

God's Country
A Fate into God’s Paradise, is granted through Faith in his only son “Jesus Christ

What separates Christianity, from the rest of the worlds religions and doctrines, is that Christians believe that “Jesus Christ” is who he claimed to be. The born son of the “Virgin Mary” and delivered son of God into the Human Race. After all, God can do anything he wills. As oppose to all the other tales spun around the globe to dethrone Jesus as Lord, are that he was a Charlatan, or a Lunatic. To get himself crucified within three years of his ministry. Or, that he survived and fled to India, or as some might believe, his body was replaced with a “Look alike” to put on the cross instead. If Jesus was lies, then he would have needed lots of gold & silver, to pay off the scribes & writers that wrote about him, hundreds of years after the crucifixion. Jesus proved himself to be the real deal. With amazing miracles, many times over, and then alas. When both his body & spirit ascended into heaven, witnessed by a pair of centurion eyes through resurrection, never to be discovered or found. His blood on the “Shroud of Turin” that covered his body has been tested to be, 24 chromosomes. With Jesus, the proof is through the roof pilgrim.

This website is a gift of the Holy Spirit to Humanity, and my mark left on this crazy and unpredictable world we live in. A world where temptations into sinful traps & holes with wide gaps, run amuck. Greed on speed, frolic and sin embedded within. Mayhem creeping up from behind, where foolish pride, keep us in the blind. It’s a gift from above, of redemption from Mortality into Salvation eternity & reality. Through the mercy of God. To wash away the sin chromosome we acquired at birth. Simply put, this is the true story of Earth. I’m not looking for high grades or any of your accolades. Just a bit of your undivided time & attention. Something about the word of God and how it does not change, I thought I would mention. I’m just looking to spread some good news. To let all of you know, there’s a way through the forest, and out of an inheritance to lose. A choice we can freely make, as oppose to what A & E decided for us to choose. That, through the Virgin born son of Mary, we can reach Father God in heaven. So I decided, that the most love I could share with this world, was to spread his Holy Word. To do my part in presenting a truth, so clear & concise to the grace and mercy of “Jesus Christ” that some of you, might have never heard.


I write this material for the glory of God and his son “Jesus Christ”, our world’s savior and our soul redeemer from a state of fallen mortality. The site is always being updated as new material gets published, and edited as most of what you read is “first draft” and needs some cleanup and correction, so thanks in advance for being patient with me in regards to the flaws, as I am a solo act at this point in time. I have written a little over 850 quotes, poems, songs and rhymes altogether to date and in a little over two years. I made a promise to the good Lord that I will continue the work until I reach 1000 pieces and then I will have to stop to make time for other writing projects in waiting. All the Material you read here is copyright by publication and is therefore subject to copyright laws. I am making the content “open source“, (Except for the Photography and Music files as well as rhymes on the lyrics page) so that it may be used by Pastors and evangelists anywhere in the country in their sermons, should they elect to do so, without written permission by me or the site administrators. And also by various musical artist’s looking to create songs out of the written material presented, however not on the (Lyrics Page, as those are already projects in the works). The anthology of poems pages are all open. Should you have any interest in using some or all of the material in a musical project or production. Please Notify us in writing of such an intent, so that we may look forward to possibly promote your work on the site, should it meet professional recording standards.

Thank you for visiting and spending time here at and finding interest in walking with Jesus Christ and embracing the most amazing spiritual experience any human being can have in my opinion.

All those who ask shall receive. All those who seek shall find. All those who knock, the doors to heaven will be opened for them as well.