
This site is dedicated to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is my testimony and True Story, to show the world how it all came to unfold for me, after so many years of living fast and hard, in rebellion and defiance towards all forms of authority. Basically cruising on a a “My way or the Highway” lifestyle, just as many of us do early on in life. I am building this site in an effort to share my writings (Rhymes, Poems, Lyrics and Quotes) with individuals, who seek to know the Truth of God, amidst the plethora of sophisticated falseness and deceitful fraud. In the hope, that my readers might find resonance taking place in their heart, with what is being shared here. Or perhaps, if a lukewarm believer just starting out, to continue with passion and zeal, a relentless seeking of the word, to faithfully reach the reality of “Christ Consciousness” through understanding the wisdom played out in the Holy Bible, and how it all comes together so beautifully through the omnipresence of the Holy Spirit in the seeking process. This is truly an amazing experience to say the least, and a relationship unlike any other on Earth. From any & all human perspectives.

Poet, Lyricist, Songwriter, Photographer, Guitarist, Music Teaching and Production

Ayl D.Kildair

Born in Los Angeles, California in 1959 to a set of wonderful parents from the Middle East, who came to the U.S for University Education. Throughout his childhood and into adulthood, Ayl suffered from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as well as learning disabilities in his life. Which made completing school, rather arduous and difficult. His pet-peeve nickname in junior High was “Which Homework” for blurting out that sorry response when asked for his homework, one sad day. Ayl would spend his days daydreaming for the most part, and catching up on sleep because of his constant daily Insomnia. Only to discover at midlife, and after many failed attempts at having a normal life, that he was born with a severe case of the brain disorder, which would explain much of his erratic, reckless and irresponsible behavior throughout his life . There are six types of this disorder, according to experts and his was called “Ring of Fire” as coined by Dr. Daniel Amen, a specialist, and a well respected authority on the subject. That being said, here is what is most interesting. In a recent interview he states, and I quote “Prior to writing for the Lord, I had no writing ability whatsoever, as I suffered from severe (Dyslexia) and my writing attempts were always scattered & incomprehensible at best. It would take much effort to get writing assignments for school or work done, due to this disadvantage, and I would usually quit out of frustration”.

I became a Christian, not because it was cool or “I wanted to impress some girl” or “I was down and out and the Church took me in” or any of that stuff.

For me, it was the the subject of many years of quiet inquiry and debate within my mind, utilizing my God given capacity to think and reason, to decipher, who amidst the plethora of deities on “Earth” was telling the truth in this regard. After all, logically speaking. If one told the truth, the rest had to be lies. Simply because they were all rather different from each other. The only similarities were, that there was the one God, and he’s somewhere out there. After many years of introspection and argument, it all culminated into a (Test). Not a quiz, but a true test of Faith to Fate.

I had an opportunity to test, if Jesus was real or not. So when my Father took a dive onto a Marble floor, and ended up with a (Hematoma) of the Brain, commonly known as a (TBI) traumatic brain Injury, at the ripe age of 82.

I asked Jesus to save him, and that is precisely what happened, right before my eyes. Then he went on to further prove to me, that it was really him and none other.

I believed, the accident was my fathers time to die. It was his calling card, and against all odds he survived. Like winning the lottery, a true reversal of fortune, and he actually changed as a person (In character) to prove to us that his survival into his nineties, was truly a gift and miracle from God.

And so, I became a Christian in 2011, just as I had promised I would, if I was convinced of this fact. I began writing poetry for Jesus in 2017-18. As Ive mentioned above. My affliction with (Ring of Fire ADHD) made it very difficult for me to write at all. My brain would bounce all over the place and my “Dyslexia” would pretty much make it impossible to finish the job.

The Rhymes & Poems Ive written, were not meant to impress English Literature professors at Ivy league schools, or even publishers looking for new talent. These Rhymes were written by the Holy Spirit of God, to change lives and bring wandering souls into Salvation and God’s kingdom. To convince them, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that “Jesus Christ” was, is and certainly will be, precisely who he claimed to be all along. Therefore, I sincerely pray for that outcome for all who stumble upon my website, as well as all human beings on the Planet Earth.

Once again, I personally thank you for being here, and exploring the site and its message. I feel truly honored to have been gifted this assignment from God. I am grateful to have experienced this process, because it will surely change lives. If I could keep just one person from making a deadly mistake, through the love and grace of our “Lord Jesus Christ” then I know it, to have been worthwhile. I claim, that this work is the work of the Holy Spirit. Because it is (Relentless) in its pursuit, and it is (Truthful) to the core, albeit (Heavy) in nature at times. It is something I could never do before on my own. Neither did I ever have any such interest, to become a Christian Poet or writer. And yet, it grows and grows way beyond my own imagination. To prove itself to be, beyond a shadow of a doubt on a “Godspeed” track. To even surpass my own expectations by leaps and bounds. Therefore, it must be the product of a higher power than myself, as reason should and would dictate. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.