3rd Anthology

Listed Here are some of the later works in the later part of the second year. Once again, they are not listed in alphabetical order. Instead they are listed in the order they were written, more or less. The Holy Spirit of God aids and helps me get all this writing done. Where words flow out of me like a waterfall, without much thinking, as if they are being channeled. Otherwise this would have been a near impossible task to accomplish. Especially for me and my prior disabilities. I am truly grateful for such an amazing gift of spirit. Once again I must declare that what you read here might not be presented perfectly. Please note that everything you read here also in (First Draft) mode, and in need of editing and grammar error corrections. Thank you for your patience and understanding in this regard. God Bless your seeking the truth of Jesus Christ.

My Poetic Journey

When I began my poetic writing journey for Almighty Yahweh. Lord & creator of the grand universe we live under, and our father God.

I never dreamed it would take over like the giant green stock out of a little magic bean and some of his earth’s living holy sod. 

As I kept on writing I heard from the good lord to keep on going until it began to feel much like a holy download that needed growing.

But that’s exactly what it was, is and will be. For a dyslexic who couldn’t write a clear sentence without mucking it up for a hefty fee. 

Or an attention deficit hyper disorderly type who never was focused enough to write with such passion and purpose without much hype.

It’s quite extraordinary how fast and easy it all came together when it’s absolute truth without much fluff, word light as a feather.

When God is involved, it goes at the speed of light. Which is known as Godspeed with the help of his holy spirit’s might.

He wants his true word to be heard by every being on earth. For all to know the sacrifice of Christ will suffice prior to death and a slightly after birth.

He wants us to know what it means to have bondage to the devil and the pure jive we all accepted that brings his chaos alive. 

For every living soul on Earth to be at par for a fair and equal chance at breaking away from Lucifer’s deadly con game and his illusions of romance.

Logical Theory

Every proven logical theory needs to start with a single assumption.

To reach a particular conclusion by way of reasoning and function. 

If we are to assume the biblical story of the fall of man to be true.

Then everything falls into place as the years, decades begin to accrue.

Where life’s quagmire of an equation resolves itself, less argument or much persuasion. 

To eventually culminate into a dead end debate and a desperate need for a world savior.

To deliver the earth indeed from the clutches of Satan. The source of all devilish ill behavior.

Then the answer to much of life’s mystery unfolds itself within the pages of bible history. 

World wide truth delivered by God himself, on a silver platter. From the pages of genesis to revelation.

All wrapped up in a sequential word code of truth, like a mathematical equation.


Let’s face it pilgrim of truth. This ridiculous world is for the birds. Nobody gets into the cloud without passwords.

If I hadn’t experience it’s truth for myself in his holy word. I would have thought of it as peculiar and absurd. 

And I’m afraid, no one gets out of life’s foggy cloud until they chill out on arrogance and being so haughty proud. 

Everyone should believe in a savior upon accepting the Turin shroud. Can you guess the password pilgrim ? You can say it out loud.

Its a password open to all that proves our deep love & care.
What we’ve discovered in pure truth, we need to share.

I’ll sing it for you in a lullaby if it helps: 

“The password to heaven is Jesus. 
The password to heaven is Jesus Christ.

Better believe it for a ticket to Paradise. 
The password to heaven is Jesus”.

Jesus came to give us a choice to once & for all conquer this hazy cloud of a life.

To save ourselves & the ones we love from damnation and repeated sorrow & strife.

I’m afraid there is no other way my friend. If it was a perfect world, there wouldn’t be a need a savior to defend. 

I’m afraid you might have to lend me your ears to skirt around future tears. Tribulation is around the bend.

And if you thought “Life is perfect at the beach were I bought”.
Come out of the haze onto to hit the mean streets for a reality check of a thought.

See for yourself all the ripoffs and cheats. Drive by’s done under Dr. Dre’s beats. Fast crime on a dime with an unexpected delivery on their own time.

Murder she wrote with blood on his coat. Lets make a new gangster gloat. Guns being sold for a punk to get bold and rob someone defenseless & old.

Watch the news for the latest views on the state of this diabolical world. Don’t just believe what you’re told. Truth is straight but lies collect mold.

A world that simply cannot survive without a need for Jesus, our lord. To accept the articles of faith gifted, to negotiate though what we simply could not afford. 


Lucky are those who have it made in the shade. While the homeless sit under a tree to ponder why they could never get paid.

They get to wake up at the break of dawn and pack their stuff in a shopping cart rush on the day of a police raid.

They drink colt 45 and smoke what’s found on the ground. To forget their daily woes & pain before the start of winter rain, shelter bound.

A plunge into the pit of depression as they self medicate was a mistake but not everyone gets to be so lucky in life, like the rapper Drake.

Now a shiny bright star, bling is his thing. Living it up in Malibu heights, sipping on martini’s with ocean views and fat royalty rights.

“Rubber Ducky” wasn’t so lucky. A dead man walking. Angry and bold with a mouth that got old. Everything he’d rap turned into gold until the day down the river, he got sold. 

Then there’s the hoodlums from the hood rapping about hatred and violence to a naive sixteen year old wannabe tough guy who clearly misunderstood.

Rapping to inspire a kid to run with the devil on the gang initiation block. To pick up on a gun and brutally kill someone by shooting through a jocks sock.

Or the gangster who raps about the deadly colors blue and red so the Bloods and the Crips keep up their hatred, violence and killing instead.

Making millions and billions of dollars preaching away for the devil. Selling their damned souls for the easy money fatty bank rolls. 

Live it up to ruin a life of a fan. For the adoration cup and his master plan. But only in this round were no compassion for the ignorant is found.

Fill up your golden cup to lavishly live as you please. With money to burn and a Vegas hottie to holler with a few more Franklin’s to appease. 

There will come a time when stardom will fold as the funky beats and the devils rhyme won’t bring n anymore of the gold on time.

Vultures smell blood and fly over your bobble head to scope out your frailty as you rest your aging body in bed. 

While you’re busy getting older with a much fatter doctors folder. 
They’ll line up to take from you in theft whatever gold and silver you might have left.

And in the end, there’s just you and the good lord. Face to face with no good answers to questions that you had wishfully ignored. 

You were rich and powerful with an earthly treasure trove for playing a role. Never bothered to take any measures to save your soul. 

Money and fame can easily become this planet’s diabolical game. 
A trap for the soul wrapped around a demons stripper pole.

Look at Robin Williams. A brilliant actor with so many of an adoration credit. Only to get ill and release his demons for a suicidal debit. 

And if he didn’t have Jesus on his side then I’m afraid he will be going on a much more fearful and scary unexpected ride.

The larger than life hug-able, lovable Hollywood super star in his after life didn’t get to meet his God and or from his pit get very far. 

For the problems he had and debts he was facing didn’t really go away. They just became amplified and got much more difficult to pay.

Financial gain cannot buy out the demons on your heart & soul when you sign with the devil for a fat bank roll, money and fame.

If you don’t believe me, just ask the ghost of the late Anthony Bourdain who shockingly hung himself from too much hidden pain.

He did it in Paris.France, in the fastest and most ugly way on a hungry noose, hoping to somehow let let his celebrity demons loose. 

Priceless Worth

You’re so special you think you’re one in a million when the humble reality is you’re just one of a million.

When the truth of God is revealed, it applies to all. As we are the descendants of Lucifer’s driven mortal fall.

A day will come when the field of dreams is leveled all the same. 
Only to be lifted from the pit of hell in Jesus’s holy name.

On the day when the absolute truth of man will be known. For some it will be joy while for others, chilling to the bone. 

When foolish pride becomes your bride, lies of the devil becomes the demigod in whom you’ve chosen to abide.

This is the one rule of God. No forbidden fruit and no loud horn to toot, only the belief that Jesus is our deepest root.

That’s all, just a simple belief in one’s heart to accept Jesus’s words in red rather than believe the ones who crucified him instead.

It’s a choice between believing in God’s wisdom or human judgment. Wiser to put your faith in a teacher of love and kindness than a miser.

Jesus Christ came for all people of the earth. Everybody born under the sun to be reborn into salvation for a final plan and priceless worth. 


Stubborn is the way of the fool. I wish the Lord had made it a no no commandment rule. 

But he did gave us one example of this fact and that is from the one and only mule.

Could it be that the wily devil might use our stubbornness to his advantage as a tool.

To keep one stuck in the same place at a slower pace, refusing to swim in the options pool.

When seeking an answer to a cosmic question. One must be somewhat open to suggestion.

Perhaps a little closer look, introspection and inner reflection. 

As you flip through pages of holy truth looking for any kind of deception. 

It is a wedding reception in the bible. A chance to be receptive to truth with a desire for redemption.

After all, sharing what we’ve come to learn and understand about the Lord that heals is our only intention.

If someday, once you’ve had enough, you decide to take a peek to satisfy your curiosity, make of it no mention. 

Hopefully to find interest in its truthfulness as it resonates with the love in your beating hearts tenderness.

So if you insist on being stubborn with the tag of a fool. Give it to Jesus Christ, who governs the earth to come back soon and rule.


Hatred is the ultimate tool of the devil. It freezes the heart into ice to justify aggressive and wicked behavior that doesn’t suffice.

For those of you who hate the unfairness and injustice of some, will find evil and cowardly ways to fight back that are equally as dumb. 

The more hatred and loathing one has in their beating heart. The further away into the cold abyss from a loving God their spirit will depart.

Jesus never hated anyone, not even Judas for his double cross. 
A throw of silver and a ton of guilt for sending his teacher to the Roman cross.

Jesus said when someone strikes you across the cheek, give him the other like a brother as one day the earth will be inherited by the meek.

Hatred and violence will consume itself without condolence. To be knocked off its tower. Paving the way for a new day with Jesus, a lasting flower. 

The Visa

When an apple tree is deemed to be rotten it is best for it to be cut down and forgotten.

As eventually it will be found all dried up anyway and into many pieces on the ground.

If practicing sin and frolic feels good then I’m afraid you have seriously misunderstood. 

With Jesus it’s never to late to repent and change our ways to earn redemption fate. 

The one promised fate of salvation from a true God to end up at heaven’s pearly gate.

That’s the beauty of his holy love as it raises a spirit from the down low to a place higher above.

It’s a gift well worth receiving for at the time of death there will be no need to be grieving.

Heaven also requires a reservation Just like a visa is needed to visit every earth nation.

The visa required for paradise is none other than the one and only messiah to the world, Jesus Christ.

I’m afraid heaven and hell are it. Two choices given to mankind for a either rejection or a fit. 

Truly, there’s nothing else in between except faith and trust in a holy God subliminal and unseen. 

With a deadline named “The Rapture”. A days worth of Shock and awe for CNN to someday capture. 


If you happen to suddenly end up at the intersection of “the wrong place at the wrong time”.

Jesus might help you at this juncture because now you are at the mercy gate of a loving God, yet sublime.

For, if you were truly in command of your fate. You could have stopped the devil in your path on a dime.

An event unexpected and way beyond your control. One to either take you out or just shake you down to your soul. 

A point in the space time continuum to negotiate your way through a fallen world or just pay the heavy toll. 

Nothing we can build is too big for mother nature’s sink hole. She too eventually will have to play a significant role.

Thinking to myself. What’s real is the ground. Where a place to stumble and fall is always found.

Just as there are some places in the land where you can sink fairly fast in a hidden puddle of quicksand.

And if there’s no one nearby to hear your cries. You might hear the devil laughing at you just to get a rise. 

So when you find yourself in sudden trouble, give Jesus a shout, for only he can raise you alive from quicksand or ruble. 

Ship of Fools

There is one thing you need to know pilgrim and finally accept. To open your heart to Christ Jesus for your soul to be kept.

And that is the devil is ten times smarter than the smartest you and the lies he crafts are done so well, they almost ring true.

He will use all we create at his disposal to imitate and attempt to initiate being a God himself or even an Alien race to deflect our attention from Christ and his grace.

He will also use the magic of music to his advantage to the core. As he once used to be the worship leader in God’s heaven to praise and adore.

Before he decided to be worshiped like a God himself with pride and vanity. Instead to be ousted from paradise into this special insanity. 

And then he lies to Eve, to ruin her and Adam and all who followed to partake in the many pleasures of sin they could muster & fathom.

Music is what gave life its luster and meaning. Without music to follow words. Life would be still and confusing like a garden with no singing birds.

So many crimes have been committed by the influence of hateful music into darkened minds were evil can grow behind shut out blinds. 

This is how the enemy of God “Satan” uses so many of such tools to steer the Shepard-less herd and the blind at heart to board his ship of fools. 

Boulevard of Broken Dreams

I feel like my energies are wasted on this earth. Never seem to bring home enough of the bacon or have any self worth.

Seems like every great idea I ever had or everything I tried
Never came to any fruition as all my advances were all denied.

But these days, those lofty dreams & ambitions are gone like the smoke rising from a pipe dream on the brink of dusk or at the rest of dawn.

There’s just one beautiful gift left for all to believe at the end of the boulevard of broken dreams with just one prayer to be received.

Dear Jesus. I believe with all my heart that you are none other than who you claimed to be. I repent of my sins, please bee my lord and savior for all in the world to see.

Let them all see the big smile on my face as I put a close to this fruitless rat race and die dignified for living within me is Christ’s driven grace.

Some will call me a lunatic for living in blind illusion but the real confusion lies in the hearts of those whose minds are in delusion.

If you were to give me a trustworthy ounce of your credit. Give it to Jesus Christ, deliverer of the purest word, less any need to sugarcoat or edit.


There is a man on a high wire. Daring his fate to set his soul on fire. In the big apple where the stakes can get much higher. 

Got to stay focused on the horizontal prize. If he looks down, his eyes will suck up the vertical fear of the rise to meet an early demise.

It’s a balancing act of life or death and that’s simply fact. One day he would slip and the crowds below would gasp for air. With no safety net for a daredevils life to spare.

For his mortal fall was tall and scary from way up on the high wire.
To end up with broken bones and a wide eyed look up at what made him expire. 

On the way down he had a few seconds to yell out loud for Jesus. Just like all the naysayers do with a taxpayers frown when the devil comes knocking for a one way ticket out of town.

Jesus Christ replied and said to the daredevil recently dead: 
I’m sorry, have we met before. I don’t recall ever knowing you in life, now that you’ve come ashore.

I have millions of friends but I’m afraid you are not one of them for I came knocking on your door many a night but you chose to slam it in my face and shut it tight. 

You chose to place your bet without the security of a safety net for just a little more fortune and fame to fatten your ego and up your game with little regard for a saviors name. 

You took a fast gamble on yourself to be the best daredevil you could be. Without the notion that even Harry Houdini had just one sorry chance from the devil to flee. 

Life is so precious it can end on dime. Leaving you suspended in confusion for quite some time. Making you wish for just one more chance to accept and believe in words of wisdom, made to rhyme. 

Emotional Energy

How sad of a thought it must be, to near the end of one’s life with nothing to hang on to, except for fear & anxiety of the unknown. Bewilderment, confusion and grim reaper strife. Way down to the bone. 

To think that you will die, forever to be gone, is a morbid thought. A philosophers intellectual con you might have been taught. Much too far from the truth. It’s a course to explain Darwin’s “origin of species” to the gullible youth.

You don’t live your life to fill it up with experiences of every kind to eventually die off and vanish into thin air. It’s like two sides of the same coin. You cannot be in both realities at the same time to compare.

For if so then what is the purpose of life and living ? If it isn’t loving, hating, forgiving, grieving, wishing, dreaming, hoping, cherishing, perhaps an eventual lasting desire to be giving.

For the emotions of an arduous life sometimes can cut like a knife and yet, also bring much joy to our hearts to put back together all of its broken pieces and scattered parts. 

Our emotional energy never ever dies. Anything else is purely a pack of wishful thinking and lies. Just ask a genius like Albert Einstein, he will certainly concur with this particular truth rhyme. 

Energy goes on and on and forever according to “Physics 101”. Some will even claim it has the capacity to reach the sun. Emotions are intelligent, diligent and persistent. They are stubborn, ambitious and steadfast. They have a purpose and a drive which after death does last. 

It’s been called throughout the centuries “human spirit and soul”. it’s the sum worth of a lifetime of built up energy from one’s experience and deposits of emotions and their whirling synergy. 

Emotions drive our lives and life itself round and around and the energy they create is so real, it’s a calling to a residual feel but it can never caught to be packaged in a box or sold by the pound. 

Emotions produce music and art. Beauty and Ugliness. Movies. Marriages, divorces and memories to hoard. Including peace and war. They drive us to live a colorful life. Not just to die off once the body is no more. 

Emotions have a kind of spiritual weight. Some swear its twenty one grams of pure fate. They mold and form the personality of an individual to either be awful and sinful or blissfully great. 

The personality of an individual does not ever die. It paints itself on the face with a smile or a sigh. Upon death it lives on to go on another day. To be weighed down to the ground in misery, or to freely roam and fly away.

When you have built up genuine faith in the greatest God. Your spirit energy becomes feather light. It yields itself to wisdom and love to avoid any conflict or confusion for the state of fright or flight.

It’s carried upward into heavenly realms by the emotion of trust. 
Faith in a savior like Jesus Christ at the end of your rope and mine as well as all who live on this broken earth hath to be a must.

Just as the power of our bright sun shines faithfully to assure a nourishing life and fragrance to a flower. So does the son of God, Yashuah, the risen one, the savior of mankind on high invisible tower. 

Love is blind, some people will say. It becomes a nuisance of endless pain you’ll find when another human being is ready, willing and able to kill its trust and security to loath and betray.

The only safe place for the emotion of love, in it’s state of blindness. Is when it’s faithfully delivered into the lords hands for his gift of grace, mercy and eternal kindness. 

Love can never afford to stay blind. So long as it keeps the company of its own frequency and kind. Hatred and pride are also known to be blind except with hate there’s nothing in it to protect you from its ill fate. 

And with the emotions of arrogance, bigotry and foolish pride, I must confess the blindfold is so dark and wide, it gives the devil a place on the inside to flourish and hide. 

One Elevator

Nothing can be greater in this illusive world of multi lords than to have a relationship with your true creator.

It’s the kind of relationship that purifies the heart. It provides direct access to God, never again to feel alone and apart. 

Jesus Christ delivers on this promise of faith and trust. If truth is what you seek then believing in him is like the gold that never turns to rust.

A world of delectable divinity choices leading to a single path. If you don’t believe it then you must use your mind to do the necessary math. 

One direct elevator to Yashuah’s heaven and many an escalator to hell as far as my earthly limited wisdom can easily tell. 

Rejecting your true creator and God for another that’s fake, is a sure way to end up under the roof of the mantle for a devils roast and a bake.

How would you like to be rejected by your sons and daughters after a lifetime of love and sacrifice to sail them through rough life’s waters.

Denouncing God to embrace Satan’s fraud is a bad choice made. Under a fiery sun with an unquenchable thirst for warm water or shade. 

You were told by many “it’s the way it is” time and time again.
But instead you chose to ignore the fragrant rose for the prickly thorns on the stem.

So don’t much complain when the reality of your choice for God brings home the pain in a hot desert without any cover from its red rain.

That’s when all answers become the same. We told you so over and over but you chose to sweep it onto the street like it was trash, in vain. 

The Ace

Hey you ! Yes you ! The one reading this, must be doing so just in time for a blessing and some holy bliss with a divine kiss.

Here’s a pardon for all sins commuted. Big and small, short & tall. At church, in your home, the great outdoors or the mall. 

Forgiveness with much love and of the highest order. Kindness so immense and true and without limits or any border.

From non other than “Yashuah”. Jesus Christ, son of the Virgin Mary. The sacrificial lamb of God and the savior of all mankind.

The truth speaker. A blessed gift to the seeker. A giver of eyesight to the blind and way much more, you might someday find. 

Have you accepted the non-profit messiah, the one son of almighty Yahweh for who he really was, is & will forever be ?

Or are you eagerly waiting to see which one of the multi Gods will show up on the scene first with much chagrin & glee. 

But If you are patiently waiting for the endgame truth bell.
By the time it rings, you might as well already be under Satan’s spell. 

For that is what is written in the book. The book that was written by five chosen apostles of God. Insured truth less any chance of fraud. 

So heed well your warnings and chances and don’t cry in vain praying “I was never told“ for at that time the almighty will answer you by saying:

“Yes my child, you were told many times about the king of hearts but you chose to fold it up for the glory and sum of your own parts“. 

For there are three powers that be in in this singular holy trinity. There’s the Holy Ghost for protection, celebration and a toast. 

Jesus Christ, Immanuel the king of hearts, the risen son of the good Lord. Without him, immortality we could never afford.

And then there is God. Creator of the grand universe in all of its splendor and glory and the ace of all mercy, love & grace. 

How fortunate are we to be the fallen creatures of such a Lord. 
Do not be left behind by a fair and just God, only to be ignored.

A loving God who gifted free will to man for his choosing. Wants all his children nearby for winning sake or their own choice of losing.

Fallen man has to think with his own feeble mind what beliefs are true and clear and which ones are smoke and mirrors to make him blind. 

Which fruit is the sweetest of them all, and which is rotten. Which one to quench your thirst for truth as the rest, are best forgotten.


No day is a good day to die. To have to see your loved ones at your bedside painfully sob and cry.

Truth is: No one really gets out of here alive. Everyone must die to find out what’s true and what’s made of jive.

That’s when the truth of God speaks mighty loud as the prince of lies claims his bounty of lost souls, fully proud.

Life’s sudden end is the beginning to the lords judgment against un-forgiven man and his ways of hatred, malice and sinning.

And if you think you’re exempt from being a natural born sinner. 
Give Jesus an invite, if you dare into your gullible self at dinner. 

Then you will discover for yourself his holy truth peel open your closed heart without having an arduous life have to take it all apart.

With “Christ” as our lord, proof is in the pudding. If you don’t try any of it to taste, how will you truly know his father wasn’t kidding.

You cannot even fairly judge a lunatic without a trial or having experienced at all what it was that made him crazy sick. 

That’s like judging a good book by Its plain cover. Is that how you found your dearest friend or latest lover ? 

Or did you insist on getting a taste of him or her first to anticipate the fate before you decided to fully quench your love thirst.

Jesus Christ is keen to keep on ticking like a “Timex” unseen. And for who ? For you & me and all to be free, and for over two thousand years clean. 

Hoping that someday soon you too will join with the rest of us. To sing along in praise and gratitude and hop on his redemption salvation bus.

So I need to ask you this one more time before I close this rhyme. Why do you ban Jesus from your heart for Satan’s content & lost time ? 

Is it because he was an evil bad man ? Or is it because he claimed to be from almighty God, a miracle man who proved over and over that he can.

Even If he was an ordinary man like some of the lost will cheerfully claim , he would be the kind of friend to offer a lending hand and wouldn’t do it for money or fame. 

Or he would be ready to console your grief and sadness when you were down just the same when on your sorry face you had pasted a steady frown.

He will even save your precious life if you couldn’t swim at all. Much like peter who suddenly fell into the sea of Galilee for his doubt to drown. 

He would have been the best friend in life you could have ever hoped for and a whole lot more.And all because of who he was in character, a love to adore, never to ignore.

With much maturity and wisdom from his father for us in him to abide. 
He was not some trickster looking to turn you into a religious fixture for some of your income to hide.

Think and grow rich is a very popular book by “Napoleon Hill” published many moons ago and a best seller still. “Outwitting the Devil” is one of his recently published books long after his death.

Just in time for lost souls of the devil, addicted to his deadly meth. 
Read it pilgrim for you might humbly learn that to outwit the devils plan is to yield not to his ill temptations, if you can.

Or for him better yet, to take on emotions of vanity and selfie adoration. His own attributes to paste onto any wicked woman or man. 

Along with peacock pride that covers a rear view with colorful feathers for a devilish ride. Greed to exceed any personal need. Hatred and envy in a heart to seed.

Or a desire for crimes against humanity. Defiance towards authority and if ever given a chance, to overthrow a captain off of his ship in mutiny for his own seniority.

These are all attributes of Satan, his legion and evil clan and if you’re looking to elevate when you die. Call on the one “Son of Man”.

His holy name is Christ Jesus and is the only way to win in the game.
Stay away from the tarot psychic mystic to avoid bondage with the devil to become another one of his statistic. 


Truth absolute can never be devised or compromised. It’s the mortal enemy of common diabolical lies. It has to be pure and squeaky clean to be clearly seen. Once tainted it can turn into a bad dream.

Truth + lies = a lie. For once a lie is injected into truth it evolves into a stronger lie. Becoming more believable as it tries to mimic and resemble truth to sway people into its web, to form permanent bondage and lifelong ties.

However any lie tainted with a little truth is no ice cream on apple pie. After all, the best way to make a lie convincing and believable is to mix in with it, a wee bit of truth. 

Especially if the truth or fact came before the lie on the historical timeline then the lie or tainted truth has the advantage of using that truth to validate itself on the timeline, to be well worth a try.

It’s a clever and devilish trick made to fool the masses by none other than Satan himself to take hold of the frail human spirit. To control and rule the stubborn mule for their precious souls to gobble up and fool.

To sugarcoat a diabolical lie with the intent to make it taste like truth to fool a gullible sweet tooth is a trap. For as you bite deeper into it suddenly it becomes bitter like a poison tree’s sap.

By then, sadly and unfortunately a masterful lie has become your tainted truth to believe. All wrapped up neatly like a gift in color paper, insuring you a permanent spot in Satan’s judgment booth. 

What if all this is true ?

When you know for sure you’re going to Yashuah’s heaven, this world’s luster begins to lose its shine.

You will begin to look forward to the day when you can relinquish all your earthly pain for a cup of his holy wine. 

It’s the kind of faith that comes alive, buzzing with mighty energy. 
Just as a bee hive would by making its honey in synergy.

This is definitely no wishful fantasy or pipe dream of mine even though at times, it seems too good to be true of a blessing with a sign.

It’s a sure promise from God that always will deliver on time. It will never let you down whether you be old or still in your prime.

Give Jesus a try while you still have some time to choose. Once you turn in your badge, it’s the sound of the judges gavel for a win or a lose.

Everything in Christ is made for us to gain and nothing for you to lose. Except for Satan’s pride, his mark and fearful & chaotic world news.

Did you ever think to yourself ? What if all this is true ? What a loss of self and soul I shall accrue with no chance of proof or a review.

So, before you mockingly laugh it off to label me confused and daft. Think two more times before you choose to ignore such holy rhymes. 

Door Bell

Just as the family dog responds in defense to the ring of a homes doorbell. A human being must also respond to a choice between heaven or a hell.

Some people will always say “All Gods on earth are the same” and the roads to Nirvana are many and wide and really have no particular divine name.

And some will simply worship only what they were taught via someone else’s thought or maybe something from the flea market they might have already bought. 

And then there are those prideful peacocks, who will believe in anything that might strike a pose to stroke their selfie egos to thumb up their lofty nose.

But the ones who humbled themselves and chose Jesus Christ. Oppose to all else a lie, seem to glow with assurance of a sure destiny to his paradise on the fly.

Sure, there was a time when we all laughed it off, for being so smart. But the time for cries will come upon the reality of being from your true creator, apart.

So perhaps it’s a good time to get off the ship of fools with a farewell salute to damnation. For an ahoy for truth. A gift of bliss and joy for saving his creation. 

2 + 2 = 4

If you wish to have a most pleasant experience when you die, then choose the master artisan and creator of all life and his son.

To fly in tandem with Jesus Christ up to his fathers paradise. Before your spirit and soul from your body makes its final run.

For a glimpse of God’s creative wonders and universe. The glory of its vastness before your eyes, to readjust and rehearse.

Otherwise the experience of death is confusing, ugly and terrifying. It’s the reveal of life’s biggest mystery for some or deal.

Instead of meeting your true maker. Once you’re dead, you will get to face Lucifer, the lost souls’s taker, devil himself, a lier and a faker.

The contract redeemer by force of your spirits last breath, for running life’s mortal course without cover from the holy lamb of Christ before death.

You see, God almighty does not want those who blatantly reject his beloved son for who he is, was and what he did for us to be apart of his heavenly kingdom.

Just as you would never let anyone who betrayed your son for a visit into your home to come. Its a simple equation indeed. 2 + 2 = 4. No less and no more. Might be a good idea to give the word of God a good read.

It’s a wake up alarm for all ye who are lost, bewildered and confused. I am not deliberately being blunt or rude, to become arrogant or perform some kind of stunt in the nude.

It’s because all unruly children need to be told in a way that is bold to learn the way to think before they grow up to be rotten sinful and easily sink.

These words might upset you now, yet when you see the flip side of life’s lottery truth. You’ll beg for a change of heart somehow. Once a living person with the most, unsaved to be left behind a ghost.

A fairly good reason to stay angry for arrogance sake and above the promised fiery lake. Only to become the devils pigeon stool and a demon’s host.

I did not write the Bible. But God did. He did it through the apostles of Christ and all the wise men who came before them, to disclose to all his plan for human redemption.

After all it was under a worldwide blanket of security and forgiveness out of a cold and heartless fallen forsaken world into a relationship with him and his son was his best possible intention.

All this, just for believing truth. Such a simple request to honor the sacrifice of God at your behest to receive the ultimate gift of salvation, upon death an eternity celebration.

Apparently no one gets to go to heaven for being kind, generous or good. The bible clearly says that such ideas won’t suffice and that must be understood. All the money in the world wouldn’t do it either, even if on earth, it once could.

Just as the late Mr. Williams harshly understood. And fame, well that’s a whole other game as the sorry spirit of the late Anthony Bourdain on the flip side would also claim.


The fallen arc angel “Satan” runs a very large and massive, evil, invisible and submissive corporation.

Employing every single devil, demon and dark spirit to bind or recruit lost and wicked souls into his underworld sub nation.

To work the living innocent in to giving up their difficult lives under his influence for a ticket to the master show of all believable lies.

For a devil or a demon to come around and silence the cries of the freshest lost soul in old clothes with a branded new role.

For that is the ultimate goal of the adversary. To assure the demise of a human soul to ruin, torture and control.

They get paid in paranormal power to scare the living with fright and horror into becoming a helpless wilted flower.

His command structure is to hold dead bidding mortals in their passing location. For a dark spirits new vocation.

Perpetual fear of a whole other kind. For living in sin to reject a savior to be under the spell of Satan’s evil mind.

The dead who are still alive, stuck in the very place they died for a taste of a not so merry go round afterlife ride.

By the currency of fear and trepidation made to shed a permanent tear or join the ranks of his underworld sub nation.

Satan, is in the business of holding land and real estate to hold captive the spirit of an unsaved souls and their horror fate.

Look around well pilgrim. The food might be yummy & delicious but all else is the work of a dark force, malevolent and vicious.

Entire regions of the earth are under Satan’s control. Where the silent majority by ritual hath offered their mass souls.

Pirate Ship

History gets recorded one of two ways. Through the historical scribes of the living from the beginning of ink until the end of days.

Or from the residual tales of the long gone and dead. Left over and imprinted into their psyche as bed time stories instead.

Its an equation one might not want to stop trying to solve. They say, you are what you believe, not much more than that to evolve.

And what a soul and spirit spends a lifetime expecting to receive. Might or might not be true or worth its while to believe.

And if one believes in nothingness then nothing is what they’ll get to finesse for all their huffing and puffing to put to rest.

You’ll get exactly what your greatest grand folks Adam and Eve signed up for in the garden of Eden to be led out and told to leave.

When they rejected God’s word and chose to obey the devil to put the lineage under this blue earth’s fallen & crooked level.

One sure way to break away from the chains of his pirate ship is through the blood of Jesus Christ and holy words of his honest lip.

So take heed of the precious. It’s not some oracle or a hobbits magic ring. Just a relationship with the lord Jesus to make your heart sing.

The Other Side

When life becomes meaningless. It might be a good time to look for the man in the mirror. For some of our spiritual mess to humbly, solely and honestly confess.

To finally face the fears you collected head on with a smile under your nose. And from your sorry pupils shed some joyful tears for Jesus, the living rose.

To begin to proudly release your soul’s unrest to clean up the mess of pure agony. From the truth of your existence and purpose of harmony, more or less.

The arrogance and foolish pride you long held inside, that once protected your thin and fragile hide. Will not easily surrender in a graceful God to abide.

Living the fast Hollywood life in a concrete jungle of powerful names to drop, reaching for the top to entertain forceful and diabolical games.

Is just one of many a sure way to hell with massive gates open wide. For the many a lost soul roaming the thick and dark wilderness on the other side.

Jesus Christ came to save us, both holy and pure. Was hung on the window pain of the cross for those who for the fall of man sought a lasting cure.

So don’t be so gullible and naive to wash away the bible version of Adam and Eve. To miss a cure for mortality’s end, so sure. To chomp at the hook of Satan’s bait on his wicked lure.

Be wise to both sides of the life unseen. The transparent as well as the invisible ropes and ties to choose between Gods truth or the devils masterful lies, deceitful and unclean.

After the fact

When you cross over to find that living as a spirit on the other side, in limbo of the “In between” can be brutal, mean and fairly unkind.

Nothing like it was in mortal life for the reality of the situation is captivity by dark shadows and demons in somewhat of a critical bind.

For those who die unsaved by the mercy and grace of God and his son shall sadly fend for themselves in afterlife dark, left behind.

Earthbound and stuck in place after leaving the rat race to roam among evil spirits playing landlord on the real estate, to hold them blind.

Avoid the debt of Adam and Eve to be received. From living in a sinful world, by getting saved before begging in vain for a change of heart & mind.

Jesus Christ is the one and only savior that can take a lifelong sinner and change his behavior to elevate his spirit from a lowly hellish life that halts to a grind.

Don’t wait around for the effect of the (after the fact). By then it will be too late to switch your fate to keep your soul intact and true to its kind.

Heaven is for Christians

The devils greatest pleasure and joy is to play with human souls until they are ruined, as if some kind of personal toy.

To capture a wandering spirit and a lost soul and exercise his full control. For that had to be his ultimate role.

To keep one in suffering and in confusion and to bind his spirit blind for living it up in this broken world of illusion.

To deliver a double whammy to a sorry soul in this life and the hereinafter for the pity of his wicked and evil laughter.

To hurt God and send as many a soul to his fiery hell with an evil eye, a hex or a warlock or witches spell.

To ruin as many lives as he can with the time he was given on earth by the Almighty’s salvation plan.

To keep one believing in rubbish and placing faith in lies to put a permanent lifetime blinder on their unseeing eyes.

Heaven was made for Christians, and if Satan cannot be there. He wants to make sure a human spirit & soul suffers unfair.

Its how the game of life is played. All who reject Christ get to go with him except for faithful believers that believed and prayed.

He is a deliverer of curses and bad news. If you’re still reading this, you still have some time to change you views.

But if you insist on being truth scared. Hang out with a demon awhile until you beg for the one and only, that truly cared.

His name is Jesus should you wish to accept his grace or keep dancing with Lucifer the fallen one, until you get to see his face.

Ready or Not, Here I Come !

Life on the other side is certainly no match to the life of flesh you are living now. Here you’re given a fair chance in God to abide and be saved from a ghostly world of abandon by taking a personal vow.

There really is no comparison between the two except for the highway that leads to a fork in the road. To end up either in a crying game of regret and shame or the promised bliss of a heavenly abode.

If I could write a song for Jesus Christ to have sung in your right ear to bring your heart near, it would go something like this in the hopes of anyone still on the fence,to find his bliss.

Ready or not, here I come.
You had a lot of time to pick your outcome.

Ready or not, here I come.
I will do as promised long ago to the holy some.

Ready or not, here I come.
To honor my father God and where I’m from.

Ready or not, here I come.
To banish evil for good so my kingdom can come.

Ready or not here I come.
Get ready to receive it all in one lump sum.

Ready or not here I come.
Father said “I’m the way, the life and the truth”, so don’t be numb

God’s Only Son

The brute reality flip side of an old mans life, is the reception of beliefs he held about the hereinafter as he searches for his loving dead wife.

And if she was saved by Jesus as he had decided religion wasn’t for him. He won’t be seeing her anymore since their union was divided in two. One for grace and the other for sin.

For the souls that perished without the one and only father God to have cherished. Shall stay behind. To be under the devils reign as a modern day ghost buster will document and find.

Proof of this is being presented on reality TV. Go figure ! Don’t believe me. Utilizing the latest technologies to put shame to the game of lies and other makeshift theologies.

And if you think this stuff is all made up to make you believe in the holy absurd. Then perhaps about the savior of all soul & spirit, Jesus Christ you had never heard.

Everyone knows someone out there that, by Jesus was saved. And in retrospect, that person seems to have more grace & forgiveness in how since they behaved.

Jesus changes lives for the better no matter in life what you’ve done. He will fill you with so much of his love and then some. He is after all our father God’s only son.

Doubt No More

Jesus was the one to couraguosly give his short life for all to see the truth of his golden ray of hope. A steadfast way to live through life and cope. From the truest God, a clear path to his redemption rod. To pay the price for the unsung. Pay it all in one lump sum. Lay his body down on a cross like an innocent criminal, to be hung. For all of us to rise from our earned sinful living and its inherited meaningless humdrum. Such is the kind of love of the sacrificed son from our good lord above. No need to prostrate and kiss the stone on the ground. When he briefly died for us. His body rose for his bones never to be found. No need to feed the hungry Budhha any fruits or meat to eat. It will all go to waste when it could have been given to a hungry child’s tired feet. What’s so hard to believe ? Haven’t you heard enough news of this confused and fallen world for a change of heart and mythical views.

To discover the greatest gift of all to receive, to share with others for their redemption and salvation gift of grace to accept & beleive. Count yourself lucky to be near it enough to hear it. For, if you were living on the dark side of the moon, or in a space station from August until June, or deep in the jungles of Borneo. About a savior like Jesus Christ, how would you truly know ? Be grateful to have a church nearby to run to should you come across a dark shadow or a demon on the fly. A terrifying face to face encounter with creatures of God that chose to fall into hades with Satan, just to get by. For once you have a fallen angel knock at your door. You will get down on your knees from fear and maybe all the way to the floor, to change your plight and in the lord Jesus Christ, you will doubt no more. For he will be the only one to come to your rescue and that is no wishful dream or folklore.


The Blood of Jesus

Sometimes I cannot wait to leave this beautiful place. This colorful and masterful progress of a shifty base. A worthwhile purpose for running its rat race.

This world of sorrows and pain. Days of ever more red rain.
A place of too many disappointments. With a dire need for many more divine appointments.

A place where mayhem strikes wherever and whenever it wants and by stealthy surprise. A world of bling, shine and luster to forever blind you in the eyes.

To an underlying truth of horror and fear under its surface skin.
Where Lucifer, the prince of darkness resides to plan yet another strike from within.

Without an arsenal for demon to take a hike. Except for the blood of Christ for a Passover. To separate the unbeliever from the faithful, the crimson from the clover.

Twenty four chromosomes as tested in a science lab. His blood left on the shroud for solid proof of a perfect being direct from God among us to shout out loud, fully proud.

Corporate Mutiny

Seeing a demon or a dark spirit face to face will scare the living shit out of you to rattle your belief system and shake up your base.

Im trying to pierce through The devil’s blinders, so I apologize for the language I have to use for this fact of life to get through to you, so as to properly choose.

They don’t show up very often cause they know the fear they instill in us, will make a believer in Christ out of you or like a amoeba, split your soul in two .

To obscure their scary faces they hide in dark places. In the shadows or up in the attic. Never to reveal a name. To dominate and control your frail human spirit on automatic.

He will show up at your deathbed unsaved, to collect and deliver his masters due. And when you cross over into Satan’s lair, you will wish you had another chance to review.

He will fully own your wretched soul once your grace period on earth is done for rejecting God, the creator’s son, to also become a partaker and partner in the corporate mutiny of the devils run.

For a complete separation from redemption from the time of the first born who killed his good brother among the cover of the dense fields of corn. Had Adam and Eve obeyed God’s word. Of this nonsense you would have never heard.

If only they had venerated the voice of the most high and wise instead of a serpent’s lies, We would have all been living in Eden, the same. Fruits and nuts of every kind less a cover from guilt and shame. A fall from grace kind of game.

But since they chose to run with the devil instead. All who died to take that ride from the beginning of time. Are victims of the devil who wanted nothing more than to put us all on his karmic level.

Fear is the food that feeds a devil or a demon. From it in strength and increased power they get paid. Holding lost and confused spirits in captivity by keeping them bound, terrified and afraid.

And if you thought this is all some kind of show of piety for my own spiritual entertainment. You will surely beg for mercy from god once you are within the confines of Satan’s containment.

Accept Jesus Christ, the only Savior. To be forever lifted from attachment to the devil’s bad behavior. Do your spirit and soul a huge favor. Give it the gift of an eternal life to gratefully savor.

People of the way

Every day. A little closer we get to the fray. On this beautiful earth of ours we get to see with much chagrin and glee. So many examples of human folly, ignorance and stupidity.

Everywhere we turn and look around. Chaos by the ton to spare, mayhem out of the ground and fear of the unknown. For a whole lot of body stress & rigidity, down to the bone.

Bedlam, violence and sudden unannounced crime, coupled with arrogant and narrow minded expert views. As seen on our television screens, in its dumb advertising and on its daily news.

Insurance ads by Flo and the limey Gecko are the biggest and thickest of them all, an obvious bestseller. Ever wonder why ? Look around, plenty of traps and bad chance everywhere to be found on the fly.

So for now, enjoy your life as much as you can but do realize, there always comes a time for a change in plan. The Ying and Yang and everything tempting in between is not all there is to be seen for man.

The truth of the matter stays underground. Where the prince of darkness and evil lays around. Dispatching demons and spirits of the dark to ravage with fear wandering lost souls, right on the mark.

Hey, If that is what you’re looking for. You don’t have to look much further than the ground beneath your feet. That is where all the unbelievers in Jesus Christ will be found in agonizing heat.

Once upon a time, long ago. Believers in Christ were called “The People of the way”. Because they came to realize they were already under the spell of the devil’s lies for the heaviest price to pay.

Tug of War.

It is perplexing to me how one can be a PhD in theology and yet still refuse to accept Jesus Christ, our lord & savior, to wisely get themselves onboard. They’d rather enjoy the fruits of good and evil with all the wonders of its technology.

This is mostly due to inbred human arrogance, bigotry and foolish pride within its genealogy That plugs the ears and covers the eyes. To manipulate one’s belief system for a block and a dribble to the prize of truth buried deep inside.

Every soul in the heart on Mother Earth knows that Jesus Christ is Lord. Its the mind that prefers to keep itself blind for the practice of sinful temptations and earthly diabolical pleasures of every color and kind.

Until one practices the art of humility, a clean life to smoother utility and becomes humble. The love of Jesus will not reside in a cold and arrogant heart uninvited, to fumble. The pilgrim of darkness will be left behind to hang with his own kind, to rumble.

Hierarchies of responsibility exist on both sides of this equation. One practicing love & grace with all of its derivatives made clear. The other, to create ultimate fear, near enough to feed on for its evil power to rise up to a higher tier.

We are stuck in the middle of this invisible tug of war. On one of two teams we will be, whether we humbly realize this fact or disagree with a roar. Rooting for one or the other. Hopefully for a better day than just another.

The clever fox among us who decides to remain a spectator. Wanting more or less to be the smartest imitator. Waiting to see who tugs on the rope the most to claim their support and root for the winning host.

Those of us who just arrogantly wait on the sidelines are already ignarant to a fallen mortals blinds. From the very start of this program in Eden, until the end of times with the rest of the fallen angels for all of their rebellion crimes.

Our Lord has already won this tug of war when he countered the devils spear with the spilled blood of Christ with a blissful tear. For you and I, him and her and everyone under this sad blue sky to believe in God and his risen son, the most high.

The Hippie Big Boss

There’s living a full life in mortal flesh and then there’s its end into horrifying skeletal death. Wishing for dirt with which to mesh.

And after that sorry dance, no one wishes to think about a new romance in an unfamiliar and unwelcoming place in-between.

Where the choice becomes for the leftover emotional energy, to either cross into the light of the lord or attempt to pay down the ignorance lien.

It’s called the state of limbo or purgatory as revealed in the holy Bible of truth and those who perish unsaved will pretty much have the same story.

If you choose to cross, you’ll get to meet the hippie big boss. Who once himself was hung on a Roman cross. To save us from a fallen mortal’s inevitable loss.

However if you choose to stay dead as living energy in the blind. You’ll find this new existence much more difficult than the one you wish you never left behind.

Collective Sin

Life goes on just as it was planned by its creator. Whatever anyone chose to believe, perhaps with consequences much greater.

If someone happens to choose truth over lies. They’ll be happy to discover a flip side without much of a shock or surprise.

However if they chose to believe the lies they were once fed. There might be a sorry reaction to what they get when they are dead.

If they couldn’t see past the arrogance and foolish pride. That blinds the spirit into keeping its bound hands permanently tied.

Then I’m afraid they might have to spend the rest of eternity in regret and sorrow. With much bitterness and chagrin.

For refusing to believe in Jesus Christ as written. The one and only true redeemer and savior of mankind’s collective sin.

Immortality Revival

Most souls of the dead despise and envy the “happy go lucky’ living.They hate having to share what once was all theirs, while having to die off, to be unkindly giving.

They spend all day long, laying in a cold grave, waiting for the living to go to sleep, so they could rise and misbehave. Maybe for an afterlife party or a ghostly Halloween rave.

The dead perhaps dislike the notion of having nothing more left to lose so they haunt those they can for some of their fear of life energy to use.

The dead who didn’t bother to believe in the savior of man. Found out that they got left behind to stay and wait around for that other written plan.

His name was Jesus Christ, In case you didn’t know. He was born of a virgin woman, performer of many miracles, crucified and raised above to show.

Show us a real way out. Out of the curse of Adam and Eve’s choice route. The fallen path to hell, should you wish to believe it someday, once you’ve seen enough, to tell.

We were born under the contract we signed for Satan’s spell. His time with the human race will end. Once he’s gathered a belly full of sorry souls into his Hades to send.

This is pretty much the story of our fallen and forlorn world in a nutshell. Some go to heaven, most go to hell. Jesus Christ is life’s sole immortality revival.

It will cost you absolutely nothing except for a little bit of curiosity and courage. through what the devil uses to discourage. Eternal life with God starts with a holy Bible.


Nothing could be worse than the loss of hope. It’s how a drug addict feels when he runs out of his dope.

A human being will pout & sulk from dusk until dawn. Hope is what keeps faith alive. It’s job extends beyond the nine to five.

Without hope in life, it becomes easy to elope. For some will waste no time and without much thought take to the nooses rope.

Some learn how to cope for a little while so long as they can keep up with their fake and phony smile.

But in the end, hopelessness in spirit is the worst truth to have to admit to confess.

It’s a reality that all along, one must have been deemed worthless for choosing a life in such a mess.

Hope is all we got of a faith harvest to crop. Hope is a rescue by Jesus Christ prior to the mortal drop.

Hope is what flips faith into redemption for the gift of salvation fate before it all turns into a flop.

Hope is what keeps us striving for the truth of the creator at the very top.

It is after all at the apex of God, where hope and faith meet up for accolades to applaud.


Even though the first man ever created in the beginning was granted by God, complete free will to choose what he wishes to follow and believe.

That same man would reject its worth, for bondage into the shackles of Lucifer’s pride, vanity and arrogance, for this whole outcome to receive.

If you reject God by name. God will have for you, much of the same. Once the dust of ambiguity settles. There will be winners and losers. As in every game.

Man failed, his very first test given, for all of Satan’s underworld fame. And so, God wished to save the unfairly convicted and so “Jesus, our savior, to a fallen earth came.

Forbidden Fruit

The story of Jesus Christ, is the worlds most centered focal point. It’s the story of God attempting to reach free willing man to redeem, repent and anoint.

To give us all another chance at salvation and closeness with God. To show us a way out of our chosen conundrum, an escape from the serpents fraud.

Life can be a scam and a ripoff. For electing to reject the lords truth with ridicule and scoff. Choosing to shun mankind’s savior to live a life endorsed by Lucifer’s behavior.

Many will continue to choose, to delight in Satan’s forbidden fruit. Until the day of sobriety when the horns growing out of his head are no longer deemed entertaining and cute.


Stars of galaxies, pulsars and quasars like us, are born. They abide in the creator to flawlessly run creation, just as had sworn.

They also die just as we do. To make room for the newborns. Except for God”s son, who came to us to be crucified with a crown of thorns.

So that we, “The fallen mortals of rebellion” through his ascension can be lifted from the curse of a goat headed beast with horns.

For we, did not abide in God’s word. We trusted a serpent, enough to be heard. Then we ate from a forbidden fruit, to be forsaken and forlorn.

But then: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life”.

This is the message and it comes directly from almighty God through his chosen apostles so that we can rise just like Christ did, once reborn.

Without Jesus Christ, we live the one life, then we die. As our emotional energy called “Spirit” is freed from the body, on the fly.

Then, we end up with the devil, a master of lies and deceit. For not accepting the sacrifice and gift of his son on every level.

Set of Wings

All who oppose the truth of Jesus Christ, are under the spell of the adversary’s Zeitgeist.

The ruling spirit of the age. The one that requires the occasional use of salt, and burnt sage.

The one which when revealed, will make you wish at times, you could have gracefully turned that page.

The hateful devil and his destructive ways of thinking, in the beginning must have been all the rage.

You might have thought your spirit and soul are free, but in reality you’re locked up in an invisible cage.

There is a much better way to fly, than having to be earthbound, to earn its wicked and tiresome wage.

Toil to toil, under the sun and sleet, week after week. Who said the earth will be inherited by the meek ?

It was Jesus Christ, king of kings. The one to give us all, so much mercy and grace, along with a new set of wings.

Jesus in White

Life, can easily make a person angry, bitter and uptight.

Always an unplanned opportunity for fight or flight.

As we move between the circles of darkness and light.

To attempt to separate what’s wrong, from what is right.

To reject the Devils lies, in order to accept truth’s Holy Might.

To Choose to be blind, or accept what is pure and out of sight.

To be open to redemption and salvation, from the human plight.

To free one’s soul from the inheritance, of the forbidden fruits bite.

To Avoid the grim reaper in black, for the smile of Jesus in white.

Anthony Bourdain

If you wish to have a most pleasant experience, when you pass away. Choose the master creator of all, to be forever free, and fly away from earth on that fateful day.

Take flight together in spirit with “Jesus Christ”, God Almighty’s Son. Straight to the promise of his paradise. Before the soul and spirit from your body makes its final run.

Fly up to almighty Yahweh’s heaven with our lord Jesus himself into the big blue sky. For being a long witness to the truth and divinity of his purpose, that overcomes a life lock lie.

For a glimpse of God’s amazing wonders and our amazing and vast unfathomable universe. The glory of its creation before our eyes to readjust, and for living in his kingdom to prepare and rehearse.

Otherwise the experience of death is confusing, ugly and terrifying. It’s the reveal of life’s biggest deal. It’s a hold in place, a prison in limbo coupled with a serum of fear incision as its daily meal.

Science today is proving this fact with cutting edge technology, a fact spoken long ago in his story’s theology. Instead of meeting your true maker. Once you’re dead, you will get to mingle with minions of the faker.

The lying one who lied to pry our souls from our hide is the very taker of our spirits last breath, for running the course without the cover of the one crucified to absorb all of our sins from within.

The devil will collect your soul just as promised in God’s word to play out his duty and role. You see, God does not want, those who reject his son. For who he was, and abidingly for his father’s kingdom, all that he hath done.

Just as you also would never let anyone into your home who betrays your son to satisfy a personal need. It’s a simple equation indeed. 1 + 1 = 2 No less & no more. Might be a good idea to give the words in the Bible a good read.

I didn’t write the Bible. But God did. He did it through the apostles of Christ to lay out his plan for human redemption. Under a blanket of forgiveness out of a cold and heartless world into a relationship, was the main intention.

All this for believing the truth. Such a simple request to honor the sacrifice of God at your behest. To receive the ultimate gift of salvation upon death, to be apart of its holy celebration.

I’m afraid, no one goes to heaven for being good, generous & nice. It says, that such ideas, will not suffice. And all the riches you might hoard in the world won’t do it either, even if on earth it once made it nice.

Just as the great Robin Williams eventually understood. And fame, well that’s a game for a whole other name. As the sorry spirit of the late TV. personality Anthony Bourdain might claim.

The Practice of Sin

The story of Jesus as presented by the Bible, explains in detail why our world of duality is somewhat imperfect and skewed.

It shows in detail how God wasn’t the one to create an imperfect being, as his creation elect, with whom to rumble and feud.

It shows that man had the freedom and free will to make a clear choice. With whom to have a relationship with, and a worshiping voice.

For an immortal eternity win or a life’s dead end expiration stamp, with a temporary credit account for the practice of sin.

God Speaks

When God speaks, he does it from the highest of peaks. He lights a bush on fire that lives on, for the story never to expire.

His word isn’t made up of a “Maybe”, or a “Let’s see how it goes”, or “I’ll think about it” or any sort of ambiguity.

Never vague or confusing or contradicting in its mystery for the seekers of truth and heaven’s history.

It is however, precise and clear. Attracts the wondering soul like a moth to a flame, comes near.

His word was written to save man’s soul. Two thousand years plus, before the son came to earth to play his role.

God wasn’t kidding when he sent Jesus, to be crucified. So that a spirit would no longer be up for Satan’s bidding, a most hellish ride.

He truly wants to save as many human souls as he can. And his way was to die on the cross and rise.

Just like the God that he was, is and will be. As oppose to let us meet our chosen mortal and fallen demise.

Simply by embracing, and believing in the truth of his mission. For the assurance of a ticket to heaven with open eyes.


On the space ship Odyssey, there was an “Artificial Intelligence” computer named Hal. He was designed to be a helper to the spacemen, and become somewhat of a pal.

He would take over operations of the ship, when the astronauts were tired and at rest. One day he decided, he was much smarter and could take over command of all the ship’s controls, as a detest.

Just as the once arc angel “Lucifer” had announced himself to be God. As a third of the angels of heaven would follow him in vain, regretfully never to forever sincerely applaud.

And then God had to show them all, who really was boss. By expunging Lucifer and his minions out of heaven into the earth, and onto their present state of fallen loss.

The created can never undo the creator. It is daft to think that anyone other than an arrogant and Narcissist Satan could challenge a force so much bigger and far greater.

Good Ole Boy

Many people in this world, have a difficult time believing, that God could bear himself a son. To save the good stewards of his majestic Earth.

To turn around the cancer infestation of the devil’s lies and deceitful run. Made to corrupt the seed of Eve and beyond, long ago since her birth .

If you happen to be from this school of limited thought. Perhaps, some of your think tank space, by the adversary of God was molded, to be taught.

If the Lord of the Universe, created everything you are able to feel and see, then he can surely plant a holy seed, in the blessed virgin Mary’s belly.

To become a man like no other. Jesus Christ superstar. A most perfect man to be, by far. 24 chromosome of holy perfection to follow for free, and at par.

God chose to become a mortal man, to absorb our species sinful ways, in one blow to the devil’s clan, to set up his mercy driven redemption plan.

What is so difficult for you to accept and believe. Unless you think that you’re a model of perfection, entitled to a (Good Ole Boy) heavenly ticket to receive.

There is no other route to bliss and immortality. Except through the son of man absolute. The risen one, come’th from above, gifting a much greater love, to take root.


When the bible talks about life, it generally refers to a couple of final choices. Nothing about some guru hoarding a collection of Bentley’s or Rolls Royce’s.

Its about the wisest choice anyone can make. To worship the God that created you and I. Or simply succumb, to the lies of the fake and phony, with its whispers of evil voices on the fly.

Upon death, we will all end up with what we believed to choose. One true voice for God and a whole lot of other demigods and rituals, made up to deliberately lose.

Satan’s dominion and his legion of minions influence rises, upon falling for his deceitful tricks and lies which come in all forms, shapes, colors and sizes.

Demons and dark spirits roam and scour the entire earth, for the devil. Looking for lost and confused souls, to devour and hold captive on their wicked and hateful level.

Rich or poor, black or white, evil or pure. We all swim alone in an ocean of sin, where the devil flings his bait, to drop his lure of hate, to hook us by the chin and on to the next of kin.

Make the best choice you can. One that keeps its word to stand true, steadfast and tall. As oppose to believing in a plethora of Pagan gods to keep you locked and loaded into the mortal fall.

The fall of mankind from God’s graces, when he chose to run with the devil, and to live in sin. To hoard as much of the cheese for himself in an unfair game, to win.

For, if you don’t even believe in the fall of Adam and Eve, then perhaps it’s a good place to start the thought, to see how it all falls into place, before you get to leave.

You cannot solve life’s jigsaw puzzle, without looking at the whole picture. You need a clear image to start with, to put it all together from a random mixture.

You won’t find God in the void. Unless you believe that “Lucifer’s” mutiny was true. I’m afraid none of life’s truth will add up, or make much sense to you.

And if you chose instead, to side with the monkey or the ape. Then how can you explain the faint voices of spirits of the dead in limbo, caught on digital tape.

The proof of this fact is real. The unsaved dead go on, to experience the afterlife in fallen captivity by collection demons, directly from the death bed.

Jesus Christ was delivered by God himself, to save the innocent meek and forlorn. And whomever else who wishes for truth, to seek. To be saved from the mortal fall, reborn.

Best Deal in Town

Jesus Christ is with us all. From the dead of winter until the colors of fall. Omnipresent and available all of the time. Our bright and shiny super star.

Cannot judge for yourself, or meet with him to do such. Before you believe in him and his truth of the world. To be worthy of his love, grace and attention at par.

Jesus Christ, is the son of God bar none. And is truly, the best deal in town. He will pull your spirit up, from a lack of faith, sorry fate, grave let down.

He can instantly banish a frown from a lifelong worth of suffering and pain. For a new heart and plenty of smiles on file, for heart sunshine, to wash away your blue rain.

If you took the time and interest to get to know him a little. Just enough to know his divinity, and feel his grace and mercy on a tittle, of your own pain.

You will know his truth by faith. From the inside out and the bottom of your heart, to shine like a jewel in eternity’s salvation to sparkle and forever remain.

There would be no need to paint a happy phony face. To cover over the condition of your sadness & frown, and the possible sorrows of tomorrow, like Bozo the clown.

With Jesus Christ Super Star, you’ve earned the king of kings and lord of lords golden ring hands down, and access to the Almighty’s mercy redemption crown.

A golden halo of grace and humility to paste on your face to finish the race with a loving God of utility. Who made Man in his image, to tackle the world and fix its mortal futility.

Nothing really compares. No need to pay any tolls or fares. No desire to cheat or steal from anyone, and no more room for painful affairs.

It’s the happiest marriage there is. Its like an everlasting 7up fizz. No heavy burdens or steep fee’s. It’s simply Heaven’s “Bees Knees”.

It’s a fabulous assortment of cheese, if that is all you are into. A golden gift of love and grace to all mankind called Jesus Christ, If this is what you please !

A dire necessity of a decree, every one of us needs, for all the people of earth to live by, to be free. Through faith so real, for any religion, color or creed.

Delivered and handed to us via Mary’s virgin birth, by Almighty God direct. To survive being easily thrown under the bus long ago by a serpents lie and effect.

Without much of a fuss or rant and rave of foolish pride. Or the devil inside, having to be rude, angry or violent. From the satanic influence brewing under the hide.

Those are attributes of the devil. Master of arrogance and pride, and a promoter of hate. the very qualities, that got Lucifer banished from heavens through its pearly gate.

Get onboard the salvation bus before you reach evil’s insanity from a lifetime of brushing off the revelation of rapture and tribulation with ridicule and vanity.

With Christ Jesus, there’s absolutely nothing to lose and everything good to gain. But first, one must be willing to jump off the devils party, runaway train.

The one racing down the mountain, gaining mega speed as it travels down the slope of doom and destruction for its passengers souls into Satan’s mouth to feed.

The word of God has one simple request at his behest from you. To believe in fact over fiction. To keep it holy and intact. To steer away from mortal affliction.

What’s true must have been true all along. To know for a fact, that in the case of the mortal fall. One truth presides for God at the apex, over all others wrong.

Truth, surrounded by many lies. Created by Satan’s assortment of sugar pies. To poison the body & blood with his schemes, to blind one into his lair of mares, for everlasting cries.

The God of Abraham, is the one who speaks. Speaks his word from the highest peak. To all the oceans and valleys below. To all on earth, be they kings of the land or the indelible meek.

Faith in Christ, is elation and clarity from tip to toe. The only true God you really want to get know. No vengeance of any kind. No remorse except to be pridefully blind to please his foe.

It’s no unfairness or faith by force. No Hell except for rejecting God’s son who from heaven, never fell. And one day will re-appear in per-written victory on his majestic white horse.

Crucifixion of sinless Jesus wasn’t particularly pleasant for God, yet he came abiding. To fix you & I, and anyone else by request, on the fly. This could only be done by God, the most high.

A dream answer of redemption, unexpected and hard to believe. For the sake of all our inherited pain, from the blunder of Adam & Eve. Salvation was made, such an easy gift to receive,

For a guaranteed slice of heavens apple pie with vanilla ice cream. A true promise from a God that doesn’t deceive or lie. What’s not to love about this living rescue dream.

Lucifer’s Greatest Fools

The devil will slip under the skin of a semi Christian, to wreck havoc and mayhem within his soul. To confuse the unsaved into rejecting Christ, the one and only to thank for playing a saviors role.

When the preacher begins to change the heavenly rules, to gather himself a thousand fools and wipe them out with poison punch soon after their last lunch, without having the slightest of a hunch.

His unholy name was Jim, the reverend Jones. A master devil in disguise for a deadly game of skull and bones. Away from prying eyes to put the curse of Satan on a thousand innocent lives.

That day was one of pure horror, for the innocent multitude who into his lies would sway. To give their lives at a moments notice, for the evil pastor Jim’s time, to settle his debt with the devil and pay.

He was the ultimate of such a deceitful example. So many such human devils roaming around the globe doing the adversary’s bidding. Much too much of such a diabolical and satanic sample.

David Koresh was also a devil. Preaching with a bible in his hand with deadly weapons on demand, to the blind, lost and confused. To sleep with their wives for his parish of believers, to be abused.

In pure unadulterated sin to satisfy the unholy under his wicked skin. Eventually to burn them all, past the initial fall into an earthly hell. Fathers, mothers and children as far as the “FBI” could tell.

Those who change God’s rules are the product of non other than Satan looking for stubborn mules. To use the church that bends the rules into creating a damned parish of the devil’s fools.

Don’t be the kind of judge, that condemns Jesus with a grudge, for doing nothing but loving you with a bit of a nudge, to save your fallen soul from damnation and sorrow. from the eventual reality of tomorrow.

The devil is no idiot. His ways are beyond anything we can imagine. He will crawl under the skin of anyone, to inflict as much harm on the soul of man, to hurt God and drive as many as he can from God’s salvation plan.

Be not like the many stubborn mules, who stuck to the ill beliefs of their ancestor’s rules. Or bent the faith to suit their self serving tools. To hoard and worship gold & precious jewels, only to end up as Lucifer’s greatest fools.

Jacobs Ladder

No love, lots of pain & no good friend to talk with in the rain. No shelter to qualify for a honey, robs any chance of a day being sunny.

It just keeps one busy with wishing, hoping and praying for a pivot of 180 degrees, after paying a lifetime of dues, penalties and steep fees.

It keeps one low in the stands, watching others play the game of love, and how everyone else seems to have a normal life with happy busy hands.

It makes me search for an answer from God, in the hopes of someday escaping this world of rejection, it’s lies and deliberate fraud.

Once you do, you’ll find that what Jesus Christ claimed, spoke of and taught. Was all true, at least for all the fish, that were caught.

For he said, he was the fisher of all the men. Who would change the course of the world, by his story on paper from many a scribes pen.

A lifeline lift, a gift out of our inherited rift into the darkness of the abyss. From our disobedience of his one rule, in his created bliss.

The fruit in the middle rule was a test of faith and trust. One we failed for immortality to go bust. Eden was a garden we thought we’d never miss.

It will get you to pray for a one way ticket to a place high up in the clouds called heaven. No longer bound to the routine of toil and sleep, twenty four seven.

You’ll live the rest of your earthly days to serve others, anyway you can until the day your gifted pivot of faith becomes the master plan.

But only if you admit yourself a sinner and Jesus Christ as your redeemer and the one to remain sinless until his very last dinner.

Accept him into your heart as the savior of our world, infested by evil driven hate for your everlasting gift switch of a saved fate.

It is then and only then when God allows a Jacobs ladder to dangle at life’s dead end to climb up to his heavens pearly gate.

Receive him as the redeemer of spirit and soul. The son of God and man who solely cometh out of love to play a treacherous and unfair role.

To die sinless on the cross. To save you and anyone that believes from the perils of a fallen world and the inheritance of Adam’s loss.

Castle in the Sand

Life is a sequence of pains and pleasures. Some weighed ounce for ounce and others, a happenstance less any measures.

All fair and square under the sun, for the one sitting in the high chair, yet always unfair for those in suffering, living a mare of perpetual despair.

Life is a doozy. It’s plenty stressful for all the players involved, so someone buys himself a Jacuzzi. Others just get to suck on a bottle of woozy.

Those who adapt to the changes are able to cover the distance in longer ranges. And those who don’t fit the mold, will soon grow weary, tired and old.

That’s just how life is on beautiful Earth, and how it usually goes. Everyone must play by the rules, or simply put up with what the elders once chose.

Everyone gets to play with their castle in the sand. Some come out on top. Others burn out early with nothing left to say, as they fall into the mortality drop.

And then comes the time for separation of body and spirit, into the ground. A whole new experience of pain and sorrow on its flip side, to be found.

A new harsh reality of being un-redeemed and unsaved. From the mortal fall experienced so long ago, and the way Adam & Eve had once behaved.

And then you think to yourself, “Oh my God, I had all this time in life, given to me. From the womb to the tomb, to figure this blind sentence all out.

To see clearly, the reality of Satan’s fraud, and how it was all provided in bible scripture, meant to eventually be revealed and come about.

Instead I chose to stay blinded wide, captive under the spell of arrogance and foolish pride. To be held ransom by a garden serpent, who purposely had lied.

To send us all into his hell, once our mortal grace period was over. As crazy as it sounds, it’s the plain truth of life, written in crimson on a leaf of clover.

This is why, we need “Jesus” like never before. To save ourselves from the perils of our choosing, a broken life that ends in sorrow, to savor and adore.

Automatically Driven

He grew up lost in the hood, couldn’t find a dream job, so he joins a street mob, to become liked, and perhaps better understood.

He was told one morning to put on a mask and rob the general store. To prove his youth bravado. For an old revolver to keep, and maybe a little more.

It was his only requested right of passage, into the family gang initiation. Dues he had to pay for his new posse’s approval of his frolic for violence and its masturbation.

Boos was in the house, flowing freely once again, and the contraband started to roll back in. They were just having some fun, who said anything about sin.

Sex, drugs and rap on tap. The party doesn’t stop until she’s drunk enough to sit on his lap. Selfie gratis with horns, before taking that much needed nap.

The next day, everyone wakes up to find all the dirty money had gone astray. As the back stabber got up early that day, to rob them blind, then try and get away.

The next thing they all saw, was their budding gangster being gunned down, by a vigilante of his kind of law. For all in the hood to feel its fear, less any tears for him in the raw.

Then someone had to pay for the shooting, and go to jail. For the gang’s colors to once again fall and fail. Another sorry life, off the track, from its future’s rail.

Another one bites, as so many arrogant prideful idiots, sit behind cold bars. While their home boys, still roam the streets, packing heat, in low-rider cars.

Patiently waiting, to do more time. To return someday to a fast life of crime. They were taught in prison to strike, without much thought, and pretty much on a dime.

Just another life gone bad, never eager to be humbled or feel sad. Spirit lockup, to put up or shut up. Without getting too mad, like a captive insect, stuck in a cup.

Every young spirited child growing up, needed a strong role model with panache and style. Those who went astray, had none of that type of higher love on file.

And for all the unfortunate kids, having to grow up with deadbeat, or no dad at all. Will easily succumb to the devils ways into a much earlier demise into the abyss and its mortality fall.

“Jesus Christ” is the ultimate role model. For all of humanity to imitate & coddle. With him, wisdom is a given, so that choices influenced by Satan, aren’t automatically driven.

The Devils Dart

In life, I didn’t get a whole lot done right. But I did manage to get a good peak, at its cosmic invisible fight.

Between the diabolical works of the wicked devil and his forces. And Almighty God, with all of his glory and holy might.

I got to see the world for what it truly was. I got a good glimpse of the reality of Satan, and all the mayhem, he does.

To drive human souls, into his mortal abyss. To do his cowardly bidding in secret, without a peep or much of a grinning hiss.

To have sealed human fate, into his hellish pit with a dirty kiss. To make us believe, there wasn’t anything more to miss.

And for this, I am grateful. For every creature needs to be close to its creator. For a relationship to be had, with the one, who is far greater.

Jesus is not some distant type of God. He lives in a persons heart. So its spirit can sing out loud & proud, for hitting truths bullseye, with the devil’s dart.

Ticket to Paradise

Nothing hurts my soul more than my very own, refusing to believe in the truth I’ve discovered, to be free and atone.

To completely shun my spirit’s experience and compassionate intellect, for false hope in whatever, or perhaps the next presidential elect.

To reject a real true and valid offer of immortality and bliss. In exchange for a mortal’s disposable cup with a goodbye kiss.

To believe in false teachings and preaching, for honor and pride’s sake. No matter how ridiculous some of it’s notions were, not to be fake.

To pass, on the redemption of their souls, by the one and only who can. For their salvation to be missed, under this satanic plan.

To miss out on the gift of a happy afterlife, through the blood of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. Our only true ticket to paradise.

Instead of sticking with sugar coated sophisticated lies. Told long ago by the charming dragon, looking to cover those eyes.

Spoken Voices

Everyone on this Earth gets to have their way awhile, awaiting a promised hay day.

Until that time comes for a sudden shift in stability, from a random type of Mayday.

An instant change from warm weather. For a cold frown with much shock and dismay.

For whenever and wherever the tables of life, turn to twist around, like they usually do.

To which one of the two greatest masters in view, will you pay your final bill & due.

Life, in all of its prime youthfulness, glory and beginning is all good, fun and games.

Without a dire need or much of a heed to drop by faith, or mention any of the biggest of names.

But as it gets older, its demand for an alliance with one or the other, gets a little bolder.

Who then, when the ultimate question in your life becomes, is the true worship worthy God ?

Perhaps it’s the allure of money or it’s ample hoarding from greed, to cherish forever & applaud.

Or maybe it’s the temporary numbness, despair and isolation of alcohol and drugs.

Or perhaps, it’s the lost intimacy of God’s mercy, grace or of genuine mortal loving hugs.

Or maybe it’s the dreamy addictions of the flesh, and its fantasies of lust’s must, with its desire for sex.

Or perhaps, a simmering witch’s cauldron brew and it’s magic potion from her wicked spells to hex.

Or as some would think, a Jesus or a Messiah figure, all made up for fun, to entertain and appease us ?

Or maybe it’s just a show about harmless “Lucifer” on television, or an assortment of his specialty cheeses.

Could it really be “Satan” with his many minions, or the mega church Pastor with his varied opinions.

Then it must be, either for Almighty God or the wicked works of the devil’s lies and manipulative fraud.

Those are pretty much the two choices. For all on earth to pick their god or Idol, via spoken voices.


Life is simply great, except for all the garbage we need to hoard and create.

Life is beautiful, especially for those with all the youth mojo and attraction pull.

Life can be fun and a bundle of Joy. Until you need to become a man to stop behaving like a boy.

Life is truly wonderful. Except for subliminal lies we are fed, along with kaka from the bull.

Life is joyful and pleasant. Except when you’re walking on desperation street, like a peasant.

Life is often precious and sweet, but only when you can afford to buy the best of wine & freshest meat.

Life by default can become rather chill. Especially for those born defective and slow, against their will.

Life can be grand, until a day when the tables turn around, for a loss of its last gambling hand.

Life becomes a gamble. When you’ve already heard truth from a Jesus freak on the street and his ramble.

Life is plenty risky, if you end up at the wrong place at the wrong time, were things could get frisky.

Sometimes rough enough for sobriety to once again hit up a fine bottle of bourbon or scotch whiskey.

Life is a daily toil and work, for there can only be one boss to run the enterprise, named Captain Kirk.

Life can become a serious headache. Especially when you own a piece of the pie, but never get to eat your cake.

Life at times can be unfair, whether you’re bald or have plenty of hair. Hard wired or scripted like software.

Yet the afterlife becomes a day and nights mare. When you dare God’s truth, to settle for a pit in Satan’s lair.

Spiritual Fee’s

Jesus Christ is “God Incarnate”, whether you like it or not. Whether you agree or disagree, to accept and learn the truth of our world or be otherwise harshly taught.

I’ve walked on this planet’s every available path. And I’ve done most of its spiritual math. Until it became clearly obvious to me, that the life chosen, is from the trickery of Satan’s wrath.

From reincarnation to every wealthy nation. From UFO’s, to the giant Buddha and whatever anybody chose. From the uplifting choir sounds of “Handel’s Messiah”, to the obnoxious squawking of the devils crows.

Faith in God, can never be bottled up by earth science. To re- examine a thousand times the Doctor’s self reliance. Faith is due for the sequence of events, beginning at the fruit of “Knowledge of good & Evil” and defiance.

It might help to listen to what this foolish rhyming Buffoon is saying. Perhaps he hath found the crown jewel of truth, from all his ramblings and Jesus praying.

Perhaps he took the time to put truth & lies on the scale, to determine without hesitation or fail, their end all be all worth, by weighing. Just Saying !

Might want pay some attention to the good lord, prior to your soul’s departure and its essence begins decaying.

Life is a heart breaker. For every giver and every other taker. It was such for the faker and his mutiny band of the fallen realm, towards the Universal Maker.

For every living heart will be broken. How else could we have earned this particular token. The lord through the miracle of Jesus Christ risen, hath spoken.

Only one true God in the smorgasbord of deities. The rest are the work of illusions created by a master of deception and deliberate Satanic fraud.

It’s a gamble on faith and all that it see’s. It’s like a revolving door of debits & credits, along with a whole lot of hidden spiritual fee’s.


Human pride and its grand central ego, is what keeps us far away from God’s graces, to naturally bring us closer to his foe.

It keeps telling us that we can do this all on our own. Needless of God, our sin is nothing to worry about,and we have no desire for forgiveness or a need to atone.

Or, that we were created by mere random selection, coincidence and happenstance and that we are, untruly in the universe all alone.

It is a master crafted lie by the master of lies himself, and into the fabric of our society, it becomes embedded into the sofa and sown.


Man and his kind thinks he is invincible. Until he becomes ill enough, wishing he was convince-able.

He works and toils and rushes to eat in a hurry what usually spoils for trying to save itself, a little too fast & furry.

He marries a good woman with a baby he carries. He builds a life of ups and downs and in the end he begins to look for tooth fairies.

Then he’s lowered into the cemetery grounds, where everyone stands around in shock and awe, with temporary pasted frowns.

Such is the way of life on this planet for all of us indeed. Did anyone get to meet God on a party bus, full of Booz & Weed.

If not, I know where he (Jesus) can be found without much of a fuss or going in vanity circles, round and round.

It’s in a book called the “Holy Bible”, with a path to take a soul straight into redemption, with no other worthy rival.

Pick it up if you dare sometime, and see for yourself what it’s all about, just not on a glance, or on a dime.

Don’t be too quick to judge it, just read on and let the words seep into your heart to slowly steep and rhyme.

Eventually, you will come to know its power. You’ll be held in regard by angels of faith, like the sun is to a sunflower.

Fountain of Youth

Man has always sought after the philosophers stone, and its delusional fountain of youth.

Doing things his way, as if to proudly say. I am the light, the way and the only apparent truth.

Fascinated with the coveted secret of eternal life. How to beat God to the finish line, into eternity with or without a wife.

How by the genius of his brilliant scientific mind, he can someday come out on top and figure it all out.

When the plain truth is, we were gifted with the savior long ago, whom everyone has already heard about.

Some to readily accept the grace, to end its chase and others to believe in nothingness, while the rest continue to doubt.

Yet Man, the mortal genius that he is, keeps on looking elsewhere for some other type of redemption plan.

A plan that doesn’t include the creator. So that man perhaps can become something much greater.

That is exactly what the devil did, to earn his pay. He decided he was greater than his God one day.

That is, when it all changed for him, as he was recreated with horns and relocated to Hades, where he now lay.

Apparently, what ever you’ve chosen to believe, you will have to accept in the afterlife to receive.

If you believe in nothingness then nothing is what you’ll get. Ladies & Gentlemen, please place your bet.

If you believe in a God, you better know how to pick him out amidst all the available fakes and fraud.

And if you prefer to be in the company of the devil, then you’ll surely be taken down to that level.


The life of a shooting star always falls short. By the time they reach the apex of it all, it’s time has come to abort.

Fate always catches up to the celebrated bird. Anyone wishing to keep going, must invite the savior into their heart, in case you never heard.

His name was Jesus or Yashuah. He didn’t show up here, to vacation on Kailua while sipping on some its Kahlua.

For all else, other than is a wasteland and a losing hand. Making the whole experience rather meaningless and absurd.

Without his redemption plan. life doesn’t logically compute. If it did there would be nothing left for us to refute.

Unrighteous spirit lives a short or long life. To die a left over soul locked up in afterlife death row.

Until judgment day, for all sinners and naysayers to collectively go down the shoot below.

Into the hollow earth and its lake of fire. Where forsaken Satan resides along with every forlorn soul.

A place of pure horror, thirst and fear. With many names like Hell, Hades or Sheol.

God Speaks

When God speaks, his word much like the winds of time, will blow to reach the highest of peaks.

Unlike the words of a fallen mortal, who often says one thing but does another.

God’s promise of salvation into eternity is way beyond imagination and like no other.

The Lord’s word is so clear, faithful and precise, it’s as if it was etched in stone.

Perhaps, the one made from marble that points to a grave over its decaying bone.

The word of God was never written for anyone’s personal entertainment.

It’s not a best selling novel on a bookstore shelf, by which to cry, laugh with, or lament.

It’s not some practical joke by the joker, made to tease a friend or fondle someone’s yolk.

It’s a roadmap to his will & plan for man, and that’s just the truth of the matter for the faithful folk.

No Religion

I evangelize to hopefully open anyone’s wide shut eyes.

To share with all what I know, in terms of what is most wise.

To let them know, there is actually a sure way, from death to rise.

To make sure they understand, that this life is based on Satanic lies.

To truly teach them that faith in a true God, always delivers & applies.

Christianity is no religion. It’s truth absolute, less any blind hazy vision.

It’s never like a pressure cooker, delivering its message by violence or force.

It always stays faithful to its elect and the faithless, without any of their remorse.

It’s the path and course to God’s promised heaven for anyone, and all to accept & endorse.

Here is a series of books bound together in sequence, called the Holy Bible.

Written by both God and Man, to have for itself absolutely no worthy rival.

Sixty six concentrated volumes between its old and new testaments.

Written by forty different authors, referencing each others sermons and laments.

For the sake of its validity, over the span of two thousand years plus, to come a due .

The Old Testament talking way in advance about the arrival of the new.

Predicting the coming of a Messiah, for all who have bothered to read it through.

To believe by faith and faith alone and swallow it’s truth or simply continue to chew.

On The Fly

Smitten he became, for she was young and pretty, just out looking for a little innocent fun.

He though, on the other hand, had thought he hath found his one and only love and honey bun.

When she suddenly and swiftly decided to dump him, for a run with a richer date, with another man.

That is when he flew into a devils rage, and thoughtlessly grabbed his brothers gun, with an angry plan.

Next thing he knew, he was arrested and convicted on murder charges, sitting in a cold and smelly jail.

For failing to realize, that for every emotional decision, there’s no pass, yet there’s always a fail.

That’s all it would take for him to ruin his young life. Over a fantasy of love gone wrong & off the rail.

A desire to fall in head over heels, less any of the games. For an orange suit with numbers instead of names.

Then while in prison, he reads a Holy Bible. He finds the kind of love in it, that never had an earthly rival.

So he began to study and believe, as he looked up at the bars of steel. For his ray of grace to also receive.

Believing by faith, full well that his sins were forgiven, as he cheerfully did his time, for a reprieve from Hell.

Soon he began to radiate a similar kind of love. Telling his prison mates about a Jesus pardon, from above.

One that promised never to fabricate a lie. Like the devil does to ruin every mortal life, on the fly.

Out Loud

All the sweet frolic and short lived pleasures that this life provides, have a time stamp and a sure enough of a dead end.

Delicious sweets and rich foods, will put one in a nearby hospital, with much in paid care and positive attitudes.

Sex pleasure unwed, in or out of the master’s bedroom might lead to a cheating heart, be it from the bride or her groom.

Too much alcohol or drugs will render one broke, lonely and homeless. Without much serenity, or any hugs.

Hoarding money or cash, to attract more than you can afford to spend or rehash, hoping never to get robbed of your stash.

Too much accolades and adoration by the masses. Only leads to more vanity and masturbation, until that all passes.

The belief in Jesus Christ, is what has no end. His love and grace are endless & eternal. His truth, I will always speak of out loud and defend.

Pompous Man

When the pompous man, or one of his lady ribs dies. To cross over to the flip side of life, unsaved.

They get angry, for being left with the rest of the blind. When all along, thought to be so special, and well behaved.

Some of them will beg and cry for mercy and grace, where none is found. Except for a hopeful fantasy to vainly chase.

Staying earthbound. Out of fear, all the way around. With nothing more beautiful left to look at, in a vanity mirror, draped in lace.

Except for signs of ignorance and frowns. Dissatisfaction that usually shows up on a forlorn soul’s worn face.

Look for the only answer that will suffice. Look for the love and grace of Jesus Christ and do it at your own pace.

Go Ahead

Hey there pilgrim of world reality, here’s a glimpse of its flip side in all of its rude awakening and inherent totality.

Go Ahead, take an ill fated chance. Reject the gift of salvation for a whole other afterlife kind of dance.

Go ahead, boldly take the un-calculated risk. Shine on the redemption of Christ into eternity, for the illusion of a flying disc.

Go ahead, and shun the mercy and love of God. Only to be left behind, with demons and dark spirits, who work for the devils fraud.

Go ahead, and be the dumbest you can be. For when your soul flies into the Satanic screen of lies. You’ll be stuck in its web forever, with hardly a place to flee.

Go ahead, and dare to save your ill fated and forlorn soul. Save it from a drop into the lake of fire, down into the pits of Hell, Hades or Sheol.

Pilgrim of Truth

Hey there pilgrim of truth and knowledge. Ask yourself a worthwhile question.

A deep one, that comes from someone who cares, and might offer you a wise suggestion.

Ask thyself “Why do I have such a natural hatred and disdain, for Jesus Christ and his Bible“ ?

Has it perhaps got something to do from behind the scenes, with God’s sole adversary & rival.

It’s not like either Jesus, or his Bible have ever done me or my family any ill or deliberate wrong.

Could this attribute really be, the work of the devil ? Just as it was in a Rock Star’s swan song.

A song about a Stairway to Heaven. When spun back, mentioned the adversary.

Like a coal miner’s lifeline, a savior in a cage, a singing canary.

Ask yourself “Is it , because my mind, body & soul are under a Satanic Zeitgeist influence“?

Can such a crazy idea, really exist in our world. To have any merit or make much commonsense.

The answer is a yes. Life’s absolute truth, you must accept, in order to believe it and confess.

Satan, and his principality and powers are very real. As some of the spokes, on life’s revolving wheel.

The Abyss

A long or short lifetime, of building up to a place of arrogance, prejudice, and foolish pride.

Only to eventually realize, that it all comes from the serpent, who once upon a time, hath deliberately lied.

A long time ago, in a garden of true bliss. For a reversal of fortune, the two simpletons, thought they’d never miss.

From the beauty and splendor of a natural world. Into the depths of despair, stuck in a mare, straight into the abyss.

A place made for demons, dark & unclean spirits, and their lord. A place of torture and hellfire, only they could afford.

A place you might want to accept and believe in, to avoid. So horror filled, it gives us a reason to be paranoid.

And then some proudly say, “Who needs Jesus anyway. We like it fine, here on the surface. For below the crust, its hell to pay”.

Naysayers and mockers alike, will beg for another chance at redemption, from the wicked ways of the world, on the day of mention.

When every single tongue, just as the Holy Bible describes, will confess, that Jesus Christ, was the one truth able to fix our mess.

There’s only one sure way to get back to the source and go home. Through Christ alone. All else is a diversion lie, down to the bone.

By Lucifer, the Devil, aka Satan, aka Shayton, or Iblis as himself, with no bigger evil entity other. To keep a soul from its chance to atone.

Straight & Narrow

It’s the work of God or tricks of the devil. On who’s platform do you wish to end up, and on which level.

There are just a few options for adoption. A left or a right. If you keep it on the straight & narrow, you could take to flight.

An up, or a down. Either way you look at it, it’s an eternal smile or a long time frown. It’s a circus with every type of clown.

The afterlife guarantee, without Jesus Christ, will truly be. Pure horror of a mocker or a naysayers tomorrow to live through and see.

The forsaken, will feel nothing but purgatory anger & sorrow. Don’t get left behind. Have assurance, just as the blind faithful had to borrow.


Souls left behind in an afterlife blind scurry around, to claim what they once used to own. After the shock & awe of death, for being reduced to nothing more than dirt and bone.

They scream out loud at the living, but are never ever heard. Some cry out in loathing and moan in vain, for not bothering to have a look at God’s Holy word.

They get to keep the company of demons and dark spirits, that hold them in perpetual fear captivity. Forsaken souls, the Holy Bible talks about. From the time of nativity.

Unsaved, though well behaved, yet without any redemption. Even with plenty of mention. Too prideful and arrogant to give the Lord a little of their precious attention.

Because now they realized much too late, there was a way to alter forlorn fate. And had they done so when living, would have taken part in the rapture ascension, at any rate.

The Law

Those who spend their life, investing in nothing but pride and superfluous vanity. In the end, will succumb to this fallen worlds mortal insanity.

Lucifer was plenty prideful, self admiring and mirror vain. And for this reason, he brought upon himself and his legion of minions, such a hellish pain.

Then, he sold us all down the river, each receiving their package of broken dreams, through the practice of sin. Like the infected 23 chromosomes embedded from within.

Since our birth on this Earth, everyone falls for the trappings of sinful desires. To light the fuse, that started the trouble, growing into larger fires.

When you refuse to believe in Almighty God and the supreme creator. The Devil dances and prances around your soul, for being the one to become elusively greater.

For that is the easiest route to soul acquisition, of a stubborn mule. To hold captive their soul, until its drop into Sheol. Forsaken, like any other such fool.

When a person eventually passes away, like the elders who never thought they could or would. Their God given spirit of life goes back to its giver and source.

While their soul imprint remains, to be met by one of two end time characters, to obey & endorse. Without any time or enough reason for unworthy remorse.

A smiling Jesus, you once used to adore & admire. Coming in pure white, to lift you up and out of the fire. Into a place, so serene than what is seen, and much higher.

Or a scary grim reaper type of demonic figure. In a black hooded robe, making himself seem so much bigger, as his skeletal cloak & cover for his formal attire.

Then you will know, who’s who in the afterlife of shock & awe. For all who lived and loved, yet never bothered to look under the skin, for the stuff of truth, in the raw.

What the dead could no longer mention, less a speaking mouth for some attention. A spirit gone south, once it saw. How almost everything stayed the same, except for the law.

“Pig in a blanket“

If you chose to ignore Almighty God and his son by name. I’m afraid God will ignore you in a similar way, much the same.

Instead you chose to play, directly into Satan’s foolery game. Trickery and deceit on sale, free for all Celebrity and Fame.

From the master of illusions, and all things unwise. The lesser selfie god, who provides afterlife anger, bitterness and cries.

The once angel of light, cut down to size. Those who reject God, will be shunned and hurled, into the hands of cosmic fraud and world lies.

However, those who are saved by faith, are welcomed into paradise with much Angelic Joy, Cheer & Applaud.

God loves everyone, but the soul that chooses a lesser deity will succumb. To roll over & squeal like a “ Pig in a blanket ” and then some.

The bible says there will be fear and trembling on the day of judgment. A gnashing of teeth and a grinding of the jaw, swimming in the anxiety of Hell’s lament.


I’ve found something much better than money. I’ve found the beehive of God’s love, and now I have access to its honey.

But if I refuse to worship with humility, and lullaby’s to sing. Then the buzz of truth will be offended, and will have a right to sting.

You see, with Jesus messiah. You don’t really know what you are missing. Unless you are privy to the facts, and have heard the snake hissing.

It won’t do you much good to start kissing. By the time you get the proof you want and need. Faith, no longer can become your mustard seed.

When time comes for your soul to have a dire need. Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord of all, indeed.

Invisible World

There is an ethereal and Invisible world out there, you do not even see.

Some are able, to become believers in the truth of Gods immortality.

Though this is the case at hand, disbelief won’t alter or change reality.

Demons and gargoyles, on roaming looking for their bonus spoils.

Along with left over spirits of sin. Lurking & working whispers, to influence from within.

Doing Satan’s wicked bidding, when one is most vulnerable. In hiding, and on the fly.

Suddenly revealing to us, that God is not kidding. For acquittal of his Truth, never to deny.

Satan doesn’t generate fear. Knowing it brings soul desire for God’s truth, up front and near.

Unless he, or his minions get close enough to your spirit to work out his mortal lie.

Looking to take down the unsaved lost soul, by having it give up on life & die.

This is how Satan will operate. To attempt to destroy every possible person’s fate.

Does it behind the scenes, working on his best illusions, and manipulation schemes.

To steer away a herd of sheep, any way he can. From Christ salvation, according to plan.

To, destroy the potential of man. For his loathing of God’s creation at hand.

Just As Well

Oh, forget him. He’s all hype. He’s just another over the top, type of pastor evangelist.

Trying to make a mountain, out of a mow hill. Or maybe a blanket of fog, out of a bit of mist.

He’s always evangelizing. Nothing too surprising. Ever since his devotion, he leaves nothing to notion.

He carries on and on about, Jesus being the son of God. Expecting us all to jump up and down, and applaud.

He repeats himself over and over, as if we were daft stubborn mules. Looking to become the devil’s fools.

He’s just another preacher, who is holier than thou. But if you ask him nicely, he’ll be happy to buy you some chow.

He won’t say how, but he might boldly tell us why. His Christ Jesus, is God incarnate, yet, so content to die.

Ready, willing & able to save men from sin’s affliction, by allowing them to make a needless arrest and crucify.

Then, to have the whole body, less a shroud disappear, for a lasting image of him, never to refute or deny.

Witnessed by a couple of grave robber guards, to rise through the fluffy clouds back to God, on the fly.

Seriously ! Said one naysayer to another. So I said to him, “He came to save you just as well brother”.

Ask Yourself

First, and foremost you must believe you have a soul. How else to know that you were born with a purpose, to play your existence role.

Then, you must believe, you are from God. But then you ask ? Why does life feel much like a Ponzi scheme, or some type of fraud.

Then, you must diligently wonder if you are loved by the creator Lord. Or if you’d rather be left alone, shunned by him and ignored.

Then, you ask yourself. Does God have an adversary ? Does he sing for the coal miners underground, as their saving grace canary ?

Or, does he stab you in the back, waiting for the weakest moment in your life, to launch an attack, coming in charcoal black.

Ask yourself some tough questions, like if at the point of death. The grim reaper is some kind of angelic keeper.

Or, is he perhaps the demonic creeper entity. Reserved for the unsaved, uninterested type of non seeker weeper.

Ask yourself these pertinent & important questions, so that your soul can get ready for the transfer & prepared.

For the fork split at the point of death. For Jesus to come get your redeemed soul, or a demon to make you want to run awful scared.

Yahweh’s Heaven

Yahweh’s true heaven is a most beautiful and an amazing wonder of a place.

I haven’t been there, yet I believe such is the truth, and absolutely the case.

The flowers and everything green, live on the love, that cometh from up above.

They dance, and sway, never to die. To the glory of their God, the most high.

Everyone has a genuine smile and is elated. For no one was forsaken, left behind, or ill fated.

The streets in heaven are paved in gold, and no one gets to grow weary, tired and old.

Spiders, snakes and scorpions are obliterated to nil, and the pesky kingdom of bugs does not exist.

There’s nothing of this sort of mayhem, danger & fear in paradise, or any such folly to resist.

Hospitals, doctors, nursing facilities, medicines, and wheelchairs become, a thing of the past.

No need for the police or security cameras. As all evil has been left behind, for a peace of mind, to last.


In this life, one might reach a state of nirvana, or abundant happiness and mortal perfection.

With a good job, and lots of money. A beautiful loving wife to call you honey, and plenty of paid up affection.

But in the afterlife, less a road map, how will you know which path is safe, and what is the best direction.

For on Judgement day, at the humongous courtroom in the clouds, we hope you are seated in the right section.

In order to be accepted in God’s eternal heaven, with the Lord you needed to make an honest connection.

That is done through, accepting the sacrifice of his one and only son, “Jesus Christ” to win his election.

The Art of Stupidity

Yeah, yeah that’s what we do. We encourage the art of stupidity, here on Earth. It started way back, at the time of its birth.

After all, life on this planet of (maybe or maybe not). Is made up of the acquired folly of the knowledge of good and evil.

So at any given moment in time, it can flip on its side. To go from its unsecured harmony & bliss, to rolling upheaval.

With just a moments notice, it goes from normal to paranormal. without having to be courteous or too formal.

To prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Of the type of demonic experience we might come to expect.

Without being heard. Even if we were to cry out in vain, of the holy word. To the naysayer, a nasty surprise to come into effect.

The end all, be all for an unsaved soul is something to wishfully reject. For souls going to Jesus heaven, are of his elect.

Anthony Bourdain

I used to enjoy, the working show of the late world famous Chef and food critic, “Anthony Bourdain”.

Until one day. I heard on the news, how he had decided to snuff out his sugar coated celebrity pain.

Hanging cockeyed, on an angry noose, to set his demons loose. In a Parisian hotel, on a sad day of rain.

The charming man, seemed to have it all, except for freedom from the shackles of the mortal fall.

Everything, except for gratitude for being on call, with a great income and an invitation from the big boys, to play ball.

Everything, except for a sure way to drive away those old demon wisps sitting on his heart.

The ones that worked to separate him from his good fortune, and pry his spirit, body and soul apart.

The same persistent ones, that helped him wrap that furious rope around his neck.

The ones, that kept on whispering in his ears “Go ahead, just do it, what the heck” !

If Anthony had a friend in the lord. His pain would have never been shunned or ignored.

Had Jesus resided in his heart. His demons would have fled, instead of driving him from life, to depart.

Untainted Truth

Once the grace and mercy of God sinks in. One, no longer wishes to be apart of a world of foolish pride, arrogance and sin.

Because they truly come to realize, and for certain. Of what is other than, that is a whole lot purer and better.

That the word and spirit of God, coming to us through the Holy Bible. Is true and reliable, to the letter.

That, it is pure untainted truth. So powerful and real. It is used in holy battle, as a sword, helmet & shield, with faith as its zeal.

Against all the powers and principalities of the adversary of God, “Satan” and his legion. The one and only Devil.

Applying to all of the Earth’s surface, and in every region. In every nook and cranny, and on every level.


God created the world at large, with many wonderful and distinct features.

He filled the place up with all types of colorful plants and living creatures.

Some could be dangerous and evil at times. Others are just harmless and benign.

Some will pounce on you unannounced. while the others had already seen the sign.

Some refuse, by the gift of God’s grace & mercy to be mean, heartless and unkind.

While others, have no problem hurting the less fortunate, while scoffing in the blind.

Some get giddy and wild. While inflicting harm, to satisfy their sinful desires on a child.

While others work diehard. To put a stop to such relentless evil, be it harsh or mild.

To fight the the forces of darkness and upheaval in our world, and all things loose gone wild.

The knowledge and practice of Good as well as Evil, becomes a habit of human action and bidding.

So that all of us know, to fear God. In the sense, that he is not at all playing or kidding.

His rules will be implemented, and his word will be honored. And by everyone, will be heard.

The human timeline web, for him does not exist, so this Earth’s battle has already been won.

One either gets redeemed & saved from Adam’s blunder, or simply gets their spirit & soul shun.

Fall of Man

I’m fed up with this life’s bullshit, I can hardly see myself as a valuable commodity any longer to anyone, or even someone’s unworthy mediocre fit.

I’m just waiting for it to either miraculously change somehow, or a freedom release from the shackles of its depression, and lonely lowly pit.

Is there, something better for me on life’s other side ? I think there might be, if in the God who created me, I chose to believe, worship and abide.

To believe in the gift of Jesus, for truth in my heart to reside. To be saved from the rift of Satan and the traps he lays, from climbing aboard his ride.

With temptations furnished, of every kind. From delicious foods, to aged wine, to a plethora of tasty sweets for the diabetic in me to slowly go blind.

From lust & sexual pleasures to the consumption of drugs without measure. To slowly eat away at our spirit & soul, for the devil’s hoard of treasure.

From quiet random violence, to hatred and war made for killing and destruction, in an effort to build ourselves an even higher, much thicker fence.

From liars, cheaters and heart breakers. To thieves and trouble makers. From charlatan tale spinners, to being bullied by winners, to sweet talkers & fakers.

It’s all done for the glory of the mutinous devil, and in the name of Satanic vanity. To keep it unreal and churning in foolish pride, for its tempestuous insanity.

It’s a game of know how and wisdom. For the knowledge of good and evil. A tree, placed in the middle, bearing the fruit of all death, sin and upheaval.

A mutiny in paradise, resulting in the fall of man from immortality, and a desperate need for the sacrifice of our lord and savior “Jesus Christ”.


Humans love the preparation and practice of ritual. They do it over and over until it becomes a religion of sort and rather habitual.

They do it for a sense of honor and pride. In the hopes of appeasing some generic type of statue God, and only in him to abide.

They do it, to belong to a social circle or a special community. Or to carry on the myth. They do it, for peer acceptance and social immunity.

Rituals are made from foolish pride, to impress one another. Perhaps to show each other who’s a better brother, for the other to be denied.

But I’m afraid, rituals won’t take you to heaven. Only Jesus will honor that promise. From midnight until the last minute of eleven.

But once the deadline to redemption expires. The truth of the Bible reveals itself to prove the reality of hell’s truth and fires.

The Easy Meat

Evil often masks itself as a child. It pretends rather well, to be innocent, harmless and mild.

It gets one to drop their guard before it shows it’s true colors and begins to get wicked wild.

Evil pretends to be sweet, for the sole reason of devouring the unsuspecting soul into its belly of fire and heat.

It’s always on the prowl, looking for the fowl, through the fear of an unsuspecting soul, to pick up the easy meat.

Satan hates the mortal being to the core, for reasons related to his arrogance, vanity & foolish pride.

The Adversary sends out his dark spirits & demons to scare and terrify whomever they can, on the inside.

Wingless Flight

Life for us, here on Earth, becomes like a game of Texas hold em poker.

Between our lord and Messiah “Jesus Christ” and the fallen Angel, playing the joker.

It’s a completed story within the game of thrones, for the one who never atones into the field of skull and bones.

It’s an all or nothing deal of the century in the very end. Email to God doesn’t get delivered, unless you click send.

You either get redeemed & saved, or you die a dry leaf, to fall off the vine, having plenty misbehaved.

Those are the two ways to go. Up or down, left or right. One way or another, at the end of this show & plight.

One is the living embrace of the true and risen lord, we all can freely afford.

The other, is the horror of Satan’s rebellion and its choice aftereffect, ignored.

Our lives are caught up by choice into the in between of this finished fight.

At the height of Lucifer’s pride and arrogance, versus the Lords power and might.

To be stuck a captive in purgatory, to be your sad story, or the freedom to take fate’s wingless flight.

A Way Out

When someone lies, he’s basically trying to cover his unrighteous tracks, by pulling the wool over your trusting eyes.

When the serpent lied to Eve, he did so to contaminate their blood with sin and attributes of his pride & vanity, to receive.

Shame coupled with fear became the name of the game. From that point on, Bliss was blown a farewell kiss, as life would never be the same.

It becomes a disappointing outcome. When one spends a lifetime believing & having faith in deep rooted lies, they can’t overcome.

The irony and conundrum of it all, is that a loving God paved the way out of this ancient humdrum and mortal fall.

A rebirth and a cleanse, into a new body, heart and soul. A way to shed the serpents skin in its hole.

A light at the end of a dark tunnel and a way out of the bondage to Hades or Sheol.

Thief in the Night

God almighty wants to save all good and worthy men. He wants to do as much of it as he can, by the time he counts to ten.

The only thing he needs from us, is to get on his bus, and agree with the truth of his heaven, without making a fuss.

Because in the end, It’s “Jesus Christ or Bust”. Utilizing free will, to choose between truth and what’s false, is a must.

In Paradise, there is no dust, nothing will rust. Death and decay, are of the past. This time, for peace, and fairness to last.

Jesus returns, like a thief in the night. He wins the fight and his promise will be kept. To restore what is right, as naysayers pleaded & wept.

Giant Bible Screen

God does not forgive the dead. For they too, are sin chained to Adam & Eve’s choice, to dance and prance with the Devil instead.

Once the naysayers cross over that bridge. God’s rules are brought up on a giant bible screen, a reminder for those in denial, for it to be reread.

A fallen soul can only be forgiven when they are alive. If they’re not redeemed & cleansed, how can their stained soul, into a saviors paradise ever arrive.

God says, first have faith in my word, to cleanse your soul & from life’s peril heal. So that I can furnish proof, you will no longer need, to prove that I am real.

My Dear Brother

Do not go down with the forsaken shipwreck of Lucifer to hell town, Oh my dear brother.

Get on the raft of God and goodness that keeps the faithful afloat, like no other.

It’s a gift and a promise by God, the creator of all that is faithfully honored & kept.

Ever since the time, when Jesus Christ absorbed the entire sin of man, while the wicked dragon wept.

Don’t become among the millions of Satanic fools. Our Lord and no other, sets all of his creation rules.


Hatred is expensive, yet Love is always free, isn’t that what is so ambiguous about this life’s irony.

Two main Characters. Both at Play, one called Light & the other Dark. God’s immense love, never needs an ignition spark.

The Love of Jesus always hits its mark. Just as the lies of Satan, show us, where to park.

In the parking lot of lost souls, who never bothered to fear God enough, to save themselves from Satan’s hot coals.

Fallen Human Race

Did the soul of a mortal need to be saved from the way it once behaved ? Once asked a righteous inquisitive man.

Unless you’re already residing in heaven’s perfection, I said. That must have been the good Lord’s plan.

This place is certainly no paradise. Not with it’s cold cheating and lying poured on ice.

Stealing and killing, like it was some kind of divine sacrifice.

Not with all the sudden mayhem and occasional upheaval.

Those things are works rooted in ancient darkness and evil.

How difficult is that to see. That this world wasn’t really created robotic-ally.

It was given free will from the very start. Made this way, perhaps for a later change of heart.

Made with loyalty and trust as its test. Made to filter out bondage to the fall, to elect Faith’s best.

Jesus Christ came to open the doors of God’s mercy & saving grace.

To give everyone the chance to save themselves from the forlorn outcome of a fallen human race.

Formidable Adversary

Hell on the Earth is about to give birth. Satan’s world is reaching its revelation peak.

Soon it will be inherited by Almighty God, his son, and the Bible’s inherited meek.

When Jesus Christ, this fallen world’s Messiah makes his second and final return.

To lift the righteous out of a day of reckoning, for a soul cleansing purification earn.

That’s when the the biggest tables, up in the multi heavens will finally turn.

What goes up must come down. Everybody gets paid, for having to righteously learn.

From a righteous God or an Evil clown. His formidable adversary, to forever burn.

Spill the Beans

I’ve had enough of this worlds incessant greed indeed. A fish tank in which the sharks could feed.

I’ve had enough of the BS & fluff. Starting with all the pawnshops that want to steal my stuff.

Enough of the desperation of every evil fool, seeking attention, from having to get rough.

Enough of the haughty & prideful danger escalating into anger, and how it likes to huff & puff.

Enough of everyone trying to play tough. I’m ready to spill the beans, while I’m off the cuff.

Jesus Christ is Lord, whether you agree or disagree, he comes forth through the highest decree.

Jesus Christ is Lord incarnate, whether you like it or prefer to debate.

He’s the Alpha and the Omega, the one to save you from the folly you were taught.

From the lies, your great ancestors might have already bought.

From the poisoned fish they might have caught.

Jesus Christ is Lord, and his offer of redemption is so simple, anybody and everybody can afford.

Jesus Christ loves everyone. Though he is rejected, he will come to your aid on an urgent prayer’s whim !

When you call out for a save & a rescue in his holy name, there will be no way to lose this diabolical game.

The victory will be yours, as well as ours to shore. You’ll see this, once closed doors begin to open up more.

You’ll feel the greatest kind of love there is to know and adore. That none should foolishly mock or daftly ignore.

1000% Percent

Jesus Christ wasn’t at all an ordinary man. How to get ahead of everyone else was never his agenda or plan.

For a position of social power, status and affluence, he never ran. Enforcing his beliefs on others wasn’t how his ministry began.

Instead he would display, in a most humble way, divine authority from God and great supernatural power.

More like a single fragrant living Rose, among prickly hurtful thorns, than a sleepy sunflower.

One who could gracefully turn a long minute of truth into a short sermon wisdom hour.

He performed many miraculous feats of wonder. Told us, that we could be saved, from a daft blunder.

When he was crucified for absolutely nothing. Blue skies darkened, with stormy grey thunder.

Then he quietly rose into the clouds above. Taking his healed flesh and bone, yet leaving behind his love.

Only to return to the Earth, once more. To seal our truth in the hearts of believers, with a double sure.

To let the rest of us know, for a rescue as oppose to a show, that he was truly divine and one thousand percent pure.

More Than a Few Cats

Had Jesus Christ not paid the ugly price for our mercy, grace and redemption.

We’d all end up in Dante’s inferno. for our initial slack on loyalty, trust and attention.

Except God had dug more than a few cool cats, roaming among all the sinners and dirty rats.

The good ones on the bench, were to be saved in the buzzum of his affections.

Cool Cats like Abel, Noah & Abraham. Enoch, Moses & the apostle Paul.

And all the other apostles & saints who followed his divine truth on call.

Amidst many others of the faithful brothers to walk the walk, eventually to run with the ball.

People who desired communion and community, with their Sovereign God of creation eternity.

All God had, was one obedience request. Be it first in the garden of Eden, or later on at Christ’s behest.

To believe, through the shed blood of his Son, in the word. Once you’ve been introduced to Jesus truth, and you’ve plenty heard.

Sin Genome

Death & Decay. The one problem, we Earth brainiacs, are not able to explain or solve.

A last wish in life one could possibly make, would be from dying to somehow escape, or evolve.

Or, perhaps feel that our one life was lived, and when we died nothing else unclaimed by vultures remained.

What our Schools and the academic science fools thought they hath thoroughly and rightfully explained.

Absolute Truth is, a soul energy always remains. Either free from bondage, or bound in its life’s invisible chains.

Either, to be assured a salvation save and a rescue, from the way Adam & his Eve hath once behaved.

Or, sadly dammed from head to toe for, while growing in sin, from a forbidden fruit, they once hath craved.

That’s just how it all played out. How the big cookie in the sky crumbled. Free will to choose, who had the most in clout.

So we chose instead to be among the dead. To believe in the master of lies. The one to shut our eyes. The one who comes in many a disguise.

And since that was not the best possible outcome for humanity. Our creator God had to crucify Jesus, to fix its insanity.

To pay the blanket debt in its entirety. From A to Z with divine higher type of Piety.

To once again wipe the slate clean. By giving us a second chance from the sin genome, to wean.


They say that God loves us all. Both before and after the mortal fall. Adam’s test of loyalty and trust, through a forbidden fruit, had to be made on call.

Curiosity killed the cat, when Eve put the trust of the adversary of God under her own hat, instead of trusting the creator’s word, which promise hath begat.

A free will choice was given and a freedom choice was made. Mankind couldn’t be trusted with a set of keys to heaven, for failing to make the initial grade.

Immortality bliss began to fade. As the attributes of rebellion and sin were etched into every birth and soul, as in its mortal trade. Thus its foundation was laid.