1st Anthology

Listed in none alphabetical order are the first poems I wrote when my journey into writing for “Jesus Christ” began. I have deliberately put them in the order they were written more or less, to show how it all evolved and came together over the course of two plus years time. In the beginning, I had not a clue, as to what to write, and so most of it was created from imagination more or less, until it began taking on a life of its own, almost writing itself at a fairly rapid pace. Please note that most of what you read here, is off the cuff and in first draft, thus it is always being corrected and edited. Initially I set out to write about a dozen poems, and once that was done I would stop. However that did not turn out to be the case at all, as you will discover by exploring my site. Each Anthology page is approx.. six months worth of work. Thank you for visiting and God Bless your seeking the truth of our Lord and Savior “Jesus Christ”.


A happy life ends when you cease to have any friends.

Some of whom have passed away, with a few around the bend.

The phony ones, ready to take from the lonely ones.

For nothing in return. A kind heart, to wither and burn.

At times it seemed, the nicer I was to some.

The less sensitive, they would have to become.

Who needs a user type loser friend like that ?

Leaving one hanging upside down, much like a bat.

Who wouldn’t rather be left to themselves, all alone ?

With the latest smart gadgets like an ipad or an iphone.

But before I close this useless rant, and pitiful prose.

I wish to leave you with a sweet fragrance, of a living rose.

One to keep close by, next to your broken lonely heart.

One you won’t find, in the isles of a shopping mart.

A rose among roses over us, named “Christ Jesus”.

Who didn’t come to impress, please, or appease us.

He came as a worthy gem, for our solitary hearts.

A friend that keeps word, one that never departs.

A friend, to listen to your painful sorry soul.

Give you comfort, to live a purposeful role.

To him a friend in need, is his friend indeed.

His love, grace and compassion takes the lead.

So, if you ever need a real & true invisible friend.

As oppose to one from Earth, who just might pretend.

It is surely Jesus Christ, that I would recommend.

God Incarnate

You must believe, for it to be true. Jesus is God, son Incarnate.

Should you refuse, you might need to find some other cosmic mate.

For the short time we are given to choose a path, will suddenly end.

Could be in a decade or two, or for some, just around the bend.

So if you don’t wish to put to the test, a surprising fate.

Then sign up for the party of “Jesus”. Just don’t be too late.

Christ, delivers what he promises, without reservation.

All it takes is a request, to make you anew to resist temptation.

Do your best to disbelieve, the crafty illusions of the devil.

Devised on Que, to keep our eyes blind to every holy level.

There is just one dependable truth, in this life’s bucket of lies.

Justice for all, as one day the wicked for the verdict will rise.

The final separation of evil, from all things God hath made good.

Will be the return of “Christ” to earth, this is what we understood.

Heaven will not be earned or granted by charity, or being a good man.

But only by the love of God, and his redemption into salvation plan.

Jesus is a gift in the form of a lift to all, an eternal chance given.

To restore mankind’s soul and spirit back into a relationship, risen.

In this case, for the adversary of God, a third round is no charm.

Don’t wait for the second coming to agree. It might do you some harm.

As long as you’re alive, do your best not to brush this truth aside.

For all God ever asked of you, was in his son’s election to abide.

You might curiously ask yourself.  Why does God’s need such a plan ? 

To be born of a virgin woman, to save the ill race and soul of man.

Because God might casually say. “My ways are fair, wise and just.

And answering the devil, by my rules had to be a crucial must”.

And so, this is what it takes to get his children back to Eden.

A sacrificial lamb on the cross, for everyone to believe in.


What kind of skewed and fear driven world must we live in ? Where evil strikes at a moments notice, by the shadow of a psycho villain.

Lunatics on the fringe with much hatred in their hearts. Ready, willing and able to randomly throw Satan’s bulls eye darts.

Murder by hate, to kill a mate for a lousy buck or two. With hardly any remorse, until the handcuffs come through.

We make with pride and chagrin, weapons of sin and guns for sport. To snuff out a life, before to its time to abort.

We con, steal and cheat from each other, like nobody knows. Flipping the ones who were once friends, into foes.

We talk the talk but don’t necessarily walk the walk, Turning our hypocritical hearts into a stone cold rock.

We work hard to make big buildings and grand libraries. To pass on a good life to our kids, not to depend on tooth fairies.

Our cities are made up of tall towers and shiny glass. While our homeless get to sift through the garbage mass.

But either way, some of our kids will choose to go astray. Only to end up behind bars of law, with heavy dues to pay.

No matter what we did or do, to keep them living straight. To steer them clear of bad choices that lead to a sorry fate.

But then, again. We threaten each other’s countries with rumors of war. Offering the young and impressionable, safety no more.

We build with confidence, smart rockets with deadly bombs. Putting yet more worry and fear in the hearts of our moms.

We can drop from the safety of our skies, W.M.D’s. To burn two big cities, with little care and much ease.

We are an ignorant species that either, chooses God’s way. Or we succumb to Satan’s many lies on a bad day.

For this is a burdened world of fines, penalties and tolls. With a fair king and a prince of darkness, playing their roles.

Our king is named “Yashuah” and the dark prince everyone knows. Here to gather all he can in confused and lost souls.

The ace of hearts in a deck of cards who’s name is “Christ Jesus”. And a prince of evil with magic tricks and potions, to appease us.

In this world of ours, there are just a couple of ways to go. A life with Jesus Christ, or Hell bound with his foe.

There really is nothing much else in between. Except perhaps, for a waiting lounge and plenty of time to protest and wean.

You could stay on the fence for the time being, all you can. But eventually, it will shake you down into a particular plan.

Some will cheerfully say, anything you believe, is true. If that is your chosen fate then this rhyme was written or you.

For all believers in the religions of this new age. Won’t find it easy to turn over wisdom, from a bible’s page.

If creation was simply the work of a random shaper. Then a blast in a print shop should produce a newspaper.

Don’t be blind to the God of love, a one of a kind. Only a fool will go his way, much like a mule with a stubborn mind.

Pick Your God

The way of God is one, however tricks of Satan, are much.

Many a deity choice, with just one to deliver repentance as such.

Pick your God with unlocked thought. Those who perish unsaved.

Will regret to find a flip side reality, of what they had bought.

I cannot put it any other way, to knock sense into your plan.

To see you, smiling in heaven, happy to have picked the right man.

Jesus came straight from God. To wash away man’s sinful stupidity.

To replace the devil’s fraud and discord, with his serendipity.

In the very beginning, and early days of this gifted miracle.

Believers in Jesus Christ were called “The people of the way”.

For no other reason than knowing, the truth of our broken world.

Through its diabolical treason and into its invisible fray.

Dreams and Fantasies

I’m on a special diet of dreams and fantasies. Little did I get from life except for a few good laughs with a long list of anxieties. 

No place, to be left alone. No friends to call my smart phone. Just solicitors and collectors, harassing poverty stricken defectors. 

I get to talk with Siri, but she makes me leery. She says she loves me, but then again she says it to all the men, except for uncle Ben.

All I wanted from her was some kindness and loyal service instead of her semi intelligent artificial answers, to make me nervous. 

These days I have not even a friend, as some have died. Others moved away, promising to return someday, then the world changed, as their visas got denied. 

Or some suddenly decided to kick me to the curb, while others who were once like brothers put up a door sign that read : “Please Do Not Disturb”.

I live on a diet of fantasy and dreams, to go on living in this selfie, twisted world, as absurd as it seems.

Until one sunny day when I die for the 2nd time, to end this life of countless riddles for the truth of my rhyme. 

When the best day of my life finally comes around, to meet my lord and savior Jesus Christ, on the same ground.

For promised bliss in his paradise. Where blessings are abound and perhaps some good old friends will be found. 


A Holy book that’s sweet in the front and bitter in the back.

Is somewhat of a dichotomy, and a call to attack.

For to pray twelve times a day and prostrate to the ground. 

Hoping for some of God’s grace and mercy to be found.

Might be a faith, not worth believing in, with shut eyes blind.

For in such a book, there cannot be assurance of any kind.

How can such a book of contradictions be called “Holy” ?

Commanding its followers to kill unbelievers by means, lowly.

Strapping massive deadly bombs, to the faithful’s waist,

To send their sorry soul to a fiery hell to roast & baste.

While the cowardly lieutenant shouts from the rooftop.

Our God is greater, as the suicide bomber goes pop.

Who’s God are they really talking about, as angrily as they shout.

“Agent Storm” was a white boy, European die hard supporter.

Eventually to see truth, and switch back to brick and mortar.

Such a holy book, I’m afraid is a contradiction and a lie.

Its unholy call to hatred and violence, unworthy of a try.

Christianity is not a white mans religion, as “Graham” used to say.

Jesus Christ for all of humanity’s creeds & colors came to pay.

Came to pay for the sins of the first man, “Adam” and his Eve.

Ousted from the “Garden of Eden” for a fallen race to conceive.

When they decided, to believe, obey and follow a cunning snake.

To eat of the forbidden fruit from the only tree at stake.

Disobeying almighty God, who warned them of this fate.

Of a life, of suffering and sin outside of heavens gate.

The same story of the fall is written in both books.

One was a given, yet the other was for foolery and hooks.

Truth needs to stay pure to be true, but truth mixed with lies

Is surely a pathway to sorrow and regret, via blinded eyes.

We Would Never Miss

Gone forever, are the days of our eternal bliss. As we sealed our new age fate with a daft & deadly kiss.

Said, the first “Adam” to his beloved “Eve”. A future son named “Abel”, will be born for us, to bereave.

There is nothing more here, for us to miss. As the wise and cunning serpent would tempt us, into an abyss.

As he said, with charm, his intended harm, Eat from this fruit, and like a God, on this day you too, shall suit.

It must have been an ancient battle, fought behind the eye’s. As the adversary began to spread his sugar lies.

For a non-fiction story, of a sinister plan. Made to deceive & destroy the soul and spirit of man.

With much vengeance, and a rebellious notion. Through trickery and deceit, and a little magic potion.

Collecting lost souls, to be put on his scale. For the Lord’s promised day, when justice will prevail.

And through it all, we still continue to bobble and wonder. If any of it is true, as we continue to ponder.

Is the history of this world, and its fate already written. To be played out in the heavens, for me and you.

Are we, unscripted actors on a stage, playing our parts. From what began, in our young & willing naive hearts.

Or perhaps from an Almighty God, a self driven race. Just as described in the pages of the Holy Bible, making its case.

Are we merely a fallen creature of a merciful God. Who disobeyed, to be thrown out of Eden, into a life to fade.

Hoping to ascend, to the light of God and his bliss. The bliss we were told by the serpent, we would never miss.

Came Through

If I only knew then, what I know now. I wouldn’t have wasted so much time trying to learn how.

Wisdom comes from living on Earth’s hard experience. In a fallen world with much good and evil to teach.

In a perfect world, everyone is safe and sound. Without any need for protection, or much security to reach.

However, this is a world were experience for itself speaks. Above the clouds of gloom, and over its snowy peaks.

My experience says to me, that God is alive and well. He loves humankind dearly, as far as I can tell.

For I urgently asked Jesus Christ, one sad day. To save my father from a certain deathbed, were he lay.

After having argued with Christians my whole life. Saying how God never really had a son, nor did he have a wife.

As, I was taught as a little boy in school. In between the two ancient rivers. Much like any other prideful fool.

But when Jesus came through. Raising my father from death anew. I began to think, maybe the story of Jesus was true.

The only possible truth had to be, after all. That man’s rebellion toward God, had to be his ultimate fall.

With Jesus Christ, all the stories fit tightly together. Like a jigsaw puzzle on some curious endeavor.

For after much considerable reflection & thought. It was no longer a mystery. To want to know more, and be taught.


Black or white. Olive, yellow, red or browned.

These are some of the colors of this fallen race I found.

A world of mixed peoples of many, shades, colors and creeds.

Shouldn’t we be more like brothers, with such similar needs.

If only we could come together, on a non-superficial level .

We wouldn’t be divided by wars & fears, inspired by the devil.

Divide and conquer, “Winston Churchill” once casually said.

As the British conquered the world by that very concept in red.

For the clever devil on Earth, also plays such a diabolical game.

To conquer the souls of the confused and divided, just the same.

The one to unify us all, is none other than “Jesus Christ” Superstar.

The crucified & risen son of God arrived. To equalize & raise the bar.

Give him a cry out, and you will see. What a miracle in you, he will be.

Nothing to lose and everything to gain. For shedding life’s inner pain.

For, even if he was a mere prophet, or a phony clever imposter.

Then my faith in him, has only left nothing but love to foster.

What if, he truly is the Lord of Lords in the heavens above, the same. ?

What a great loss to have earned for yourself, by rejecting his name.

So, don’t take any of this in vain. The words I speak, come from above.

This sort of Godly wisdom from the apex, is never mine to claim.


I wake up every morning, with a cup of Joe and the tube’s daily news.

To hear about mayhem going on, by different channels with similar views.

And I think to myself. What a wonderful world this must be.

To be safe and sound in my tower sanctuary, way above the ground.

Street life below is way too mean and cold for my kind of show.

With heat around the corner when cards begin to fold, should you know.

Like fools, we play dangerously with our lives through risky ties.

Not necessarily reading in between, all the cunning and wicked lies.

True wisdom only comes around, from hard knock experience though.

If you haven’t gone through it.  You probably wouldn’t know.

You are alive and well one day and the next, you can be gone.

This is how unstable of a base, our walking feet are on.

We try our best, to take it all in. One day at a time.

Trying to make sense of it without much of a riddle, yet plenty a rhyme.

Then after all our hard experience, trials and tribulation.

We all come to a dark place, of dead end anxiety & frustration.

A place where a simple, meaningless unworthy explanation.

No longer satisfies the hunger for surrender and resignation.

So then, we take a good hard look, at all of our godly choices.

On a news panel of charming anchors, with their opinionated voices.

Each claiming to be, the one and only. Yet none other than

“Jesus Christ” will come through, and then some for the lonely.

Try it out for measure, when in need, for then you’ll clearly see.

A living truth, to the proof you seek for yourself, not from me.

Once you feel the true love and grace of Christ in your heart.

You cannot deny hitting Bull’s Eye, with your cupid’s truth dart.

For the love and grace of Jesus is very much real and true.

And his offer of mercy was made specially to save me and you.

Save us from the turmoil of life’s sudden time, to fail & fall.

The day of such reckoning will arrive, with every death on call.

There’s no force on anyone to believe. So cry not for mercy to bereave.

When the Lords word and Promise’s from above, you begin to receive.

For then, God will say. I gave you chances to see my truth at bay.

The Bible was not written as some joke, to fondle anyone’s yolk,

It’s the truth of the world, as the wheel, not just the spoke.

So if you have it all figured out. Think again with your heart.

And by faith, ask Jesus Christ to fill it with grace, as a start.

The knowledge of Good & Evil we chose, did come from a tree.

For the devil to tempt us into seeing it all, like a God to be.

We decided to satisfy curiosity, so from the forbidden tree we ate.

As we partook into a serpent’s deceitful and manipulating bait.

There can only be one true God, for all of us on Earth the same.

And I’m afraid “Jesus Christ” is the one and only truth, by name.

Without a Doubt

She was born in Shanty town. By the time she was thirteen.

Her face would show scars of a permanent pasted frown.

Her poverty stricken father, had sold her into early prostitution.

For a few dollars and some chump change for restitution.

Her little brother, would toil away for his evil stepmother.

As she would sneak out of the house, to be with some other lover.

The father became a full time family escapee and a certified drunk.

Selling his contraband of moonshine and Cuban’s, out of his trunk.

He had been visited by his loyal kids, many times in jail.

But kept on a life of sinning, when he afforded to post bail.

All he ever knew, was the evil ways, he had learned to do.

Hurt someone else for personal gain, or never stand in a cue.

After some time, like everyone else, he got old and frail.

Mostly lived a life of crime and abuse, with many trips to jail.

His sorry bitter kids, old enough now to deliver a kick.

To a deadbeat father of sin, now that he was sick.

For raising them in filth and immorality the same.

Destroying their little dreams, as fast as they became.

It’s a shame how some kids unfairly inherit the ways.

Of their immature adolescent parents, unfit to raise.

Not knowing much more than frolic, numbness and sin.

Though the little kin, knew it was all wrong from within.

So when time came for them to pay the devils dues.

They prayed, for a better option from which to choose.

After all, the filthy life they’d seen, was all they knew.

They needed to know that “Jesus” came for all, not just a few.

On one sunny day, the two had enough of their fathers lip.

So, both brother and sister, decided to make the arduous trip.

Way up to the top of the mountain, were a bright light was lit.

By the calm sea, where the church of God, at its top would sit.

To ask for a blessing, and a brand new life with “Jesus Christ”.

Free from the sin and moral decay below, and into, his paradise.

Soon the kids, by the promise of truth were blessed with smiles.

In brand new clothes of worship, singing praises in colorful styles.

With their lives fully changed, by the grace of Almighty God. 

Without a set of evil parents, never to cherish again or applaud.

“Jesus Christ” promises to restore lives, without a need to hide.

But first, he must have our free will, to ultimately decide.

The choice is given to all peoples, to use their free willing mind.

Open the blinds, and let the rays of the Lord’s love through it shine.

Blessed are the ones, like the children of sin that seek him out.

Who climbed a mountain in search of mercy, by faith, without a doubt.


When the human body carries within it, a frequency of love,

it’s healing power comes from the good Lord up in Heavens above.

However, when it hosts nothing but hatred, loathing and fear.

It allows the illness and decay of a mortal’s curse to come near.

When the love of “Jesus Christ” resides inside your heart.

Your spirit’s strength will last forever, never will it depart.

When Christ occupies heart & mind. His proof will cease to be blind.

Abraham, the trusted father of our lineage, produced two nations.

One, to offer salvation & redemption, and another for lofty temptations.

From that point on, it was God Almighty’s way or his evil adversary.

A gold mine of absolute truth, less a mine alarm for a singing canary.

One God in all the glory and detail, along with a legion of devils.

With purpose and without fail, to create illusions on many levels.

Then a savior of fallen spirit, cometh from the heavens above.

To teach and preach not much else than, the way of true love.

Christ risen, is the one to clear the dust off of our dirty souls.

For us to find true purpose in this world, instead of selfish goals.

This is why we have a desperate need, to spread truth and evangelize.

What we believe is a gift from heaven, available for all to receive.

As oppose to facing the horror of Lucifer’s demise & ugly surprise.

Adam & Eve

Adam and Eve through curiosity and naivety, sinned with pride.

Not knowing they had just boarded the devils carriage and cunning ride.

Since then, their offspring would inherit the fall’s mortal sin.

Never again to be fully cherished by God, or easily be forgiven.

Then the world fell into a period of darkness and gloom.

With giants like Goliath roaming around, as unholy lords of doom.

So our Father God had decided to flood the entire earth.

To wipe out the evil that had consumed most of its turf & worth.

To give mankind a chance to be redeemed, and start over a new leaf.

From his chosen life of toiling sin, mayhem and much grief.

Then came a cleanser of spirit and soul named “John the Baptist”.

Telling everyone in the land of Judea, about the coming messiah.

The one from above, to truly save mankind from its early fall.

The fall from grace and immortality, to becoming Heaven’s pariah.

His arrival to Earth was predicted for over two thousand years.

Coming to the planet, to be crucified on a cruel roman cross.

With both Mary’s weeping at his side in crying tears.

In three days, his tomb was empty, as his body & soul had disappeared.

His disciples thought his body was stolen, they had feared.

So just like the miracle of God that he truly was.

With holes in his hands and feet, he suddenly re-appeared.

To prove once again, that he was who he claimed to be.

To give us all the choice to be finally set free.

Freedom from subscription & bondage to the unholy one.

Who casually whisper’s sinful acts into the ears of some.

Bringing to so many unsuspecting souls, much heartache and pain.

That hurts God to see, but never in vain.

Almighty “Yahweh” has already won this heavenly war.

As we get to play out the articles of our faith, to the core.

For we, are the fallen mortals stuck in linear time.

With transparent evil everywhere, and a faithful God sublime.

We are the only ones to blame, for our own paradise lost.

By accepting the devils deceitful plea at such a high cost.

And yet God answers us again with his mercy and love.

by sending his holy son, through the holy spirit of a white dove.

To cleanse our hearts and souls once and for all.

From the chosen perils and sorrows of our mortal fall.

With the blood of Jesus Christ, by his crucifixion call.

But Jesus did not die, because God could not be killed.

His mission of love and mercy, at last was to be fulfilled.

Then there are those who argue about Christians who make the news.

Ones with agenda’s of greed and rebellion in their tainted views.

Sure, crimes have been committed in the name of Christianity.

Planting doubt into the minds of those on the fence of this insanity.

By those who use the faith to hide their selfish evil horns.

To blend in the living rose of Jesus with their prickly thorns.

Those will be the ones never to be forgiven.

For their sin was made for Satan’s gain, a given.

All who indulge in deliberate evil are cast into a lake of fire.

Whilst those of faith in the lord will be lifted much higher.

It’s a promise contract of a loving God that wants purity,

and cleanliness in the hearts and souls of all mankind.

A promise to be faithfully fulfilled, and ​a passage into heaven.

By trusted faith In Jesus Christ divine you and I shall find.

Golden Rod

In between acts of good and evil performed in linear time.

Be it from a riddle of a crime, or a hoodlum rapping his rhyme.

One so visibly obvious and transparent and the other,

mystifying and ethereal yet not so easily apparent.

One running wild and amuck, while another chases an honest buck.

One running with the devil and another living on a clean level.

One with a steady mate, and another with a heart full of hate.

One that is generous and kind. Another to his consequences blind.

One who eagerly accepts an invitation by Jesus Christ.

To board the faith driven train of salvation.

While the other chose to play the field of his or her dreams.

To remain within the confines of their game at central station.

Eventually one would become a faithful pastor.

While the other learned to hustle a little faster.

Preaching to all, the good news of a fair and faithful God.

So loving and kind, but not one for us to fool and abuse.

Some decided to hold on to what they were taught, to practice and use.

And Some simply decided to hold on to what they already knew.

Without much questioning, of any of the contradictions in view.

Believers in Christ surrendered the spirit to the feel good Lord.

Giving up their ways of discord, for mercy & grace to climb aboard.

As some of the intellectually smart and selfish kept on sinning.

To indiscriminately hurt others with their pillage and plunder.

As if to wait for the day of proof as to when Jesus will come back.

With an army of angels through the clouds by a lion’s roar & thunder.

And the proof of his absolute truth will certainly come.

Sooner for the saved sisters and brothers, yet much later for some.

A day of glory for believers worldwide, to cherish and celebrate.

While naysayers and doubters, will get to face their chosen fate.

Warnings were given to all the peoples and its knowledge was shared.

To every living being on this earth, before it was spared.

No one on this planet can ever say that about Jesus Christ.

“Lord & Savior” of this broken world they never once heard.

To open their hearts and minds to the reality of God’s word.

As oppose to following a sheppard-less misdirected blind herd.

So if you think you got it all figured out.

We hope you found it through Jesus, without a doubt.

Death is the end of this one given gift of a chance.

To accept this divine truth and in the after life advance.

Do not become the stubborn mule or a prideful peacock fool.

It is a colorful place to hide but its also the devils tool.

Don’t get stuck in the adversary’s spider’s sticky web.

for unlike the ocean tide, you will cease to flow and ebb.

Every healthy tree bears good fruit.

and every bush and thistle needs to be plucked from its root.

Jesus is it, all other avenues are deliberate clever lies.

To become a fit, you must jump in and let it embrace your eyes.

Open up the dusty and stained windows to your soul.

When you become a believer, you will begin to know your role.

For God loves everyone, but not everyone loves God.

It’s your free will to choose him that becomes your golden rod.

Hey You !

Hey you, yes you. I’m talking to my soul brother.

Whether from the belly of mine or some other mother.

They say, we are all in this quagmire together.

We struggle to find truth that doesn’t blow around like a feather.

like relative truth, having a need to shift and waiver.

A truth that doesn’t act like it’s doing you a huge favor.

To leave a palette with a sweet first bitter later flavor.

Divine truth is so sacred it is surrounded by an arsenal of lies.

To keep one from opening their heart, and clearing their eyes.

So many demigods and wannabes, but none will truly provide.

An assurance policy of salvation for all their dues, to abide.

If we were a product of making love, then our lord from above.

Must be cut from the same type of cloth, thereof.

Yet, if we are made up mostly of the emotion of hate.

Then an opening is made for Satan, to dangle his bait.

Eventually, everyone will for themselves will have to see.

That the truth of Christ was made available for all & for free.

Someone said, there can only be one avenue to the apex of God.

Just like the mountain peak of “Everest” would certainly claim.

Many Sherpa have tried a different path, yet perished just the same.

God isn’t resting on some Plateau, for all to casually get to know.

like a giant sleeping golden “Buddha” adorned from head to toe.

His mission was for all to have a chance, at this cosmic romance.

Without any harsh dues to pay, at getting back into heaven someday.

A day for the faithful that is on its way, and never too far away.

As some believers will eagerly say, so don’t delay amigo. Andale !

We all have seen and know, how quickly things can turn and change.

Why leave a sure thing to a maybe, in the end game firing range.

When Jesus knocks on your heart, answer the door, and invite him in.

It’s a surefire way to cleanse your sin clean, deep from within.

God Almighty will give us many more than just the one chance.

To see his truth’s reality at hand, and confidently accept that stance.

Don’t believe in the lies of Satan, to become like so many of his fools.

With trickery to use for tangible illusion, with magic as his tools.

For they are many and wide, and come in different sizes and shapes.

Making our smartest university professors believe we came from the apes.

When you believe in false doctrine or nothing, life becomes a mystery.

Yet when you believe in Jesus, It all dissolves into its history.

So go ahead and give Jesus Christ an honest try.

Whether you’re feeling lowly in life or way up high.

Jesus Christ will come through for you, time and time again.

 Ask a believer, who will swear by his truth on paper and pen.

If Jesus Wasn’t Real

If Jesus wasn’t real then how does this mass appeal

come together with such contagious passion and zeal ?

Offering people everywhere on the planet its good news.

To hear the truth of his message, to practice and use.

It’s a sacred truth we sell without any commission.

because we see it’s proof in its daily dire mission.

If you didn’t believe that mankind without God is rotten.

Well worth by his creator and maker to be forlorn and forgotten.

Then there really was no need for a loving lord or a savior.

But let’s be honest. Man is quite culpable of sinful behavior.

You see, the love of Jesus Christ is certainly no match.

To anything out there, that Lucifer or his minions can hatch.

He does however run a production company, producing all sorts of stuff.

To keep our minds wandering and entertained through its fog enough.

For his best way to keep us confused. Is with illusions of grandeur

and made up religions of half truths and lies to be abused.

One truth is the equation coupled with much affliction.

That every man must solve to separate truth from fiction.

A truth surrounded by many well spun lies and tales.

To trip the seeker off his path to whatever untruth entails.

To keep the eyes from seeing past the seedy entertainment.

Shows put on by the workers of the adversary’s earthly ties.

So don’t be fooled by the well dressed experts and worldly wise.

Who come already schooled and prepped into thinking otherwise.

It has always been one untainted absolute bible truth for God.

Enveloped by the prince of darkness and his many lies.

Judas Iscariot

Like The apostle Peter once did. You can deny Jesus all you want.

But you only deny yourself a sure way out of a devils taunt.

It’s a choice for that type of terror, or his mercy love and grace.

To have or have not in heaven for yourself, a final resting place.

The Monopoly board of truth, has cards for both chance

and community chest.  Can you figure out the crucial rest ?

Some picks will set you back while others are like gold.

As you roll the dice of the game, to see your fate unfold.

Two choices offered. One is blind faith in a God so invisible.

The other coming anyway he can, to block, trip and dribble.

So put on your armor of faith and trust, were it belongs.

In the bosom of Gods son, to be forgiven of your wrongs.

Into God’s paradise, Jesus Christ becomes the genuine ticket.

As oppose to, a passage through the horror of his adversary’s thicket.

For a seat at the second coming, you’ll surely need a reservation.

For a majestic show of Jesus Christ arrival, to restore God’s creation.

Before it’s too late for you to make a sudden and swift change.

Once your free will grace period on Earth is well out of range.

If you still refuse to choose the love, of the one true lord.

To gather wealth for yourself and collect treasures on earth to hoard.

Just as Jesus’s once best friend, and back stabber “Judas Iscariot”.

Who sold his soul for thirty coins of silver, for a hell bound chariot.


Love is the ultimate gift of emotion.

It’s sets your beating heart and spirit into motion.

It’s the flame that came from God, who became a man.

to show his love once again, with a much better plan.

From the time we turned our backs on him and decided to sin.

To believe the lying serpent, to launch his rebellion from within.

And since then again and again we keep on the sinning.

yet in our feeble minds, we thought we were progressively winning.

Only to realize that such a win, has a short lived time stamp.

Like the temporary pleasure, that abruptly ends with a young tramp.

Winning in this life, is a test of our moral character.

Yet fate’s losing is a game of our own disobedient choosing.

For free will is given to all peoples of Earth, to pick and choose.

Between God’s mercy & grace or his adversary’s ill fate to lose.

Just like “Humpty Dumpty”, you can sit for some time on the wall.

Eventually on one side or the other, you will have to fall.

For then when all is final, said and done. Your only left choice.

Would have been with the trickster devil, or the holy one’s voice.

These two end game avenues, I’m afraid are the only couple of options.

It never was meant to be a buffet choice of, Gods open for adoption.

But it surely is a fancy smorgasbord of fraud, by many a false demigod.

Destined to abuse and fool those willing to pay such dues to rule.

We open our eyes & ears, while we get to face our darkest fears.

And simply call out to Jesus, the lord and savior of everyone’s cheers.

He is the only one to drink from the cup of our sorrowful tears.

To cleanse our spirits and soul of all of its debts in arrears.

He is the one that never ever lies, as oppose to an invisible surprise.

Who will always cry wolf, as the hidden devil lurks in disguise.

He was the one from whom death was robbed, to conquer it and rise.

Providing us with plenty of proof, for a swift decision past the lies.

After all how much more proof does your mind really need ?

To satisfy your hunger for life’s plain truth, in a mustard seed.

We preach the holy gospel to all who will persistently seek.

An answer to the mystery of life’s dilemma and its other cheek.

It’s because we love our fellow man, and want nothing more.

Than for all of you and most of them to accept world truth to soar.

So if there’s any love for God left in your aching heart.

Give it all to Christ. So that from grace, your spirit wont depart.

Loving Grace

I have been looking for Gods loving grace.

To ease my heart, into running this rat race.

His holy love will now put me in the lead.

So I can run this course at my pace and need.

His kindness and mercy lives on, in the heart.

His love is the golden key to my fresh start.

His ways of compassion, are felt and forgiving.

It paves the dirt road I was on, into a much cleaner living.

His answer was awesome, to mankind’s first and biggest blunder.

As a roaring lion claims his land, amidst a rolling thunder.

Those who, in Jesus Christ refuse to accept and believe.

Will sadly be dismayed with angst, at the outcome they receive.

So don’t let your honor, foolish pride, past guilt and shame.

Keep you held hostage, in Lucifer’s deadly sin and his wicked game.

Free yourself from the chains of history’s initial shame and guilt.

For the house of God Almighty, on love, grace and mercy was built.

Don’t fall into Hell, a sorry pit of fire, snakes, ladders and lies.

For once you do, you might make with it irreversible and eternal ties.

Don’t get sucked into the devil’s magical tricks and hypnotic trance.

Lest with “Satan” the devil, you wish to have your last dance.

Believe in “Jesus Christ” to be saved, and do yourself a huge favor.

Taste the pure nectar of his love and grace, by its sweet flavor.

Don’t be like the prideful foolish fool. As you might end up

like Pharaoh, regretting the results of his slavery rule.

Instead have an open heart for God, and a clear mind.

To a celestial discovery, well worth the risk you might find.

Man is a sinner

Man is a sinner, be he obese or much much thinner,

Check him out really well, before an invite to dinner.

Bad and heartless men everywhere have ill intentions.

Their evil ways, might give them some short extensions.

​Those are not meant to last. They are just meant to be.

A build up and a pile on, to accumulate into a much bigger blast.

But a relationship with Almighty God is a lasting one.

That doesn’t waiver, shift or drift away from the truth of his son.

It is as solid as bedrock, and can be built and depended upon.

Not just here and there or once but over and over, and on and on.

Its pretty incredible of a holy gift from up above, since we alone.

Were the daft ones to initiate and create this most unholy rift.

Unless you prefer to think, we came from planet of the apes.

What else makes plenty of nonsense on those old tapes ?

Or maybe we’re the offspring of Alien space creatures.

With big black scary eyes, and terryfying devilish features.

Or, surely we’ll go to heaven by strapping a belly bomb.

Onto someones waist, on his way to the nearest seven eleven.

What kind of unfathomable and ludicrous insanity is this ?

To do Satan’s bidding, for an adventure into hell’s abyss.

All Peoples of Earth will be judged, of all types, colors and creed.

For all their inequities, crimes and unrighteous behavior indeed.

It is all written in the Holy bible, for us to learn and study.

To avoid getting our souls and spirits lost, confused and muddy.

For life with “Jesus Christ” changes our hearts and our insides.

Into a person of confidence, gratitude and a dude that joyfully abides.

So don’t miss out on this amazing and glorious heavenly Cruise.

Only to find out much too late, all other wannabes, will lose.

We are on time borrowed, to spread the news of this worlds only savior.

like thin peanut butter on bread, without the judgmental behavior.

Your faith honey will be delivered as promised, when you are dead.

Once you have accepted this absolute truth, to be yours instead.

This battle between God and the devil has already taken place.

To save us from the fall from grace, before the end of this race.

Life can and will change in a jiffy or a flash. When so, ask Jesus

to save you in a hurry, if you got the faith, not the cash.

One God for All

There is just one God for all, yet many an imposter,

Here on earth however, we look for ones to foster.

We bring their statues and shrines into our homes.

To make them objects of our worship under our brainy domes.

We pray a ritual or two of assurance, to feel holy and sure.

From a heart that’s pure.  Perhaps, to feel a little more secure.

We burned the sandalwood incense and diligently prayed.

While at Vishnu’s feet, the best of the days fruits we laid.

For humans are apparently so weak to the desires of the flesh,

they’ve got to own God, whether in Mumbai, Timbuktu, or Marrakesh.

These are the idols, used by none other than the devil.

To conquer our hearts into submission onto his thinking level.

These are the tools of his bondage and how he ties our mortal hands.

Across the big blue globe and onto all of its distant lands.

A lifetime of works and faithful devotion to a false demigod.

Offering nothing but self gratis and a dreamers notion of fraud.

Out of all our choice deities, only one can possibly be true.

As the rest must be lies, to obstruct truth absolute from you.

Lies made up by Satan, a crafty and formidable adversary.

His other name is Lucifer, and he was heaven’s fallen emissary.

One basis to reason for his truth & one alone. To conquer the one

who hurts for pleasure, out of his disdain for mortal flesh & bone.

He is none other than the promised Messiah and Savior “Jesus Christ”.

The one to deliver mercy and grace in person, that will suffice.

Grace, that clearly speaks the language of compassion and love.

From the truest God, and no other in the highest heaven above.

His almighty name is “Yahweh”. He sits at the apex of all creation.

To know him is to know the meaning of pure bliss & divine elation.

How lucky are we, to be the offspring of a loving & merciful God.

Offering us a sure ticket to his paradise for free.

Without an appetite for cruelty or a sentence to slavery.

Simply for believing in what’s true, for a copy of Eden’s key.

Pleasures & pain

Life is a series of pleasures and pain.

Some days are sunny and others bring rain.

These are metaphors for the ups and downs.

Of life’s abundant smiles and its many frowns.

As we all play the field of possibilities and dreams.

By this & that, with bling and all that glitters it seems.

And then we come around the bend a little later on, to find.

There are multiple Gods of many sorts, sizes, shapes and kind.

It is absolutely impossible to love and serve two masters.

This was the last true message of the Church pastors.

This world offers its temptations through the weakness of the flesh.

A jolly good old time, with lust and frolic that needs to be fresh.

These are known to be Carnal & Natural pleasures from our desires.

That end up becoming short lived, only to help ignite more fires.

They might make one feel good and special, for the short moment.

Only to end up in misunderstanding, and a future need for atonement.

God continuously provides for all worthy desires of our soul.

Ones like true love, harmony & grace for all to fathom, is his role.

He has a desire for clean and lasting relationships that grow.

As oppose to having to keep repeating the same old show.

Jesus Christ offers us his mercy and grace, wrapped up in a gift basket.

To know the spirit lives on, as our flesh will end up in a casket.

One God & Son, yet so many a demigod, a fake or a want to be.

It is after all Satan’s elaborate plan, credo and ultimate plea.

Just think a little, to see the link between evil human acts

and the wicked devil, to realize his ship will eventually sink.

It’s like being on the unsinkable “Titanic” as the ground they

stood on quickly disappeared into frigid water & a frenzied panic.

“Jesus Christ”, Savior of the world, is the raft, so get on his boat.

It will be your only chance in a frozen sea of sorrows to stay afloat.

We are all on this sinking ship. Just watch the daily news and give

Bible revelation an occasional glance to reveal its tip.

Save me from what ?

Save me from what ? You might ask.

A shot or two from the devil’s flask.

Our Lord & savior “Jesus Christ”.

Doesn’t really have to save your soul.

He only will do so if you sincerely

ask him to play that particular role.

You see pilgrim, he has much respect.

for your dignity and right to free will.

He will never impose himself upon you.

Or send for you in the mail some fat bill.

So if you sincerely want “Truth” to know.

Dig deep down inside to find who “Jesus” really is ?

Just ask him sincerely to come in and occupy your heart.

Without having to take some academic multiple choice quiz.

He will dazzle your life with unbound miracles, to amaze you.

He will Knock your socks off like a wiz.

So whether you’re down on your luck, or hitting rock bottom.

Or maybe lucky enough to be on some temporary ivory tower.

Ask Jesus to show you the truth of his glory, grace and power.

Ask him to nourish your soul, to blossom into a sunflower.

Just as you ask in earnest, you will surely begin to receive

what he promised. After all, he is the one that doesn’t deceive.

The Holy Bible

The holy Bible you can trust. It’s message is nothing but truth, as gold never turns to rust.

The book is a must read for those seeking truth and wisdom from faith as little as a mustard seed.

It’s a book of stories, of the greatest man to ever live. A man that did nothing else, but of himself give.

It comes alive into your beehive, to sweeten life with its honey and make your heart shine sunny.

It’s the real deal. It’s a heavenly meal. It’s made out of faith and trust with a warm feel.

It will never let you down. It wipes away your frown and brings about a new man into town.

It lifts you up into clouds of faith to trust, for the good lords mercy and wisdom are made to be just.

Because in the end of it all, you will see for yourself all along, that it was truly Jesus Christ or bust.

So don’t be blind to a holy offering by the son of man, of a gift so kind packaged up in a salvation plan.

It’s a gift well worth receiving, and you hopefully will appreciate those who in you, kept on believing.

Over here, there is no commission to be earned. For the truth of Jesus we wish you had simply yearned.

And not until we took a leap of faith ourselves, did we see the proof before our eyes, as we came to be.

Just the simple joy to see all of you, up in the heavens someday with others that believe and me.

Were there’s no rat race to flee, but a bounty full of love and grace for all in the faith to be free.

Come into Gods Graceland for ever. The alternative is not a place you would have ever wished for .

For if your name isn’t written in the book of life it becomes a steep fee and one to abhor.


Truth is like pure amber honey.

It cannot be bought with a whole lot of money.

It’s the golden key to real felt bliss.

It’s security and faith is sealed with a loving kiss.

Absolute Truth needs to be sought after.

For it does not impose itself with devilish laughter.

When it is discovered, in a filthy barrel of lies.

It will capture your soul, and open a set of blinded eyes.

If you were to casually assume that the fall of mankind.

From God’s grace and the garden of Eden was true.

The rest of the stories come together to make perfect sense to you.

Every jigsaw puzzle begging to be solved.

Needs to start in one of its corners or another.

If you start out in the middle.

It won’t have much direction, one way or the other.

Every equation has to start with an assumption.

In order to reach its solution, proving its value and function.

When a choice for too many Gods on Earth exists.

One must choose truth, and the rest they must resist.

You might ask, which one of them shall I choose ?

Should I stick with my birth religion, even if it were to lose.

Some will confidently say, heritage is our only way.

And within it, be it for honor or shame, we must stay.

Just remember one thing pilgrim, if anything at all.

That out of all available gods, only one will stand tall.

The rest are forms of his adversary’s created illusions.

Illusions of grandeur, from UFO’s to the tooth fairy.

Oasis mirages and fabulous tales, leading to loss and confusion.

For a steady departure from a “Jesus Christ” as a conclusion.

The truth of Jesus Christ, is the devils primary plan.

To block and shield you from it, anyway he possibly can.

If you seek a merciful and loving God, then Jesus is your man.

Every other God wannabe will burden you with lies on demand.

Oh ye naysayers, leave not your name in the book of fools.

Through the wicked tricks of the devil and his many tools.


Hey there old man, I got a question for you with an answer at hand.

When you eventually die, don’t you want to go to heaven ?.

Haven’t you had enough of this rugged life’s painful plan ?

Slow, decaying and frail, living alone without much help.

Except for maybe Apple’s Siri, Google, Yahoo or Yelp.

No survival plan for an afterlife, it should be getting tough.

How much more can your stretched soul handle of earth’s

fully disclosed revelation ride, so blatant, rude and rough.

And If you thought for a minute, this is as bad as it gets.

Think again and again, and maybe just one more time pilgrim.

Because its about to get much worse than this simple rhyme.

If we could only find a way to eavesdrop on Satan’s fiery hell.

To hear the screams of all the damned souls who into its pit fell.

Perhaps only then, you will get it, like some of the wiser men.

As one can choose to be blind to proof, outside of a locked mind.

And even though the milk of a cow, has always been white.

Some will look you square in the eye, just to pridefully deny.

Saying “No it’s black” Just for arguments sake, and to be be right.

And so, the struggle goes on & on between the powers of good and evil.

In the hearts and souls of mankind for a ticket to paradise with Christ.

Or a stay behind in its fray, and promised tribulation upheaval.

Just as it’s clearly written in the Holy Bible of God’s truth.

The way to reach our heavenly father is through his chosen son.

Jesus risen. A Man/God, not once in his life uncool or uncouth. ​


Life is grand and beautiful when you’re at the top. Too slim of a chance of a slip or a financial flop.

Keep on chasing the almighty dollar and hope that your inflatable balloon never goes pop. ​

Money can be good when it is used for goodness and kindness and to spread the love of God up above.

The Bakers, Jim and Tammy raked in much of the green stuff but sadly, were the greediest of takers.

The day will eventually come, hopefully a little later, maybe sooner for some when we all get to die.

And all the cool cash you worked so hard to hide and stash, won’t another minute of this earth buy.

So put a little love back into your precious heart, as the love for gold and silver will split it apart.

Pay it forward and give something to the needy, without being their judgmental or too greedy.

The lesson here on planet earth, is to learn without much of a return, how from the bottom of your heart to give.

When you do as such, you will earn love credits in the central bank of your collective soul, to happily live.

Feed your family & your best friends first, then find a homeless man on the street and quench his thirst.

To truly know the value of the show is in kindness, because all else might lead to selfie driven spiritual blindness.

This is what my father God tells me to write. For I had no writing ability before this gift of clarity & light.

Here was a man named “Jesus”, said he was from God. Came to teach us much about this cosmic fight and its fraud.

He came fully knowing the penalty of his cross, yet he took it like sinless Jesus did, to fix mankind’s loss.

Pridefully Blind

You’re a good man, a decent & an honest man.

Not a thug or a hoodlum by any means or some kind of charlatan.

You work hard every day to provide for your family.

You like fairness and have a desperate need for awareness.

You were born into a faith you didn’t know you could trust.

For some sort of guarantee of salvation had to be a must.

But you came from a culture system of honor and shame.

Pride so wide, like a wall of flame to keep you locked in its game.

Gods vain adversary “Satan”, the clever one, also known as the devil.

Will create beliefs systems and religions on many a superficial level.

To sway from God”s truth as many a human soul as he can.

Until their chance of salvation into heaven, becomes a denial plan.

Turn to Jesus before it’s late. For denying him is a devil’s fate.

Chosen for us, by our ancestors, Adam and Eve as of late.

There’s no way except through the father. Said, the son of Mary.

A sinless man of miracles, born from the womb of a virgin, not a fairy.

What will it take for the good Lord to get your attention.

Would you believe it, had you been there to witness his ascension.

Don’t let the honor and shame game along with its peacock pride.

Keep you from going to Christ’s heaven and in your God to abide.

These are some of the best tools on Satan’s diabolical tray.

For all the lost souls he plans to put on his scale to weigh.

To keep the head in a haze, and hearts and minds out of phase.

Don’t be the devils fool. We alone chose him over God.

Allowing his wicked ways into our lives to command and rule.

Kane killed Abel out of envy, hatred and jealousy.

And since then, the killing goes on & on, with much chaos and heresy.

It’s certainly no crime to change your mind, to find the holy grail.

Instead of believing in lies, pridefully blind for an afterlife fail.

Prison Life

Prison lockup is a horrible place to be, that houses many a sinner.

Everyone is on high stress edge, from breakfast until dinner.

No one trusts anyone, as everyone Is looking out for number one.

If you have no protection, you might become someone else’s fun.

It’s the sinners and lost souls Grand Central Station.

A last stop on the hell bound train to eternal loss & degradation.

From its cold bars of steel, straight into the devils cartwheel.

A runaway train on its way to Gehenna, into the fire pits of “Hades”.

Carrying the forsaken, be they evil men or wicked ladies.

No, no, they’ll cry in perpetual agony over and over, forlorn.

Please give us another chance to become new again and reborn.

I promise you lord, I will never again produce any of that filthy porn.

Wake me up from this horrible dream. Shake this Demon off of me clean.

How could I possibly know of you, when I grew up in the ghetto.

Spare me please, from these awful and horrid demonic creature’s.

Save me from Dante’s inferno and all of its scary features,

And then he replied saying. I’m sorry pilgrim, but I’m not your God.

Neither am I the one you put your faith into, to be your golden rod.

Satan, the fallen one from heaven, is who you have chosen to follow.

Instead of my son Jesus, the risen rose, the one you could have chose.

Choosing to live your life the way of the devil, only to be hollow.

Aa we all behaved in ways that weren’t fair to others on any level.

Many times we were told and told about God’s son, who from death rose.

Time and time again, we mocked him to laugh it off, to snub our nose.

So please don’t complain about the hellfire of your own choosing.

Everyone on Earth was warned of the fate of Adam’s lineage losing.

We put ourselves in this place, by believing the devil over God.

Where there are plenty of temptations for the flesh into his fraud.

Don’t let the Jesus train of redemption and salvation pass you by.

For the irreversible regrets of condemnation and sorrow on the fly.

Properly Evangelize​

I had a birthday toast for a sweet and adorable friend on the far end of the coast, her name was Alice.

From long ago back when we were young, looking to drink from the vine of her bosom from a golden chalice.

I would tell her about stories of “Jesus”. From the buried sands of time in a desert that buries its secrets sublime.

It all happened far away and long ago in a distant land but Alice seemed to have some other kind of spiritual plan.

Unfortunately, Alice had an older brother from the same type of mother who was a self righteous Christian.

He had shamefully treated his sister Alice with much judgmental-ism, hatred and unnecessary malice.

And so she judged away Christianity, by the bigoted act of her ill brother’s self righteous insanity.

Just like so many other people easily do without any consideration or much respect, a due.

This is also a true story with a date. When my younger brother was attending Oregon State.

He met a fellow Christian who would instantly judge him to hell to declare his fate.

He said to him, and I quote “You’re going to hell my Muslim friend”. You need to convert to Christianity.

So my brother also judged away Christ by the ill words of another person’s judgmental-ism and superfluous vanity.

This is no way to evangelize. This does more damage than some people seem to realize. It’s the devil in disguise.

Let God Almighty be the Judge of all. Do not take his place to pass judgment on others to decide their fate on call.

Judgmental-ism and condemnation from a believing mortal being keeps the unbeliever from believing.

One must try to properly evangelize according to the love in their heart and deep compassion for anothers spiritual rise.

After all is said and done. Jesus alone will be the one and only savior of mankind’s fall from grace, bar none.

Christ is a gift that keeps on giving. For all the people on Earth to be saved, to live a righteous living.

So, if you ever decide to evangelize. Put the love of Jesus first. Ahead of your own, to quench their spiritual thirst.

Be the role model of love and compassion that Jesus was. For that is what rebirth into redemption does.

Show them a loving and kind way to paradise, instead of a judgmental remark of condemnation that doesn’t suffice.

Psychological Tools

Pride, prejudice, vanity and arrogance are attributes of the devil “Satan” and how he chooses to dance.

​Dance on top of the souls of those sailing on his ship of fools, along with the Pirates of Repentance.

These are some of Satan’s best psychological tools. Used to gather all the souls of unbelieving and arrogant stubborn mules.

To keep one too many blind to the truth of almighty Yahweh. The one true living God. Our path to redemption, our golden rod.

As we all begin to think about what’s being said before we judge it into oblivion on our way to a deathbed.

Hopefully never to realize that we were wrong all along, and the bang of hell’s gong was for us instead.

State of Fate

It’s the grand giveaway. It’s a point in life or two or more. When you get to give it all away, or store for a later time to admire & adore.

Everything you worked so hard for, every time you hit it big on a score, loved and cherished an object or two to own, forever more.

For all of what we hoard, will someday go away in a day or two at a yard or a rummage sale and sometimes at the goodwill store.

That is when the professional scavengers line up in droves, looking for treasures to pounce on that nobody else knows.

Looking for the biggest cheese to seize, or the best score at the thrift store. And the beat goes on & on to collect more.

Eventually, someday you’re going to give it all up. This is after forming frivolous attachments like a saucer does to a cup.

There’s just not enough room in a casket for anything except a decaying body and maybe a little flower basket.

And unless you’re some kind of Egyptian Pharaoh. The graves nowadays are shoulder to shoulder, and pretty damn narrow.

Question is, what will you get for having to give it all up ? letting go of all the fish in your net for an empty cup.

Toss it all back into the sea, with nothing to bring back to shore, except for what used to be, as a fading memory.

Or maybe put faith in the one to teach. Like a best friend to have a talk with, and a loving hand to reach.

Someone like Jesus Christ, a savior of souls. For faith in his truth, will deliver you in the prime of youth.

To guide you into his heaven to come. In the name of his Father, himself and the Holy Spirit, they welcome.

But before one can enter God’s paradise. To explore its splendor with everyone being so nice.

All believers must go to the pearly gate. To initial the book of life for access into their gifted fate.

However, if for some odd reason your name isn’t written in the book of life’s chronological pages. ​

You might have to consult with the sages, next to the crying wall of pretenders about your state of fate.


Absolute truth is not up for negotiation. It’s life’s runaway train and its final destination.

It’s the truth of God, who wanted nothing more than for his people to prosper with serenity, grace and elation.

A truth so sacred, it became surrounded by crafty lies of the adversary Satan, for his rebellion and indignation.

For being thrown out of heaven, along with his minions. For not giving glory to the God of all creation.

The story of Adam and Eve was the truth to believe, as they had accepted the serpents lies and deceitful temptation.

To fall from God’s grace, just as they were warned to perish another day, because of this divine separation.

Mankind had decided for itself to gain the knowledge of good & evil, to become apart of an adversary’s living dictation.

Technology and knowledge are both good and evil, a double edge sword. Without further a due, thought or reservation.

When big bombs of fire & fury drop in the third round. Don’t be surprised by all of the devastation.

As it is divinely written in the holy bible many years ago by apostle John on the isle of Patmos, in the book of revelation.

Ship of Fools

There is just one thing you need to know to seal the deal.

To open your heart to Jesus Christ. For a souls redemption to be real.

You need to realize, Satan is ten times smarter than the smartest you.

The lies and illusions he crafts are done so well, they can ring true.

To become a God, he will use all we create at his disposal to imitate.

Perhaps an Alien race. To deflect our attention from Christ’s grace.

He will also use our affinity for music to his advantage, to the core.

As he once was the worship leader in God’s heaven, to praise and adore.

Before he wished to be worshiped like a God, through pride and vanity.

To be ousted from God’s kingdom of heaven into this worlds insanity.

So, he lies with the charm of a snake to gullible Eve & clueless Adam.

To ruin them & their kin, to partake in the pleasures of sin to fathom.

Music is expression. Life is strange without sound put to its words.

Can you imagine a beautiful garden without any singing birds.

Crimes committed by the influence of hateful music into darkened minds.

Where evil thoughts can flourish and grow undisturbed behind the blinds.

​This is how the enemy of God, “Satan” will use such effective tools.

To steer the blind herd of bad choices, to board his ship of fools.

Thanks to God

Thanks to God and goodness for all the good people that fight evil bidding daily on the front lines for all of us.

People like Chris Hanson, who nails the scumbags that prey on our children to kick them to the curb and throw them under the bus.

People like Nancy Grace, who doesn’t quit digging up the dirt on crime for the sake of her victims hurt, as she gets in their face.

People like President Barrack Obama, who helped us with much needed health insurance. For millions and both me and my mama.

All the members of the courageous police force. For without them chaos, crime, evil and mayhem becomes the main course.

Our brave firemen who go into the pit of hell to stop it from consuming lives, from paradise village into a place with a burnt smell.

To all the good doctors and selfless nurses that work around the clock. To save us from our health troubles with much action and little talk.

Thank you Lord for all the brave men and women who fight our wars a amidst racing bullets, bombs and open wounds with stinging soars.

Thank you God for all the good people you create, to fight every single day of the week. To save us from this fallen worlds plight.

Oh Lord, please bless all those who answer the call to service. Who bring peace & tranquility to sooth we, the weary and nervous.

Think with your Heart

Think with your heart, not your mind. For if your mind doesn’t follow your heart it can easily go blind.

Blind to the reality of daily life, where the struggle between good and evil is alive, well and rife.

Because an Almighty God of love resides in your heart were the rhythm of his grace gets a beating start.

For if your heart is bitter and cold with emotions of old, your mind will act according to what it is told.

And if your heart suddenly falls apart, your mind will cease to exist
and life will soon begin to fade & depart.

And then, one of two events will have to take place. A demons wicked laugh or an expected smiling face.

Which one of these would you choose ? The one to take you up to heaven, or the one to surely lose.

For eventually, once you are dead, It’s game over and the offer of salvation is withdrawn instead.

So now that you have some gracious time to think. Don’t wait another day
to get into spiritual sync.

The sooner you open your distant heart to him, the wiser your mind
will begin to grow from within.

Jesus Christ forgives with a faithful promise. With him you will never be left behind or forever forsaken.

But without him, by God’s adversary Satan, your spirit will surely be claimed, to be eternally taken.

The Holy Bible makes this promise very clear. When you read to believe it, your heart will be drawn near.

So pick it up sometime and give it a good read. After all there’s nothing to lose but much to gain, indeed.

Go ahead and give Jesus a try. You will find in him absolute truth because unlike Satan, he doesn’t lie.

Salvation Policy

Go ahead ye wicked one, kick me to the curb.
Oh ye dreadful spirit of death, lurking in the suburb.
Taunt me all day long, harass me as you wish. I’ll just slither away from you like a wiggly fish.

You can ridicule me all you want, call me an idiot savant.
You can even lurk down in the basement if you need a place to haunt.

While I, one fine day will take up to the great sky to escape the great lie. Away from blue earth and towards the lords heavenly realms I shall onward fly.

Simply because when we all eventually die, we either go to God’s promised heaven. Or we get to stay in place awhile, for some of the devil’s apple pie.

So, I will say this again ye wicked devil of death and sorrow.
Whisper not, into my gullible ear and be gone from me, never to serve me fear, be it today or tomorrow or on the fly.

You cannot throw me under the bus anymore. Ive got the power of the lord through the blood of Jesus Christ in me to the core. For a bonus package that pays.

For protection from the prince of darkness, his lies & wicked ways. Ones that have proven, to be nothing less than pathways to confusion less any resolve, out of this maze of broken illusion.

So here is what I say to buyers of one religion or another. Beware of how you compare the two. Do it in lieu of mankind’s mortal fall and from God’s grace and its Salvation Policy review.

Selfish Vs, Selfless

Here are two of the most profound words in the English dictionary. They define the two main character traits in the story of Earth like a singing canary.

The selfless love of God and the selfish ways of the devil. One is straight and on the level with defined edges and borders, and the other, with slippery edges of a bevel.

One to be free and clear with precise language, and the other to leave you stuck and in bondage. Selfish is the devil, named Lucifer, once beautiful and vain. Got himself kicked to the curb by his God for being such a pain.

Now, he’s just a grotesque figure of a goat-head. Sailing the stormy sea of Yahweh, running his show from a sinking pirate ship, instead.

Playing out his duty and role to hurt God, by killing
as many human souls as he can, who take much pride in sinning.

For the preservation sake of all their temporary pleasures and hoarded treasures on earth, once worth winning.

Selfless though is “Jesus Christ Super Star”.
No one on earth can top this selfless act, not by a long shot or even a match, at par.

Here is no ordinary man, born from God direct.
Knew all along his mission was to die, for his ministry to take effect.

He even called out the one apostle, named Peter who would deny him to save himself,
three times a repeater.

And then came along Judas to deliver the kiss of death on his right cheek. So he called him out, to hurry up and get it done, without running like the meek.

Then he gets arrested, for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Lashed and beaten to a pulp, and then told to carry his cross over his back like he was king-Kong

Up the slope to the hill Were he would be crucified.
For the king of Jerusalem, and the elders to victoriously claim that he had finally died.

But they couldn’t claim that win for very long.
For when they inspected the tomb after the quake, they found his body gone.

Hallelujah cried out the few while the rest just stood around shocked, confused and bewildered saying, “Who the hell Knew” ?

And to this very day after two thousand years plus, the story of Jesus Christ continues to be told over and spun.

For some to ponder and others to wonder. As believers in Christ & receivers of salvation know their souls, have already won.


God is sovereign and is omnipresent in all space & time, even though his works are for the most part mysterious and sublime.

Faith is not blind for very long, and is required for the details of his glory, for the soul of a person to shine.

His transparency will surely become apparent in due time. Irreverence towards God, produces disobedience and a belief in lies.

However, having reverence in God creates the desire in him, to be your best long term blessing in disguise.

Lucifer, once a favorite of the angels, challenged the sovereignty of God. To be thrown out of paradise and into a hellish pit, abroad.

He took away a third of the parish of heaven, to settle for a legion of fear mongering demons holding souls in captivity, by the region.

Yet God had a master plan of his own, To save the soul of man
by his thin skin, down to his brittle bone.

Our lord of the heavens is Sovereign and very much in control. Think it through, less any emotional ties to save your soul.

The Price

It’s no big secret, all things in life have a price. Even though he chose to reject his fathers advice.

Our souls also have a barcode printed on every roll of the dice. It’s what we pay for mistakes and habits that become a vice.

It’s real easy to do if you keep running with the wrong crowd. Making dumb mistakes and raw decisions way out loud.

The next thing he knew, he woke up sitting on a cold bench in jail. Wondering if he knew anyone that cared enough to post his bail.

And after he served some slow time, he picked his sides to learn the smarter ways of working his new life of crime.

Once he was released from the compound, he came out with a grin to look for his old pals wherever they could be found.

To have a smoke and a beer and share all the nifty tricks he had learned from the prison cells of fear.

He kept on, trying to perfect his evil criminal ways, always going for the higher score, and a self made raise.

One sunny day, with the help of meth, he robbed the bank. Only to find himself arrested in an hour, to be back in the tank.

The judge would give him the maximum on the books, to serve in time, To waste away whatever was left of his youth and prime.

In prison he meets an old hunched over inmate that raved like a freak. All about Jesus, claiming he could fix one’s fate in a week.

He would say it many times over. Believe in Christ and fix your fate before your life ends, when it becomes much too late.

Some of the inmates would silently listen, and others would just mock and ridicule his ministry for Jesus mission.

He thought, he had paid the ultimate penance price, but then he found Jesus Christ had made a much bigger sacrifice.

Soon he began to smile, from ear to ear at all the angry inmates, looking to cause trouble by instilling prison fear.

With offers of love to episodes of shame, he told them that they too could be free like him, just the same.

If in Jesus they chose to believe, they would be freed from captivity in their guilty hearts from prison indeed.

He told them that all their sins would be forgiven, and into heaven, they could gain free admission.

The wise ones got on board, and made the Jesus proclamation, alas to gain their promised redemption into salvation.

Others couldn’t let go of the anger and bitter hatred in their hearts, doing their time, playing out their parts.

It’s a wise choice some will take and others will shun, however the ones that do will shine forever like the sun.

Wake up

My only concern is for my loved ones and good people all over this fallen world to leave with what is best. As all other ideas and the rest can wait for their day of judgement, to stand up and protest. 

To learn that the Holy Bible story of “Adam and Eve” is the very proof of the devils spoof for mankind, to blindly receive. If you cannot see this factual evidence. It becomes difficult to have faith with much confidence. 

So perhaps an in-depth look at the facts of the birth of mankind would be wise before you check into the “after life” dormitory of the blind. In the section of naysayers, to be entertained by dark spirits, meant to be unholy and unkind.

Once you discover this to be truth through the five senses, there will be no more obstacles to climb over such as high fences. Do the math to find the one true path to God. As all else is the work and magic trickery of Lucifer’s rebellion and fraud. 

Good works, love, generosity and kindness coupled with pride are not what saves a man and are pathways to blindness. 
Nothing else is surer than the truth of “Jesus Christ savior of our world” through the spilled blood of his kindness.

Nothing in life could be sweeter than a caring God, instead of being the victim of cosmic fraud. So, wake up and do the math. To see for yourself what’s really from God to find heaven’s path. 


All the wonderful things we create, from electric cars to rockets that fly up to Mars. From the fastest thinking computers to eatery’s that serve burgers & beer with eye candy like “Hooters”.

Apparently, for every upside there’s a downside and every phony God in a true Lord will never abide. The straight and narrow will pierce through wicked thickness like an arrow.

The foes of God and their evil ways are to throw a wrench in your game, to go sideways. Technology can be great yet at some point, its greatness versus its dangers might come up for debate.

Eating from the garden of Eden’s forbidden fruit for the devil was a victory against God and his biggest hoot. The Knowledge of “Good and Evil” for the devil handsomely paid off. To dance and prance around our graves. With much laughter and scoff.

This is why God had to answer the devil with his son’s crucifixion for a debt that wasn’t made to be paid on the level. If you fail to see this fact. Your blindness, pride and vanity might see our world as perfectly intact.

But let’s face it pilgrim. Any (Pee-Wee) can clearly see the world we live in is no cup of tea. And every (Ding-Dong) that cant get seem to belong can feel a whole lot of wrong going on. So come on now. You are smarter than that. To uncover the truth, start by tossing the fool’s top hat.

Give to God what little he asks of you. It won’t cost you anything but some courage in lieu. Accept the sacrifice of “Yashuah”. God’s beloved son, our lord & messiah. For the trickery and deceit of the devil in ye life, to once and for all be done.

True Treasure

There are two kinds of treasure. An earthly one filled with temptations and pleasure. And a heavenly one so amazing and deserving of faith without much relative measure.

Any investment you make. You always do it for a higher stake. But the dead don’t have bank accounts. They get to rest for the final test of faith in God and to what it all amounts.

The true treasure is one of a higher spirit. If you don’t believe you have one. How can you fear its demise outcome ? The first name you’ll hear in your right ear when a demon gets near is “Jesus” as your feet become frozen & numb.

As you will indeed beg and plead for his help. This after giving up on the knowledge of good and evil from “Bing, Google or Yelp”. For only his mercy and power is sufficient to banish the demon, and put the bloom back in your flower.

Earthly treasure is a blessing for those who’s hearts & minds are clean as it provides sustenance and good works for the needy. Heavenly riches are of another world, where pain and suffering are unseen with no need to be greedy. 

Stow away your true treasures in heaven for they are the ones that will forever last. Earthly treasures collect cobwebs, dust and rust once the scavengers go through it for some liquor, to forget their sorrows and ugly past. 


Growing up, I really didn’t know much more than a young and vulnerable desperate street whore. 

What was true and what is not in a world of disappointments, maybe’s and freedom driven thought.

What to say and when not to pay. When to pray for a blessing before the arrival of the next day. 

I’m too confused and consumed by life to be forever used, by whoever wants me to lose, for whatever I happen to abuse. 

All we got left are memories of days long gone by, Young and beautiful and full of life with mojo, easily amused.

I do know one thing though. And it’s worth it’s weight in gold. From eight to eight every day of the week and on any other date.

I know that Jesus is as real as his appeal and that God is great. This I know not to contend any longer, question or debate. 

I Had to Believe

I wake up for pains sake. In my case, that’s what it will take. I had plenty of opportunity to concentrate, focus and make. Instead I killed my morning pain and chose to bake.

But then, I heard of this fiery lake. One I needed to avoid at all cost. I was told it was made for the devil and his minions and any other spirit roaming the afterlife, unsaved and lost.

I was told by the very words of the one who claimed himself a savior. That I needed to rid myself of the fallen emotions of Lucifer’s bad behavior.

That if I wanted to go on living eternally and forever. I Had to pay closer attention to the wisdom of God, and his adversary’s tricks made clever.

I had to decide once and for all, which of these Gods was the one to best explain the fall. After all I didn’t want attachment to “Never”. I had to take control over my redemption lever.

I had to find with absolute certainty, a way to paradise. I had to believe in the most loving God of them all, named “Jesus Christ”

A community

There once was a community of creatures. Some from a lower cast and others wise enough to be teachers.

Some with padded seats high in the stands, to show off the latest brands, and others rooting for the team at the bleachers.

The four legged ones are much more loving, than some of the bipeds with their selfie attitudes of pushing and shoving.

Some keep to themselves about the arrogant ones to wonder, how selfishly regardless of others, they pillage and plunder. 

Some will walk by with half of a smile, while the others put their nose in everybody’s business except for Almighty God. 

Some know of something truthful as assurance to their salvation, and others scoff it off with ridicule and abhorrence in elation.

Some will choose to live easy, righteous and clean to eventually die with a big smile on their face.

As others choose to live fast, crank up the past only to drop dead in the middle of a rat race.

Belong to the community of God and set yourself free from the prison of satanic thinking and holy fraud.

A game of truth or dare well worth winning, for all the years of rebellion and needless sinning. 

If you could only come to the kingdom of Christ for a visit before you’re dead in your mind.

You’ll be elated to find that it’s all true just as the pastor always said, a safe place for all of humankind. 

Own Rule

Souls unsaved will sadly relinquish their bodies to the grave without a clue as to how to navigate the afterlife, except by trying to be brave.

Only to find their bravery to be unsavory in the new realm. For truth will shine as to who is who on the other side & who is truly at the helm.

If they believed in the lord of lords, and put their faith in his promise. They wouldn’t rely much on the writings of a sage like Nostradamus.

For Jesus Christ was, is & will be the king of all kings. The only one to deliver in full, what he says in truth, to pull on your heart strings.

When a feeble arrogant mind insists on this absolute truth being a lie. That is how the devil plans to take them with him to hell, when they die.

So, If you decide to play this game by your own rule. Then you must accept the notion that on its flip side, you might end up as Satan’s fool.

The Guitar

One of the finest and truest friends I ever made in life was a homeless guitar that never managed to get paid.

Always there to create a tune to put away the sadness that began at noon. Never to stab me in the back like a mortal would, never to give me any grief or flack.

Patiently waiting, hanging on a rack, always eager to give me something back. Just as soon as I pick it up, in time for my next anxiety attack.

Never made a dime with it, never took me to the limelight on stage. Yet it did do a brilliant job to quell my seething Inner turmoil and demon driven rage.

To keep me stuck in emotion from quickly turning a page. At times it kept me from killing or being killed. As it would take me from depression to being creatively thrilled.

Kept me out of jail once or twice as I fell off the rail to my goal. Nailed me to the cross at the crossroads where the devil pitches his exchange of fame for my soul.

The sound of its strings to once again sooth my broken soul, soothing my emotional dings for a better way to express the emotion that sings.

The guitar came through with flying colors to play its intended role. Never for accolades, fame or fortune but to help in the saving of my soul.

So I thank you dearly Lord for the great gift of music and all of its sound therapy I could never otherwise truly afford.

Personal Rant

I have not a life of any significance or impressive kind. Its always been a time of strife and somewhat of a continuous grind. And now that I am getting old, diabetes is doing its best to make me blind.

Ive suffered from constant hyper activity, anxiety and depression for sixty plus odd years and even a paranormal session or two to bring in the fear for sudden tears. I’m faithful to almighty God because I believed in Jesus Christ, his one and only son. But toward some human beings I’ve developed a fair disposition to be happy in isolation for sour relationships undone.

Neighbors in the hood, better off than myself that feel entitled to rob and steal from me. People I approach to tell them the good news of Jesus answer me with Judgmental hatred and profanity. I’m thankful for breathing still in the presence of a few. For an occasional laugh from peeps I never knew and an occasional chuckle. But I often wonder what will happen, when the floor behind the door beneath my feet begins to buckle ?

I write rhymes, poems and songs all day long for the good lord. I humbly ask for a blessing to stay afloat, every other day or so. I got enough of it to stay onboard of this water filled raft in a raging sea of sorrow to row. Always struggling for just a little more money to afford a trophy honey. The very evil thing rooted into my childhood’s innocence and naivety, that puts a dark cloud over my sunny.

Always harassed and penalized by the bank for not being a member of the shark tank. Always behind on bills. Thoughts of a looming IRS voucher gives me the constant chills. I’m about to lose my teenage car, my computers, amplifiers and pawn my guitar and just about every small thing for pleasure I own, to even further try to detach and atone.

Pretty soon I’ll have nothing more to lose, except for the misery of living with no respect from anyone, or not having anything left in options for me to choose. But hey, I guess I can play O.P. guitars for a glimpse of my unrequited talent. plenty of loser gigs in beer tap bars instead of breaking into the G.C. at midnight to end up behind bars.

I guess somewhere along the timeline of my special talents, I must have signed a losers retainer with a devil to become nothing more than a wondering self entertainer. I should be grateful for all the good in my life though, however it chooses to float. If it all ends on a sour note, at least I was true to myself without much pretense in anything I wrote.

I’ve grown to despise email, snail mail and all the social networks like Facebook, twitter and Tinder for every attention seeker like Tom, dick and Sally to put their selfies on sale. Made to rob us of our privacy and spy on each other for piracy, and whatever national logical reason except for an Facebook page to fail.

I do have an empty bucket to piss in, with no bucket list of any kind. What’s the point of a wish list when you know your train, you’ve already missed. If you were to ask me how I was doing. I would love to just walk away without much of a phony answer brewing but that would be rude and I’m not that kind of dude, per say.

So instead I would have to say it by being a phony, in the most positive way I could. Like a cute little pony instead of an old horse on a slippery course, not to scare you away. One bad day on my way to work I got t-boned pretty hard at the ripe age of 28. while sitting at a stop sign like a sitting duck for the devils bait.

Four years later I get slammed again in the rear for another near miss without much fear, for an everlasting subscription to pain and a lasting dry tear. But here is what I gratefully and thankfully do have. I have a ticket to paradise, by father God through the blood sacrifice of his blessed son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit’s Nav.

To someday escape from the rape and pillage of this world into heaven I’m joyfully told. To leave the convenience of a fallen world’s seven eleven, before I get too old. I was molested as a child by an untrustworthy older friend who lived next door. For a one way trip into his urinal to make me his personal whore. Who needs a neighbor like that, where trust becomes a must. The devil inside got his way to please his flesh, while making my spirit go bust.

I got beaten for being a bad boy by my father almost every day. Who loved me dearly, yet in a most peculiar way. But when his time came to die on the fly for continuance, I began to humbly pray. Early on, I got a close up view of life. As sharp as a butchers knife of the ugliness and hatred and war, to the point of not wanting to be apart of this viscous human race any more.

The Fakes

It takes just one dumb mistake for a life to spin out of control, to end up locked both now and later, to be swept up by Lucifer’s demon rake.

To be driven to do the devils bidding for evil. Insures one, a lifetime run from the dark shadows of their own sin and upheaval.

Eventually to succumb to the time anyway, for doing the crime. Whether in this life or the one coming up after prime.

It also takes just one smart step of faith in God to realize that everyone in life makes the same kind of mistakes.

So long as they eventually find the most righteous path in life to identify the real God among-st the fakes.

The lord God had his foes. This is just the way it goes. For anyone who’s already been through the ringer of truth, already knows.


Jesus Christ, certainly made history with his story. In comparison to any other name claim. He was the coolest of the cool.

He certainly did not descend all the way from heaven above. For a cowboys and Indians kind of duel.

Nothing much in his character you will, or can find of a flaw to criticize, belittle or fairly ridicule.

Flexible he was, wise yet powerful and yielding. Unlike, your typical human stubborn mule.

He came here solely to teach us about love, compassion and forgiveness. As a way of living life’s best rule.

After all, what was said and done by Lucifer with many lies, deliberately spun. He is the most precious gift of a jewel.

Believe in Jesus, Savior of the World. Lest, it is your wish to get left behind in the blind to play the role of Satan’s fool.

All humans are born into the sin we acquired, at the onset of creation. To live and die once expendable just like jet fuel.

Just as a dying star, turns into a black hole to sink the space time continuum. Once it ceases to be a valuable tool.


Jesus Christ, came to earth from above to save lost human souls. The energy that stays behind when love escapes and the body rolls.

If you refuse to be saved, thinking there was nothing really wrong with the way in life you sometimes, might have behaved.

When you die just as everyone does and will. You’ll meet your character maker. The fallen Lucifer, a masterful lier and a worthy faker.

But if you decided to believe and accept Christ’s redemption. Just as it is written, you will earn your eternal salvation without much of a nod or a mention.

And should you cry out to god in protest anger. He will say, “You were given much choice to accept my truth and confess it by your mouth and own voice”.

But you had to shun it with laughter and scoff, as religious mythical none-sense. A crutch in your mind for the weak minded, challenged and intellectually dense..

And just as it is also written in the holy books word, directly from the creator’s mouth. If your name isn’t found in the “Book of life” at the pearly gate. Your soul might automatically go south.

Satan’s Vanity

The king of the land did not make it to heaven. He was top dog in his castle when he was alive with cruelty running in his veins and heart, twenty four seven.

Little did he know, that God wasn’t the one with whom to be joking. He was a popular king with ladies of pleasure. Lusting after them, by drinking and smoking.

And then suddenly he would fall sickly and ill. He looked everywhere he could in the land for that magic recovery pill. Once he found it, he took it and began choking.

Now he was finally dead, facing a whole new set of challenges on the other side, instead. That was, how to escape from the wicked demons, sleeping in his bed.

In Life, he killed and slaughtered faithful believers in Christianity. Only to have his name end up in the book of Satan’s vanity.

For there are simply two paths to go on in life. One is with Jesus Christ, and the other is with the devil. Who rules this world to explain much of its insanity.

Par for the course

A loving heart won’t take you to paradise. Only the love and will of God through faith in his son, “Jesus Christ”.

You can huff and puff to disagree and make up your own rules, only to end up in the afterlife’s section of unfaithful fools.

All you needed to do was to believe what’s true. As oppose to the lies that got us here in the first place, for all this pain & suffering to accrue.

A place where insurance is the biggest ticket needed to cover “Murphy’s law” from its unexpected due.

If you want to live in God’s ray of love, then give it first to the source, who will be delivered on a white horse.

Who leads us into death’s resurrection without much fear, regret or any remorse.

You see pilgrim. Heaven was created by his father. Unless you put faith in his son, how can you be at par for the course.


There really is no need to exaggerate. It’s a question of ones faith to their fate.

It’s a cold drop into the abyss of a lava lake or it’s becoming heaven’s mate.

It’s the biggest gift of grace and mercy ever given, until it becomes much too late.

It’s the kind of truth you don’t want to miss. It’s the rediscovery of bliss in the garden, to educate.

It’s the flip side of mortal anguish. A heavenly save, the fallen should dearly appreciate.

Letters In Red

Jesus Christ supernova will wipe all your sins away, big and small, for a rebirth into heaven and a clean slate.

The devil will do his best to keep you away from redeeming yourself into God’s salvation, and saving your fate.

Jesus is the truth of the world, whether you agree or not. It’s a choice between a true God and a whole lot of fake news, to be sought.

Everyone is born to live, then to die, and once dead, to be tossed in the fire instead. Except for those saved, by letters in red.

The very words in the Bible, uttered by the king of kings. Spoken truth of wisdom that resonates truth & rings.

His name once again is Jesus Christ, and upon your death. He will truly be your much needed wings.

Create a God

Hey there, ye pilgrim of the holy. How is your life going ? Do you feel sound as you get around or like a square with sharp corners around every turn, for yet another day-mare.

Have you found the inclination to keep your soul growing ? To reach for redemption and a destination of salvation, or against the current of truth, are you still rowing.

Some will find the God that created them to worship, adore and atone and others will create a God to suit a sin or two or more from within their thick skin, all to their own.

The ones that create their own special lord, get to row their bouncy boats on the fast and turbulent river of life’s discord. To pay the price of (Ups & Downs) they couldn’t afford.

Against the tide and flow of absolute truth in a singular God. They row and row and row, before reaching the edge of the falls, as some never begin to question, as the watchers already know.

But the ones that follow the truth of God, before they’re dead, get to row their boats with the tide, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, to reach salvation’s dream.

Jesus Christ is the one and only way, to a heavenly paradise. All else is a lie by the clever and evil “Satan” to pry your soul into his lake of fire, to wail and cry.

The Christian life is pure and simple. The word of God is sure. No need to change it to suit. To mold it, into your own game or to try and yank it from its root.

Get Your Attention

Life is a grand set up of sorts. It’s meant to eventually catch your divided attention, so that in due time, off the chair of sin, you would get up to abort.

To save yourself and your skin, from the fallen and broken world you were delivered in. To admit to yourself, that man is imperfect and laden with indelible sin.

And then you must ask yourself, and perhaps ask again & again why is that ? After all, God had made the universe so perfect, why then is Man such a sinful and selfish cat ?

Prone to mischief and folly from the time of his youth. Until fully grown for trouble, under his character’s shifty hat. For nothing or double on truth.

That’s when the stories of the Holy Bible begin to come into clear focus. An exodus of Jewish slaves moving through God’s wrath of nine plagues with a swarm of locusts.

Man, apparently hath set himself up for both success and mayhem. To live a life of toil, struggle and strife and the occasional tendency for killing and bedlam.

To be the king of his castle. To have his way all the time, or just put up with the hassle. To control rather than be controlled, to always be right or prepare for fight or flight.

And then came the one and only “Jesus”. For a sweet reversal of fortune and fate through redemption. To absorb the sin of man in one swipe of a crucifixion, to get your attention.

No Chance in Heaven or Hell

What is most amazing to me in this life, is that a good majority of people in this world, do not give the slightest thought, to death and the experience of the afterlife or even if there is such a thing.

As if to deny its reality, by ignoring its inevitability and totality. Pretending that it’s no big deal, to adopt an attitude of indifference, until the day of surprises, when the soul cashes out to go “Cha Ching“.

That’s when one suddenly realizes, that they didn’t die, but rather their body did, While their spirit is walking around, confused amidst others, lost & abused, asking why. wishing for a pair of wings, to fly.

Instead they find themselves stuck in place, with a nervous limbo driven pace, having avoided the short bright light. Thinking, “What if those Christians are right” ? To walk through the valley of the shadow of death, to face life’s true fight.

Believe in the lord. The one to pull you away from the experience of your own discord. For the serenity of your soul, never to be ignored. Once again, his name is “Jesus Christ” and without him, there’s no chance in heaven or hell, you’ll get to see paradise.

Dear Price

When you play around with the devils cool fire. Having fun under his moonlight, til its temps got much higher.

The wicked one, called Satan, plants his seeds, to create illusions, for all the stuff we could possibly crave & admire.

The first two, Adam & Eve followed by the rest of us, who since began to grieve, hath chosen to follow the prince of darkness and masterful lier.

The Mayhem of the adversary is patient. For when its the right opportune time and place. It will be done on the wire.

Come to the love, mercy & grace of Almighty God when you tire when all things for you become most difficult & dire.

So you can someday say. “We certainly needed to be saved from the deadly mistakes, made by our ancestors prior”.

Yes we certainly needed a savior for our daft behavior in a garden of Eden, so nice. Failing the trust of God, thus paying a dear price.

Acquisition of Sin

There are two kinds of pride at work, that can reside in each one of us. One is the pride of raising a child, or achievements gone wild, that won’t throw you under the bus.

The other is called Satanic pride, from the one that deliberately lied. The type of pride that blocks truth, to become your master guide.

Arrogant enough to make sure you hop on his ride. To worship the Devil and adversary of God (Lucifer) and only in him to abide.

So, buyer beware, to become a witness is the ultimate scare. Life in our world neither starts nor ends on a note that’s fair.

It’s a serious game of truth or dare, without the bottle spin. It’s all about salvation from the birth acquisition of sin.

No Need to Look for God

Everyone gets to dig their own grave. Some for an extended stay, and others for what’s left of a redemption save.

The old man died with grace on his face. The kind of gift you can only get from a heart that’s an Ace.

One like the divine son of God “Jesus Christ”, the lord and savior of the entire human race.

No need to look for God anymore people, he has revealed his true identity, character and face.

A savior was needed, to change the sinful behavior of a fallen and forlorn race, such was simply the case.

Yes, such was truly the case. You can trust it enough, to be your solid rock and operations base.

Jesus is a living rose that never wilts with time, to forever place in your hearts vase.

None of it is forced or driven by fear, you can proceed with much ease and at your own pace.

The Human Puzzle

When you realize, that you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed. You opt out of trying to impress this world & focus on the truth of God instead.

You think to yourself “ This world never done much for me. Except to always leave me trailing behind, in desperation & depression misery”.

Then you think again “There must be something much better than this”. Than to either struggle or snuggle up to this mortal abyss.

There’s got to be a much higher place. Where love and fairness reigns supreme by the virtue of God’s loving grace.

There’s got be a meaningful meaning to this life experience. Like any other symphony, to end on a note that resolves to make sense.

That’s where Jesus Christ comes in. To solve the human puzzle, by washing away in one swipe, mankind’s infectious sin.

By putting himself on the cross. To take your place and save you from immortality’s loss. Embedded into your soul, from within.

Good Woman

I’m looking for a good woman to marry. To put an end to my sin and loneliness. Unlike Eve was to Adam or Gertrude was to Harry.

One to help my ministry for Christ to go on. Once my turn on this tainted earth comes around for me to be gone.

Away from this beautiful planet of sorrows and pain to fly over and above the clouds of doom and it’s blue rain.

To save as many a soul as I can. To convince the weary and downtrodden to accept the Jesus gift and his redemption plan.

To please almighty God for living a worthwhile life, instead of the selfish ways of the devil that pay with a pitchfork and a knife.

Poker Bet

When life ceases to give us anything back. And we feel it might be a good time, for a swift checkout from a deadly heart attack.

When all we feel, deep down inside is rejection & depression. Perhaps it’s best to get off that unfair ride, for a much better session.

When all you do, day in day out is hope, pray and wish. Perhaps it’s time to forget the last hand you were dealt, to put in your dish.

When all you got left to look forward to, is the death of a mother. A yearn for a heartburn, never to find that kind of love in another.

When life ceases to be productive, joyous and fun. Perhaps it’s good for a wondering soul, to put an end to the misery of a solo run.

When all we do, is dream about our lofty dreams. Our spirit and soul’s ultimate wish becomes, to burst out of our body’s tight seams.

When all there is for me in this world to look at, stare and observe. Are lovers in my face. Happy and in love, around every damn curve.

Blessings, good fortune and the best of luck to all who put their money where their mouth is. To build up a nerve to humbly serve.

When all we are, is a spectator and watcher of life in all of its verve. Could it be some kind of penance, that some might deserve.

When we no longer wish to listen to world folly, from the mouths of anchors so jolly, spewing their alarming & shallow news.

It’s time to surrender with humility, less any inflated pride for vanity and affinity. To learn from the world and its savior’s views.

His name in English is “Jesus Christ”, should you ever forget, a gifted ticket into salvation and a true paradise.

A time will come when He will be the only name, to lift up in praise for all truth to rise to the very top, and suffice.

For a last minute save, from the traps laid by Satan to abuse. For his promise, to capture the unsaved soul, at a dead end to lose.

After all, he does seek the ruin of human souls to drop into his hell. To feed his minions, their fear and trepidation to use.

At that point, the reality of redemption truth and sorrow will come together in a sorry package of regret.

A Loss of all and any hope. For the ones left in purgatory to be amused, once you’ve lost life’s poker bet.


Everyone gets it in the end. Be it a straight shot from a medical surgery robot or a runaway train coming around the bend.

Everyone dies, to find whether they put faith in truth or invested in the devils lies, a need to desperately justify and defend.

Some will perish with a smile, and a redeemers assurance of salvation. While others will just have to pretend.

Some embrace their welcome into the kingdom, through grace and some will beg in vain to try and make an amend.

“Jesus Christ” the risen one, is the deity with whom, your body & soul into paradise will surely ascend.

This is the only gifted fact worth dying for, to keep the spirit intact when the body’s time come’s with earth to blend.

You Will See

There will always come a time and place for every mortality case to re-evaluate it’s beliefs, from its base.

To take an honest inventory of all the temptations in your life of sin, given to romance, follow around and chase.

To take a good look in the mirror, for any changes from the strife of life and its let downs, to show up on the face.

To think and ponder the meaning of it all. Why the preacher at the pulpit shouts with such a fervor, to break down your wall.

Why must life end on a sad blue day, once the tired, old and ill body gets ready to drop the spiritual ball.

Why some, refuse to accept the truth of Jesus. While others believe with conviction, words of wisdom from the apostle Paul.

How everyone drops a tear at death, yet the saved anticipate their savior to show up with a smile, standing tall.

It all starts, by the willingness to believe the truth of what actually happened, and accept the story of mankind’s fall.

If you do, you will see how it all comes together like a jigsaw puzzle of life, at the time of your curtain call.

You will see, the only way out of the devils rain, is for the clouds of doom to blow away, for a change in the weather.

You will see how faith in “Jesus Christ” separates pure truth from lies to render the spirit, light as a feather.

Once you take it all in through your heart, you will see its proof to such an extent, you will put him in your shopping cart.

So that when the time comes, for that promised day of judgment. From Father God’s graces, you will never be apart.

Greatest Height

If you don’t personally know Jesus, I’m afraid you won’t find the way, neither will you hear the truth, nor will you ever see the lords light.

You & I, all of them and everyone from the beginning of time, born to live once and then die, is apart of this cosmic mutiny and fight.

Our souls are like leaves on a vine. Once dry and on the ground, where no use in them can be found, they are tossed in a consuming fire, out of sight.

The fires of hell are dark & eternal is what the Bible says. The choice is either for that, or a meet up with Jesus in love’s light, so sure and bright.

Only to discover that lying to one’s self wasn’t worth its sorrow or cry. Yet believing in pure truth is a path to reaching its greatest height.

Satan’s Broth

What will your Jesus do for me ??? Once asked a rude and angry skeptic. So I replied, he will renew your blackened heart for a soul’s rebirth into absolute truth, and cleanse your unclean spirit, from being septic.

He will put your heart in his hands, and squeeze it gently to drain a lifetime filled with pent-up anger and pain. A dark heart living in bitterness and disdain. Jesus is the safest cover from mortal rain.

He fills our hearts with his love & grace, to prove it all true. For what’s in your heart will show up on your face. If only you knew of the gifts awaiting you. You wouldn’t object, to jeopardize your case.

He cleanses a spirit inside & out. Never to return to its old ways without a doubt. To forgive & forget the pains of past days. To understand the meaning of it all. To believe and accept the story of the fall.

From this day until the end of times. From ambiguous nonsense into what flows and rhymes. For the peasant and the tycoon, to pray by side. From the cocoon to the moth. From pages of revelation, to the banishment of Satan’s broth.

For truth and lie’s, mixed up to subside. Jesus came to fix it all. To save us from this mortal fall. To take us off this diabolical ride, into a place where truth will abide. Christ is precisely who he claimed he was, for he never once lied.


When everything in life is going fantastic and great. Riches to make it wonderful, along with a loyal loving mate.

Temptation might suddenly come along, to quietly manipulate and pull on its strings, to secretly infiltrate, to change the fate.

Apparently, the struggle between good and evil lives within the soul of man, for the spirit’s gamble in the blind and at hand.

We are the product of rebellion and mistrust. From the time of Adam and Eve until the day for Satan’s reign to eventually go bust.

Back when we chose to run with the devil, for the emotional remnants of heaven’s mutiny, and a life of toil & struggle, on this here level.

One name takes it all away, by faith and trust without fail or any dismay. It’s “Jesus Christ” and non other, that came sinless to pay.

Pay the ticket the way he could, to give mankind the chance to redeem itself for the sake of good. In one lump sum, as we understood.

Sorry Criminal

A sorry criminal once said to me in an interview “I wish I could quickly erase all my ridiculous past behavior”.

So I said to him, “There actually is a way to do that. It’s through Jesus Christ, our beloved lord and savior”.

He looked at me with much anger and loathing to say, “Your Jesus never did anything for me, to prove his part”.

So I said to him, that is because the Devil and his minions had already invaded and occupied your heart.

Jesus Christ doesn’t really need to prove himself to you or anyone else. He does not owe us anything.

He already paid his undeserved dues long ago. To free our forlorn souls on a dark afternoon, to become king.

He will give you a brand new heart, to live merrily content, until it gets tired and stops to sing.

Then, upon your inevitable death he will show up, just as he promised, to grant you a little wing.

How fantastic and awesome is that notion. To be saved by grace from the perils of drinking Satan’s potion.

Mortality’s Reality

Wicked mortal deeds create evil spirits, to go to work for the adversary of all creation.

To become a perfect fit. To establish and build for Satan, a much bigger evil nation.

While good deeds, unless spoken through the name of God, might not lead to heaven, albeit filling someone’s needs.

God has a particular name. To distinguish between you & I and everyone else on the planet, just the same.

If others like all the fakes and phonies, stand up to claim the throne of God. How else can you play this game.

We all work to glorify one or the other, through voice. In person, by companies or governments, we all make a choice.

It’s one or the other brother. The only two outcomes, are Heaven or Hell, out of a buffet of mortality’s reality and it’s wicked spell.

Born a Sinner

In our world of forces behind the scenes, of influences unseen. A shiny surface to impress, with edges so sharp and clean.

Tall Towers of steel and glass reaching the sky. The higher up you elevate , the more sophisticated the lie.

But the closer you get to the ground, is where the wicked and mean streets of life’s inherent reality can be found.

Buildings of every size, shape and color to call home. Far from the wilderness of where wild horses and the buffalo used to roam.

It’s a natural wonder and a beautiful place to be. Aside from a sub level undertone of evil and darkness behind a face to flee.

The powerful puppet master “Satan”, to pull dirty strings & play a wicked role. Where a hairline crack exists, to penetrate a ravaged soul.

The evidence is pretty clear, in the horror of those under the canopy of paranormal fear, that prove revelation truth could be getting near.

A faith to bring joy to its expectant receiver. With anger or sorrow for the left behind, for being the subject of a clever deceiver.

How much more proof do you need, to see it for what it is. As oppose to believing the devil lies. To give him glory, like some kind of wiz.

This is all there is in life, one needs to realize. That man is born a sinner and his denial of this fact is pure blindness behind the eyes.

For Satan’s only wish, is for another human soul, to slither down his rabbit hole. For him to consume at will, a lost soul’s surprise.

Wake up my brother and pilgrim of truth and don’t be the arrogant fool. To dive in head first into the enemy of God’s cesspool.

To think you can find your way to heaven by the genius and intellect of your own mind, with a set of false beliefs, to command and rule.

To eventually have to go through your rude awakening of discovering Jesus to be God. From being a haughty & prideful stubborn mule.

Only to learn that one can never get ahead of the absolute, by a sudden yearn for a U turn from stinging truth and its lasting burn.

True Name

The wandering lost souls of the dead, get to roam the old homestead grounds instead.

If they lived and died unsaved, they got to stay behind with the un-redeemed and ill behaved.

Such is our truth whether you accept it or not. A soul to save or a spirit body to wither and rot.

This is why we insist on believing to know almighty God through “Jesus Christ”, his son.

The sinless, yet crucified risen star, to return a rescuer of mankind, and I’m afraid he is the only one.

In life today, yesterday or tomorrow there’s a price to pay for every choice and played game.

The price for heaven is by inviting God’s son of man to reside inside your heart, by his true name.

About Jesus

The coolest thing about Jesus is that he treats you like you are his best friend. He will be the very first one at your celebration ceremony to attend.

He actually will talk back to you through the holy spirit, in subtle and mysterious ways. But the answers he gives you will always shine bright with loving rays.

It’s as if he’s known your heart for years and years. So much so that upon his crucifixion for your redemption not his, he was the one to shed the tears.

Last thing he said was “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Can you imagine that type of love to be true ? That’s Jesus for you.

A king of kings and a lord of lords he was, is and will always be. Beyond any and every unbelievers imagination for all in the world to visibly see.

He won’t be coming back to prove himself right for anyone to believe. But to collect all the loyal’s among the peasants, nobles and royals.

To initiate Johns revelation and prepare us for the final battle. To fight the devil and remove him and his minions from the earth, once and for all.

To set up his earthly kingdom for the birth and continuance of his promised reign, just as described in the Bible by the apostle Paul.


Hey there ye prideful pilgrim of the wise. How much more of this blatant truth do you need to hear before you decide to open your shut eyes.

How much more of this life’s experience do you really need to have ? To begin to see through its seed of counter effective and sophisticated deliberate lies.

If the master of all illusion “Lucifer” can stir up in you a whirlwind of confusion. That is his ultimate goal. Once dead, on pick up, the reaper awakens your delusion.

If you’re looking to eventually get to the real place called Heaven, then you must find (THE WAY). Not “a way” or “one of the ways”. For that is the adversary’s trick at play.

One way to the apex. “Jesus Christ Super Star”. Not the the look alike, sitting at the bar. All that other bologny is “Satan’s” pretext and the lie that keeps it all shiny fake & phony.

From the very mouth of the “Devil” himself came the culprit. From his youth like a bird he was fed a stream of truth and lies.

To put on forever, a permanent cover on his gullible eyes, from all that he had ever heard of the good Lord’s word.

When he curiously read a bit of the Bible, he deemed it worthy of trash. But once he died to become the “Reaper”s” keeper, he found he’d been played for a fool, from which he wished to dash.

So he began looking for his lifetime of hoarded & saved up cash. Only to learn that it too was trash. Worthless in the afterlife, and of no real purpose to hash.

As he gazed far across the valley of death. At the ones who found their heavenly stash. A party and a welcome celebration over blue yonder, a joyful afterlife bash.

That’s when he thought, about the times he fought the words of a Jesus freak preaching on a street corner. While he sat sulking on the curb of fear & trembling with every other unsaved mourner.

Only to see the redeemed, jumping for joy, as they cheerfully waived “Ahoy”. To the lost & confused, on the ship of fools, captured by the Devil to be abused.


Girls wanna be boys and boys wanna be girls. This is how crazy our fallen world bends nature’s rules as it spins into oblivion & whirls.

The lord of all creates a most beautiful angel named “Lucifer” in the heavenly realms. That angel wanted to be himself at the helm.

He wanted to be just Like his God. When his Mutiny failed, against the human race, he had to initiate a most wicked fraud.

If you have a hard time believing this. There might a huge opportunity in your life to miss.

One that leads to regret and sorrow next to the terror of a demon’s hiss, sometime in the future, or maybe tomorrow.

Be not the fool. Like every pigeon sitting perched on a stool. There is only one sovereign God to over rule.

Being a stubborn mule, will surely put the distance between you and your soul’s savior “Jesus”, a most precious jewel.


When you get your head stuck up in your ass, alas. Such are the ways of mortals and every man’s occasional pass. Earthly treasures evaporate like gas. Heaven’s treasures begin at the cross of Christ’s mass.

Sorry to say, but the dumb will be dumb. Through foolish pride, into reality’s truth they will succumb. To be gathered by The devil’s collective, to be thrown into his fire pit, all in one lump sum.

Everyone eventually dies, whether they were a great celebrity or bathed in popularity in life or not. For the great equalizer puts everyone’s end in an clay jar or Urn, or on a precious cemetery lot.

Both my Dad and an uncle are buried next to the grave of Athlete Star Kobe Bryant, not for being a celebrity or a sports mega star, simply for being just another paying client.

Now the three are all skeletal friends. Will they get along six feet under ? I guess that depends. As to who’s who in the afterlife and who with God had made his amends.

Those are simply the two options for adoption until you add a necessary third. The one that sings like a canary in a coal mine to save every other forlorn bird.

Forsaken from the time Kane and Abel were born. From the disobedience of there parents to adopt the sin of the dragon named “Satan”. For some to worship and others to adorn.

Heart of Gold

When you learn to have for yourself a sweet heart of gold.

One that keeps a smile from gravity’s frown to make you feel too old.

One that keeps your kindness and generosity from growing any mold.

One that gives you the courage in a crises to be outspoken and bold.

Some say that on the day of Rapture, everyone will be blown away & sold.

Just as they, once, twice or too many damn times were warned & told.

About how the plan of Satan and his evil pact with man will surely fold.

And then about the king of all kings “Jesus Christ Superstar”. Who came to set us all free from afar.

And the one for whom our broken heart sings and clings, from the clutches of the devil’s hold.

Why would anybody, in their right mind, body & soul, wish to be left behind in such cold.

She Was Killed

She was gorgeous, albeit a bit naive, yet a most loving and beautiful soul.

She cared for the down trodden and meek, for their suffering and paying such a heavy toll.

She always trusted the wrong type of crowd, to fill up her occaisional empty bowl.

She never got to complete playing out her life’s purpose for a desired compassionate role.

She was killed, for his pleasure rape. Unable to escape a shallow grave, buried below a grassy knoll.

A place, hidden in the dark, were the human devil devotee, would dig for her, a “Jane Doe” resident hole.

“Satan” placed his bet on an angry worshiper. She was sadly picked to reach his wicked goal.

“Jesus Christ” eagerly wanted to save her soul. But he needed her approval, to play such a role.

A (Soul Save) is done through the genuine asking to be. From the point of no return, into forlorn misery.

Going to Heaven

Going to heaven was made to be the easiest thing in the world. Easy like singing your favorite song.

All you had to do, was to believe that Jesus Christ is the ticket, as to what has been pure and true all along.

Otherwise, I’m afraid, it’s a ticket to Nantucket. The place where every tired soul gets to kick their bucket.

Go to the promise land of milk and honey. Where everything is made of Pure love, as oppose to money.

Go to the one and only paradise. The one talked about in the Holy Bible of the worlds redeemer “Jesus Christ”.

The Bible that comes alive upon the arrival of its pre-written truth of its adversary and rival.

When news hits the wire of its prescribed rapture. An awful shock story, every journalist will wish to capture.

Amusing Rhymes

When one becomes lost in their own bad choices. They become eager to listen to any of the other influential voices.

When a person solely focuses on mammon. It becomes their God, unlike a random throw of dice on a board of backgammon.

One cannot have two masters, the Holy Bible says. You’ll love the one and hate the other, according to all the pastors.

Life is a dense forest of roses & thorns. Keep your awareness sharp. To tell a benevolent spirit, from a creature with horns.

If one passes, less a navigation road map. How will spirit & soul know, where to go. Who to believe, where is safety, and what’s a trap.

Always keep that question in the back of your mind. Should a day come when you decide to stop being so pridefully blind.

My words certainly come from a good God high above. The place where he manufactures and produces his grandiose love.

They can be hardened with reality at times. Yet their purpose is to shed some light on the truth of this fight, through amusing rhymes.

Fly Like a Bird

The arrogant fool, is always ready to defend his pride in a two man type of duel.

Always wants his own opinion to control freak the situation and over rule.

Thinks his invisible halo crown on his head, is laden with gold and precious jewel.

Never admitting to be wrong, to accept the kind of wisdom he could not find at school.

Stands his shaky flaky ground, just like every other mortal stubborn mule.

Thinks his winning aggressive, hustler attitude, makes him lovable, and super cool.

But one day, he or she will find out, that God cannot use this type of human tool.

The type of person, who’s pride and prejudice, always has to have the last word.

When it’s really God, that needs to be feared, obeyed and diligently heard.

For, to hold on to the attributes of Satan’s staunch rebellion is daft & absurd.

Choose the character traits of Jesus Christ. Should you wish, to fly like a bird.

Mortal Pain

Evil has a wicked grin. A smile is never genuine, if it’s a product of pure sin.

When demons attack, they stab you in the back. They wish to take you off the rack.

So, that they can take a captured unsaved soul down into the depths of Sheol.

To impress their boss, for playing their role. For a trip down into that petrifying rabbit hole.

They can come into your dreams. They create illusions to fool, to possess a mortal being, to over rule.

They do have a wicked plan, purpose and a goal. And that is simply to capture your soul.

Evil is very much real. It lives and breathes its own satanic appeal. It’s a bling ridden shady deal.

It is like a giant underworld evil corporation. A dark nation or empire, under observation.

Operating below the surface, on that whole level. To sustain the ambitions of their master, the Devil.

A smile from Jesus or the devil’s grin. Everyone will get a taste of their own medicine.

To invent the light bulb. First, a light bulb had to go off first, in the brain of Thomas Edison.

Hopefully, someday a light bulb of truth will shine on your brain. To see the world we live in as being fallen, and plenty vain.

The same attributes that got Lucifer, the devil recreated into Satan. To bring about all human suffering and mortal pain.

Figure it all out

There is so much less joy in receiving than there is in giving.

For that was always the learned purpose of better living.

To learn that, no matter how much we earn, kindness clears the fog of life’s blindness for those, who wish no longer for emptiness to yearn.

Learn the art of cosmic truth. Something we’ve thought about from long ago, since the time of our generational youth.

I did not have the desire to get to know the Lord, in the state of my prime and clout. Wasting much of my time as I went about.

Salvation to pass on, while I played from dusk til dawn. A lifetime of grace I need, to tell the truth from false, to figure it all out.

Everyone Can Afford

Life consists of a whole bunch of selections and choices under every persons hood.

Some are good to the taste, albeit a waste, and others best not made in haste. As I understood.

And then some work themselves out fair & square, without the slings and snares of the Devil, just as they should.

Those who reject the language of the Lord, sadly invite the attributes of Lucifer, to come onboard.

Which is quite alarming & absurd, once rest is assured, that there is none equivalent to God’s word.

The peace, comfort and joy of knowing the good Lord, is its very own blessing and endless reward.

The good life of the “here & now” requires lots of money, but this kind of honey, everyone can afford.

Home Run

Born forlorn, with a deficit. Lack of the attention needed to ever become a hit. Too depressed or manic, to become anyone’s perfect fit.

Ive given up on all my lofty, unattainable pie in the sky visions and dreams, except for the most crucial one of them all.

And that is to help save a wandering soul or more. Before I’m dead, finished & done, from living out this obvious mortal fall.

By the only worthy gift ever given to all of mankind. By the house of the holy council, and their holiest and most divine son.

The son of the master creator, for immortality sake. For what was meant to be, my ultimate blessing in life & home run.

The Main

Addiction is like a runaway frightful freight train.

A Deferred balloon payment of reality sorrow & flowering pain.

Empty bottles & baggy trophies, useless garbage to gain.

The high is to be chased, at any cost, deemed insane.

Be it on a Monday or a Sunday. Whether in the sunshine or in the rain.

It will soon become the master crutch, keeping you stuck in its high rise lane.

It’s a sure dead end, and the right way, to a life of disdain.

No different than popping a pain pill by the doctor, to calm the brain.

But in the end, instead of a fat bank account, all You’ll get is a drain.

Let it all go in Jesus name. When you’re ready to make him, the main.