2nd Anthology

Listed here are more of the following series of poems and rhymes titled “2nd Anthology”. As the work progressed forward in its first year, it got to be a little more bold as I no longer was running everything through my brain filters to slow it down or even control it in any way. Thank you for taking the time to read my work, and may God bless all who seek his truth & wisdom. Please note that most of these rhymes are first draft and are full of grammatical mistakes and dyslexic errors and are constantly being edited and updated. Thanks for youe patience in this regard. God bless you all for the seeking of the truth of our Lord & Savior “Jesus Christ”

The Real Son of God

A relationship with the lord our God, isn’t achieved through the practice of ritual. It is the result of the practice of faith and worship becoming necessary and habitual.

The plain truth of the matter is. Unless you become privy to Satan and his wicked minions. You’ll never truly find God through manipulative religions, from mankind’s ideas and opinions.

It is only through history’s story of mankind’s mortal fall. Was a savior needed to be gifted to us on the sacrificial cross to be available to us, simply for the asking and on call.

And his name is Jesus. He wasn’t a prophet or a lunatic on the fringe. He wasn’t a liar or a two face fraud. He performed miracles upon miracle to prove himself to be, the real son of God.

This world is amuck

This world is amuck, so pick up your feet,

to get in the race and chase the mighty buck.

You can putz and fool around, only to become the class clown,

This world is a dervish on a whirl. You must dive

into the deep waters to find that shiny pearl.

This globe keeps spinning round and round.

Keep your head cool and feet on the ground.

In this world, one of the wisest things to do.

Is to keep your mouth shut and your ears & eyes on cue.

This is a world for those who got game.

Until a fall into the devil’s pit of chaos and fame.

This is a world made of much growing pain,

be it physical or emotional, it’s all the same.

This is a blue planet yet with red rain.

A view from the moon with eyes on its frame.

This world is for survival and conquest of the strong,

If not, perhaps a revival for a temptress to pleasure you in song.

This is not a world for the meek, as they shall not

inherit any of the earth, until their savior they know to seek.

This world is fun for some, yet for others its paradise lost.

With a few Disneyland’s. But at such a high cost.

Yet in our world, not all the kids get to go.

The poor ones get to watch it on a TV show.

For never all was ever fair play in this broken world.

but it certainly is fair game, to give it a proper name.

Jesus Christ came to tame and level this playing field.

To give us a way out of our destiny’s chosen yield.

How can you expect to receive it if you’re not even willing to entertain it for a minute, to believe it ?

If faith is on sale for a hit off the pipe or a cold ale.

Your distant heart from God could be getting cold & stale.

You really cannot walk on both sides of this fence.

It fogs your faith and makes it pretty dense.

I have an obligation to truth so this one is for me.

To take a sip or two or three out of my own cup of tea.

Jesus Christ will mold me from the inside out.

As best as he wants me to be, without a doubt.

For he is our Supernova. The mega star to shine.

Brightest of all and from a place of bread and wine.

So if you find yourself feeling down & out, hopeless and torn.

Give Jesus a shout, open your seeking heart into faith from for an

invitation into his kingdom come, to be into his forever reborn.


Go ahead, have another drink woman, even If you’re a little drunk.

Just don’t pass out to find yourself locked inside of a trunk.

Come on, have another beer, take another hit.

Eventually, with a darker spirit, you might become a fit.

Sure, it’s an ugly scenario, perhaps a scene out of a movie.

But if it happened to you, It wouldn’t be fun or so groovy.

Evil doer’s roaming for a quick fix, looking to strike fast.

Without advance warning or any hints from their past.

Gather wealth any which way but loose like the money mules.

Spend it on some safety box jewels to make all the hefty rules.

For now the prince of darkness rules parts of this promise land.

Jesus is on his way, just as promised to forever bind Satan’s hand.

Apparently there are those in control with mega wealth and power.

Evil hearts like a fungus among us that can wilt a fresh flower.

They gather up every year at the low key “Bohemian Grove”.

To pay homage to a big statue of a goat head with a trove.

For a favor or two or more in the up and coming year.

To continue their grip and hold on the powers of fear.

Blood thirsty secret societies like “Skull and Bones”.

And the “Illuminati” sealed sessions, inside their homes.

Worshiping hidden idols behind a closed curtain.

Is not the Lord our God, and that’s for certain.

What’s for sure, is what it says In the Holy Bible.

A book of hope and redemption, with no particular rival.

The Holy Bible is a book of wisdom and living truth.

Every word in it can be backed up by proof.

The Garden of Eden has already been found.

Under the Persian gulf where four rivers were bound.

The Ark of the covenant was carefully discovered.

Yet kept a big secret to be politically covered.

Some swear, It’s buried under the cross were Jesus

was crucified for his blood never to be lost.

Even Noah’s Ark was found atop mount Ararat.

Made into a national park, yet not much more than that.

Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities that burned.

Its proof in the sediment is visibly seen and earned.

Bones of giants like Goliath, dug up from the ground,

As a live one in a Kandahar cave was recently found.

There is a supernatural healing force to the true cross.

A sliver of wood, a holy power that’s well understood.

These are all true stories in bible scripture.

The tangible proof of their existence are a fixture.

So if you’re still on the fence feeling unhappy yet aloof.

Look it all up on Google to satisfy your thirst for proof.

The good Lord God never asked anyone for very much.

Just some acknowledgment, of his son’s loving nature and touch.

Spiritual Shopping Cart

Let the word of God lay on my beating heart.

Let it steep, so that in my veins it runs deep.

I need it placed in my spiritual shopping cart.

So that in times of peril and fear, never to fall apart.

As I have shopped the world many times over for truth.

Way back from a time when I was gullible and in my youth.

Thank God and goodness for a loving family that cares.

About one who has much love but not too many shares.

If only there was a path to sway them this way.

So that we can all be together in heaven someday.

For in the end, there has to be just one narrow road.

To break the Icy silence of life’s mystery code.

Jesus Christ came for all people’s of the earth,

To pave his way of salvation celebration on heavens day.

Don’t turn your back on the redemption’s wisest choice.

The one, were God speaks truth with a crystal clear voice.

For in the end all the treasure, money & jewels.

Will not buy a stairway to heaven or change any rules.

That was just a message for the kids in a popular song.

And when spun it was backwards, it became Lucifer’s gong.

After all revelation and when all is said and done.

Christ Jesus will return to us, as God’s holy son.

For when all his truth is eventually revealed,

and the absolute proof of his being becomes unsealed.

Your faith to fate will come into automatic play.

As the beliefs you sowed you will reap in pay.

Don’t be fooled like so many, by the devils tricks.

For his arsenal will crumble like a pile of bricks.

When God’s earth will quake, to rattle the cage

of all naysayers and unbelievers at stake.

Don’t be the judge of this particular holy book.

By the works of the many wolves in sheepskin.

But only by the words of the Bible themselves

and how they make your spirit feel from within.

The Choices

The choices for God on earth. Are like a beam shining through a prism.

Three majors Besides the Buddha. Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

They came around to root themselves in the same general region.

Truth absolute in the lord’s epicenter, surrounded by a legion.

A way to plant seeds of doubt in the minds of peoples needs.

Claiming God had no son and Jesus was just a prophet of good deeds.

The promised nation of Ishmael wanted a superior God, all to their own.

One that wasn’t offering a simple solution, so easy in its undertone.

For the first message was shielded by a spider in a cave for protection.

As a way to create between himself and his enemies a strong deflection.

From angry men praying to pagan gods of stone, riding up to his cave.

Where the prophet by a spirit of fear & trembling learned to behave.

Thinking it was the angel Gabriel coming to give him the final truth.

By repeating over every hypnotic verse he heard in his head of youth.

Tricked into believing he would be the key to his nations salvation.

An effort to demote the Lords true tone by a religion of his own.

The choices for God reduce to one. The love of Jesus, the only son.

All else, a lie to capture the soul. By evil’s master playing a role.

Every good tree bears good fruit and every ill tree’s fruit is rotten.

It is best tossed back into the ground and simply forgotten.

Two Paths

There are two paths through the wilderness of life. One leads to pure bliss and the other to eternal strife.

Life is nothing more than a series of schools. For good and evil to play out, by the use of their tools.

It’s called the school of hard knocks. So put on your toughest shoes to walk those sharp and jagged rocks.

In the end your spirit is given a rest. From all the years of trials and tribulations, from worst to best.

But then, some of us humans prefer to get ahead by being a hoodlum, a cheater and a liar instead.

Only to grow into a wicked man with malice and evil as his daily plan, once a demon becomes his Peter Pan.

Our loving God provides it all. Food and drink of every kind, clothing and shelter from spring to fall.

He sent part of himself to set us straight. To have a chance for a stairway to heaven, to elude our chosen fate.

He gave us serene mountains and lakes. To give us a little glimpse of all the wonders he makes.

He gave us brains to ponder and think. About the right and wrong corners to every link.

All he asked for was a little recognition. For what he hath done for us with our freewill and volition.

For Gods sacrifice was super painful. To hang his son on a cross to die like a criminal without being sinful.

To take on the inherited sins of the entire human race. Giving us hope through faith into salvation, at our own pace.

Why is this truth so hard to understand ? When by God, from the very beginning, the entire event was planned.

The truth in the Bible is crystal clear. There is nothing mysterious about it or anything to fear.

It preaches pure love and grace. Not much else except for news of salvation at the end of this race.

It’s promises are holy and guaranteed. They will never let you down in your time of peril or need.

So don’t brush it aside for knowing it all, lest you’re willing to accept that into a pit of hell you might fall.

There’s really nothing for a Christian to gain by sharing this amazing and wonderful truth in vain.

We do it strictly for heavens sake. For all of us to have the chance one day to escape the devils reign.

We do it out of genuine compassion and love. Just as Jesus would, who by God himself was sent from above.

So, what will it be pilgrim “Heads or tails” ? Every story has a parallel. Just like a train on a road of rails.

For a trip into the clouds of heaven to paradise. Or one down to Hades below, a final destination for some to suffice.

Virgin Mary

Jesus Christ was born into the womb of the Virgin Mary. If you think it’s a lie then your fate might become scary.

Therefore if that is the case, it means he was not part of the fallen from grace, sinful human race.

He came into our world to deliver the good news. Of a loving God and to show people a way of life, with wiser views.

He came in one shot to absorb the sin of a confused humankind. On the spot, by being crucified sinless, by the blind.

For he already knew what he had come to earth to do, when he called Judas over to deliver his kiss of death on cue.

He healed the sick, walked the sea, cast out devils & raised the dead. So they had to kill him instead.

Problem was, even though he was crucified and by a spear his blood spilled. He rose like a God, refusing to be killed.

Then, he comes back to earth for all to see. Holes in his palms and feet. Solid proof that he really was heavens only key.

What more do you need to believe ? Perhaps you expect God to get down on his knees and beg you to be saved, with a please.

Wake up my friend and don’t swim in the pool of fools. A haughty pride and much arrogance are just some of Satan’s tools.

Your Youth

Life is good when you’re young. I’m getting achy and old,

such is the way of life In the big city, I’m told.

Don’t party on like Wayne’s World. Take advantage of your youth.

Every losers game is for the devils, never for the sake of truth.

If your hide is young and thin. You might never find success

from the ways of an evil world in mortal attachment to sin.

However, if you happen to have a thick skin, slings and arrows

will bounce off of you for a good chance to win.

Do your best to thicken your hide without becoming a monster inside.

For life can surely be like a harrowing roller-coaster ride.

And when you eventually grow tired of relentless slings and arrows.

As you grow wiser, old and frail into the narrows.

Only one promise from above can save you from disaster.

It is Jesus. If you don’t believe me, ask the pastor.

None other than Christ, the super star and son of all creation.

Ruler of the universe, every galaxy and every earth nation.

Everything else you’re told and taught is a choice to a gamble.

Created purposely, to sway you from Jesus through Satan’s ramble.

His lies are many, coming in all different shapes and sizes.

Masked and sugar coated as an array of colorful disguises.

The truth of Jesus is one. It delivers a gift easy to accept

and free for all people of the earth, not just for some.

So once again for heavens sake I repeat to you this bit of world truth.

 With one candle and a birthday cake, to take advantage of your youth.

Stay as close as you can to the offer of the living rose, Jesus Christ.

For a life worth living and a destiny bound for paradise.

A Carjacker’s Fate (Inspired by a true story)

I just tuned in to the 10 o’clock news to hear a piece.

About a young daft punk on life’s short term lease.

Who decides to carjack a young innocent woman on the fly.

As she frantically would scream, why for Gods sake, why ?

So she freaks out and steps on the gas to go super fast.

To crash into a nearby fence, as the hoodlum began to feel dense.

For choosing to rob a young lady, so crazy and intense.

Then the criminal somehow fell out of his victims car

To stumble onto the fast moving boulevard at par.

To get hit head on by another speeding automobile.

To die and perish instantly with hardly any pain or feel.

Praises to the lord for cutting off the hoodlums evil umbilical cord.

It turns out that almighty God of all space and time.

Will deliver his judgments and a ticket to Hades, on a dime.

As the reaper whispered in his ear “Satan has dug for you a deep hole.

In a pit of his hell for a feast of horror and a freshly baked soul”.

Pardon my language the writer said. I got to say this to others with like ideas in the profanity they understand instead:

Here lies one stupid idiot among many and as dumb as they come. Now burning dead and alive in hell for being such a willing evil bum.

His name was “Tucker”. So he will be named “Tucker the evil sucker”. Congratulations evil pilgrim. Your brazen lights are about to get dim.

You have entered bibles hell, a real & rotten place with a putrid smell.

It could sit beneath your feet were nothing much exists to steal. Sweltering heat without even a sip of water or a convicts meal.

After all it is the holy bible’s honest written truth. And for all who think it a joke, it becomes way uncouth.

But there’s one more thing I’ve got to say to this nimrod at bay. You’re criminal joy ride this time did not handsomely pay.

So now that you’ve put yourself in bible hell for ignoring the warning bell. Try to enjoy your stay. Without much regret or hateful dismay.

After all life with a loving God must also be righteous just and fair. You had every chance to leave the devils ballroom and avoid his lair.

I believe you’ve got some dues to pay, so I’ll let you acclimate to the well heated fray as you continue to cry, moan and hopelessly prey.

In Dante’s Hell, demons will laugh at cries for mercy. As sorry souls cook to harden. Cry not in vain for a remote chance of any pardon.

Just as we all do in life, this punk wrote his book by his ways off the hook. So God suddenly put an end to his life and that’s all it took.

Black & White

From white to black and everything in between.

Are the colors of man. From loving and kind to the brutally mean.

The darker colors of man need to have, somewhat of a cover up plan.

A lighter mask to fool the meek and to accomplish their wicked task.

The creature that could act and put on a show to be be what it’s not.

Is the one and only sinful human being, certainly not a robot.

Some are amateur actors but others are Oscar worthy.

Never showing true colors in time, to manipulate the humble and earthy.

Two characters in every production. The antagonist & the protagonist.

One with tricks up their sleeve and the other with an Ironman’s fist.

It’s a life we chose for a lifetime dance with our father’s unholy foes.

A cruise in life’s pleasure lane with a deferred contract for pain.

All humans are born vulnerable and weak to temptations of the flesh.

Be it from a molesting criminal priest, or a two face mortal beast.

Such is the case in a fallen world A good excuse for survival.

A race of clever and hungry rats, racing to beat the rival.

Some say, life is black and white with a destiny of predetermined fate.

It’s the fifty shades of grey in the middle where Satan flings his bait.

A sinful act here and there. A secret rendezvous with a young Au-pair.

A good union comes to an end to ride the merry-go-round all over again.

Heaven is a where sin like we do here will cease, never to take place.

Wise to get acquainted with being sinless, before an end to this race.

Otherwise you might not be too happy to be in such a righteous place.

Where you no longer can sin and frolic at your leisure and own pace.

Jesus Christ was the ultimate human role model anyone could ask for.

Those he taught became so much more. Truthful and genuine to the core

So if you unfortunately had to grow up with a dead beat for a dad.

I sincerely apologize for the experience you must have had.

Look up to Jesus Christ alone for a relationship with almighty

“Adonai Yahweh”. Lord of lords and certainly no passing fad.

Breaking News

Breaking news, at times can be so horrid and apt to confuse.

It might as well change your beliefs or religious views.

When you see enough of the devil’s works to suddenly realize.

He is no myth, nor does he with your troubles ever sympathize.

He is very much real, and he wants to be worshiped like a God with zeal.

For you to bow down as many times as you can to his ground and kneel.

He will make you think that you can easily breeze through life with some of his magic potion and a little dab of his slithery lotion.

To skate through evil deeds outside of the rink of human needs to walk and stomp all over God’s righteous good seeds.

Little mustard seeds of faith, that grow into courageous tree’s of faith for good works in the name of Jesus for righteous deeds.

Some of whom will become pastors, teachers and Sheppard’s to the lost herd. To fly around the globe, spreading news of salvation’s word.

To let loose onto the world the greatest news into the laps of those who from Jesus Christ had never once heard.

To give every single one of us on this blue earth of sorrows and pain a fair and honest chance.

To choose between God’s wisdom and love, or the devil’s lies, tricks and lucky charms to romance.

Pay attention to breaking news as the sum of all fears has already been told in the holy pages of the bible.

News of our lord Jesus Christ, who had cometh to earth from above to pay our debts in arrears upon his arrival.

There will come a day when the news of bedlam, mayhem
and atomic fears will overwhelm the news anchors into unstoppable tears.

So don’t shun the news of the day as it might convince you of the truth of Jesus Christ, the son. For both you and your soul to go his way.

Brand New Day

The man walked the land all around.

Healing the sick on the fly wherever they were to be found.

He turned jugs of witnessed water into the best of wine.

For a ceremony to go on with joy as its gossip became the sign.

He brought fresh fish into the fisherman’s net.

On a day when the fisher’s of men had lost their fishing bet.

He walked on water and calmed the sea.

When temptation came his way, Lucifer had to flee.

He raised a dead man after four days,

A feat medically impossible, only to amaze.

He was crucified sinless and in agonizing vain.

Only to rise up to heaven on a third day of rain.

Sightings here and there as rumors began to spread.

That crucified Jesus was alive and not at all dead.

After all he did not claim any more than what is true.

For an open doorway to Heaven for all, including me & you.

Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords, a simple choice of a “Yay or Nay”.

If you believe it, you’ll go to heaven, otherwise you’ll get to stay.

For after the reality moment of an amazing world rapture.

The entire worlds needed attention It will suddenly capture.

It will be too late to change your mind from years of living blind.

To correct your sorry fate in the last minute, at the pearly gate.

For all Jesus asks anyone for is just a little faith and trust.

To prove himself beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be the crucial must.

No need to pray five a day or leave fruits At Shiva’s feet.

Or for the giant hungry Buddha a little fresh meat.

After all he said, beware of the many false prophets.

Who are brought in by non other, than as the devil’s puppets.

Only one avenue of truth can possibly lead to Gods palace.

All other meandering scenic roads might lead to his adversary’s malice.

Don’t let stubborn pride keep you from picking a winning side.

This to you, is the enemy’s way to claim your soul, I must confide.

Believe in this absolute truth and it shall set you free.

Just as the holy bible says it many times over and literally.

No pressure, forceful measure or heavy taxes to pay.

Just an open ticket to paradise at death, for a brand new day.

Bless Them

Dear mighty God of all, please bless richly all of those.

Who in your name serve humanity daily, with the work they chose.

Bless them for being on the front lines of every single disaster.

For being the first res-ponders on the scene a little faster.

Bless them for enduring the heartaches and ugliness of war.

Assure them that once in heaven, they will have to fight no more.

Bless them for their humility, dignity and self sacrifice.

For they are the compassionate ones, deserving a ticket to paradise.

Show the ones who are still searching, that are still on the fence.

That Jesus is your holy son. The true savior in our present tense.

Show them oh Lord that the love they have for mankind in their hearts.

Is the sum of all of your gracious mercy and righteous parts.

Bless their lives in every way for their relentless love for humanity.

For putting their lives at risk in the middle of every mortal insanity.

Bless all those great people full of heart, who choose to serve.

So that the rest of us can sleep with a cool and calm nerve.

Adult Swim

There is a television show on the “Adult Swim“ network.

It’s made for a laugh or two right through life’s homework.

It’s called “Your pretty face is going to hell”.

It’s another one of those Satan inspired shows as far as I can tell.

To believe it’s a joke to tickle the funny bone and fondle our yolk.

To go from sunny side up to over easy, especially for the gullible folk.

But the real tragedy herein is that it’s exactly the opposite.

Its the absolute truth no one really wants to hear.

lets have another beer, a chuckle or two to become a perfect fit.

The devils they portray are made to look cuddly, lovable and cute.

The reality is, Satan’s demons will make you re-evaluate, to re-compute.

Heaven wasn’t made for the prideful or the vain.

Neither is it a sheltered paradise for the mighty rich or citizen Kane.

Made for followers of Christ Jesus and not just by word of mouth.

But by carrying his cross of burden, just as he did from north to south.

So, if you truly want your pretty face to go to paradise.

All you are to do is to accept the the gift of grace from Jesus Christ.

None other than the one son of God, risen once crucified.

Never by a witness or a believer two thousand years in, to be denied.

Buyer Beware

Life at times can surely become a travesty.

Be it for a bum on the street or her royal majesty.

It’s a challenge and a struggle for all.

Since the beginning, from the time of Adam and Eve’s fall.

Everyone struggles to separate truth from lies for the meaning of life.

Especially when so many buffet choices are offered.

On a silver plated platter along with a plastic fork & Knife.

There can only be one true path for the good Sheppard.

To lead his herd of thirsty sheep to the fountain of bliss.

Among many an imposter to go astray from the true path to miss.

Jesus Christ is that very path and I’m afraid there is none other.

If I wasn’t sure I wouldn’t insist on it like I do with every brother.

So, “Buyer Beware” when it comes to the absolute truth of God.

Choose the son Jesus surrounded by a whole lot of Satan’s fraud.

The only loving and faithful lord of lords and king of kings.

For a brand new heart and a fresh pair of salvation wings.

Pick the one God among the many pretenders who keeps his word.

Promising a win instead of a loss as you might have already heard.


Life in all of its wonder, sucesses and glory

Makes absolutely no sense, less the presence of the God story.

Those with hard knock experience and earned wisdom.

Come to realize, there truly must be a heavenly kingdom.

For whomever can put together beyond our wildest imagination.

a vast and expanding universe out of a big bang.

Surely runs a kingdom in the heavens with a universal king.

As the galaxies, stars and their moons in praise to him will sing.

The world’s greatest philosophers had other ideas to rhyme,

Claiming you only got to live life, just the one time.

Then you die and in the ground you go.

To help out a tree, bushel or a rosebush grow.

But even the greatest mind and genius in our history of time “Einstein”.

Would surely see the sign. Once the math couldn’t cross the line.

He believed in Jesus as messiah even though he grew up a Jew,

Who knew this to be a fact? Some will swear it’s true.

After his theory of relativity had explained much of the world.

He got wise enough to realize. The truth of God had to be absolute.

So before he died, he chose Jesus out of all the illusions & lies.

For Crying Out Loud

What could you possibly have against Jesus Christ for crying out loud ? What more proof do you need than a resurrection & a surviving shroud ?

Has he ever hurt you or blinded you like he did with Saul of Tarsus. A truth seeker of a man, yet once also so lost, foolish and proud ?

Has he ever lied to you, or somehow led you astray to bring into your life uncertainty, trouble of an unworthy kind or any dismay ?

Did he claim to be someone he was not, for you to despise him for no other legit reason except for a causeless rebel’s unwarranted thought.

Your foolish pride will not allow you to consider any other thought. Not even as a first time bidder who on good faith curiously bought.

Do not judge Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the greedy actions of Templar’s or the lunacy and evil condemnation of a bad preacher like Jim Jones.

Everyone’s dead earthly remains eventually turn back to dirt and dust As the cemetery openly declares except for the holy messiah’s bones.

Don’t judge him by the vanity of David Koresh and his God wannabe insanity or even the past immorality of a Jerry Falwell at best.

Or the wicked illness of evil thoughts in the mind of a priest that is caught molesting children like a disguised devil’s beast.

Judge Jesus Christ by the way he lived his own life, not the poor example of those who use the faith for their own agenda of strife.

Fuggazi Christian

Nothing worse than a Fuggazi (Fake) Christian. The kind of phony that talks the talk but never intends to walk the walk.

When you do the talk without the walk, the talk becomes cheap. But the crooked way you walk, you alone will get to keep.

All we ask is that If you’re going to call yourself one, Then you must also behave like the genuine some.

Those who use the faith for their personal advantage. To gain false trust for their own selfish agenda.

Should be exposed and hunted down like criminals by luetenent Joe Kenda.

Such phonies give our faith a bad name just like any selfie human devil would for some his own fortune and fame.

If the eyes and smile’s don’t match then get away as quick as you can, a sinister plan or a rotten egg might be getting ready to hatch.

And if the laughter is too long and comes across a little phony then beware pilgrim, as you might become his latest gullible pony.

Smiles and cheers from ear to ear can be easily be faked and caked, but the eye window to the soul cannot seem to tell a good lie.

Some smart criminals will pretend to be holy Christians just to hide in a church of God to evade prosecution and lawful capture.

That might work for a short while and even if they are never caught in this life, they will certainly be left behind at the rapture.

Do not use Christianity as your personal tool for neither Jesus Christ nor the Almighty creator of the universe will be your personal fool.

Instead, be a true Christian and carry the cross like Jesus did to truly walk the walk, before you open your mouth to do the talk.

God Incarnate

Jesus Christ is God Incarnate. You don’t have to believe it, but if you do you wouldnt have to test your fate.

For the time we are given sadly ends in a hearse, that’s driven to a grave site less the care of the nurse.

So if you don’t wish to test your inevitable fate. Then sign up for the party of Jesus, just don’t be late.

Christ delivers what he promises with no reservations, Just a simple request by you to make your spirit and heart anew.

Believe not the many illusions of the devil. Purposely constructed to keep your eyes blind to Gods truth level.

There is one truth in this bucket list of lies. Justice for all as the wicked for the verdict will eventually rise.

The final separation of evil”s attachment from the good. Will be the return of Jesus to earth, this we clearly understood.

Heaven is not earned by charity or being a good man, but only by almighty God’s salvation plan.

Lord Jesus is the second chance to mankind’s spirit given, to restore us back into a relationship with God through Christ risen.

In this case, a third round is no charm. Don’t wait for the second coming to agree. It might do you some irreversible harm.

As long as you’re alive don’t brush this imperative truth aside For all God ever asked of you was in his only son to abide.

But you might ask yourself the question, “Why does God’s plan need a son ? To be born to save the soul of man”.

Because God is omnipotent, fair and equally just, and answering Satan’s game by His own rules had to be a must.

And so this is what it took to restore us back into Eden. By a sacrificial lamb on the cross for all to believe in.

In God We Trust

“In God we trust” is what it says on the dollar bill. It’s the money everybody seems to love but at times it’s used to kill.

The mullah’s in the land of Stan and their aimless herd of sheep. Shout ” death to America “. Oh but wait, these dollars we must keep.

We wish it rather said “In Allah trust is a must”. For the sake of our pride and honor. Not a shameful mullah’s bust “.

Kids in Iran made an “Im so happy” video to cheer themselves up for a good reason. Only to be arrested and almost executed for treason.

They needed expression from the hell of living under the mullah’s rule. Tired of angry rhetoric at the world and hate speech of a pigeon stool.

Clinging on to a doctrine that couldn’t keep up with modern times. Nor had any love to teach, just a whole lot of riddles with no rhymes.

There is no shame involved in God’s absolute truth. I spent a lifetime arguing with Christians, from the time of my youth until the invention of blue tooth.

Until a day came when I couldn’t argue anymore and had to cut to the chase. Because the proof that milk was white was staring me in the face.

Just one thing, brother of one religion or another. The Bible says it will free us from wonder, of what happens when the body decides to flee.

I’ll say it again and again for posterity. I’ll say it over and over in between the colors of crimson and clover with all of its sincerity.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth is our Lord. You can take or leave the gift of paradise or simply to your own vices be left behind and ignored.

Freewill was granted for us to freely choose. As we take the gamble of what is most believable to either win mercy & grace or inevitably lose.

Insurance versus Assurance

Insurance is a fabulous tool for the devil to use to over rule. It capitalizes on our daily fears.

The fear of this and fear of that and all there is in between you and mayhem, to go to bat.

It’s good protection for a fallen world. where criminals freely roam.
To pillage and plunder or maybe even rob your home.

Or a selfish punk sending you to the ICU for carelessly driving drunk.

Fear of things going wrong seems to be a way of life for all of us.

In this world we live in. No assurance of any kind
but plenty of insurance for sale, you will find.

Insurance companies are rich. Collecting monthly payments, year after year. For a world of mayhem. Innocence insured against justified fears.

Hammering us with their pesky and daft advertising over and over. Until some psycho commits social suicide in a brand new range rover.

An arsenal to boot, an unlucky bystander to shoot. A six o’clock news scare from Satan’s lair, to keep us uptight. So that Flo from can sell us insurance tonight.

And then there’s the cute little gecko from the U.K. Who wants to sell you insurance, whether you ride straight or stay gay.

Assurance on the other hand is what salvation is all about.
It’s a secure piece of land. Where there are no floods or fires.

Our Lord Jesus will raise us From the tribulation of earths promised mayhem or the need to continuously buy protection that always expires.

However assurance is much more valuable than just a blanket of security. It’s a passage into Paradise, granted by none other than Christ purity.

He asks for nothing much, except to accept his grace by confessing.
Him to be your lord and savior, to receive this amazing blessing.

Jesus Freak

That is right, I am a Jesus freak and I can assure you.
My mind isn’t as foggy as you think and my brain certainly doesn’t leak.

And Yes; I do have every right of compassion to share the good news. With you or anyone else of what I know of him, in the way I speak.

Meeting with Christ, is like being days thirsty for a drink of fresh water in the Sahara and running into a fresh cool water creek.

If you happen to be searching for cosmic truth. Do it in the name of Jesus Christ and from the bottom of your heart openly seek.

And if you are the kind of person that needs solid proof to believe. Then, you must at least in the bible at some point, have a peak.

You might find the stories in its pages ring of truth, love and wisdom if you just bothered to read it for a little over a week.

After all it was Jesus Christ that said in letters printed in red that the earth shall eventually be inherited by the meek.

When life starts to chop you down to size, like an overgrown tree. As it surely will someday, to find your weathered spirit getting weak.

Call out sincerely to Christ for help with an invite into your heart. In holy Jesus name, to put a dead end to the devil’s deadly game.

Someday soon, way before you kick that okd Bucket for good. For a much better outcome in the afterlife as we had understood.

Hopefully never to cross over and sadly find, that you were wrong all along. Running proud to be among the ranks of the lost and blind.

To eventually have to tremble in fear from the demons getting near. To scream as loud as you can’t in a bad dream that refuses to disappear.

Crying out over and over “I wish I was a Jesus freak” “I wish I was a Jesus freak”. Out of relentless and eternal and perpetual fear.

Assurance Smile

Mortal Love alone, I’m afraid will not take you to paradise.

The only love that does, is the pure love of Jesus Christ.

If you don’t believe me, go to the nearest hospital to your place.

And find yourself a true believer and receiver of his mercy and grace.

One who about to leave this race and its ugliness, for a heavenly place.

Without another dollar to chase, yet with a lasting smile on their face.

Ask them, why is it that they do not anguish and fear over death.

Like the rest, who moan and groan for the reaper to leave them alone.

They’ll say, the grace of the good lord has given them the insight.

To know were they’re going upon death, as their spirit takes to flight.

The best gift in life, is knowing your ultimate destiny when you die.

To know for certain that your spirit into heaven will soar and fly.

If we could only hear from friends and relatives, once upon a time near.

Who didn’t believe in Christ to die and sink into oblivion & disappear.

Wouldn’t you rather die dignified, with an assurance smile on thy face ?

Once you are done running this fallen from grace mortal rat race.


Life is a journey that leads to one of two places. One rather scary and another with happy smiley faces.

It’s a trip through the human experience with Godly choices galore.
A rat race for all looking to end up with just a little more.

Life is choosing one style of living over another.
Best one being, to honor your father and love your mother.

It’s just one meandering path With many forks on the trail, With no visible clues to a pass or a fail.

It’s the Almighty’s answer to the prince of darkness & his joker, A sex slave owner with a strong hand at poker.

It’s a test of faith versus intellect. To be offered the absolute truth of the world through Christ, to accept or reject.

It’s the challenge to trust and put faith in what is real and invisible. To earn the rewards of faith into a fate, indivisible.

Imagine someone praying five hundred times a day, only to find out at death he or she was naming God’s adversary at bay.

At which point, I’m afraid there will be no more time or safe place or any of God’s mercy for the regrets on his or her face.

And no sympathetic ear for your spiritual case, as the first battle between God and Satan has already taken place.


Love is the ultimate gift of emotion. It sets a beating heart and spirit into motion.

It’s the flame that came with God who became a man to give us his love once again.

We turned our backs on him when we decided to believe a snake and begin to sin within.

And since then we’ve been sinning but in our feeble minds thought we were winning.

Only to realize that this win had a time stamp on it. Like the pleasure that ends with a tramp.

Winning in life is a test of our moral character but losing faith is a game of our own choosing.

For free will was given to all of us to choose between God or his adversary’s fate to lose.

Like Humpty Dumpty, You can sit long on the wall. Eventually on one side or the other to fall.

For when all is final, said and done your only choice would have been with the devil or the holy one.

These two choices I’m afraid are the only options. It’s not a buffet of Gods, open for adoption.

But it is a smorgasbord of many a demigod destined to lose from which to freely choose.

Open your eyes and ears, face your darkest fears and call out to Jesus, lord of everyone’s tears.

He is the one to drink from the cup of your tears. To cleanse your spirit of all its arrears.

He is the one that never lies. as oppose to the one who cry’s wolf, as the devil in disguise.

He was the one from whom death was risen, providing us with ample proof for a swift decision.

After all how much proof do you really need to satisfy your hunger for pure truth in a seed.

We preach the gospel to all who seek an answer to the mystery of life’s other cheek.

We love our fellow man and want nothing more than for him & her to accept Gods divine plan.

So if there’s a little love left in your heart, give it all to Christ risen, so from the love of God your spirit will never part.

One God for all

There is only one God yet many an imposter, but here on earth, we look for ones we can foster.

We bring their statues and shrines into our homes. To make them objects of worship gnomes.

We pray to feel holy and sure, a ritual
for self assurance from a heart that’s pure.

Perhaps to feel a little secure, we burned incense and prayed at Vishnu’s feet were the freshest fruits were laid.

For humans are so weak to the flesh, they’ve
got to own a god, whether it be in Mumbai or Marrakech.

These are idols, used by the devil to conquer our hearts
into submission and surrender onto his level.

This is his form of bondage, how he ties our hands, across the globe
and onto distant lands.

Its a lifetime of works and faithful devotion to a demigod offering nothing but self gratis and a notion.

Out of all our Gods only one can be true,
As the rest must be lies to obstruct absolute truth from you.

Lies made up by Satan, a most crafty adversary.
His other name is Lucifer and he is the fallen emissary.

One truth & one alone, to conquer the one who hurts for pleasure
out of mortal flesh and bone.

He is none other than Messiah Jesus Christ. The one to deliver real mercy and grace that will surely suffice.

Grace that clearly speaks the language of love,
From one true holy God and no other in the reality of heavens above.

His almighty name is Yahweh. He’s at the apex of all creation. To know him is to know of Bliss & pure elation.

How lucky are we, to be the offspring of a loving God offering us a ticket to his paradise for free.

Without cruelty or sentence to slavery just a belief in what is it true for a copy of heavens key.

How much luckier than this can we be, for in the name of Jesus Christ to be given back our first right to immortality in all of its totality.

Open Your Eyes

You earn salvation at the cross of Christ. From a fallen and wicked world. Or you simply accept the loss from rolling Satan’s dice. When you question and ask the scholars and elders of another doctrine’s book to explain a contradiction or two. They usually come back with “Why ask why”? Our God is greater and our book need not to justify itself to you. Do not dare to question our holy book lest you wish to see our
anger & fury delivered straight off the hook. In the holy bible, thought, intellect and reasoning is the seasoning that gives it such a sweet flavor. Human behavior and folly explained through its words of wisdom to prove our desperate need for a savior. Come on people, open your eyes. One true God and many other forms of worship based on lies. Fool is the one who insists on believing the moon governs the sun, when everyone knows it simply cannot be done.

Package of Sin

Coping with much minutia these days, just isn’t my style. I’ve done more than enough of my share and of it, mile after mile.

My temple now is full of leaks & cracks and slowly tumbling.
The foundation beneath its pillars is weak and its base is fumbling.

I feel my days are numbered. From much stubborn bodily abuse,
A hard life learned and left somewhat encumbered.

For me personally, that’s the most pleasant of thoughts. One coming from connecting all the dots.

If I didn’t know any better than this, I wouldn’t have shared it in a confession letter with a kiss.

Though, you wished I never declared it. You had to know my point of view. When you love someone dearly, you want them in heaven next to you.

A penny for your thoughts, wish to see you in heaven someday. As I leave this planet of greed for something better indeed.

No desire or need to feed my ego. Willing to let go of residual pain & sorrow from this life’s picture show.

Coupled with much violence and hatred for a bank rolled devil driven psychopath, ready to kill, able and willing.

If you cannot see how this world of ours is demon driven.
Since your arrival on earth, a package of sin to all was given.

Then I pray for you to discover Jesus, son of the most high. Grandeur than the universe itself. As it also will never deny.

Salvation by him alone, given by grace to be rid of the package of sin and for eternity, forgiven.

So if you choose to take a chance on a Buddha. Or a figurine of Vishnu for the devoted Hindu.

Or kissing a black meteor stone from the sky or even a whaling wall on which to pray & cry.

Then all the best to you pilgrim. I wish and pray for Jesus to bless you with a daytime vision.

Hopefully for you to see the truth of the world just in time to make the best spiritual decision. ​

Perfect Sense

If this world makes perfect sense to you, and you think it’s a wonderful place were nothing serious is at stake.

Then perhaps you still haven’t seen enough of the evil it sheds, like the old skin of a cunning snake.

Or maybe, you just get to see the bedlam and mayhem on tv and think to yourself, ”this will never happen to me”.

Or maybe you think, how can a loving God allow such misery and apathy. He simply cannot exist for either me or thee.

A “truth or dare” belief system will either stand tall in the court of faith & reason, or it will be convicted guilty of treason .

A cosmic version of “spin the bottle“. Where you get to hear the truth of God or take your chances to step on the throttle.

Lucifer was thrown out of heaven for the same reason. For his lies, ego and vanity is what brought us into a life of insanity.

Vanity of a world most beautiful on the outside, in every way. For the fallen to roam it’s turf & choose between truth or succumb to its fray.

For the good lord has made it very clear through the sacrifice of his kin. That he doesn’t reside on a hill but up at the apex of creation.

Where there is no room for any sin or degradation, only for his amazing love and grace coupled with its pure elation.

We’ve got nothing to gain from preaching the word, except to see you in paradise. With a smiley face and gratitude for the savior, Jesus Christ.

Pleasures & pain

Life is a series of pleasures and pain.

Some days are sunnyand others bring rain.

These are metaphors for the ups and downs

of life’s abundant smiles and its many frowns.

As we all play the field of dreams

by this and that and all that glitters, it seems.

And then we come around to find,

there are Gods of many sorts, shapes and kind.

You cannot serve two masters. T

his was the last true message of the pastors.

This world offers many temptations of the flesh

for jolly good times and lust that’s fresh.

These are body pleasures and desires

that are short lived only, to ignite more fires.

They make you feel good for a moment

only to end in trouble with a need for atonement.

God provides for desires of the soul.

Ones like love, harmony & grace for all, is his role.

A desire for lasting relationships that grow

As oppose to having to keep repeating the same show.

Jesus offers us grace in a gift basket to surely know.

The spirit lives on, as flesh will end up in a casket.

There is only one God & son but many a demigod,

a fake, want to be. It’s Satan’s only plea.

Just think a little and see the obvious link.

Between evil acts and Satan, to realize his ship will sink.

It’s like being on the sinking unsinkable titanic.

As the ground they stood on disappeared into a frenzy panic.

Jesus Christ, is the greatest life raft, so get on his boat.

It will be your only chance in the afterlife to float.

We are all cruising for the iceberg on this particular ship.

Watch the news and see Bible revelation reveal its daily tip.

What If all this True ?

When you know for sure you’re going to Jesus heaven, this world’s luster and sparkle begins to lose its shine.

You begin to look forward to the day, when you can relinquish all your earthly pain, for a cup of his holy wine.

It’s the kind of faith that comes alive. Buzzing with energy, like a bee hive making honey out of a sap of pine.

It certainly was no wishful fantasy or pipe dream of mine, even though at times, it seemed a little too good to be true of a sign.

It’s a sure promise from the top, that delivers on time. It will never let you down whether you be old, or in your prime.

Give Jesus a try while you still have some time to correctly choose. Once you turn in your badge, it’s a happy outcome or a lose.

It is everything to gain and more and absolutely nothing to lose except for Satan’s pride and divide along with chaotic world news.

What if all this is true ? You might ask. What a great loss of self and soul, I will accrue, less a chance for review.

​So, before you label me lost, brain washed and confused, think again & two more times before you ridicule my ministry rhymes.

Cast the first stone

The more I see, the more I begin to realize our world of polarity is all mixed up in a cold stew of truth and lies.

One truth and a multitude of lies crafted by “Shayton”, just another name for the devil to pull the wool over our eyes.

He will do it anyway which way he can, hocus-pocus up his sleeve, a magician with a sinister plan on a mission to deceive.

Manipulating human beliefs by any means to capture lost souls that chose the pure truth of Jesus Christ to oppose.

Pride is a very tall wall to climb. Put it aside and the wall will fall to see logically what really is and what will be.

Compassionate and pure, miracles abound. An unjust crucifixion and resurrection in Jesus Christ we found.

None other than he, came to us with a way out of this maze. Sinless and holy to change by faith our sinful ways.

With a blanket of salvation assurance to keep our souls warm during the holy words revelation phase.

Let the one among you without a single sin cast the first stone, he said to put everyone back into a reality check, well known.

He also said, he’ll be back one day when everyone on earth has heard the word and decided to believe or in tribulation to stay.

Those who chose to believe will receive the gift of a lift from troubled earth while unbelievers will be apart of its rift.

Mustard Seed

The day I die is the day my earth bound spirit will take freely to the great big blue sky.

Fly up to the heaven of a loving God of salvation to be with my precious faithful and true Lord.

Where the lamb lies down with the lion in paradise and a sure ticket of redemption for me to climb aboard.

Free from the material demands and shackles of this life and its short lived memories to hoard.

Baggage and things I no longer will need, for temporary satisfactions and a fat ego to feed.

For I will be in his paradise. A sure promise by my lord of lords “Jesus Christ”. King of kings, indeed.

Death to the true believer, is a welcome mat to a perfect place, less the pitfalls of subscribed evil into this race.

Where I will be going, there will be no pain or sorrow of any kind. Only joy for putting Christ In the lead.

All it takes is just a tiny bit of initial faith into his truth. One that will surely grow out of a mustard seed.

Once you do, you will feel it in your beating heart were his holy spirit will tend to your every need.

Knowing full well that from God your sole creator, there will be no separation of any kind or any regrets saved for later.

Walk on the Sea

From the womb to the tomb is a lifetime of experience and lesson.

To choose the colors your inner sanctum by the end of your session.

With all that’s in between two extremes, you can paint black or white.

As you make your selection between what is wrong and what is right.

After all if you can reach wisdom beyond the level of an atheist.

To make the truest deity among them all, a choice through the mist.

To put faith in a statue of Buddha, the whaling wall or a meteor stone.

Aside from the son of man and savior of the world “Jesus Christ” alone.

A mistake you couldn’t afford to make, prior to free will’s cutoff date.

One that solely determines a soul’s destiny and eventual fate.

What to do, if you come to discover that Satan’s dirty joke was on you.

Even though, in your mind. You had thought it over, through and through.

Where will you go ? How will you hide ? From the horror of demons and dark shadows that will occupy your dwelling and roam by your side.

Like a child cries for candy, you will beg Jesus for another chance. From him alone, who all along offered you an out of the devil’s dance.

You will pray and pray for one more chance in Christ to abide. Please ! Oh God. Just give me one more chance to save my sorry soul, not my hide.

Jesus who stood above a raging storm, to speak to the sea of Galilee As the winds listened and the waters glistened for those that could see.

The young apostle Peter stood at the edge of the boat, stunned at the sight of Jesus walking on the waters ledge.

So with courage and faith he stepped out of the fishing boat Believing for a moment that he too, on his own feet could float.

As Jesus might have said to him “Put your faith in my father and me and if you truly can believe you too shall walk the Sea”.

But Peter reluctantly gave in to his logically driven doubt before he began to sink into the sea, to protest and pout.

It is said that true faith in God can move a mountain. Yet a lack of it is like thirst for water out of a dry fountain.​

Wisest Choice

In the beginning, there was almighty God and his angelic creations.

Until one of them decided instead, that he deserved glory’s libations.

Lucifer, the once arc angel. Thrown out of God’s heaven to be denied.

For having acquired too much of the vain arrogance and foolish pride.

Then like a serpent wrapped around a forbidden tree of good and evil.

For non other than tempting the knowledge of evil, he purposely lied.

He told Adam and His bride. They too could be omnipotent, just like God.

If only in him, they were to believe and abide. So they chose the fraud.

Here we are now. Living, loving and loathing our new semi-perfect world.

With a plethora of God’s to choose from. Just one of whom can be true.

As the rest must be a diversions or a pitfall into Satan’s hell by crew.

So, make the wisest choice from all beliefs on sale as you cautiously navigate. From all the godly choices and religious offerings, for a clear destiny map of your fate. To someday reach a state of faith so sure and strong, Perhaps enough to bravely tattoo these words on your chest in caps. “SAVED BY JESUS CHRIST, THERE’S NO NEED TO RESUSCITATE”.



Religion won’t take you to heaven as it is man’s failed attempt to reach God. Christianity however is God’s attempt to reach man to save him from all else that is surely a fraud.

What’s not from almighty Yahweh, our sovereign God himself. Creator of the holy Bible is the work of lies and deceit by Lucifer. God’s unholy rival.

Praying to an idol of clay or a meteor from the sky is simply the devils clever way of making one a follower and a believer in a sophisticated lie. 

A statue of Jesus is just a statue and praying to it doesn’t save you any more than a pistachio. Romancing the stone however is one sure way for God to leave you alone.

Fruits and incense at their feet won’t take you to heaven or bring about paradise. The way to the top where God resides Is through none other than to follow Jesus Christ. 

There are many paths and meandering trails through the wilderness but when you can’t find your way back out give merciful Jesus a shout to see for yourself what he’s all about. 

Sure, frolic and sin sometimes can feel like a lot of fun but when the time comes to pay the piper for the run It will feel like a hotdog going through a hamburger bun.

Living life with a heart of stone is a dead end with a drop into oblivion. The closer one gets to the edge zone. The gnashing of teeth and full fear will be theirs from skin to bone.

Jesus will soften your heart, make you forgive and forget the hurts and pains of the past. Give you a chance to be reborn into the spirit and for your mortal self to forever last. 

Christianity is not a religion. It’s the one absolute truth of God surrounded by lies. A tackle down in defense of Satan’s crown to blind you in the eyes. 

Whatever your birth religion was doesn’t change the facts of God. 
John List was a Christian, had some issues, couldn’t hold a job, killed his whole family and not for being apart of the mob.

The guilt and shame ate him up inside, gave the devil a chance to take him for a ride. He got away for a little while until “America’s most wanted” caught up with him in celebrity style.

At a ripe old age with a hump in his back to be locked up like a wild animal in a death cage. Nabil was a Muslim thinker. A worthy scholar at Oxford. Became a Christian author to earn his wage.

Not for status, fame or celebrity but to lead those who could read his books to be by the grace of God into salvation swayed. To give Jesus a worthy chance for some mercy and bliss before missing out on redemption for a soul dismayed. 

All of a sudden

In life, “all of a sudden“ seems to be a recurring common theme. A point in the game were a shift takes place in the reality of your dream.

When the unexpected happens with purpose you will find, an attempt to derail. With no warning of any kind, clue or much detail.

Just a quick sudden surprise right before your wondering & unsuspecting eyes for a speedy pass to sail away or another daunting fail. 

“That’s just life” someone said. Everyone gets to make their own resting bed. Every dog needs a bone to be left alone and to be fed. 

To discover the fallen world we live in, might need a cover. Those interested in words of a holy book must look for letters in red.

A gift from the almighty to a human being flighty. A true savior that someday will elevate you past the tribulation of mankind’s behavior. 

You must take heed of this read. For it is your soul & spirit indeed that someday you will have to answer to with truth in hand to feed.

My only reward from the good lord is, to see you get off the frigid high seas of a gloom and doom close to dry up and climb aboard. 

So, do yourself huge a favor, not me. Ask a good God for a plan. 
Just as promised, he will lead you to Jesus, the one son of man. 

The Exorcist

When looking in life for a spiritual security blanket to keep you warm. Without holes and mites and edges torn along with tattered fabric worn. 

Jesus Christ becomes the most perfect fit while the antichrist & Satan flood the gullible market with his sophisticated and illusive counterfeit.

The exorcist fiercely fights demons and shadows for a knockout punch . To deliver the Lords fist in the name of Jesus Christ should you have a hunch. 

To drive out fear and trepidation out of those in the vicinity of a demon too near. To break the bondage a devil has on a petrified child full of tear.

When all hell on earth will break loose as the demon from hell begins to cook his goose, ready to be hung on the lords powerful holy noose. 

By none other than the son of man Jesus Christ, the crucified lamb of the almighty with salvation in hand, cometh to banish Satan’s plan. 


One gets to struggle, another gets to snuggle. One gets to suffer, another sets up a buffer.

One dedicated to having fun, another shun and dejected by their peers to become undone.

One living with a devil driven addiction. Another buried in his demons invitations and affliction.

One has his bank made in the shade, another toils for his green in the sun to be made.

One with sweet memories to quickly fade and another with guilt and shame as long as a motorcade.

One who has the work done but never got paid. Another who without much effort always got laid.

One demon driven psycho on the loose with a gun. Others terrified in horror, scurrying to run. 

That’s all it takes in our fallen world. One to spoil the fun or a clue to life’s unfairness on a doggie bun.

One obedience test for mankind to fail. For a fall from grace for the son of God to get crucified with a seven inch nail.

What will it take for some of us to see that Jesus is the one and only sake, that saves us from the grave out of all else fake. 


If you consider yourself a seeker of truth willing to grow from the common mistakes of youth. 

Accept what makes sense complete as oppose to myths and rituals to make you spirit’s confusion rather dense.

If you’re seeking a relationship with God as oppose to one you should fear in an effort to applaud. 

Then take on the weight of Jesus’s cross. For a doorway to faith and a reversal of misfortune & loss. 

You must believe in order to receive a new heart & a happy face. From the ace of all mercy, love and grace. 

If you are a knowledge seeker then listen to a pastor. In person or through the invention of the modern speaker. 

Adhere your soul to bible words of red for wisdom directly from the mouth of the son of the kingdom. 

Ask and you will surely receive just for having the slightest of courage to accept and believe.

Knock and it shall be opened, never to leave you at hopes end. 
Seek and you will find a truth to set you free from being born blind. 

The Giant Spider

If you are the kind of punk, always drunk as a skunk, a hoodlum on the prowl, looking for bedlam.

Drinking and sinking until you’re sunken with a crooked face and a slippery tongue, down into your funk.

I’m afraid your confession headlines will some day read: 
“Once again the alcoholic in me hath sailed this raging sea.

An addiction to madness. An affliction of sadness. No longer able to sustain this sinking vessel of pain in vain.

As it sets me back a whole lot more unable to swim back to land and get closer to my demon waiting ashore”.

Then he heard a crystal clear voice in his right ear, perhaps it was his heart offering him another choice.

If you can’t handle the controlling nature of your booze then give it up or get ready to surely lose. It said: 

Don’t let your demon lush drag you down into his pit of hell, in any kind of a rush to be fed.

Round and round we all go around making the same mistakes over and over to satisfy the Lords unholy foe.

The adversary of God, the one and only devil who wants you to keep drinking until you get way down onto his level.

For that is where the Giant spider’s web lies and once you’re in it you must stay still. Wiggling around wouldn’t be very wise. Once you are there, there’s no chance of an escape from the devils hungry eyes. 

Why fly aimless through life like a moth into the giants web to be dead. When you can soar up to God’s heaven with Christ Jesus, freshly alive after death with a brand new vessel to become immortal instead. 

The Mortals Way

Life is beautiful on this broken planet of ours, until a time when it’s overflow of bitterness wilts fresh flowers. To turn a once beauty queen into a frightful ghostly hag.

Once her skin, so coconut milky and soft from within. Hair, so silky like a Yosemite water fall. To grow old and grumpy into a leathery pasted frown, to be labeled a nag.

She was young and pretty. Like all the ones before, a model of perfection and desire. She used to be the talk of the town, sizzling hot and sexy, always on fire.

Like a brand of new passion and love. It’s fun and frolic to begin, a sleepy eyed dream for a lonely heart to win. An open heart surgery, for a hopeful way out of sin.

With plenty of opportunity for struggle later on. To get busy with the blues by making all the wrong moves. Along with enough curiosity for another kind of sin within its grooves.

Who needs a beating heart, said the fool. To have to patch up from falling all apart. To pick up off the ground and carry around, to weigh an injured spirit down all the way back into town.

Eventually to get old and end up like a 42 classic Packard automobile. Sitting in the deceased owner’s abandon yard. If no one comes around to save it, it will end up in a junkyard.

It’s the same kind of game with spiritual mortal human beings. Everything succumbs to the elements. It was long ago, when mankind lost the serpent’s fight into mortality, in tiny increments.

We easily, and with much careless attitude of ill gratitude invade and encroach on nature by force. But then, it turns around and bites us back harshly, with hardly a regret or any remorse.

Eventually to put our old and broken bodies back into its ground. Like a fallen tree trunk in the forest. For the moss and critters of tomorrow to have a new home found.

This is life, the mortals way. To live it up & die on some other day. Enjoy it now, for you might think there is plenty of time to pay. Once its expiration date comes around for its demise & decay.

So then, what happens to the Soul ? Everyone has one to play a particular role. Is there a booth somewhere to pay ? A toll for sorrows or a pass for the holders of truth at bay.

Will anything other than the truth of Jesus Christ suffice, to save us from such an exit toll ? Is there anyone else out there with enough love, to save a billion or more of a mortal soul.

Her Guru Said

I married the wrong woman. She was pretty but a control freak nonetheless, without any room for pity or much time to confess.

She was sexy and attractive to everyone she met. So I felt rather lucky to have won her loving heart’s bet.

She was an angel in many ways but when the devil slithered into her minds haze, she’d succumb to operate on a lower level. To put a sudden end to our days.

She was both super selfish and very kind. Difficult to judge one way or another without being selectively blind. Didn’t know where to go next, so from the wall of lonely tears we both could unwind.

She had herself a black cat, and many more, but he was the special one for her to praise & adore. She said she practiced the Wicca and was an white kind of witch. The little panthers name was Pierre and to him she was his bitch.

He would sit on her chest all night long and purr. In the event she got frisky enough to pet her own fur. She would consult her Hindi Guru afar from time to time. Hoping for an easy answer without a steep hill to climb.

He would say what he said to all who prayed. “Your greatest wish is my command. So long as you give what you can to my well paid thievery band”. “

Do whatever you want and how you pretty please. Until the time comes when the mud catches up to your knees”.

Only then to realize with open eyes, sooner or later. That you’re not as strong anymore to be swimming with invisible sharks or an alligator.

Then with a faint whisper he said, “maybe you will find yourself suddenly stuck in a puddle of quicksand. Sinking by the minute into a living grave at hand”.

“At which point you should yell out to the one and only name. The one your soul and spirit knows best to save you from this sorry game”.

Her Guru said, “this is the best truth advice I can give without mentioning his name”. “That part you need to figure out to make this kind of claim”.

So then, she suddenly remembered me from long ago, one of the part time husbands to be. Telling her about the miracle of Jesus I had discovered after our divorce and how it was mostly lien free.

“Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ”. Over and over, she started to yell out. When there wasn’t an instant reply, she began to cry. Then she hears. “I heard you the first time, no need to shout”.

She pleads for mercy “Jesus, Jesus can you save me from this deadly mare”. He replies “Only if you’ve got some faith in your heart to spare.

Repent from a lifetime of sins all the way around. Then, pick me as your lord and savior before your nose hits the ground”.

Host of all Salvation

Life on this fallen earth of instant gain with much deferred pain. Is like a plastic Visa revolving chain or a Masters credit card.

Enjoy it while you can on the installment plan. Before its offer of redemption escapes your heart, for life to become arduous & hard.

Play all you want for now. You will get to pay for it somehow. Have yourself a ton of fun. You got some time before the end of its run.

At the end of it all, we all get a tally score for a yes or no. A balance sheet to see for ourselves and know. A harvest for the seeds we used to sow.

No doubt, it’s a bitter pill to swallow if your spirit vessel is empty and hollow. If you never bothered to find truth and meaning in life.

I’m afraid the flip side of it all is the proof of the fall, and the horror that follows, might cut into your sorry soul like a hot knife.

The only way to pay our final due, is to be paid in what’s pure and true. By a one way ticket to one or the other, in our Lords view.

A voucher to hell for rejecting the love of his divine son, or one to heaven for everlasting salvation and into eternity’s blissful fun.

Just as written. Nothing to do with all your good works, big money or pious behavior. You were given chances upon chance to accept our worlds true savior.

His holy name is “Jesus Christ” should you want to know. The one to replace Adam for ruining the show. The one strong enough to fight God’s foe.

Spiritual hitchhiker

He was a long hair free bird, never much of a studious nerd, riding his Harley looking for temptations best word.

He was a traveling four stroke loner, never found much love in life, except when he had some drugs and a boner.

He went gallivanting from place to place like an aimless tourist vagabond, running the distance in every mile.

He’d believe in almost anything of the truth of the world, that gave him a good laugh or a sullen smile.

And when he ran out of youth, he’d settle for a fifth of whiskey. To resurrect his happy memories on file.

He was just a regular spiritual hitchhiker. Getting old but never wise. Above all else he was a freedom loving biker.

Always on the prowl. Looking for a younger gal, half the age of his mother to become his trophy, but nothing like her.

He partied and drank himself silly with anybody and everybody. Never staying in one place, long enough to have a buddy.

He got in lockup trouble once or twice. Had his old lady find his bail money to pay the bondsman price.

Ran with the roughest he could find in a crowd, just another human being stupid out loud and at times, smug and evil proud.

Years and years went by, living on the run. Hiding his criminal loot of pride under his bunk hide with a gun.

Soon to realize that his brand of evil was lurking right behind, as he kept on running, loaded in the blind.

The moment he began to chill, he knew his foes would catch up with him, to spill his blood on the fly.

Then one day, it all came crashing down. As he found himself at the mercy of Gacey, a most wicked and evil clown.

Doing Satan’s bidding with much laughter and ease. For his prince of darkness to please and appease.

And just a minute before the sinister clown named “John” could plunge a knife into his back.

He called out to Jesus to put a sudden stop to this masked evil human being, becoming the devils cohort to attack.

But, Jesus was nowhere to be found. So the spiritual hitchhiker found his dead body buried in the ground.

But his angry and captive spirit kept on begging in place for another chance at mercy to be found.

When the wicked laughter of his assigned demons would scoff out loud “There’s none of that going around”.


What you sow in life you must gather and collect to reap. The blunders you make you alone will get to keep.

Those who let confusion and denial to simmer and steep will weigh their soul and spirit down into a place, way too deep.

Once there, there’s no place to run from the devils rape. From relentless sorrow or much of a chance to escape.

What you chose for yourself to sow, you did so because. You thought every detail you would have had to securely know.

But when you got to pridefully know it all, you ceased to continue to develop your wisdom out of life’s vanity to grow.

Everyone gets a chance to put on their best behavior forward in the form of a song & dance or some kind of a deception show.

You can’t really get up to the apex of divinity’s high without going through the valley of the low.

Every bullseye shot with a straight arrow needs a high strung bow. Every good bread needs time to raise its dough.

Sow the seed that grows into a magic bean stock. The one offered by Jesus Christ for a climb up to paradise and away from his foe.


It takes hardly any time, for an evil and ignorant imbecile to get his last fill. Prior to boarding the afterlife train bound for hell, rolling down the horror of petrified hill.

He always roamed around town, looking for a quickie thrill. When he found her. She trusted him enough to talk, but never to get nude in a lovelock. So he took to striking her, for his first kill.

It took the police just one week to bring justice to this pretender of the meek. He left a trail of evidence behind, so obvious to the blind. The kids in school had labeled him a control freak.

Now he’s locked up in prison for life. Serving his time on earth, before he goes to serve it in Hades. All for wanting his way or the highway, with western freedom loving ladies.

Hath he feared the wrath and word of God. To make him think of what to revere, and what never to applaud. He wouldn’t let his ego down, for the sake of honoring Satanic fraud.

Give it all Away

This is a message to every super rich priest, preacher or pastor who speaks aloud the word of God. Just to gain for himself a bit more personal wealth, a little faster.

To have the biggest house or castle on the hill. Or on the tarmac a waiting warm Lear jet. Or maybe gamble away people’s faith at the casino on a roulette table or a high stakes poker bet.

Take all the peoples money you hoard and help the wandering, lost and confused afford their redemption and onto the ship of salvation, have a helping hand to climb aboard.

Help the needy, less a need to be greedy. Pass on the Bentley you couldn’t otherwise afford. Make not a fool out of the kindness of the lord. Don’t give the geek or any of the meek a reason to doubt.

As verses with passion, from a pulpit you shout. Put the money where ye mouth is. Walk the walk, less half the baskets take of the day, to bury under a rock.

Eventually for the passion and zeal by which you preach to go flat. Give it away to bring joy to those that suffer every day, yet quietly tithe under the hat.

Don’t be like a two time leader sinner like Jerry Falwell or a Jimmy and Tammy Baker. One bad act with a smiling phony and a makeup faker, never to approve or applaud.

Living it up, high on the hog to end up doing more damage to faith than the atheist himself does, to the validity and truth of the word of God .


When I was young & innocent, with a demeanor of a child, kind and mild. I was molested by my next door neighbor, as I grew out and up, from that pit, to be a difficult, rebellious and wild.

I thought he was cool, with the latest toys to play and tool. Until I became his fool. A victim, for a lifetime of suffering and pain into my soul’s filth, to rule and remain.

Rule over my daily strife and sorrow, for my spirit’s attachment to the sins of tomorrow. In a downgrade seat of daily pain on a runaway train of guilt and shame. Hoping for some mercy time to heal and grace to borrow.

An experience on a silver platter delivered especially to me. Of another person’s sinful behavior to ruin my life with anger and bitter flavor. One that I certainly did not need, or could ever begin to savor.

He was slightly older yet much bolder. Stronger and taller than than I could ever be. So he pushed me into a corner to force himself on me with glee, hardly a chance for me to flee.

I began to shed an early tear, for a lifetime of ultimate fear, while I quietly and shamefully protested. As I cried out in vain, to try and avoid being forcefully molested.

Until he was done with his evil deed of a run, for me to escape next door back to my mother. To tell her what had just happened to me, under the roof of his diabolical cover.

She said it was natural. She didn’t know what else to say. She said it was OK, for young boys to experiment this way. So I began to think and thing again. This must have been the human way.

But since that time, I became a rebel without a worthy cause. With much animosity and confusion. For being born into a world of evil and truth, immersed in a pool of filthy, illusion.

I began to seek answers, read books like “Chariots of the Gods” by authors like “Eric Von Daniken”. To try and understand why, men were so attached to the practice of sin within.

To attempt to understand the meaning of life, and the monkey business of all of its wicked strife. To try and make some sense out of a traumatic experience, so filthy and dense.

I began to live my life fast, reckless and furious. As if driven by a an angry demon, never to forgive or forget the horrible experience of a stranger’s ejaculating semen.

Running down my sorry leg, as I continued to cry out for his mercy to let me go home, as I began to plead with God & beg. For an explanation, or an answer to all this world’s masturbation.

I needed a way out of a lifetime attachment to this type of stain. From just one episode under the devils rain. I thought of suicide so many times, but I couldn’t give my family that pain.

I began to drive my car, out of the bar, drunk as a skunk and super fast, to sinfully crash into a pole or a tree, to end this life of perpetual anger and tormenting misery.

Years of pain and sorrow, with anger and hatred towards fellow man & God, and all that was reserved for tomorrow until, one day way down the road when rubber drove me into the lords abode.

To finally get to meet the one and only lifesaver. The “Savior Of Man”, to lift me up from the soul of my feet, to stop trying to fight the devils heat, perhaps for a different role and seat.

To sing and write for the good lord. To go to heaven with all the good people on earth, who managed to put their pride and arrogance aside, to see its truth, just in time to climb aboard.

The ship of redemption from tainted evil, by the spilled blood of Jesus Christ. For a one way ticket, out of the horrors of a demon infested world, and into salvation’s paradise.

Stranger than fiction

Everyone in life gets to choose a particular path. Some choose carefully while others refute the math.

Some reach redemption nirvana while others stubbornly with pride succumb to their soul keepers wrath.

Some get to the top by keeping their eyes on the prize. Others just prefer not to think of the end, acting aloof and wise.

Some do not mind being directed and correctly taught. Others live out their lives without giving it much thought .

Some simply do not care what happens to their soul. Others see no fault under their feet, for a mortal drop into a hellish wormhole.

Some get beyond wise. With shut eyes, to simply realize a desperate need for the spirit of a lost soul, to have a savior.

While others, easily ridicule God. For the company of the ill-fated, and the unkind ways of man’s sinful behavior.

Jesus is such a savior. A truth, far fetched and hard to believe. Yet the way almighty God chose, for salvation to receive.

They say, truth is stranger than fiction. This truth however, comes packaged with plenty of proof. To solve man’s affliction.

Point of view

When you approach a pre-judged subject with subjective skepticism and a locked up point of view.

You’ll never ride above the cloudy ceiling you’ve created for yourself for courage of a pivot to build up and accrue.

When you insist on distrusting the word of our one and only true God. To take a silent vow in your mind never to believe.

That tree of thought will grow roots fast and deep. Because the devil is nursing it well, for his claim stake to someday receive.

When you reject the gift of Christ with much arrogance chagrin. You’ll be left to your choosing to stay behind in the world of sin.

Mortal Loss

In the beginning God created man, to live forever. He also gave man the freedom, to choose a close relationship with him. Or one of alienation, disobedience and sin, to detach from and sever.

Man daftly chose, to test God resolve for the latter. For believing the cunning lies of a charming snake. An thus, Man was degraded and demoted into the one life of suffering and pain to rake, With much pride in himself to flatter.

Then came Jesus, sent directly from above by heaven’s one and only boss. To offer dumb mankind, another chance at redemption and salvation. From the fallen inheritance, of Adam and Eve’s mortal loss.

Twenty Four Seven

If you cannot be grateful for the gifts of God, then you might end up hateful, in regret with much chagrin for becoming yet, just another sucker of cosmic fraud.

You might be angry at God, for making your salvation so easy and simple. To become a believer. As anyone who did accept it by faith to become eternally gifted, as a grace receiver.

Just for accepting the truth of his son “Jesus Christ” as the promised messiah and savior. Who came to cleanse the fallen spirit and teach man a path to much better and mature behavior.

With a guaranteed trip ticket up to heaven, as your assurance of salvation in the afterlife, an attitude of redemption you will carry on your face and in you heart while alive, twenty four seven.


Time is running out, this is why believers must shout. Jesus is the way. No time left with Hell’s master of ceremonies and foolery to play.

Death is on the horizon for every living body and soul. The fall into the devils abyss goes much deeper than a six foot hole.

And then it’s judgment time for those who rejected God’s gift. To subscribe to the mortality fall magazine of mankind’s early rift.

For discarding the truth and shunning the true Messiah. A lost spirit in haste upon death to go to waste. To Gods adversary, and earths pariah.

For there is an upper world, we all know of and are somewhat aware. And an underworld where nothing is wholesome, level or remotely fair.

A place, so cunning where the smile and laughter of a child apparition. Turns out to be, none other than demon whispers, on a deceptive mission.

Everything in life changes. Except for the word of God. For all that shifts from its base, is the work of Lucifer’s lies and fraud.

Faith in absolute truth doesn’t change. Yet in partial truth, it does. Feelings backed by treason, won’t change the season, just because.

The one & only way out of Satan’s deceit, lies and fraud. Made to pull the wool over all our eyes is through, the son of almighty God.

Purgatory Pawn

When you cry out “Oh My God”. One might ask, for which of your earth deities do you most applaud ? Does your God have a name ? Or would you rather play Lucifer’s “Let’s cover all the bases” game.

Next time you call out to God. Make sure you address him by name. Lest you place faith unrequited, into his adversary’s deceit of fraud and illusions. For much of his pride & vanity earthly fame.

It’s like someone needing help, trying to get your attention by saying “Hey you, over there“. Would you have much love or kindness in your heart for such a person, to spare.

Time on this earth fly’s by, and is of the essence for every single body. Forgiveness and repentance can only be given to those who believe in the Christ risen body.

Once the body of choice and free will, from this Earth is gone. A lost chance for redemption, up for grabs by the highest bidder “Satan”, from a timestamp loan from Purgatory pawn.

A Ghost

Just because you cannot see something with your limited eye’s, it does not mean it’s not there. Just about anywhere you go on earth, there’s a ghost somewhere creeping you out with a quiet stare.

A ghost is the spirit and soul of a dead person who long ago had perished into a whole other character role. Living a fruitless life without a savior from the fall.

Or perhaps, a much higher power like the one offered by the son of man and of God “Jesus Christ” risen from death itself, to have adorned and cherished with gratitude on call.

For all people, past & present who’ve come and gone, to live their chosen path in life, then died. To find what survived the body, either went to a promise land or the in-between, for a taste of the one who lied.

So toughen up your hide and thicken your skin to be welcomed in thought into a world of diabolical frolic & sin. Go about your business, yet always seek the truth of God within.

Run around the traps and pitfalls of the devil, as best you can. Don’t rely on Aladdin. After all “Your wish is my command” might apply to both God for blessings or the devil in support of sin.

When he tempted Jesus in his hour of greatest need, weakness, hunger and fatigue. Dared him to turn the stones on the ground into bread. He was told to scurry off and never to tempt his lord God again, instead.

When he offered Jesus reign over all future kingdoms of the earth if he were to worship and before him bow. He was shunned and his offer denied. To reverse the course of the devil and finish the job of God, who knew how.

A community

There once was a divided community of fallen creatures. Some from a lower cast without much immunity for a life lived fast, as those who graduated got to become its teachers.

Some with cushy bottom comfy seats, high up in the stands. To show off their latest Prada and Gucci brands. And others, there just to root for their team at the bleachers.

The furry, four legged ones are at times, much more genuine, pleasant and loving. Than some of the intellectual bipeds, with their selfie attitudes of pushing and shoving.

Some of the wiser, just keep quiet and to themselves, about the arrogant ones. To ponder but never having to wonder. How selfishly and regardless of others, they rape pillage and plunder.

Some will, walk you by with half of a smirk, or a smile with a semi approval nod. While others have to put their nose in everyone else’s business except for almighty God.

Some know of something truthful within their Christianity, as an assurance to salvation. While others simply scoff it off with ridicule with much hatred and elation.

Some choose to live easy, righteous and clean, to die with a smile on their face. While others live it fast, to crank up the past, and drop dead in the middle of their rat race.

Belong to the community of God and set yourself free from a prison of shame and pride. A trophy well worth winning for years of needless sinning, never in the lord to fully abide.

If you could come to the kingdom of Christ for a visit before you died in your mind. You’ll be elated to find that it’s all true, just as pastor always said, a faithful place for a faithful human kind.

Under the Bus

It is most imperative to believe in “God” precisely, as he has revealed himself, and in who he is, as oppose to casually believing in a general kind of god.

When you believe in the generality of any god. You leave yourself wide open, for the devil to keep you signed up, as a subscriber to his diabolical evil fraud.

We all must seek and know the precise name of our God to know his truth untainted. From the plethora of choices and colorful whispering voices, granted to us.

We must make sure by all means, we are not being duped by the fallen emissary himself, or his minions, to be kicked to the curb and then thrown under the bus.


Wouldn’t you rather go to the real Jenneh, Oh Pilgrim, than a stab in the back, surprise ticket to Fiery Gehennam.

Jesus Christ, bar none will take you there. All else, I’m afraid is the work of Satan, who will pave a golden road for you, into his lair.

You see, Jesus Christ was the only one to put his body where his mouth was, and for what you might ask ? To save you, plenty unfair.

Yes, believe it or not. It’s the kind of thing only a resurrected, risen immortal, directly from a God of the most high can and will do.


What’s amazing to me, is that when you discuss the story of Jesus Christ with many a non believer.

They get angry for no reason at all. As if, to be under the influence of a manipulator, and a deceiver.

If hearing about Jesus, causes anxiety and fear. Then I’m afraid, the devil into your essence, might be getting near.

And that’s pretty much the only way, such irrational and emotional defiance can be rationally explained.

God wishes to save you, yet Satan wants nothing more than to claim your soul. For being X’d out of heaven and defamed.

There is absolutely nothing in the character of Jesus to fear. Yet by the attributes of the devil, such feelings of hatred are dear.


I’ve seen enough of this world to make me want to depart. I’ve felt much of it’s ill and broken heart.

I’ve smelled much of it’s feces, walked through a strangers fart. I’ve seen it many times over destroy itself, to always fall apart.

I kept on hoarding for its flesh, to fill my shopping cart from the mouth of the amazon to the wall to wall mart.

I’ve tried to hit bullseye so many fruitless times to get ahead of the rest with my faulty crooked dart.

I’ve done my best, to express the pain of it all with my sound, words and art. And I’ve seen enough of the Simpsons and the character “Bart”.

What must be greater out there, less any burden to spare, for me to gain. Except for more to abhor of this indelible mortal pain.

When will this desert of tears and sorrow, see the bounty of rain. When will I feel a serenity of mind, out of much heartache and disdain.

To live it and love it. To fall flat on my face and attempt to rise above it. Until the day, for a permanent use of a cane.

The faster I raced, the quicker you had to change your lane. While the Beastie boys would shout out for Satan’s gain.

A pipers tune for every devil worshiping loon. “Insane in the membrane, insane in the brain“.

For the devil was never famous, or known for his love and grace, but certainly was plenty prideful and vain.

Look to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, should you wish to flip the switch, to retain your soul, and into bliss replenish and regain.

If I wasn’t reborn into his mercy and grace ? How could I ever expect, his offer of redemption, and promise of salvation to attain

Those who Think

Those who think, we are simply made of nothing more then flesh and bone.

Will certainly find no logical reason, to be saved or have a need to atone.

And those of us who were taught that natural selection, was the most logical thought.

Will find that living a lifetime of pains and gains, to grow into skeletal remains.

Might not be what a smart intellectual, would have signed up for or even bought.

And to those, who thought “ I’m a good person, I’ll surely go to heaven someday.

If such was the case, you wouldn’t be able to afford more than a glimpse of it anyway.

Sweet Mother

He said it with a tear , “My sweet Mother died without truth getting very near”. Never knowing which one of her God’s said it straight and which ones lied, to uphold her fear.

A confused, lost and wondering soul, she had become. Unable to navigate through the thicket of her new reality, less a worthwhile and worthy ticket to paradise and then some.

To stay behind out of fear of a whole other kind. Passing on the pure light yonder. To be left to her dream of fright, less a flight into what could have been much fonder.

I kept telling her that “Jesus Christ”, was the only way out of such a conundrum. But she was already under the zeitgeist of this world with all of its baggage and feelings made numb.

She would get defensive & angry upon hearing his name. To simply prove what was said, all the same. That the devil plays a diabolical game.

But she kept her heart closed. She wouldn’t see it for the beauty that it was. To free herself from Satan’s captivity reign.

To go to heaven so easily and avoid her weight in pain. To settle in the afterlife, for such an unpleasant gain.

Bruce Jenner

The holy Bible is filled with stories that mesmerize the imagination and truth absolutes with wisdom concentrate.

It’s designed by the almighty in Heaven, to be a roadmap to paradise for a twist of fallen fate.

Fate that was delivered by the very first human beings, Adam and Eve, right out of the gate.

Inherited long ago by the deceitful lies of the lords foe, yet still disputed by millions, as of late.

A choice to believe in a loving God through faith or in a broken world of order and chaos, at any rate.

Jesus Christ was born, as the sacrificial lamb. From the womb to the tomb. To rise from it like a God, easily can.

To give us freedom from having to eat off of Satan’s plate. Once they had agreed to the rate & term of a serpents bait.

To acquire knowledge & technology. Where any healthy man could become a woman, just as “Bruce Jenner” became Cait.

A way of life in sinful morality, below the creator’s standards for degradation of self, for Satan’s glorified hate.

Fine tooth Comb

When it comes to the subject of God. I have done the math. While you have chosen to remain in the disposition of the mortal path.

As you accept one or all forms of Lucifer’s fraud. Ive decided to join the ranks of those, whom the angels of heaven will applaud.

I have come to realize, that there are only two ways in life to go by. Both with sharp twists and turns and an eventual dead end.

In forgotten graves or earns, less a way to make an amend. One with a big question mark on the tall wall that says “Why God Why”.

And another, with a door into heaven with our savior “Jesus”. For all who believed in him, instead of adopting Satan’s diabolical lie.

A dead end is no place to be joyful or a pretend desire. Three tall walls and a long way back home to a peak much higher.

Had I considered the miracle birth of Jesus, early on. I would have found a righteous life instead of living in desperation pawn.

Had I taken the right path, I would have ceased to wonder and roam. I would have filtered out lies of Satan, with a fine-tooth comb.

Truth Trajectory

If you find yourself looking for God, and all you can seem to find is a labyrinth of lies and fraud.

And at the end of your earth journey, not much left to savor, cherish or even applaud.

If you find yourself believing in what is unquestionable by shame, guilt and force.

If you find no remorse or sorrow in your spirit from a lifetime of beating on a dead horse.

If you get to the place of desire in your mind for your heart to look for its source.

Then look to “Jesus Christ” son of God, to set your life on a truth trajectory course.

He made a promise long ago to return to the churches he would start and faithfully endorse.

And he will, on a glory day for some. Shock & awe for others, as he rides in victorious, on a white horse.

Never Miss

God created it all to be beautiful, wholesome and good. Adam & Eve screwed it all up, under the hood. Then, they began to blame each other, saying they had curiously misunderstood.

Refusing to accept that in their gift of freedom to choose was an embedded test of trust. As to who’s who in the realm of heavenly creation, and in whom faith was a must.

God told them the truth, yet the serpent lied. A choice between truth and lies. One for created bliss. Another, for the devil to put his skin of sin over our eyes, so our lost immortality we’d never miss.

Take me

Take me into your realm dear God, I’m getting tired of swimming this raging high tide.

I’ve got to get off this spin spin merry go round Yo-Yo of a glide.

It’s been a high/low, fast & slow roller coaster ride. A continuous struggle, I must confide.

Take me away from this planet of blues. From the dark side of its moon, and its fearful daily news.

Release me from this achy hide. Into the truth of your word. I surrender to humbly abide.

Living day to day, with no more capacity to fall in love. Except for the sinless crucified, from above.

Take my soul, for I am too old to endure another fall. I’m ready for a post at the helm, to once again stand tall.

I have seen enough of this planets blue, to know that all I desire from this point on, is to forever be with you.

Your love and sacrifice for me, I cherish. So I write of you as much as I can before my time comes to perish.

Take me from a broken world, a place for the self-righteous to roam. Boasting how they have it all figured out, under a brainy dome.

Stories of daily pain on the tele. With promises of more in scripture. Wish I had a set of wings to fly away, like freedom loving birds

Fly all the way up to the good lords heaven up above, in search of true love, and away from life’s hollow words.

This Old House

If this old house and these old walls could talk. They would tell stories, and spin tales of events gone past the clock. Some to make you laugh out loud and others to make you balk.

Spirit energy lives on upon death, never to once again tell the tale. But at times somehow they can muster enough energy to manifest themselves into something rather pale.

That’s when the word (Extra) is added to the word (Ordinary). For this is the brute reality of the situation, and not some tooth fairy’s mythical story you heard on vacation.

Ghost world, apparently does not sound like a happy place. Terrified spirits stuck in ethereal time & space. Waiting for a rapture to take effect on a dime, for the judgment of every soul’s case.

Dark, evil and angry spirits, some call a “Poltergeist” roaming unseen, never willing to share the home they once found. For the living to move in, and take precedence all around.

Get out, get out they shout as their faint EVP voices are barely heard through a digital recorder. As the ghost buster freaks out in elation. For waking the dead from their sorry slumber & stagnation.

We cannot argue with science pilgrim. Camera’s & recorders don’t lie. They simply play back, what just occurred in a flash before you, unseen by your own unflinching eye.

Your Reason

Maybe your reason for not believing in Jesus Christ as Lord of lords is because you’ve accepted the world “As Is”. To be a beautiful place, despite its obvious troubles, mayhem and yearly discord.

You think to yourself, as long as it doesn’t hurt me personally. What’s the reason to be a religious freak. For most in my social circle to ridicule my beliefs in a chosen deity that supports the meek .

You believe deep down that you are a good person, with love, kindness and generosity to a fault. So why would a fair God send you to hell, when you haven’t been charged with any crimes or launched an assault.

You think again to yourself, what kind of God would send a decent and good person like me to hell ? Only to find out in the end, it had nothing to do with that sort of logic, perhaps its satanic spell.

It had much to do, with how two gullible immortals named Adam & Eve. Chose instead. To become like Gods themselves, only to find out otherwise. Sentenced to live in sin just once, and then to be dead.

Once they deliberately rebelled and disobeyed, and from the graces of God and his kinship love they began to fade. Into a broken life of mortal sin they fell, to eventually end up in choice of Satan’s hell.

So think about this precious truth diligently. Don’t base your decision on fairy tales, relatives or even close friends. Base it on a Bible’s tale, to win it without fail. For, once the bell tolls, not much grace is left to make with your creator, any amends.

Skull & Bones

Our worlds history gets recorded one of two ways. Through historical scribes of the living from the beginning of recorded time until the very end of days.

Or the lurking residual energy embedded in the walls, and on the land of the dead. Left over and imprinted into their highly limited, ghost driven reality instead.

Its a ridiculously simple yet complex equation you might not want to give up trying to solve. Basically, you are what you believe, not much more in a heart to evolve.

And what your soul and spirit spent a lifetime expecting to receive. Might or might not be true to you, or hath been worth your while to believe.

And if you believe in absolute nothingness then nothing is what you’ll get to finesse, for all that arguing, huffing and puffing you did in life to eventually put to rest.

You’ll get exactly what you were given. An inheritance from your greatest grand folks, Adam and Eve. When they signed on the devils dotted line in the garden, to be led out for a bounce to receive.

When they rejected God and chose instead to obey the lies of the devil. For the entire family of human lineage, under a blue blanket of sorrows and pain, to live on his crooked level.

One sure way to break away from the heavy chains of Satan’s skull & bones pirate ship. Is through non other than the blood of Jesus Christ, and the holy red words from his lip.

So don’t be a fool, for opinions to rule. Take intelligent heed of the precious. It’s not some oracle or a hobbits magic ring. Just a relationship with the lord, your God to make your heart joyfully sing.

Broken Mirror

Devils, Demons and dark spirits are very much real. Albeit somewhat cold and invisible. Yet with a chill of a thrill, for a frozen achilles heel.

They roam the entire earth, top to bottom with a mission to trick, deceive and kill, or ruin confused and lost souls that buckle and bow to fear, to prostrate and kneel.

Lurking in the in-between, and at the cemetery park. Through thick walls and only in the dark. All around the globe, for horrors of a shadow figure, faceless in a hooded black robe.

Spreading their hateful and angry sphere of infestation, influence and fears, to be absorbed into the pores of our fallen spirits for a plethora of demon driven tears.

They were given a temporary permission, by God almighty until the end of days, for a short stint of influence from the devil, since our chosen fall into this free willing maze.

This fallen phase of our lives, in its haze of illusions and lies, for an abyss from the very first days of the garden of bliss, we thought we’d never miss.

Causing mayhem, sickness and pain. Bondage into his plan, to derail any chance of redemption and salvation. And into the fiery lake of Hades of his wicked organization.

Creeping into our minds, for the possession of our heart and souls. Like a virus, to attack our purpose roles. A fungus in a disillusioned darkened mind to grow hidden and among us.

All who walk along the fence for a balancing act, to someday see the facts through the adversary’s fog, so wicked and dense. Sadly inherit the sins of ancestral spirits in their, once past tense.

For living high on the hog, and selfish to the core. Never to need a savior to lift you up and soar. With intent, so honest and pure. Never to ignore holy truth, less you succumb to the devils bait and lure.

To casually reject God by the arrogance of a superiority nod. without the slightest clue regarding Satan’s fraud. Rather than to abide by the rules and conditions of our Father God.

Might have to admit it someday, into a sorry broken mirror. Whether you accept it or not doesn’t change it’s reality or it’s fact, and it certainly isn’t something to be won or bought.

It will be an undesired game changer for souls unsaved, on the flip side of terrifying horrors and illicit danger. For being, so wrong about the absolute truth of God all along.

Perpetual purgatory anger for not being saved. For the loss you’ve gained, for the way towards his holy truth behaved. Just as if you were to openly pronounce, the earth was square and flat. To end up the biggest fool and as blind as a bat.

Jesus Christ, on the other hand, son of the almighty, who came into Mary’s virgin womb, a savior risen into the clouds from the tomb. Never to call her “Mother” but instead “Woman” Because she was a surrogate to him, yet a mother to his brother.

A miraculous birth in the Bible and also in the book of its rival. Jesus wasn’t human at all. He descended to fix the fall. Delivered by non other than almighty God, the most high. To teach, love and reach for us, a holy alibi.

To cleanse the inheritance of humanity’s sin. In one strike against the cunning devil, on a roman cross to innocently die, for all on Earth, to have a way to be saved and win.

Jesus didn’t die for being too cool for school, no mention of him giving ill advice, for anyone to fool. No foolish pride from him, like a peacock or stubbornness like a mule.

Never a foul word or any loathing or hate. Not even to Judas, who betrayed him for thirty coins of silver, eventually to hang himself out of guilt, for losing his holy mate.

Born in a manger. Among animals of the farm, as three wise men came gifting with charm, yet for the ruler of Judea , a much greater cause for alarm. From “Harod”, an evil king. Who would kill all the newborns, to hold on to his throne of riches & bling.

Satan will even bless his believers with hoards of silver and gold. For a short while until they get useless and old. It is a rather difficult concept to wrap one’s head around. Until they listen in to divinity’s inner sound.

You’ll find in Jesus Christ a kind of elevated and mature love like you’ve never felt before. To mend your heart from falling apart, a living rose to revere, worship and adore.

The Argument

Oh, ye cosmonauts of all space and time. Intelligence and awareness from up above, of it all.

Were you ever taught anything about Lucifer’s mutiny in the heavens and the mortal fall ?

Can you get through the argument against the truth of God, without dropping the ball ?

Do you think man was created by God to fail, so that his train going to paradise could derail ?

Was he meant to outweigh his own free will into the abyss of the fall, right off the scale ?

Was he meant to have enough knowledge of good and evil, to build himself a devastating nuke ?

To hold us in perpetual fear with plenty of ways to gather and protest, yet none to rebuke.

Was he meant to be born into the sinful ways of a devil with ill intentions, to live and act ?

Wasn’t he created to be perfect in every way, until with Satan he made a lasting pact ?

Is this all a preposterous notion made up from a magic potion, or can it truly be a fact.

If you bothered for over a minute, to do the homework and research, you will surely find.

That man at first was created perfect until he chose for himself to run with the devil blind.

Adam & Eve, fallen from grace, to become what we are today. A creation most selfish and unkind.

And since you I and everyone else on this globe, dead or on the fly are from their blood line.

Is it any wonder with all this knowledge of good and evil, some of us still refuse to see the sign.

Like a clueless fish chomping at the bit. Make no rash decision or mistake about it.

The story of God and the fall of mankind from bliss and grace is a most perfect of a fit.

For if you think about it clearly, dearly yet without any of the honor, pride or shame.

The intuitive bulb in your brain and the fire in your heart will light up like a flame.

Or maybe, like the academic intellectual who’s arrogance hides behind his clever wit.

To think it’s all just routine “Darwinian” monkey business for “Homo Erectus” to become the most perfect fit.

Man, unfortunately sentenced himself to sin and death by ignoring and shunning Gods one given rule.

Instead, to become the galaxy’s biggest fool. By believing a clever slithering serpentine lier.

The judgment ruling of the lord was for the one life of toil and pain and then, a toss into the fire.

A tainted and corrupt soul, In Gods eyes could never get much higher.

How much more do you need pilgrim, to take these words to heart and to heed.

To open a Holy Bible and read from the heart, and on the words of it’s wisdom to feed.

To take seriously a deep interest in the meaning of life, and the true story of man.

To explain the mortal fall and his defiance and rebellion from God’s original plan.

How, through his free will, chose to follow Satan instead, and jump into his frying pan.


Opportunity sometimes can come easy for some and other times it can stoop to a new low.

It’s all made up for the up & down stroke of vanity and ego. Arrogance, to feel high and mighty enough, to put on a prideful show.

Struggle, pain & suffering though never discriminate, and are for all peoples of the earth, to endure and eventually get to know.

Some have a good supply of fuel on hand and a big hull, to power through. While others get a set of ores, for their dingy to row.

Some get to drive high up and cushy, while others might get stuck in an Oldsmobile, waiting for a tow.

What all will eventually reap in life will always come from what they believed after the harvest of what they used to sow.

If you find yourself downtrodden, defeated and low. Pick your chin up quick, before another see’s it in time to step on your toe.

Life is ups and downs, sudden stops and turn around’s. Sometimes, all you need is love, but to have that, you will need some dough.

If an opportunity like Jesus wants to save you, despite your life’s trials and tribulations, don’t be foolish enough to say no.

Remember, if God almighty hadn’t an adversary of a devil in disguise and a formidable foe.

We wouldn’t ever have seen, flying in a wicked circle of doom, a whole lot of raven and crow.

Already Signed

I live in a muddy puddle of world anxiety. It comes in multi colored skin and a whole lot of emotional variety.

Most of it, a product of an imperfect being with plenty of flaws, living in a somewhat demented and fragmented society.

God did not create an imperfect being. He created perfection in man with a free will clause, to choose one of either plan.

So mankind chose instead, to trade in immortality for one life of sin, then be dead. By believing a lying serpent, for every soul to be fed.

Even though they had just boarded “The knowledge of good and evil” cruise and all of it’s labor opportunities, and chances to lose.

For the unaware souls born thereafter, were all under the contract bind. Their greatest grand parents long ago, had already signed.

A Guru’s Beard

Let’s face it pilgrim, this world of ours is pretty daunting and plenty weird. Wise are the years, whether you shave it all off or grow it into a guru’s beard.

No one is really immune to its sudden mayhem. Everyone succumbs to its flesh driven vanity. A few will get close enough to it’s rim for a glimpse of its hooror & insanity.

All kinds of experiences from the obvious to the absurd. From the visible to the unseen, in case you never heard. Scientific gadgets and gizmos proving truth of the word.

There’s another side to this fabulous game. The time to harvest faith in a savior called “Jesus” from the fallen prince of darkness, and all his minion recruits to claim.

There are stories upon stories. Reality tales on television of perfectly normal ordinary people talking about the paranormal, and the fear it spawned in their hearts, so formal.

Our dreams are a portal for both God and the devils collective immortal. A doorway into the knowledge of good and evil. Our choice to eat from it’s fruit of sin with embedded upheaval.

Belief in what is true, is freedom from the fear of lies for those who knew. Once you accept the story of the fall. Everything falls into its place to break down your illusion wall.

The knowledge of good is all fun in the sun but the experience of evil puts tears of fear in our eyes. to make our spirits realize the need to run to none other than Jesus Christ, the one to die and rise.

Slightest Mention

Almighty “Yahweh” reigns supreme at the very top of this living dream, and is most loving and humble. He is graceful, merciful and sweet, yet a tough cookie, on the highest seat, that doesn’t ever crumble.

He came back for us, as the son, even though we shunned him in the garden, to run with the devil in the first round. Then we put him on the cross, for washing away our sins. To give us a key, back to heaven on a dime, as believers found.

Does the ill human race and the stench of it’s putrid smell, deserve a sure ticket to hell? Sure they do, said the trickster devil, to fill up all the pits on his punishment level, at least as far as I could tell.

With a grace period called “Life”. Many a mortal arrogant, selfish and cruel imbecile roams the earth. To either get it right by the time they die, or celebrate it all, on their last day of birth.

Only to stay behind and hold on to their spirit’s sanity with both hands held tight. For a front row seat to the greatest show on Earth of the last battle in this old cosmic fight.

“Yashuah”, son the virgin Mary, the true savior of spirit and soul, is the one and only way, from this invisible hole to rise. Out of the ruse of the devil and humanity’s early demise.

It’s a cleanse & redemption from a spiritual stain of Lucifer’s pain. For absolute ascension into paradise, without pleading for mercy at the gate, or slightest mention, except through faith in Jesus Christ.

Flip of your Switch

We hope for the day to come around, for a flip of your switch. To repent from inherited sin for a most high God, to have mercy on your fallen soul.

For playing your best rebellious game to dishevel his name, never to blame it on a true story of one with a selfish, decadent and self serving role.

For being plenty arrogant, proud, disrespectful and rude. For the worship of money, silver and gold in a jar of vanity and superfluous attitude.

For hurting others with laughter, robbing from mothers. Back stabbing. brothers. For lying and cheating. For selfishly insisting on the cushiest seating.

For stealing from the weak and killing, for the innocent blood we keep spilling. For all our wicked behavior. Driven by demonic forces, without the savior.

Will the good lord of grace and mercy have any pity on you ? Unfortunately, not if you did not accept his ultimate sacrifice on the cross to be worthy and true.

Will he send our spirit and soul to hell instead ? He says, he doesn’t have to at all, since we were the one’s who made the choice to become spiritually dead.

When our ancestors in the very beginning of this conundrum of a humdrum accepted the lies of a serpent who spoke for the devil, to be shamefully fed.

It was us and only us, that put ourselves in Satan’s hell. For living in the sin shadow of the fallen angel. For sugarcoating the bit, for a most perfect fit.

So don’t blame God for going to hell. He tried to save you by removing, through the blood of Christ from your tainted soul, Satan’s permanent spell.

But you confidently and brashly always thought you knew much better. When you decided to ignore and scoff at the Bible’s divinity and its red letter.

The arrogance and foolish pride of a manipulated and malleable mind. Is the sole barrier of what separates a brain from its own eyes, to remain blind.

When that sadly happens, no wisdom or love of truth, will ever get through. You will believe in anything and all else but what is, pure and true.

And that is how the devil starts to control and take hold of a vulnerable brain. To keep it focused on its inflated ego, to become plenty prideful and vain.

For a lifetime of short term pleasure and long term pain, only to wither away with disdain. To perish into Satan’s promised pit and eventually go madly insane.

And you did it all by your self. By your free choice to be left behind. For shunning his offer of grace and redemption. To miss out on salvation by remaining in the blind.


So, who’s side of this cosmic equation are you on pilgrim ? Do you prefer the bright, airy and colorful or the gloomy, dark and dim.

It’s one or the other, brother. It’s simply this or that. One lies, cheats and kills, and the other speaks truth and wisdom that lifts a spirit’s thrills.

God’s truth is spoken through one holy book, but the lies of Satan come in silver and gold, precious stones of old. To lure souls onto his baited hook.

I’m afraid, this is it my friend, there really is no hype or mystery. Look it all up in our recorded world history, there’s no other way to escape the fray.

“It’s not fair” you might protest and say. That’s right I say, crucifying a sinless Jesus to save your soul wasn’t fair at all for him to have to pay.

When the God of the Bible has an adversary and another book admits that he is the son of a Virgin Mary. It might be time to explain sunshine mixed with rain.

Or just face our inevitable truth as it has clearly been presented, from the time of our youth. To escape the wrath of ignorance and folly and its prescribed pain.

The sacred truth of God and this world’s status quo is nestled in the center of his foe’s thistle. To keep seekers from becoming salvation’s keepers through the words of a bible’s epistle.

True Name

The wandering lost souls of the dead, get to roam the old homestead grounds instead.

If they lived and died unsaved, they got to stay behind with the un-redeemed and ill behaved.

Such is our truth whether you accept it or not. A soul to save or a spirit body to wither and rot.

This is why we insist on believing to know almighty God through “Jesus Christ”, his son.

The sinless yet crucified risen God, yet returned a rescuer of mankind and I’m afraid, he is the only one.

In life today, yesterday or tomorrow there’s a price to pay for every choice made and played game.

The price for heaven, is by inviting God’s son of man “Jesus”, to reside in your heart, by his true name.

The Dickens

Evil is as real as it can feel, with nothing much to desire or appeal, ladies and gentlemen.

If you happen to disagree, someday you might need to put that fact of life, to paper and pen.

If you were lucky enough in life, never to have experienced it. On the flip side, it might become your perfect fit.

Albeit somewhat of a nasty surprise. Its a wake up call for dreamy gullible eyes.

But if wise enough to get a taste. You wouldn’t have shun the God story, with such haste.

When the devil comes knocking at your door. You’ll beg and plead, for Jesus to save you from evil’s and its ugliness.

Because way deep down, your spirit and soul already know who he is, as your unwillingness has a need, to swiftly confess.

Even though your intellect and malleable calculating mind, wishes to keep such matters buried deep and in the blind.

Your soul’s true essence in time of peril, will call out to the lord, knowing full well, Its all one can afford.

Such is the nature of our reality. Whether you dig its chimes or not. Will certainly not change the play, or its plot.

In fact, this particular plot thickens. A Joyfully expected occasion for some, yet for others, it becomes the Dickens.

Might be a good time to separate the howling roosters of glory. From the peacocks of pride and sorry chickens, for their story.

Slightest Mention

Almighty “Yahweh” reigns supreme at the very top of this living dream, and is most loving and humble. He is graceful, merciful and sweet, yet a tough cookie, on the highest seat, that doesn’t ever crumble.

He came back for us, as the son, even though we shunned him in the garden, to run with the devil in the first round. Then we put him on the cross, for washing away our sins and giving us a key, back to heaven on a dime, as believers had found.

Does the ill human race and the stench of it’s putrid smell deserve a sure ticket to hell. Sure they do, said the devil, to fill up all the reserved pits on his level, at least as far as I could tell.

With a grace period called “Life”. Many a mortal arrogant imbecile roams the earth. To either get it right by the time they die, or celebrate it all, on their last day of birth.

Only to stay behind and hold on to their spirit’s sanity with both hands tight. For a front row seat to the greatest show on Earth, of the last battle of its cosmic fight.

Yeshuah, son the virgin Mary, the true savior of spirit and soul, is the one and only way, from this fallen invisible hole to rise. Out of the ruse of the devil and humanity’s early demise.

It’s a cleanse and redemption from the spiritual stain of Lucifer’s delivered pain. For absolute ascension into paradise, without pleading for mercy at the gate, or even the slightest mention, except through faith in Christ.

King G-Zus

Whomever you might be fooling, will someday become your dire need and catalyst for some additional schooling.

As many U-turns, you had to make and times you needed to learn. Who was truly in charge, always ruling with concern.

No matter what anyone says, believes or does, God Almighty watches everything going on, like an undercover fuzz.

You might get away with it for the time being. But God is omnipresent always, for hearing all and all seeing.

So, be at ease and rest when you’ve failed another mortal test. We all fall short of one perfect man’s character at best.

A Christlike character like King G-Zus. To change dark hearts into worthy beings, and free us from being thrown under the bus.

Becoming Wise

Liberty and freedom are rewards of the spirit & soul. To abuse or harness, to lose or keep.

Bondage, control and captivity is how the adversary of God “Satan” plans for a mortal’s soul to reap.

Such was the choice we alone hath made. So long ago, under the tree of the forbidden fruits shade.

The first two gullible kids ate from the sweet fig, but the rest of us had to take on the job, to get paid.

That’s just how the story goes. To try and distinguish between the love of God and his ancient foes.

To separate God’s truth from our skewed reality. To explain much of the worlds chaos & duality.

That’s when the son of man “Christ Jesus” was born, to undo Satan’s grip and hold on mankind, by way of a crown of thorn.

Crucified to rise, to open eyes, to negate the effect of the devils lies. To bring about a higher standard, to becoming wise.

A Predator

Evil is a predator on the prowl. With open eyes in the dark that can see, like the silence of an owl.

Looking to deliver the promise of fallen Satan and all that is terrifying, odoriferous and fowl.

It has an agenda and a plan. To create as much upheaval in the experience and outcome of modern man.

The feel of Love and hate is what rules the spirit, into its eternal outcome and subsequent fate.

The love of God through his Messiah and savior Jesus or the anger and hatred of the prideful devil.

Is what creates the emotional intellect, needed for a result with its after effect on either level.

As clear as glass can possibly be. Just because you see through it, doesn’t mean you’ll go through it with glee.

Flip the Switch

I hope the day comes for a flip of your switch. To repent from inherited the sin within, for God to have mercy on your soul.

For playing your rebel game to dishevel his name, never to blame it on a selfish, decadent and self serving role.

For being arrogant, proud, disrespectful and rude. For the worship of money, silver and gold in a jar of vanity with attitude.

For hurting others, robbing from mothers and back stabbing brothers. For lying and cheating and always, insisting on the cushiest seating.

For stealing & killing, for the innocent blood you keep spilling. For all your wicked behavior. Driven by dark forces, less a savior.

Will the lord have mercy on you ? Not if you did not accept his sacrifice to be true. Will he send your spirit & soul to hell instead ?

He doesn’t have to at all, since we made a choice to be spiritually dead. When our ancestors accepted the lies of a serpent, to be fed.

It was us and only us that put ourselves in hell. For living in the sin of its putrid smell. For sugarcoating the bit, for a perfect fit.

Don’t blame God for going to hell. He tried to save you, by cleansing through the blood of Christ from your tainted soul, Satan’s spell.

That says “I confidently always thought I knew better. When I decided to ignore and scoff at the Holy Bible’s red letter”.

The arrogance & foolish pride of my malleable mind. Is the sole barrier of what will separate my brain from its eyes to be blind.

When that happens, no love for truth or wisdom will get through. You will believe in anything else, but what is pure and true.

And that is how the devil starts to manipulate our vulnerable brain. To keep us centered in our bigger ego, plenty vain.

For a lifetime of pain, only to wither and disintegrate. To die once and for all, into Satan’s promised pit to eventually go insane.

And we did it, all by our selves. By our excersized free will & choice. For shunning his offer of redemption and shining on the Lord’s voice.

All or Nothing

We play around, here and there to have plenty of fun. Until the cloud of time moves in to block our sun.

We work the good land and toil to sweat the soil, as best as we can. Until the expiring of our competition and its run.

Some of us lose in the game of life, yet in the afterlife, those who believed in a savior of spirit despite their losses, hath won.

We grow old together & separately ill, then into the ground we go. All along, wondering if for us it would also be so, when it is all said and done.

We yearn for a lifetime, a thirst to quench and earn, a hint to know. Of what’s to come next, should we survive this life’s cruelty show.

Theories and ideas of every kind. Anything to keep us mesmerized & in the blind. Once we signed the contract, how then to unwind ?

With “Jesus Christ”, redeemer of this broken world, that’s how ! The only savior of souls held in captivity under the spell of Satan’s brow.

It’s as simple as that. How many more times should we have to have this chat. How much longer will you sweep this truth under your mat.

For once the cards are placed on the table, where the river flows. A poker game reveal takes place. Its all or nothing for anyone who knows.

Take it all Away

Nothing aggravates me into emotional pain more than having to watch these daft commercials on television they keep pumping into my pressured brain.

Over and over, again and again to sell their goods & wares. From needless drugs, to bundles of insurance pairs, for a broken world of do’s, don’ts and a whole lot of dares.

So one said. Who bloody cares! Come on people, It’s a temporary mortal experience. Meant to end around the bend into splitting hairs. Get saved by Jesus, or just accept the gift of mares.

Give it a bloody rest they said, as I must be behaving like a pest. So I said “Put your cappuccino frothy faith to the test.” As you carry on with life, to shine on for your fellow man. Never knowing the end game as you do your best.

Hopefully without ever having to reduce yourself to an insect or a pest. One with attitude on a pesky mission with zest. Just so your boss can pat you on the back for laying another egg in his nest.

Give me a break Oh Lord. I’ve had enough of being stuck on the bottom deck of this matrix ship of fools. I want no part of its aggression anymore as I could never afford many of its shiny tools.

Take me away from this planet of fears for apologetic tears. Take me on some heavenly kind of fascination journey. Before I end up in a body bag on route to a cold and desolate morgue, on an old smelly gurney.

Take me away from this anxiety driven, nothing given perpetual red rain. From the unrelenting feeling of disdain because of a lack thereof, with clueless remorse and hands, all tied up in vain.

Take me to the flip side of this sad dream for a reversal of fortune type of switch. This life is starting to become an obvious struggler’s bitch. I never meant to marry that beautiful witch.

Take me away from this blue planet of pain and sorrows. From the predictable outcome of its tomorrow’s. From all that begs for ignorance and superfluous vanity, as it relentlessly borrows.

Take it all away dear God, I’m growing tired amidst all this unfairness and fraud. So that I too, like the blessed can be with you. Up in the heavenly realms, for believing in what has always been true.

To a space, so perfect and forever a due. For all in faith to renew. A place that doesn’t cater to pleasure and pain. A Bible’s promise, for every soul’s request for salvation gain.


Those who engage in the way of prayer get to become life’s divine player.

To readily accept absolute truth is much simpler, than having to become a bitter naysayer.

Every level of faith in the truest God, is just another wisdom discovery and maturity layer.

When blood gets thickened by living, you take a Bayer. When in doubt about God, ask a pastor, not the mayor.

Satan is a master illusionist. Painting colorful fables of every kind, to rule with deception as an iron fist.

To keep our minds and souls confused, bewildered and lost in the darkness of our choices in the myst.

Life’s a scam wow. How’s that for fresh chow. Don’t ask the skeleton of Chairman Mao.

All he know ever knew came from the iron curtain. The Tao of ying & yang in the Dao.

He might fall over laughing hysterically from not knowing the answer to your question anyhow.

Instead, ask an elder at a Indian Powwow. He will tell it like it is. he’ll say that life is a scam wow.

And the truth of our Lord and Savior “Jesus Christ” is the kind of truth a wise man should allow.

After all, it’s the only worthy faith we should know. From January until Santa Clause comes again for “Ho Ho Ho”.

“Every Man is prone to natural carnal sin birthed within”. Once must have said the American poet (Edgar Alan Poe).

Prayer is what keeps us connected to the source. You can never reach God through dictation or any such force.

Just as you cannot squeeze juice out of a prune, you cannot beat the truth out of a dead horse.

The only way to redemption, is to pray for the savior of this world, to occupy your heart through faith to endorse.

Those, who speak for the glory of God. Will be met in the afterlife, by much cheer & applaud.

For standing tall and firm against the workings of his adversary ” The Devil” and much of his fraud.

Cosmic Checkmate

When ye head is buried in the sand. What is also buried is the truth. To see the free will of sin, embedded within the soul of man.

For this is what the devil from thee & I and everyone else from sea to sea, will demand. To keep us buried in captivity. Until the remittance of his close out fee at hand.

One of the dumbest and most daft things a mortal can do. Is to ignore the mercy and graces of God, with the debt of “Adam” and inherited sin to build up and accrue.

Or to address him by some other (want to be) name. One he never endorsed like he did, when his son Jesus to this Earth came. Or to blaspheme his name, by any other manipulative wicked game, the same.

Or, to shun (Absolute World Truth) and his redemption offer to rescue mankind. To do it all their way, and theirs alone. To defiantly learn that there was never a need to confess to anything or atone.

And that they “The arrogant and the Prideful” must have been born into a statehood of perfection personified, just as they were in flesh, way down to the bone.

Eventually, only to end up crying out to their sorry forlorn soul, way too little, much too late. To make any changes to the outcome of their forsaken fate.

How is that for a cosmic check mate ?


He/She was So…Smart, just not smart enough to relinquish his/her foolish pride to take this grand “Puzzle of the Gods” all apart.

A blockage to stop the flow of grace, to a heart mystified. Made up of colorful peacock feathers, weaved into a souls inside.

The very attribute that got “Satan” booted from heaven and denied. In the garden of Eden, who really was the one that lied.

Refusing from the very beginning of the game, in his own God and creator, not to abide ?

With both of their eyes shut wide. They thought, shouldn’t we too, like gods be qualified ?

After all, there were plenty of shady places in the garden of Eden, to scurry behind a flower bush and hide.

No one wants to be taken on a fools ride. There are only just a couple of choices here, so try and pick the winners side.

Before you end up a lost and angry celebrity spirit. Like the cowboy outlaws “Bonnie and Clyde”.

Some will arrogantly continue to ask. Will the talk of this “Jesus Character” ever leave us alone and subside ?

I’m afraid not, answered the book. It’s all written in my holy pages, as your best and wisest living guide.

As all those who will stand in line to drop into the pits of Hades. Be they men of evil deeds or any of their wicked ladies.

Would moan & groan. In person or on the phone. With prescribed fear and trembling, for having taken such a foolish ride.

To complain in vain, while they cried out in suffering from hell’s fire rain. Undignified, and discarded in eternal pain.

Last Hand

Everyone of us is given a death sentence, sooner or later.

Whether they were a lover in life, or an everlasting hater.

We all eventually get to that crucial fork, in the winding road.

One goes to the devils playground, and the other to the lords abode.

No one escapes this truth, be they old or in the prime of their youth.

Such is the way it is planned. Long ago, God hath won this game’s last hand.

Mary Jane

The late Tom Petty would sing “last dance with Mary Jane , one more chance to kill the pain.”

Mary Jane, Is a delightful whore. She gets lewd and naked for anyone who comes to her shore.

Her sex appeal and numbing zeal is nothing I wished to fall in love with or ever adore.

Whatever you give the greedy bitch from hell, she continues to want more and more.

She’s already milked this stupid cow dry to the bone , and way down to the core.

When she’s around it becomes nice but when she’s gone, it becomes a jungle lions roar.

If I don’t get it on time to keep the rhyme, then I have no choice but to wage an unholy war.

You can close the ventilation windows from time to time, but you can never shut its door.

These words of wisdom come from years of experience and not some kind of reefer folklore !

When Jesus met a woman at the well, he asked for a drink. It was meant to make her think.

When she questioned his loving grace, he gave her the truth of her transparent reality, to make the link.


Tomorrow will come, whether we’re ready or not, whether we be alert, or comfortably numb.

Whether we choose to be smart, or take it all apart, to become useless in one lump sum.

Oh yes, it will surely come. For both the genius, and the one labeled by his peers as dumb.

And when it does. It will bring forever sunshine, coupled with a loss of pain for some.

Heavy pain & Hot rain for the ones wishing to complain, before the day of his kingdom come.

To once and for all, put away the pirate ship of the devil and its hoard of captive forlorn souls.

Called “The Satanic”, on its course to crash into God’s big berg, for a revelation, at the polls.


I’m a man convinced of the jinn and seen enough to become convicted of this life’s sin.

The most basic of my mortal sins come from youth, and as if created naturally, deep from within.

I will tell the whole truth, as I do admit to dancing and prancing with the wish genie “Aladdin”.

After a short lifetime of living mostly in thought crime, navigating through the fog of realities sublime.

I began to look about, looking for a way out. And when I found it. I no longer needed to refute or doubt.

I thought, I could never to be silent again, yet for truth, I would never cease to shout.

Save thy soul, I said, go on past the point of being dead. To rise up with “Christ Jesus”, and play a heavenly role.

Earn your Salvation by believing through faith, what is already true. instead of simmering fears of an afterlife in Sheol.


Man is an arrogant ant, and or possibly even a stubborn mule.

He wants to do it all his way, even if he needs to break every rule.

He thinks his ideas are always better, and worthy of the crown jewel.

When he runs out of solutions or fuel, he continues trying to be cool.

He wants his legal motions in court to always win and over rule.

He wants to be the only one left standing, after every western duel.

He wants to use as many people as he can, as his personal slavery tool.

He always insists on being the first one, to jump into his new pool.

He wants to do it his way, whether it comes across as kind or cruel.

And when he runs out of all of his wit, with no options left to spool.

He calls out to a generic God, his last resort, just like any other fool.


I would, rather be a Jesus Freak than a control freak, any day of the week.

After all, this is what I chose for my “Rest In Peace” finale, so to speak.

When I get slapped in the face these days, I usually turn to the other cheek.

I got this gift from God, because all I ever did was contemplate his truth and seek.

I used to suck up to the rich like everyone else. But now I much prefer the company of the meek.

You won’t find the Lord inside of your smart phone or iPod or by being a clever ignorant geek.

If you don’t accept the word of God in the English language, it was first written in Greek.

If you could only Pick up a Holy Bible, once in a while and have for yourself a private little peak.

You might find thyself in awe of its Holy grace, as you become saved & redeemed, in a little over a week.

With Jesus, I get to go to God’s heaven. But without him, I can only hope to get to an Indian casino by eleven.

So that I can give them all my money with zeal. while I pray to whomever god, for that jackpot triple seven.

To Be or Not to Be

Some found Jesus Christ superstar. To be, or not to be, the only true way, to be faithfully saved.

From a forlorn and fallen world of illusions. Forsaken, for being sinfully misbehaved.

Discredited and severed, from its right to eternity, so many centuries ago, forfeited and waived.

From a mortal perspective and its “System of a Down”. That long ago, should have folded and caved.

From being able to walk down the road to perdition, yet still be safe, sound, to come out unscathed.

For getting off the winding forest trail of fear and trembling, onto the freeway of God, smoothly paved.

Please get onboard the salvation train of Jesus Christ on time, for a Holy treat of forgiven pain.

For all who did so faithfully, will continue to cherish, what once used to be forever lost and always craved.

Once a Year

We all eventually either get to “Rest in Peace” or we get to “Fret in Fear”.

When death came to town, one becomes scary real while the other stays dear.

One keeps its distance far and away, while the other draws itself near.

One is redemption through Jesus Christ, the other is a stab in the rear.

One begins to shed an ongoing tear, while the other brings in salvation cheer.

One hides under the cover of darkness, while the other rejoices at Christmas, once a year.


Human Beings are an incredible and a most amazing set of creatures.

With a plethora of individual and distinguished unique features.

That’s at least what God say’s. He see’s them working like honey bees.

As they build fantastic, amazing structures and machines.

Using their provided intellect to achieve their aspirations & dreams.

Yet this utopia was not for all, Some would succumb to the mortal fall.

Some couldn’t get past a hurt or two, as others shed like a snake, for a new reality to chew.

Like a serpent who managed to rob our bliss. The stuff we thought we’d never miss.

Made to Make

From the very beginning of time, life began to get out of sync to eventually stink, bitterly sweet, and on a dime.

Into what we see today as our current reality, a familiar pattern of forceful disorder, chaos and rhyme.

The sin of Satan’s wrath and ancient rebellious path, entered to reside in our gullible mortal lives.

As we toiled away for eight or more, to survive the day. Waiting for when our package of illusion arrives.

Kane killed Abel. Gretchen marries Mabel. Man’s sin was put into law, to pass the gay pride and rights bill.

Mankind’s biblical history, for some was written as a jokers wild, a sweet & sour, sort of tale and fable.

And for all the others, a mere jovial discussion of zealous arguments to have at the dinner table.

Some intellectuals will claim, they know where there’s a lift to heaven. Sadly with a broken pulley and cable.

The vain one always knows where there’s a savior to adorn on the big screen, of gallant behavior, named Clark Gable.

The wise one Knows one God, and just one redeemer, for every single one of Earth’s dreamers. Christ, came ready, willing and able.

Everyone on Earth since their birth, including Father God must have a namesake and a character identity label.

For the sake of extracting the precious from the fake, along with every illusion of grandeur, made to make life unstable.

Currency of Heaven

Faith is the currency of heaven. From the early hours of seven, to the sleepy ones at eleven. Through the darkness of night, into hope from sunlight.

Faith is the only path to the promise of Jesus salvation and assurance. Through his gift of redeeming cross, delivered.

Faith is like a warm blanket that covers the stone and weary heart, while it stood alone in the frost and shivered.

Faith delivers its ultimate reward, perhaps after feeling a little ignored. For a rescue, like no other, from our savior & Lord.

Faith becomes everything when nothing more is left. It is what saves a soul from the grim reapers theft.

Faith gets you through life. Without it there’s nothing, except for memories coupled with, ache’s and strife.

Faith, is the way of our Father God, as his mortal test. He left it up to us, to figure out what to do with the rest.

Faith is like a buried precious stone. Mixed with rock and dirt. Until it’s polished into a shiny diamond to stand on its own.

Faith Forward

Put your trust and faith forward, and humbly accept the good Lord, our one and only true God. The one who created, and gave us will. To freely choose what’s true vs. satanic lies, made to defraud.

Without faith, nothing in life can ever take place. What if ? The sun decides it won’t shine anymore, for sustenance of the human race.

What if ? The Moon suddenly chose, it wants to vacation from now until June. For the ocean to cease its ebb and flow tide. Who will collect the fish that died ?

Whoever thought, the leader of a big country, will decide, to be defiant. For sedition, to take place in his last edition, to be taken to court by a much bigger giant.

A new baby conceived by a couple of bigger babies, is scheduled to be born. Suddenly see’s his parents are unfit to raise and decides to abort his life forlorn.

A maniac drunk driver, decides to have a wreck with an invite into his his pile of ruble. Who will rush to the scene to save a life or two on the double ?

It’s team Jesus, that’s who. Working behind the curtain veil of truth. To correct and fix every blunder and mistake we make from the time of our youth.

So there you go pilgrim ! Have faith in the makers of a life unseen. You might stumble upon worth, by believing in the truth of Earth. Instead of a rude awakening, tenderized with fear, yet plenty strong and lean.

Good works

Positive ways are great, when working though the mortal fall, til the end of days. When time comes to leave its Fantasy Mall.

However, I’m afraid they won’t take you to God’s heaven. Not by a long shot, or by seeing the numbers 11:11, nor by worshiping guru Kevin.

Your good works and dashing looks are plenty enough. For going through life’s merry go round, for such perks, to cover up the gruff

However, if you do not accept “Jesus Christ” as your one and only Lord and savior and redeemer of your soul to eternally own.

You might have to find some other way, to hang on to all that good works and stuff, and use it somehow, to atone.

Not by good works alone, but by grace. Such is the nature of the gift given by God, to the human race.

Not everyone can do good works, or have the look. But all can believe the Holy book, to receive salvation in any case.

Simply by believing what is rooted & true. As oppose to every other hypothesis presented by the devil to chew.


If a person in the flesh, in an effort to survive, and with life to anyhow mesh, has filled their cup of pride and arrogance, all the way to the brim.

They might find themselves left behind in the afterlife, with no one to blame, but for the reaper of lost souls, coming to claim, in colors mighty grim.

For God Almighty, likes his people to be humble & meek. They are ones to inherit the earth, as the king of kings and his red letter will clearly speak.

Satan, was the one to rebel, because of arrogance and foolish pride. And now, that he’s no longer beautiful. He and his posse stab mortals in the back and hide.

Why is this concept so hard for some to understand. Is it because we’re already at the show, supporting our favored band. Or, because it has become our favorite brand.

The Wisdom of the Lord

Put your Satanic pride aside. For the wisdom of the Lord to be kindled onto your spirit and soul, deep down on your inside.

Put your limited human logic and reason, back where it belongs. In its own season, when it signed up for Lucifer’s treason, and all of its wrongs.

The wisdom of the Lord, is not bound by earthly time. Therefore it never ceases from being sublime, always ready for a perfect fit and willing to rhyme.

The wisdom of the Lord is boundless. It is based in pure love and divine ascension, unlike a regular game of chess, for a little bit of your attention.

If you find yourself dreading the word of God. It is because Satanic fraud has influence over a mortal mind. For Satan is, the one to pull the wool over our eyes, into the blind.

Yo Wassup ?

Human beings have a natural tendency, to sin and screw things up. As easy as filling up an empty coffee cup.

Then, they come around, with that evil grin of sin, on their face. With attitude, less any of God’s grace. Saying. Yo wassup ?

Mortals, unfortunately at times, can be fairly daft and stupid, yet also quite genius and stupendous.

Even though they make lots of bad choices, their progress and creativity at times, is impressive and tremendous.

When the time comes to see truth in a bright light. Human beings can believe, to be able to put up a big fight.

When a demon comes knocking, it’s time to stop talking, and start preaching power, with the word of God.

The only language that can defeat the devil and put a stop to Satan’s fraud. Worthy of attention, gratitude & applaud.

Just For Believing

If all one can afford, is to be arrogant and prideful enough. To be ignored by God & son of our Universe, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Then God says. So be it. I gave them the whole book, and nothing but the book, but some had to mock and ridicule. Without even bothering to take a look.

He also says, that if one ends up in Hell or Sheol. It’s their own doing, for rejecting the sacrifice of my son. The one true savior of soul.

I gave them all the tools, he will say. To pry them away, from every wicked spirit breaking the rules. Lurking for The devil, gathering up living fools.

My book, he will say, was written over the course of two thousand plus years. By the Holy Spirit and man, for the settlement of afterlife fears.

For a secure redemption plan. A lift and resurrection we could all afford, into his Magnificent Paradise.

A promise by our Lord, that such a soul will never be ignored. Just for believing in Jesus Christ.


Pride and arrogance can never be wrong. If they could, they would. Just to blend in and belong.

Lucifer’s vanity, arrogance and pride, got him and his minions recreated. Into beasts of burden, on a horror slide.

Their hatred for the Lord and all of humanity. Got them banished from heaven, and into hell’s lake of fire & insanity.

Then, Satan and his nation decided to ruin God’s creation, by spinning the lie that began immortality’s resignation.

When God made the first rule, the serpent decided to use, wisdom as his tool. For the first two in creation to become the fool.

And the stories, simply go on from there. To weave the holy Bible’s books together, a sure way to escape Satan’s lair.

A Fallen Race

Life without the story of Jesus Christ, makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

After all, our God did create human beings at first, as immortals, to live forever.

But he also, gave them free will, to choose between truth, or lies that would sever.

Because trust in Almighty God was the name of this game from the very beginning & start.

Loyalty to the creator, rather than belief in the devil, to poison the young human heart.

A choice made by us, to go one way or another. So we chose from God to be independent and apart.

We decided to eat of the forbidden fruit. From a tree in the middle, with the deepest possible root.

To initiate the Satanic Zeitgeist, and dance with the devil. And as a result to disappoint God.

Thus to became who are today, a fallen race of mortals, immersed in Satan’s colorful package of fraud.

Ultimate Reward

The ultimate reward in life is a reward from our one and only amazing and true lord.

For accepting the gift of redemption by his son, all and everyone on this earth can truly afford.

Accepting and believing by and through faith and faith alone, the Lords absolute truth.

Is the only true road back to immortality and a state of a once vibrant youth.

Do not pridefully talk yourself into thinking anything foolhardy otherwise.

All else, I’m afraid is a bucket filled with some truth and a whole lot of lies.

No piece of cake

Don’t feel sad or disillusioned for the passing of a pastor. For his flight up to heaven, gets there much faster.

For all those, who preach the love of Christ, from its passion within. Have risen above mortal sin, to become a spiritual master.

Unless, they be, a mammon type of preacher, and I’m afraid there are one too many, of such a charmer, and a pricey teacher.

Never giving up much of the hoard, to the ways and will of the Lord, to always be on the receivable uptake.

Sadly, they will not find their names, in the book of life, yet their souls might be found under the adversary’s rake.

For God didn’t create us on April fools day. He did so, by the plan of his one rule to obey, which we chose to break.

Get saved and redeemed my friends, from the great curse of Adam & Eve, and their deadly mortal mistake.

The promises of a sovereign God are real and genuine. Just as forgiveness prayers from naysayers, shall be no piece of cake.

Back in the Day

To find the truth of God Almighty, one must be sincere, thoughtful and somewhat smart.

However, much more so than that, one needs to have a desire, for a clean & sinless heart.

Without faith in Christ for a relationship. Eventually, there will be a titanic style sinking.

Primarily due to a lack of remorse. A heap of pride & arrogance, less any follow up logical thinking.

The words, “Depart from me, for I never knew you.” Is what the good lord Jesus Christ will say.

Just as he did warn us in red letter, thousands of years ago, in his Holy Bible, way back in the day.

Well Water

If one reacts angrily, and with malice & loathing towards the true name of the good Lord.

They can be rest assured, that their soul belongs to the adversary, and by God, they will be ignored.

If one rejects the divine son of the sovereign Lord.

Sheol, Hades or Hell, will be all that their gold can afford.

Just as those who reject your son, or daughter will never be invited to quench their thirst, from your well’s water.

God does not hear the prayers of naysayers and sinners. Until they pray for redemption and forgiveness, to become immortal winners.


Why consume oneself in anxiety and needless worry, when God comes through, time & time again, with plenty of piety, yet without being in a hurry.

He feeds on time daily, all the birds and the bees. He fills with an abundance of fish and life, all of the oceans and seas.

Just as giving is much wiser than receiving, what is there truly to gain from constant worry and endless grieving.

Jesus said, before on the cross he bled. Replace worry with awe and wonder. That is what calms down life’s thunder.

That is the best way to navigate through this mortal fall, and the result and consequences of its very first blunder.

A Chance

We scurry around taking so many pictures and selfies, to anchor our place and existence into this obscure and ambiguous world.

Memories become more precious than silver & gold. Straight as an arrow, never to come in bent up, skewed or curled, I’m told.

They are what is last cherished and welcomed. More so, than sudden unexpected insults, that are hurled cold.

They are, what the mortal being will desire the most. When time comes around to depart, to meet our master & host.

And find out, if we made it to his Heaven, or will it be another roast. At the bakery of lost souls. To be baked into crispy toast.

Such is the type of harsh truth, a believing soul’s mouth must always preach with zeal & continue to boast.

Boast about the royal scam, we call life, when we decided to run along, rife with the lying serpent.

Til death did us part, eventually to repent from a life of sin, the stuff that started back when Kane killed his kin.

How Christ came predestined to be crucified. Before he had a chance to live, he died.

For him, it wasn’t a pleasure cruise or joy ride. His sole divine purpose was to give faith, another chance in God to abide.

Two Lords

Every sea worthy ship, has just one captain. If two take the helm, the ship will be aimless, to chase the wind.

Every airplane has a pilot and a co pilot. If there are two, chances, are the final destination will not come through.

Every automobile needs, just the one driver, to hold on to its steering wheel. If two drove the car, the vehicle won’t be traveling very far.

Earth has two Lords, the prince of darkness called “Shayton”. And the Lord of Lords, Yashuah, dawn after dawn.

One will come through, while the the other will lose. Every man will have the right to willfully choose. Between the truth or the ruse.

Game Plan

When the first man changed the game plan of creation, via his free will and curiosity.

He earned for all of mankind the right to toil the earth, and then die as a reciprocity.

That’s just the plain and simple truth of it. Adam failed the trust and loyalty test.

And from under his feet was yanked the very best. The garden of bliss was no longer his nest.

And the proof of this fable is in the pudding, or on the table, when it comes to all the rest.

Get with Jesus Christ risen. Lord & savior of the whole world, and save thy soul & zest.

Never Ignores

Earth’s wicked satanic curse is like the armpit of the universe. It stinks, and for some time now. Since it’s genesis and early birth.

When Satan was allowed to corrupt mankind. For a sudden shift in the blueprint of the original plan. To become blind.

Man was given freewill by God, to see if he would obey. He was told that if he partook of a certain fruit, he would dearly pay.

And, so man decided to do just that, for such is the reason, things are the way they are, even until today.

The daily choice of each individual between practicing good and evil. A hot porridge bowl of both bliss and upheaval.

The desire to be redeemed from the sin genome and saved, from the way man originally hath behaved.

Or, to remain a sorry mortal, who lived to die, for going through Satan’s portal, without bothering to ask why.

The choice is yours, for Jesus comes to rescue the faithful, who knock on his many doors. Prayers made in his name, he never ignores.