Shorts & Quotes

Here you will mostly find Short poems and Quotes I’ve written, listed in the same format as all the others. Not listed in alphabetical order but in the order they were written. God Bless you all and thanks for visiting.


To think that any mortal human being can be a model of earthly perfection. Is just a mere campaign and a show, made for winning a presidential election. “Jesus Christ for your soul’s president”. The cleanest candidate albeit invisible, yet very much present under faith’s direction.

Global Pandemic

It’s a serious global pandemic, and it’s out to kill whomever crosses its path to pay its mounting bill, but first it will make you very sick. We are all just two weeks away from a possible death sentence. So hurry up a little, and get on with your exit strategy of repentance. No time to dilly dally in the fog of ambiguity, exposed in the valley. Not much time left to waste, just In-case you happen to perish on a dime and in haste. Jesus descended from heaven to save a believing soul. From ending up in the pit of Hades from Adam’s fallen role. If you accept this fact to be true, you will be saved from the peril of the fall, by the one who knew. If you choose to pridefully disbelieve. You won’t have much of a voice or a sympathetic ear to complain about what you receive. It is an offer of mercy and grace descended directly from above. It’s the way, an amazing “God” like ours might show his love.

Left Behind

If you refuse to accept Jesus Christ before the end of your race. You might have to be left behind, to stay in place. Such is the truth of our world, should you be interested in your redemption and soul’s salvation, in any case.

Without Sympathy

There is a deadly disease on sale. It’s meant to cripple, destroy and derail. It’s killing people by the pound and hardly without fail. It’s chaos and mayhem along with sudden loss with a possible last check in the mail. It’s the delivery of the devils wrath, packaged as wholesale. It’s the state of fear and looming uncertainty. It’s a time of withdrawal and for some a lifetimes worth of a sudden tear without sympathy.

So Lucky

So lucky we are, as the fallen and forlorn human race, clueless to our highest truth, should it stare us in the face. Apparently It’s all about who’s choice for God, makes the best possible case. Which of these available faiths in this stew, is a foundation for a steady base.

“keep what’s yours and I’ll keep what’s mine”

We are simply and truly nothing without the source.

We are already under the influence of a diabolical force.

The race to the finish line is usually won by the one horse.

It’s a run for one of two outcomes, for the par of the course.

A win without any excuse, or a lose with plenty of remorse.

Without God. We are sour grapes on the ground and off of the vine.

A bottle of pungent vinegar, could have been a delicious wine.

A lifetime of fun and frolic, for a fat bill that seems out of line.

Is it a good enough reason ? To languish in afterlife misery and pine.

All along the way, many a warning or a hint is given, with plenty a sign.

Many a preacher & pastor speaking passionate sermons, so diligent & fine.

Some, will jump in head first into the pool of faith and reason, and some will casually say “keep what’s yours and I’ll keep what’s mine”.

Bad Choices

So fortunate we are to have a loving eternal God to forgive us of our daft choice, made long ago into Satan’s fraud. To offer us his love, grace and mercy despite our rebellious sins and bad choices to uphold, glorify and applaud.

Thank You

Lord Jesus, thank you for all that you do for us every day of our lives. Thank you for showing us pure and holy truth, to distinguish between your divine love, from what the adversary spins and all that jives. To lift us up high into redemption, for meaning and purpose to become clear and obvious in our broken, yet redeemed lives.

Domino Effect

The holy Bible is a domino effect of truth and wisdom. It takes just one, to knock over the rest until they are all down to make way for God’s kingdom. The kingdom of Jesus Christ. Our one and only benevolent lord and savior. Truth that can change a man’s sinful behavior. The way to your nirvana, my heaven or his paradise.

This Mind

This mind of mine where rhymes are made for awareness and warnings, much to do with uncertain times. Ones that elaborate on mankind’s ills and spiritual crimes. His disobedience towards his creator to claim some other god to be much greater. His hateful criminal ways against his sisters and brothers. Or anyone who believes their kindness wasn’t a weakness around others. His relentless rebellion against the ways of God to subscribe to the adversary’s evil and his fraud. His defiance against all he can afford of dead ends less the amends that require full faith and reliance on our lord.


The holy Bible proves itself to be true. From the pages of old to the ones anew. One predicts the other, from long ago. To build on faith through a sensibility to proof, in its show. It’s a book of truth for the whole wide world. To give us straight answers as oppose to ones crooked and curled. To provide anyone who reads and listens without a hiss, a roadmap back to holy bliss. To show us a much better way than this. A way back to heaven with nothing here to miss. It’s a book written by many different minds. All pointing to the reality of the one truth of Jesus through the mortal fall’s closed blinds.


Spirits of the unsaved dead, are sadly forsaken. Upon the hour of death, by the grim reaper they are taken. Such was the plan the devil had for man. To grill his sorry soul into bacon. It’s the result of a rebellious choice. For acquiring traits and attributes of the devil by the simplest command of his voice. So, please don’t much complain. When your soul crosses over the bridge of his life’s inherited pain. This is why Jesus to Earth came. To save your soul from Satan’s hatred for God and Humans with much loathing and disdain.


When man chose to run with the devil, he had decided to live and operate on his level. A Satanic spirit of the age. Where sin and frolic becomes all the rage. Never to get through the chapter, despite turning every page.


Faith requires forward action. For proof of its truth to your satisfaction. It’s how God and man get to have have a chance for fellowship and interaction. It’s a gift for the entire world, not a particular group or faction. It’s the pure love of Jesus Christ and its reality resides in the heart, just as it does, in any other magnetic attraction.

Our Own to Blame

Every destination has a way, a path, a road, a track to take you there. Hopefully without having to expose your back for a possible deadly attack. Heaven is much of the same. There is only one way to win this holy game. Before the savior came, our downfall was none other than our own to blame. Yes, very much our own to blame

Adam & Eve’s Bad Behavior

At some point in life, some of the adequately suffered mortals, suddenly turn to the good lord. Because they come to realize without a shadow of a doubt, that this life is one of his adversary’s chaos, rebellion and discord. As they fathom the truth and reality of Jesus Christ as its sole divine savior. In an effort, not inherit the wages of damnation as a result of Adam & Eve’s bad behavior.

Triple Seven

Hey there, ye pilgrim of truth. Take a little salvation action. Find the true Lord amidst the fakes, phonies and a fraudulent faction. Seek a loving kind of God. A creator in our own image, for like minded souls. With hearts to cherish forever & cheerfully applaud for playing out their roles. Create an attraction by being kind and humble, while relentlessly having resistance to becoming blind, willing to wither and crumble. Give praise and thanks to the creator and maker of our world and its sole golden rod. Seek holy interaction with Jesus Christ, our savior. A living rose among us and the one true son of God. It’s worth it’s weight in heaven. It will be like dropping your last dollar coin in a slot machine to hit that triple seven.

The Devil

The devil specializes in magic and illusions of grandeur. Made to sway the prideful and arrogant stubborn mule. Into a sorry state of becoming his captive and permanent fool. With the sole intention of having you believe in anything other than his fiction, to miss out on redemption’s best tool. The love of Jesus Christ, a most precious jewel. He comes as the son of God, to teach us how to redeem our souls from satanic fraud and into salvation, to once again soar like an eagle and rule.

The Very Best

When I decided to embrace Christianity. I did so to better understand the ways of our worlds relentless insanity. I wanted to find a good reason for all of it’s meaningless pride and superfluous vanity. I wished to believe in something that completed the vicious circle of mystery. Someone tangible and slightly above the prophets of doom within earth’s history. And so one day I decided to put Jesus Christ to the test. He delivered my father out of the fall of death to prove himself to be none other than, the very best.


Christianity is not a religion nor it is a man made ritual. Once it’s faith is put into practice, it becomes rather habitual. Simply because it’s an actual relationship with God. It puts a separation between his truth and Satan’s fraud. It transforms a human spiritual state. From mortality to immortality, to get past the fall and to remove it’s expiration date.

Satan’s Treason

When all else in your search for life’s truth fails. And you find your train coming off the rails. Look to Jesus to find your God. Because all else is the work of the devil and his elaborate package of lies, deceit and fraud. Such is absolute truth, be you old or in your youth. There is no other rhyme or reason, except to separate your corrupted spirit from Satan’s treason.

Under the bus

The truth of the lord goes far beyond what’s amazing. It explains much more than the science of milk and a cow’s grazing. It puts the puzzle together with ease. It’s made to save the forsaken soul of man, not to appease. It’s salvation into heaven, without having to say please. It’s the gift of immortality by the blood of Jesus, and not an assortment of cheeses. It’s the chance taken that doesn’t disappoint. It’s the kind of divinity able to anoint. If man is so perfect, you say than what’s the point ? Perhaps we need God to come around here and hang with us. So that we can flog and crucify him, to throw him under the bus. was that the point ?

I Am Who I AM

I am who I am, and from the bottom of my soul who I have always been. Though all my dues have not been paid, from the practice of past sin. I am not my experience, nor am I looking for my past to fade or the mistakes and blunders I have made from within to be paid. I am a worthy and redeemed child of Almighty God. Deserving of goodness and blessings to savor, cherish and applaud. Needing his provision and protection from the lies of the devil and the traps of his shackles of bondage into his diabolical fraud. I am in line, to receive such provisions and blessings from above by the sacrifice blood and body of our lord “Jesus Christ”. For his gift of salvation for myself, and anyone else that accepts it. For a spot reservation in God’s promised and permanent paradise.


I’m a man of many colors with a plural cultural personality. I’ve traveled a third of the world and finally have embraced its reality in objective totality. Ive seen and heard all there is of an explanation of its unnecessary evil insanity. And I’m afraid most of it is the result of Lucifer’s rebellion, revenge and prideful vanity.

Thanks to Jesus Christ

This was the rawest deal of centuries. Struck by the first humans. The result of stupendous and daft curiosity, along with some very hefty down-line fee’s. A failed test of trust in a fair and just lord. A whirlwind experience of knowledge of God’s good and Satan’s evil. A test we could hardly afford. To live and arduous life, yet never forever. Thanks to Jesus Christ, our savior and Lord. To be stuck in the bubble of Adam and Eve’s version of humanity, and all of its sin, mayhem and discord.

Loser Board

The un-redeemed & unsaved meet their sorry fate with much chagrin, self pity and hate. For having a lifetime of experience to choose what was straight out of the gate. The best possible path, without being too late. If you reject almighty God and his son, by their true name. Your name will be on the loser board of the ruler’s endgame. In Sheol, they say, agony and misery are renewed fresh for the suffering to endure it toll. All alone and without company, except for demons and evil spirits for their wicked cure. They also say, no one will recognize anyone in hell, including their soul mates. Or any celebrities, for sure.


The human soul, is sadly born already forsaken and forlorn as a “To Go Cup”. All warm, sweet and frothy of a coffee beverage to be consumed, and then tossed in a burning trash fire, at bottoms up. Such is the reality of our destiny. Without a savior, there’s plenty a chance for a hellish fate, but none for paradise except through Jesus Christ. I know, its a ridiculous notion. So ridiculous, it was the result of Satan’s brew, and lying words for our first sip of his ill potion.

Human Level

This earthly battle of good and evil rages on in the hearts and minds of you and I. Between what is truthful and what’s an outright lie. Between the love of God and the hatred of the wicked devil. Open your eyes to the reality of what is behind the scene. To clearly see it through the eyes of truth’s prism beam, the savior of all mankind, in all time & space and on every human level.


Oh Lord, when will our day of judgment come ? When will we get to heaven, and into God’s promised kingdom. Strictly for the faithful, less the prideful and arrogance of the hateful. Everyone had their freewill to thought and a choice of outcome. When will the day of his glorious amazement arrive ? For the king of kings, to bestow his promise upon us and separate us from all the jive. By returning from for us with joy and elation, but only for the faithful some. A holy news worthy horror story of Rapture, for CNN and the networks to swiftly capture. Of an unseen blissful celebration, for every true believer. With risen Christ in the big blue sky as our receiver. As the reveal of tribulation takes effect to unfold. No longer deemed valid by naysayers, to be spun or told.


Demons and evil entities are able to shape shift, and can easily mimic a dead relative or even a harmless little child. They do this to evoke human trust and expose vulnerabilities. It’s their way to invite themselves into a curious home, for spirit oppression and eventual possession. To score a bonus from their master “Satan” through his tricks, lies and spirit manipulation acquisition abilities.

Salvation Train

The party in heaven has a guest list. It’s called the book of life. It’s an invite by first and last name. Such is the nature of this game. The way to get your name in this particular book, is to believe in “Jesus Christ” and make him your lord and savior to get off the the devils lure of pain and onto his much needed salvation train.

Christian Bible

What does it take to separate what is true, in the godly realm of reality and his being, from what is phony and fake ? It takes a good deep look into a holy and righteous book. A book of living wisdom, like the Christian Bible. Whose truth and effect has no other rival. The book that was written over a span of thousands of years about one “Messiah” to come, named Jesus that would become this worlds one and only chance for its spiritual revival.

Adversary’s Agenda

Believe in whatever you wish or want. Just don’t try and change the color of his font. Because the bible words of Jesus come in red. They do so, for some of your attention into his wisdom, to be read. For in the end, you’ll have nothing left worthy enough mend, except for a choice in redemption to ignore or defend. If you sadly choose to live in a lie bubble around every bend. Eventually you will come to a place of heed. Where there won’t be a way anymore, to flip through pages of a bible read. For the truth of the lord, has to be accepted when alive. To escape his adversary’s agenda into a hell bound dive.


I often wonder when will the ignorant and sleepy soul of man wake up. To see what is absolutely true, from what is hoaxed and all made up. To know the reality of the Earth story, since the time of it’s birth into its unseen purgatory. For a useful explanation as oppose to some chump change in a cup. To see that Jesus Christ, redeemer of souls, is the only way out of the mess we created. So that when we die, instead of being lost and sorry, we become happy and elated.

“Love of God”

The truest definition for the “Love of God”. Is a picture of Jesus on the cross uttering his last words. In the absence of any sunshine, or melodic chirping birds. “Father, forgive them for they know not, what they do“. As he was dying crucified, to forever like a god rise. In Almighty Yahweh’s holy name, for anyone with believing eyes. Some will see it as proof positive of his truth, and others insist on their denial to refute. Even though, they too were born out of love’s root. The love of Christ is most difficult to understand. Sadly so, for all who choose to live with their heads, buried in the sand.


The devil attacks when we are most vulnerable. When we are lonely, angry and amiable. He is very much aware of things and is watching our every move. Waiting for just the right timing and groove. The devil moves in for the kill, when we our most down and low. From the inside of our minds, he closes the blinds, for his blackened devilish eyes to show. Satan”s sole jolly and purpose, is to create division and strife under the surface, among us. To conquer, invade and devour our souls, just like a fungus.


Religion, is man’s failed attempt to reach God. Christianity is God’s attempt to reach mankind. Such is the truth in our mind of our world, and it’s divinity plan. Jesus didn’t create a religion. He brought us truth and wisdom. Redemption from mortality and salvation assurance, in an effort to save man.

Faith over Fear

Always choose faith over fear. It’s keeps the devil from getting too near. It comforts a heartache and a painful tear. It brings you closer to the Lord year after year. When the Holy Spirit speaks, it makes you hear. It’s the trust we failed to give God, to become lesser of a dear. So he sent his son “Jesus” to die for us on the cross, to live among us as a savior, a lord and a peer.

Way Out

When one subscribes to the way of the devil. To adopt his hatred and live to thrive on his level. They go deeper and deeper into their own mind’s pit of hell. Were climbing out becomes difficult to fathom from the place where they fell. At that point the only way out of such a mindful satanic pit, is through the love and grace of Jesus Christ to make a man’s heart become wholesome and well.

Quagmire of Life

All crime is done on a dime. It is angry, disconnected and thoughtless, never to reason or rhyme. It is the work of Satanic whispers for a planned wicked mess. Just as the satanist “Richard Ramirez” in court would raise his satanic sign, to eagerly confess. The quagmire of life, simply evaporates into a relationship with Jesus Christ or the Devil, more or less. If one, so chooses to be a believer of neither. A lost spirit’s pit is still on reserve for them, at Lucifer’s last address.

Free Will

The freewill given to man is a freeway to heaven or a highway to hell. Such are the choices we make from the time of birth until the toll of life’s bell. Man long ago, from the graces of God’s immortality hath fell. So mankind, with the devil’s aid decided to create religions of his own to sell. For Almighty God never created an adversary like Satan for himself, to run in parallel. Free will is the cornerstone of his Universe and to such an effect, all is the way its meant to be, just as well.

Motion Picture

When it comes to the subject of God and the Devil. That motion picture has already been made. Even though a lot of the superstars, actors and extra’s have yet to be paid. For the prime time screening of this movie has yet to take place. It surely will, as soon as God decides it’s time to finish this race. For all on the Earth, from those that get to the grave first, or the one’s to live through his grace.


The battle continues to rage on, in the hearts and minds of mortals. Between the goodness of God’s grace and the evil works of the devil. When your eyes open wide enough, to see the subliminal forces behind the scene. To accept or reject absolute reality for what it is on every human level and what it could possibly mean. Hopefully, to make it to heaven by inviting Jesus into your heart, before the end of this dream.


Holy it was and that’s truly that. What will be for you, will be the result of what’s under your hat. Don’t believe it. Curiosity never killed a cat. Jesus was coolest there is, but the devil is a dirty rat.


A believer of absolute truth through faith, will be the receiver of Gods gift. A salvation lift from the adversary’s tribulation and rift. While at the time of reckoning, shock and awe. Truth’s naysayers will be begging for another chance at redemption prayers. For repentance sake, not the law.


Spirits of the fallen and lost, turn into an emotional orb. Flying all over the place looking to manifest from the fear energy they learn to absorb. Those who die unsaved, shockingly realized their chosen flavor of God was nowhere to be found. As they navigate the dead space in between to find themselves drowning in bible truth and sadly, hell bound.

A Billion Plus Believers

Listen to the ringing of the biggest bell. Take heed and try to digest these words well. Upon death, you’ll discover at the station. Just a couple of tracks, for the final destination. One going to heaven and another going to hell. There is nothing else, as far as a billion plus believers around the world can tell.

Left Out

People often think that God sends them to Hades, when in fact people send themselves to hell. God just makes the rules. And when people make their own rules, they put their name in the registry, to become hell’s fallen fools. It’s a self checkout. Either belong to the mercy and grace of God greatest gift, or simply get left out.

Mans Love

God’s love is pure, unconditional yet tethered. Man’s love has conditions, and in the face of its tumultuous storms gets beaten down and weathered. God’s love is healing, patient and steadfast. Man’s love at first is charming and appealing, then it all gets taken for granted, most times never to endure or last.

Ruler of Indignation

If you are confident about your religion. That’s a good feeling, yet not necessarily a good decision. For if it doesn’t offer you a sure ticket into heaven as your salvation. A save from the mortal fall and pit destination of Satan’s nation. Then it might be a regretful place to reject the savior of the world, and turn your face towards the adversary, to finish the race, with the ruler of indignation.


There is no greater feeling in the world, than the assurance of salvation. An escape route from the perils of earth’s demise and tribulation. A rescue from the promised fall, into the devils pit of hell. For living in a sinful world, under a satanic spell, for all the perishable things money could buy, so well. For we were all sentenced to live the one life as best we could. As a grace period into redemption by Christ as some understood. For once we ended up forlorn and forgotten in the depths of Hades. With past memories lingering, of a once family, in a big house, with a Ford and a Mercedes. There won’t be much room for regrets, or revisions, for the men or the ladies.

Superfluous and Vain.

Emotional structures like the insane asylum, the sanitarium, the prison, a hospital or the infirmary, hold on to deeply embedded secrets within their walls from sad memories. If those walls could talk, some of the stories they tell, might lead one to disgust & shock. The beings that used to roam their halls are long gone and have all paid their living fees. When the reaper came to stake his claim on their souls, they’d beg as some will get on their knees, a desperate cry to please. To cross over, into an ethereal side of life at a rapid pace. For most to stay stuck in a mortals spirit of bondage in the same place. A way to finish a lifetime of gain, with earned pain, running a rat race, so superfluous and vain.

So Many People

So many people I got to meet on earth, I would never wish to see again in heaven. If that was the case, I might as well stick around where there is plenty of mayhem around every other seven eleven. After all earth is no place to hit the immortality jackpot. Where everything has a time stamp, and gets to quickly spoil and rot. Yet with Christ as your Lord , you’ve already hit a triple seven, without putting anything except for faith in his slot. Like crispy bacon. Into the mouth of the devil, naysayers will be forsaken. For all who reject the gift of Jesus, by the default of a Satan’s contract, will be taken.

Choice of Colors

The closer you get to the end of your life, the choice of colors become clear. Everything boils down to the two primary emotions of love and hate, my dear. Which one of those two, would you rather hang out with in the afterlife, happiness or fear ? Jesus delivers such happiness at the end of the run. All else, I’m afraid is a gamble in the rear. When all is said and done and a life, once lived, paid in full and granted is over. The two remaining emotional extremes of love and hate, are as opposite as the colors of crimson and clover.

Life is Fragile

Life is fragile. It requires one to be agile. It is subject to sudden change. Make one wrong move to fall into a trap, way deep and out of your security range. At which point the struggle between God’s love and goodness and Satan’s evil hatred, won’t seem so far fetched and strange.

Upon Death

Upon death, believers in Christ go eagerly and willingly into the light. Because all along they have known their choice in God was right. While the unbeliever gets to worry and stay behind, stuck in demon driven territory. Some will call it purgatory. Simply for rejecting the son of the most high, to disbelieve and shun Jesus and his redemption story.

Salvation Rise

I’ve already been through all the mayhem, and sudden adjustments of a mortals destiny into hell. Why on Earth would I, or anyone else for that matter, want to check back into such a Satanic spell, a Mutiny Motel. Its the dumbest thing anyone can do. To accept the lies of the hateful Devil, in exchange for pure love, and what is deemed to be true. So, be selfie wise pilgrim, before the cutoff date to open your eyes. Accept the gift of grace from Christ. To escape Lucifer’s wrath, for his salvation rise.

A Good Woman

I’m looking for a good woman to marry. To put an end to my loneliness. Unlike Eve was to Adam, or Gertrude was to Harry. One to help my ministry for Christ go on. Once my turn on this tainted earth comes around to be gone. Away from this beautiful planet of sorrows and pain. To fly over and above the clouds of doom and it’s blue rain. To save as many a soul as I can. To convince the weary and downtrodden, to accept the Jesus gift and his redemption plan. To please almighty God for living a worthwhile life, instead of the selfish ways of the devil that pay with a pitchfork and a knife.

Thanks For Being You

Thank you Jesus for all that you do. Your miracles are not for show but they do come true. Your rays of grace and love for mankind in the midst of the darkest cloud always shines through. Thanks for being you.

Faith to Fate

The unsaved sadly meet their fate with much chagrin and sorrowful hate. A full life lived, of experience and time to choose the right path without being too late. If you reject God by his true name, you’ll be placed on the loser list of his endgame. At any rate, they say, in Sheol the torment is so consuming, you won’t recognize a soul, including your bestie or even your soulmate. Think long and hard about where you put your faith to fate.


When all else in life fails. And you find yourself skipping off the track rails. Be it from depression, or the end of a love session. Be it from seeing all of life’s jerks, get all the bonuses and perks. When everything around you looks bleak. Look towards Jesus, the one who promised the Earth to the meek. The one and only savior son of God. All else is the work of the devil, his illusions and deliberate fraud.


We praise Almighty “Yahweh” by his true holy name. As all who claim the high seat, do not preach the same. We praise the living Jesus Christ, for his love and sacrifice, . A true savior, from the wages of sin and bad behavior. A valid spiritual rise, for all the aimless and shallow eyes. We believe the Bible in totality, from genesis to revelation. We deem it to be the word of the God we praise, and directions into his heavenly nation.

Love Triangle

A human love triangle always ends up in disaster. Gods love triangle is what delivers salvation a whole lot faster. The first act of envy was the work of the devil while the second act of love is from the master. Don’t take it from me necessarily, pick up a bible, get to know the lord and find yourself a pastor.

Ultimate Ripoff

The ultimate ripoff in life is to put your trust and faith in a lesser demigod, instead of “Jesus”, the son of God. For an outcome equal to making an investment in a ponzi scheme, of lies and illusions packaged in a dream. For all else aside divinity’s best offer from the most high God. Are diversions created by the devil, and his minions to solely applaud.

Knowledge and Practice

What you believe, you will receive. We all know this to be true. So what’s the point, what’s new ? Yes it’s true, however the plethora of choices boil down to two opposite voices. The word of God, as oppose to the voice of his adversary Satan and all of his trickery and fraud. It’s a free will choice for us between absolute truth and a variety of colorful lies. Between the knowledge and practice of good or evil, both in front and behind our gullible eyes.

The Holy Bible

The holy bible is the book of Godly wisdom. It’s the book that provides a pathway to his glorious kingdom. It’s the only book that does so with clarity. It does it with love and compassion, tools to combat the devils purpose of disparity. It does it with mercy, grace and finesse. All it takes is for you to have a desire to know God and to this fact confess.

Run with the Devil

When man chose to run with the devil, he had decided to live and operate on his level. A Satanic spirit of the age. Where sin and frolic becomes all the rage. Never to get through that chapter, despite turning every page. Good and evil is everywhere, there’s not much room for negotiation anything else in terms of truth to spare. The battle between the two rages on in the hearts and spirits of those who dare. To keep them separated from becoming all mixed up into a pair. For our God is one of mercy and grace and always plays fair. He loves the righteous creation enough to save from Satan’s curse on humanity and it’s mare.

As Good As It Gets

Give your spirit & soul to our lord Jesus Christ, son of God. Prior to the close of Satan’s show, for a pass, on the victory laughter of demons and their applaud, to hopefully never know. The human soul became disposable, when it disobeyed the lord, to earn itself a term limit. It gets to live just once and then to die, never for the heaven’s realms to become a fit. Unless your name is written in the book of eternal life, I’m afraid this is as good as it gets pilgrim. The one pitiful life of pain, struggle & strife.

Life of Chance

Stubbornness, arrogance and pride didn’t serve anyone in the afterlife, no matter how much they protested in anger or cried. In fact they bind a person deeper into the mortal fall. Along with all of its shock and awe, coupled with a list of regrets and sorrows, both short and tall. For one life of chance into mercy and grace, or a trip down to the devils hellish domain, greeted by a host demon on its base.


There are three distinct temperatures when it comes to Christians. Hot, Luke warm and Cold. Just as there are three characteristics to a human being. Good, evil or just plain ignorant and subject to spiritual mold.

Broken Levy

When a person dies, their soul continues to have eyes, and one more choice to make, less a once upon a time repentant voice. That is to either go into the lords light. Or stay behind in familiar territory, to tussle and fight with demons made of fright.

Wouldn’t it be best to go into the loving light of God. Met by Jesus himself, Lord and savior in confidence, than to end up a victim of Lucifer’s lies & mortal fraud. Some say my words are too heavy. But then there’s nothing heavier than an innocent soul drowning in a sea of hell from standing too close to a broken levy.

Angst & Anguish

If absolute truth offends you it will never come around in a time of your dire need to defend you.

It also will not rescue you from Hades and its burning fire. Yet having faith in what’s true will always lift you higher.

Hatred of the lord is the subliminal work of the devil. To keep as many lost souls on his level.

The sacred name of our lord Jesus alone, brings angst & anguish to the fallen. Reason to growl with such an angry tone.


Faith, means to believe in truth without any proof. To accept what is true via trust to isolate oneself from the millennium’s biggest spoof.

Once you reach a ripe old age, and are about to hit that roof, you’ll want walk away from being so lost, confused and aloof.

For without faith, the afterlife becomes uncouth to the bone. Where the surviving soul gets to roam the valley of death on its own.

Unhappy Life

I’ve lived the unhappy life. As far as I can tell, it has been judgmental, full of the ugliness of sin & its strife. All I get to do is watch others, fall in love, be happy, have a family, a driven purpose with enough money. With lots of bread & butter on the shelf and a jar full of honey.

Whether in real life or on tv. It always has a way of reflecting back on me. I’m tired of this constant fear merry go round. Thank goodness for my lord Jesus to be found. So I can safely relinquish my collection of mortal garbage by the pound. At least knowing that my heaven’s around the bend for my soul to be bound.

Please Lord don’t leave me in this place so dark. Don’t let me beg for mercy, instead of my usual bark. Like a good dog, I will obey. How much longer for my own miracle, do I need to pray. Not much left here for me to miss. And after all the suffering, who needs to be thrown into an abyss.

I know I’m not perfect by any means. I never claimed to be such, even though to another it seems. I always put others before my own, even though I came across, selfish to the bone. I always was hoping you would grant me a lasting wish. So perhaps I could keep filling up my empty dish. I’m sure you can see my never ending despair goes on and on be it just, noble and wise or gratefully unfair.

Never to Fade

Evil and demonic entities feed and laugh out loud at a lost and confused spirit’s fear. This is the role they play when invited to get close and near. If you show them you’re not afraid, they will vanish into thin air, without success and unpaid.

But that is not possible because God made them ugly and grotesque. For their piracy, mutiny and disobedience deal made in the shade. He recreated them for the purpose of free will and choice he hath made. Unsaved souls will be held captive by Satan’s minions for bible truth to live on and on, never to fade.

Afflicted Soul

I am what is known as a tortured and afflicted soul. In life, I didn’t get to play much of a significant or impressive role. As much as I tried to shoot it straight, out the gate and bowl. I kept on failing, to fall into a deep hole. Climbing out, to keep falling back in deeper, has finally taken its toll. I’ve given up on all my hard to reach dreams and I no longer have a lofty goal. Might be a good time to pay attention to the state of my withered soul, and its eventual fate. When the time comes to leave this life of dreams too hard to achieve, to hopefully end up with Jesus Christ, the promised and delivered Messiah, and the one in whom I have chosen to believe.

This Movie

This movie ? called life, comes with a manual in a thick book called the holy Bible. Thousands of years and many authors it took to write, with a crucifixion finale into resurrection. For a hook and without a formidable rival !

Hey everybody. Come and let’s take a closer look. At this Jesus Character, so humble yet so powerful of a man. Challenging the status quo of the day and it’s every plan. Bringing about the truth of God to a few with “Word” powerful enough to affect the broken world at hand.

Spirit Energy

Spirit Energy has multiple shades of grey. From black to white and everything else in between, if you may. That’s just the truth of its reality at bay, and how God made a better day. Got us to find our way through faith and (faith alone) back to paradise someday. From the pure love of Jesus Christ, to the seething anger of Satan and his hate. Ly all the arguments, proofs and reasoning, for this world’s splitting debate. The debate for the validity and truth of Christ and his body elect. To separate the faithful, from those who chose to reject.


Heaven wasn’t made for the arrogant and prideful, but it was for the meek. These are the words our soul savior “Jesus Christ” will speak. When revelation unfolds before your eyes to reach its truth peak. Should you wish to find the absolute truth of God prior to the rapture of the church, you must first begin to seek. Ask and ye shall find, seek and it will be given, knock and the door will be opened. No one is denied directions to the road leading to salvation. Except those who deny themselves by rejecting the son of the true God and all creation.

The Price

I saved my already forsaken soul. I got to play a much deeper role. I got to dance around Satan’s invisible hole. I got to pay in life a lesser toll. Some will confidently say that every human soul on the face of this Earth is forlorn. Into a short life lived in mortality with an end. Since the fall of man and their time born. Because the reality is such, that If you do not accept the son of God’s sacrifice. In the end, of heaven you won’t see much, and that is how one pays the price.

Thank Him

Thank the Lord, every chance you get. Thank him for not giving up on us all the same, for losing this free willing bet. Thank him for offering us his one and only son “Jesus” as the sacrificial lamb. As oppose to sending another tax collector like “Uncle Sam”. Thank him for creating such majestic beauty and cosmic awe. Thank him for giving every one of us a personal canvass and pallet of colors from which to draw. Thank him for giving us redemption through faith, for the ones who clearly saw. Always give thanks, gratitude and praise to our Lord of Lords, in plain sight and in the raw.


Alas, this arduous period too shall pass. Sooner or later said a realist, a stone face debater.

We, on Earth, do specialize mostly in works of good and evil, and we also deliver it into the soul, to cater.

A Dancing queen in between a cosmic lover and a wicked hater. Some of us found ourselves stuck in an afterlife most difficult to imagine, to be bestowed upon us some time later.

For refusing to be saved by the one and only true savior. For starting out this Earth’s journey with disobedience towards our creator, followed by a whole lot of bad behavior.


When someone in urgent peril and deep trouble cries out in vain “Oh My God” more than twice .

About a half dozen God’s on the planet “Earth” go “Yes, how can I be of service“. Some with a phony smile so wide with a pasted nice, that will not suffice.

At which point, one says “Duh, I don’t really know, which one will come through. Hopefully the truest God, whatever your name is, please help me for gods sake “.

That is when the multitude of devils, demons and dark spirits roaming the globe, have a good laugh, a prance on a captive’s grave at what is really at stake !


Just as it is in our favorite hamburger place called “In & Out”. With its delicious combo of burger, soda and fries. We are all made up of a combo of truth, mayhem & clever lies. Such are the words of some of our wise. Who claim that only through truth alone, can one from this abyss truly rise.

It’s a bizarre and rare combination of positive and negative reality. It’s the love of God and the hatred malice of the devil. All mixed up in a stew for a taste, on this particular level. Looking to determine a soul’s fate. Something the faithful never contradict or deny, as of late.

Sweet Jesus

I have learned to exit in order to re-enter. How else will I get to life’s sacred truths within the center.

I pray to Almighty God, so my teacher and mentor doesn’t become an everlasting tormentor.

When my time on this Earth comes to die. I’ll be looking up at the big blue sky.

Looking to be picked up by an angel of mercy from up above. In tandem together to fly.

Looking for sweet Jesus who does not lie, instead of repeatedly asking myself why why why.

Otherwise, the alternative was to sink into the depths of hell. With plenty of time for pain in vain to cry.

On Lease

The spirit of God that gives life to all is on a term lease. When the body dies, the spirit energy goes back to its source as the soul occupant gets to “ Rest In Peace “.

And if they happen to be restless and anxious, they might agitate and alarm the ghost police. The grace period you were given on Earth to accept truth will eventually cease. Jesus Christ claimed to be the son of God, not his cousin twice removed or his niece. The sooner you accept this reality, the sooner you will find God’s higher love and life’s peace.


When a person dies, they get to meet their maker. And if they know nothing of him, I’m afraid they’ll be handed over to the faker. This is the way the story is told. It’s a rule that applies to both rich and poor as well as both young and old. God wants to know you, believe it or not. The decision is yours however to accept his invite, or keep whatever it is that you think you got. He wants fellowship with us. After all we are his (mini me’s). He wants to forgive humanity’s mistakes of the past for a new set of shiny keys. The keys to a garden of bliss. Just like the one called “Eden” once robbed from us by a Serpent’s diabolical kiss.


God Almighty is nothing generic. His name was never Eric or Derrick. He does have a name like you and I and everyone else, residing through his gifted spirit, or about to go on the fly.

How else would you know the real God from a well made fake. The one to give eternal life from the one who likes to take. The one to save you from Hell, versus the one to claim your stake. God has a particular name, such is the rule of the game, like everyone else on this globe. Just like Mathew, Mark, Luke and Job.

Prayer has to be focused and specific. It has to be addressed to God by his name to become effective and terrific. It has to be natural and full of faith, to be accepted. It has to come from what is true by believing those who by him, were long ago elected.

Chosen to speak on behalf of the Lord. For all the people on Earth to earn salvation through redemption they can afford. And that is, to simply accept the man called Jesus for the Lord he was. For rejecting the son of God’s offer to hold on to your own ideas, is a sure ticket to hell, simply because it does.

I write

I write for Jesus Christ, our lord. I wear his helmet and carry his breastplate of salvation and his fighting sword.

For the true ways of human growth and change from sin and mortal discord. For those who are stuck on themselves from excesses of materialism to consume and hoard.

For those feeling disheveled, beaten down by life and ignored. For those who feel priced out as if grace and mercy was something they couldn’t afford.

For all who claim they have figured it all out, yet are still uninterested and bored. This is why, I must always write for the good lord.

Cutoff Date

The doubters and unfaithful think that when they die, they will somehow get to graduate. When the reality is more like a rude awakening of ignorance with a voucher for disappointment and sorry fate. Those who are attracted to the love of Jesus Christ, end up in the heavens above as oppose to those who choose to hate. The choice cutoff date is upon death, so do your best to accept your salvation without being too late.

The underworld

The underworld is very much real. The place is brutally horrid with absolutely no human appeal. It sits in the Earth’s inner core. Below the mantle were cool air is granted no more. It’s a place for devils, demons and dark spirits. It is where the bigwig of darkness resides and on his throne of fire sits. So try your best to a avoid a surprise visit, because once you do, Im sure you will never miss it.

Disposal Chute

Don’t be a miser when it comes to a pandemic’s sanitizer. But when it comes to eternal salvation, it might be smart to be a little wiser.

After all, Jesus Christ was the only death conqueror and riser. He rose up from the dead and came back with holes in his hands and feet instead.

He did it for an encore. So that those who saw the unbelievable could testify to his truth with more passion & zeal than ever before.

For people everywhere to learn that salvation was truly at hand and was not the subject of fantasy, ridicule or story folklore.

And for those who absolutely refused to believe, only to arrogantly doubt and refute.

Will sadly be be part of the forlorn unsaved group of fallen souls, to go down the disposal chute.

Truth & Religion

There is a huge difference between truth and religion. The story of Jesus is one, yet earth religions are many and are in direct factual conflict with the story of God’s holy son. Truth always rings true, while the lies of false prophets and doctrines builds up the veil of deceitfulness so high, for it to naturally set sail and steadily accrue.


When it comes to God, there is no partial truth, or half baked idea at work. It’s all or nothing said life’s captain Kirk. When you refuse to even consider the existence of God, then a day will come when your body will cease to exist, but your soul will be handed over to his adversary with a nod. The one behind all of life’s ills and evil fraud. The one to whom most of Humanity has bowed down to marry, with blind celebration and much applaud. The one who gives you a little bit of credit for your soul to keep singing his tune, as the debit for your future payments, whether on the home front or abroad.

Give Thanks

We must always thank the Father for what he hath done. For all the beauty and wonder he has created and then some. For if this is all there is to be. Imagine what else lies in wait for us to see. We must always praise, despite our condition in life or painful phase. After all. Belief cannot be deemed real. Unless followed by praise, prayer and supplication with zeal. Therefore always give your thanks ? to the lord. Give praise to the one who’s name is pure and free of all discord. To receive his gracious blessing as oppose to becoming a lost soul in agony, and sadly ignored.

My Rhymes

Some will say, that my rhymes might be a frivolous warning sign of current times, but they are rather heavy. I say, I do concur and agree, should you give the holy Bible a read, you will find that its veins run just as deep, when it comes to our world’s reality of living under a cracked and broken levy. Instead of being at par and in good standing with God, we chose to be on sub level. Instead of obeying our God and sole creator. We obeyed the devil for all things far less greater. That is all I am saying. Might help to do a little genuine Praying, instead of paying the wage of sin and disobedience along with Satan’s fraying.

A Mean Guy

He throws his weight around, wherever there is weakness in the link to be found. He was a mean guy and that became his name, a tough guy you might say the same. He would fly off the handle so smooth, you could spread it on rye. He was nice when he wanted to be. But then his blood would turn to ice, if you couldn’t pay his fee. He had arrogance flowing through his veins. Revealing its true nature, but only when it rains. His pride was his throne, even though it was much hollow through the bone. An ego as big as the sky. He had no problem telling a beige lie. Or believing in many, until the day he chose to die. For he hath chosen to live with force over power. He had to keep his position atop the high tower. So many of such will succumb to the fall and go through the wide gates of Gehenna, though once feeling tall. With much fear and trembling from a once mercy given to grace kind of Lord to appall.


When all you do is profit driven. It leaves no room to be forgiven.

It makes gold digging and the greed for Mammon your primary God.

It opens the flood gates to the strongholds of Satan and his fraud.

It becomes your only source of vanity, adoration and applaud.

It keeps you distant from the savior of the world and its golden rod.

Ice Cream & Candy

When your heart is all entangled in misery and torn apart.

Give it to Jesus Christ to mend it back into what it was supposed to be, from the start.

For when God created free willing Man, it was to be his work of art.

Until the devils serpent came along to fling his deadly & poisonous dart.

When it comes to spirituality, be very careful what you put in your shopping cart.

For there are many flavors. Just like in all the ice cream & candy choices at the shopping mart.

Holy Download

It’s a holy download. It cometh from the good Lords abode.

Its delivery is Godspeed a’la mode.

It travels the lost and winding road.

Its message is heavy. It will break an old levy.

It speaks the plain truth. For the bitter tongue or the sweet tooth.

It keeps on coming. Never too overwhelming or numbing.

It’s from high up above and it’s filled with abundant love.

It’s the work of the Holy Spirit. And it’s made to be a perfect fit.

It comes straight from the mouth of God and its mission and sole purpose is. To push back & defeat Satan’s undercover lies, deceit and fraud.

Sea of truth

The sea of truth, has to be holy pure. It has be dependable all the way, for one to be absolutely sure.

It has to be free & clear of lies, to become someone’s salvation and cure. Otherwise it leaves itself open to the fisherman’s lure.

When the smallest of lies is draped into an ocean of truth, it’s no longer the complete truth and nothing but the truth.

It lends itself to partiality to become truthless, though still deemed demure, its motive becomes ruthless and impure.

It becomes tainted with deception. Painted a different color to cover up reality’s lie or simply deny.

It’s been poisoned for it’s truth to be undependable and for it’s message to go sideways or awry.

On Call

In the end of it all. There are only two paths that remain, for the soul left on call.

One leading to paradise with Jesus Christ and another to the place of the preached mortal fall.

One that gets to go into eternity and the other which suddenly ends when it hits a dead end wall.


Every puffed up bigwig in this life came from a mother, and then from another up the chain of forsaken pain via the devil’s disdain.

All the way, up to the belly of a woman named Eve. Who happened to disobey God and partake of a forbidden fruit, called the fig.

When Jesus Christ came upon the tree, It died instantly before their eyes for them to see, as fire wood to throw into the dig.

A Must

When life becomes arduous, impossible and unduly hard.

Might be a good time to be dealt fresher hand of a game card.

When you eventually run out of all your bargaining chips.

With nothing left over but defeat, with angry and sorrowful lips.

Might be a good time to over stretch that old cloth, until it rips.

When all your hopes and dream fee’s with no guarantees go bust.

Might be a good time to realize that Jesus Christ, Savior of Soul.

And the holy divine son of God’s mercy, becomes an absolute must.

What is grace ?

What is grace ? Someone would ask. It’s the love of God in the form of a living rose ? to grow in your vase.

It’s what the savior of the the world left behind, to shield us from the slings and arrows of his enemy, in every Case.

It’s the invisible umbilical chord that connects us back to God and our source’s of creation and its home base.

It’s the essence of Gods love, brought down through the son “Jesus Christ” to Earth to redeem the Human race.

It’s the gift of God through the Holy Spirit that downloads into every believers soul from renouncing sin, with an about face.


We all lived life, like its prime wasn’t subject to the limits of time, and that it was going to last forever.

As if we were still immortal, just as we once were created, before we pulled on the sin lever.

Always thinking, we were untouchable & invincible. Until the day came when we had to be hospitalized, to become convince-able.

That life was something borrowed, like an Indian gift. A short grace period of experience to be lifted from the rift.

Then it’s suddenly taken away with plenty of warning, by its giver and creator, for a sudden shift.

For a soul to be either left behind, or be lifted from Satan’s unholy grind. As anyone who has made this journey will find.


One must be reborn redeemed, to die inside of a body forlorn, before they are buried dead. To come back out alive, on the other end instead.

To understand, that death is a mere transition of sorts for the wandering soul. Into another state of consciousness, never an omission to abort its role.

That the forsaken soul of man was created by a God with a redemption plan. Which will be executed regardless of mans satanic rebellion at hand.


Unless you accept and believe in the satanic angle of life. You’ll never find a savior like “Jesus Christ” to flip it’s invisible sticky strife.

Why would we even need a Cosmic Savior, if Lucifer had remained loyal to his maker, in all of his behavior.

Instead of wanting to be something greater than his creator, to end up as a package of lies, deceit and well crafted fraud.


The entire globe is living under one common goal and fear. Not to succumb to the killer flu or come anywhere close to it, or let the sick get near. Every living mortal on this earth having to wear a face mask. Wherever you go, whatever the task.

Anybody who wanted to get rich and capitalize on the fear riser. Began mass producing face masks and hand sanitizer. While everyone be they rich, poor or a miser patiently waiting on a vaccine from Pfizer. Its faith or fear. Make a choice and hold on to what is really dear.


It’s a televised kind of sedition, a show of force way past its ignition. It’s the way a childish leader gains pathetic recognition. It’s president Trump’s ticket to impeachment and omission. It’s the dream of narcissism that keeps on wishing. It’s the red that hates the blue and they’re not going fishing. It’s a sad state of affairs. It’s the stuff of day and nightmares. It’s a reality show. About the truth of a master foe. An adversary looking to sow. Dow the seed of fear, should you need to know. To reap the fuel needed to keep the fires going down below.


Pride does not allow for challenging truth to steep on the souls inside. It’s an illusion wall that leads to arrogance, and thus much confusion that likes to pretend and hide. It acts as a form of protection. When in reality, it’s the tool, left over from the adversary’s deflection from God, mutiny and fall.


You arrogantly say to yuorself, you’ll be going to paradise, without the mercy and grace of “Jesus Christ”.

Let me know how it all worked out for ya. For the book of God says, such no such ideas will ever suffice.

This is the reason for a pastors passionate sermons, delivered from the Bible, for the sake of its precious advice.

Advice, you really should or could not do without, Such is the reason why some of them ave to shout.

Left Behind

Left Behind

Don’t get your soul left behind. It’s a trip most terrifying and unkind. When we die, we either get to fly or we get bound to the ground, for a twist and warp of the spirits mind.

Stuck in place, held by some other type of alien race. A legion of demons that you failed to see. Because to the written truth of our world, you chose to be ignorant and blind.

It’s the kind of raw deal and contract, without a three day rescission, or a way to unwind. It’s a deal made, sealed and delivered without being signed.

The afterlife, without Christ Jesus and his gift of redemption, becomes a sure grind. As all who have tempted its inherited fate shall sadly find.

Master of Lies

When proof of absolute truth, stares one known for being aloof, in the face, and they still refuse to accept it as such, a valid case.

Their life sadly comes to an end, at the end of this race. However if they were to accept it as true, then at death, they get to go through.

Oh yeah, they’ll get to go to the other side of the coin. Some ghosts will tell the story of being stuck in limbo and purgatory.

Where the specters of those once alive, wouldn’t be denied. Whether they chose to disbelieve truth or in it, tried to abide.

They just won’t be able to freely rise. Like the ones that opened their eyes while living, to what was deemed to be most wise.

They sadly instead, get to stay with dark spirits, demons and minions of the devil, the master of all lies.

Side Effect

Everything in life has a side effect. Living choices to accept and a whole lot to reject.

A great leader only for some to fall, and another for all to elect.

An imperative world truth, to diligently study and learn, or one to ignore and neglect into a burn.

Be the loyal servant in affect, or like the devil, the one to rise up in rebellion and defect.

Make the decision to get saved by Jesus Christ or keep the one assured to bring you eternal regret.

Take time to pick out the best roadmap, from a plan to select. And a good time for the crooked one’s to eject.


Martyrdom is exactly that. It’s foolish & dumb. God doesn’t want anyone to kill themselves for redemption.

However, all lesser gods under Satan’s umbrella urge you to kill yourself, from the time of your inception.

To freely go straight to hell or Hades, without the slightest peep from him or even a worthy mention.

Next time you read those Bible letters in red, might want to pay it, a little more of your attention.

Killing oneself or another of guilt or innocense, is no way to gain salvation ascension.

Yet, will always have a dear cost to pay. In the afterlife of strife, and in the form of spiritual detention.

Two Types of Sound

Life on Earth is a game of jeopardy. Every choice has its reward or some kind of hefty penalty.

Its a race to the finish line of skull and bones. It’s a soul conquest, and a deadly game of thrones.

It’s the dividing line between the one who rebels with arrogance and pride, and the one who atones.

It’s the advent and deliverance of the “Knowledge of Good & Evil”, delivered on smart phones.

It’s a zigzag race, to reach your desired base. Without crashing into the orange cones.

Two types of sound in the end. One of laughter, the other of anguish, moans & groans.


You can read the Holy Bible for a 100 years or more and never get enough of it. There is so much wisdom within its pages. To keep your mind healthy from life’s rages and sin wages, and your spirit and soul fit. Once it’s untainted truth begins to steep in your blood, it becomes a smashing hit.

Life (according to the late Robin Williams)

You go through life to live, love and occasionally laugh in between the sour dough and the rye. Only to end up with a tear or two and a silent cry. For the instant unfair separation that will take place between you and your loved ones, on the fly.

It’s a royal scam and a Steely Dan anyway you look at it. It’s the greatest trick made early on to deceive the soul of man. It’s the work of a clever serpent, with a most wicked plan for a perfect fit. It’s what Robin Williams once referred to as “life, it’s a piece of shit”.

Adversary’s Masturbation

If one refuses to accept and believe the story of Jesus, and God through the Genesis creation. Then the rules of the mortal fall will apply to their soul & spirit, for a fate of the adversary’s masturbation.

God is so sovereign and just. Following his own cosmic rules had to be a must. The lord is firm on his word, yet plenty fair. He draws a clear line between good and evil, so they do not become a regular pair.

Gods love provides comfort and solace, while the devil and his minions are out to capture fear by raising goose hair. Terror and fear are what they need to become strong enough to manifest into a petrified mare.


When in doubt about a particular situation, might be a good time to blow your urgency bugle. Why bother to ask Almighty God, when you can simply ask Lucifer’s portal of knowledgeable Google.

You can request from it, all the knowledge of good and evil you need, but in the end, when nothing bends past the truth, with Prayer and supplication to God, you should never be so frugal.

What Pays

Both God and the devil work in mysterious ways. They operate behind the scenes in or out of phase. One destroys a souls potential while the other never ceases to amaze. They both count the time to Bible revelation in hours and days. The adversary wants to bring us down with him, while the lord wishes to raise. Pay some attention to what pays. Look up at the sun to feel its warmth and rays. Look into the Messiah’s eyes with a worship gaze. Never to be left alone in a fallen state of consciousness daze or an eye that cannot see much but the illusion of the mortal haze.


First you invite Jesus to occupy your heart, and like an onion that sheds a sudden tear. He begins to cleanse its pain by taking it all apart. One layer at a time. A silent prayer in its prime. To begin your journey towards God sublime. For life to make sense through his rhyme.

Either Level

If you want filth ? We’ll gladly give it ya, by the truck load. We will be happy to deliver it, straight to your door and abode.

From sealed magazines made for porno, to erotic foreign films called “Bonjourno”. From Internet porn, to keep us stuck on being born forlorn.

From dangerous street drugs, to the desperate desire for genuine hugs, instead, to give up the cash, to bless the criminal thugs.

From high roller prostitutes in Sin city. To cheaper ones with pimps looking pretty.

From filth’s consumption, to committing crime on a dime, for a trip to jail to do some time. With a sign that reads “Life of Fail & Crime”.

In sin, one thing leads to another from within. Such is the formula brother. I’m afraid there is no other.

This is the story of God “Yahweh” and “Lucifer” the devil. And in between it all, a choice to reside on either level.


I’m growing tired of being rejected, emotionally affected, unfairly disrespected, possibly infected, previously molested, wake up dejected, often feeling neglected, nothing substantial collected, never for worth selected. But I am grateful and plenty thankful to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for being into paradise elected.

Sinking Ship

There should be no riches & wealth to applaud in the act of worshipping God.

For then, it is the wealth itself, you might be worshipping to climb aboard a sinking ship of Satanic fraud.

Truth by Fact

Jesus is this world’s truth by fact. It is his father Yahweh that keeps it all running intact. When Adam & Eve decided to make a pact. With the adversary of God Satan, until from Heaven he was sacked.

The Holy Bible tells the story in the form of a chronology in centuries of time, from the very start to its finish. With Jesus in between the lines, speaking words of wisdom, let it be, never to let it fade away or diminish.

Shunned by God

Rejecting the grace of Jesus Christ, is like shunning the love of God’s sacrifice. It’s a sorry gamble and a vanity driven, toss of the dice.

It’s what Satan and his devils and minions will both cherish & applaud. It’s the absolute guarantee of a subscription to fraud. It’s the way to be shunned by God.

A Lifetime of Denying

You’ve spent A lifetime denying the truth of Jesus. Christ, the World’s Messiah.

Only to cover thyself with the tar of sin from running around with Earth’s pariah.

Dancing with the Devil, guarantees a permanent stay on his level. While walking with God guarantees salvation into eternal life and protection from satanic fraud.

It’s a promise from way up above, who’s boundaries are broad. It is something of a relationship to surely cherish with gratitude and applaud.

Judgment Plan

When I hear of a gentleman in a wheelchair being stabbed in the neck by an evil man. I thank God that in the end, evil souls as such, are hell bound to an eternal burn, as part of his judgment plan.

After all, if evil doers were to have an upper hand. Than I no longer wished to be apart of their living brand. Any advantage they may seem to have over good, is only temporary to weigh the scale down, just as it should.


Do you accept the loving gift of Christ Jesus and his gift of redemption.

The one that will lift you out of the rift of Adam’s ignorance & lack of attention.

The one that will save your essence and soul from the grim reaper’s affection.

A reality on the menu of faithful existence. Etched in stone, long ago on a Moses tablet, thought I should mention.


Here is the story of our wonderful world in a nutshell.

Unless you end

up in purgatory, it’s the pearly gates of heaven or the portals to Satan’s Hell.

All this talk of past lives is how the devil crafts his lies and jibes. Reincarnation is just another elaborate trick. It’s so effective, it could be made out of brick. It is made to derail truth at the station.

It stems from idolatry, where the adversary’s roots are found, to grow its rotten fruit tree into every nation.

The Devil

The Devil is not a joke. He can easily scramble up the sunny side up of your yolk. He and his group are no legend, myth, or folklore either. Even though, they don’t show themselves for reasons they deem wiser. Because if they did, their sight alone will blow off the lid on your fear, and you’ll run faster to Jesus than you can place a bid on a ticket to disappear.

One Day

One day you are here, the next you are gone. Make sure, you get to know your maker before your last yawn. Life certainly goes on, with or without you. An equal chance is given to everyone with a time stamp a due. Get to know your good God, lest you default back to the subscription to birthed satanic fraud.

Lucifer’s Ride

When I read the Bible at times, I think to myself.

God does not sound like he’s kidding.

A feast and a wedding up in the clouds, for those who practice his faith bidding.

When Jesus gets to wed his church bride. All of his chosen elect, who chose in his words of wisdom to abide.

While the left behind souls who hath died, will be busy trembling with fear & gnashing of teeth, for taking their expired lives on Lucifer’s ride.

Steering Wheel

Jesus was a carpenter, he was no liar.

He came from a place much higher.

When it came to supply the fish and bread, he was the multiplier. When Peter walked on water, his faith had to be dyer.

The flawless character of Jesus was something to admire.

Jesus would always come through on a wire.

Jesus is my steering Wheel, instead of the spare tire


The love In your heart, the great works of art.

The kindness in your cart are all a gift from the Lord.

Once the body dies, the soul keeps none of it,

as it cannot provide a worthy receptacle it can afford.

The spirit of God that gave the soul it’s life, must to God return.

And if the soul is not redeemed by the mercy & grace of the savior,

then for all of its past unsaved behavior, it will burn.