
My Readers Update

I wish to apologize to all my readers for not being available to respond much for the past few months. My Mother has been diagnosed with stage four Cancer and that has, to put it simply derailed my life into a spin. Going to Chemo back and forth. Trying to extend her life, just a few months. This is when life gets tough for all us. When we face our mortality, by losing a loved one. This is the time, when we need God the most. I pray daily to the good Lord to keep my mother in his overflowing mercy and grace. That he makes this transition into the afterlife as painless as possible and less any anxiousness associated with the experience of dying. I will be turning off comments on the blog due to an overwhelming amount of spam and malware hitting the site. Yeah, So whats new ? Thank you all for visiting and reading the rhymes I write. God Bless us all, each and every day. For this I will humbly in “Jesus Christ” name pray.

The Lord’s Prayer

The Lords prayer, starts with “Our Father who art in heaven, hollowed be thy name”. This is an acknowledgment of his omnipresence and authority, via the lifting of his particular name. Then it says ” Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done”. Which basically says that his kingdom will eventually rule and that his “Will” supersedes any other in this Universe. Then it says “Give us our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us”. Now this is where it says, please provide us with all that we need in terms of nourishment and sustenance and forgive us of our wrong doing as we forgive those who have done us wrong in life just the same. This is where the challenge begins for us. And that is to forgive those who have hurt us. And that is something rather difficult to do for us, because of the pride we have in ourselves and our survival skills and deep down, we feel it to be somewhat of a weakness to be forgiving and kind. Then it proceeds to conclude by saying “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever, Amen”. Which basically asks God, never to lead us into temptation but to deliver us from evil, for his is the true kingdom of heaven in all of its glory, for ever and into eternity. Which is interesting because God does not tempt anyone to do evil because the adversary of God “Satan” is doing that, that is his sole purpose and role. So in essence we are asking the lord to deliver us from the evil that offers us a plethora of sinful temptations. Therefore, it becomes absolutely necessary for us to forgive others, if we are also to be forgiven by God. As difficult as this is to do, the bible makes this very clear. That unless one forgives others, he or she cannot be forgiven. Therefore it is our duty as Christians to show love and forgiveness towards sinners of every kind, be they gay people, child molesters, drug addicts, porn addicts, and even haters and murderers. A most difficult request by God, Yet one that transcends the brokenness of the human spirit.

By showing and sharing the love of Christ with all people, despite their transgressions, we offer them a notion, that it is possible to change a blackened and hateful heart into a clean one through the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ, savior of the world. When we approach another without Judgementalism, we bridge the gap of humanity that the devil creates. Satan wanted to condemn us all to hell, just as he was. This is why, he made sure we became rebellious like him in order to adopt a life of sin and eventually end up like him

Character of Christ

Christianity is all about love and forgiveness. Its about understanding and tolerance. Its about worship of the true God of mercy and grace. And last but never least, its about gratefulness to our Lord and Savior for what he has done for us, out of love. This is achieved through studying the character of Christ himself to use a role model for living in a righteous manner. And since all humans are born broken into a fallen world and as a result, adapt themselves to its rules and guidelines or parameters. Human beings are apt to going astray and thus making irreversible mistakes, that often end up ruining their lives. Therefore our job as Christians becomes to reflect on the character of Jesus Christ as oppose to becoming self righteuos and or judgemental towards others. It is a responsibility that leads one to open their heart to aquire the ability to love everyone with compassion and understanding. despite their lifestyle choices and or beliefs. Simply because, at some point in our our lives, we were broken and making wrong choices and believing in what we thought to be true at the time.

My Rhymes

My rhyming truth can sometimes come in like slings and arrows. It does so, to penetrate a mind stuck in the narrows. It soars and migrates across great distances, like the missions sparrows. That’s because it comes from the spirit of love. The holy kind that comes from above. From the one for whom it descended like a dove. I hope and wish that you find the time to reflect on its chime, to ring the bell of truth in your ears sublime. Once again, I thank you for stopping by. Come back any time you like, to read more of its cry.

Note to Artists & Pastors

This Website is “Open Source”. Which means that all the material presented here, be they quotes, poems, rhymes, music, lyrics, photographs, ect. Can be utilized by individuals engaged in the faith and promoting of the truth of Jesus Christ for free, such as Pastors of any church big and small, looking to supplement their sermons or Hip-Hop artists looking to create tunes for the Lord, and graphic artist creating artwork for church activities. However, should any of it translate into a commercial adventure of any sort, then I will expect some form of profit sharing to take place as it is only fair. My only request is that you notify us in writing, or by sharing your work with us on this site, so that we may list your name here as a musical collaborator, graphic artist and or a pastor who is using the poetry in his or her sermons. We thank you for your interest in doing so, to spread the word of God to all in the world, who seek his truth.


Transparency builds trust and it is its main currency, and it shows maturity, just as consumers in the world, we also expect the Companies we do business with to be, honest and transparent in their dealings. And maybe also, our expectation of who God really is, and what life is all about, should be transparent as well. However, in our world today not all is transparent. Some ideas and beliefs and even organizations are so secretive, that questioning them becomes somewhat of a crime, or it will illicit anger and rebellion. Jesus taught us to be honest and transparent in our lives, because we learned that it wasn’t personal at all. We are all born broken, and subject to sin. Obviously in varying degrees in people. Some might have made less mistakes than others. Some might have mental illness issues they were dealing with and thus self medicated and developed addictions. Some might have seen too much trauma in their lives, to develop PTSD issues and resort to drinking or doing drugs to manage that pain. But in the end, we are all the same. We are all broken from the inside out, and in constant need of repair and maintenance, just like the cars we drive. They too, become broken with time and miles.

A Note to Readers

There seems to be a notion out there, that a good majority of Christians can and do carry on a self righteous attitude toward others, by claiming that it is the only way to salvation with God, and gateway into the heavens. This, in my opinion should not be viewed so generally and or at face value, as a lot of people who do eventually embrace Christianity are, or were at some point in their journey through life very much broken, destitute and perhaps in the pits of their own digging themselves. For however long in their lives, before they found the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Which when embraced transforms a broken heart of pride and arrogance, as a social cover. Into an accepting and humble one that is open and transparent, with no interest or desire to keep their skeletons in the closet any longer . Besides, the assurance of salvation becomes rooted in every believer, to the extent that it becomes the absolute truth of God. Now this might come across as self righteous to some, however in most cases it is a result of this transformation that takes place in the human heart. Throughout the series of Poems and rhymes, you will find instances of my own transparency, where I am ranting and raving about my own unhappiness in life and dealing with my own failures and personal affairs that have affected my life in some way or another to point me in this direction.

This is obviously not the easiest thing to do for any writer. To bear one’s soul for everyone to know and perhaps ridicule. Most folks are not brought up that way. We as individuals are always trying to promote ourselves, so that people see us in the best possible light, instead of the opposite. I’m not particularly proud of the incredibly daft mistakes I made in life, and they were many. However, that being said. One must be transparent and open. Sure, I did drugs of every kind. Drank myself to a stupor, hung out with the homeless and destitute, made horrible friends, lived like a vagabond, was robbed blind more than twice, had nasty car accidents, threatened at gunpoint more than three times, ran from the police more than I can count, drove like a reckless maniac, almost robbed a bank. There you go pilgrim, you name it I’ve done it. There’s nothing righteous in any of that stuff.

No Offense

I just wish to say that I do not wish to insult anyone”s beliefs or religion with anything being presented here. These works are the result of about two years of writing for the sake of ministry to lead people that are searching for truth that delivers to the miracle of Jesus Christ and mans need for redemption from inherited sin. Thank you for your understanding.

Weakness to Strength

What is most amazing to me about this whole writing experience, is that it has taken on its own energy. As if to write itself out with me being the typist. The Lord has literally turned my weakness into a strength. For, with all the problems I had to face with ADHD and learning disabilities and dyslexia and all. Writing over 500 poems in a couple of years was a far fetched idea to say the least. I would never attempt such a task anyway. And this is what makes this journey incredible for me to say the least.

When I first Started to write these poems and rhymes. I thought if I could get to a dozen poems, that wouldbe great. And so the first twelve were written, then they became twenty five. Then it just kept going to my own surprise.The fifty became one hundred and that doubled and doubled again.

It was as if I had hit the jackpot of rhyme and the words just kept on coming and coming, and to this very day, they keep coming. This is not from me. This is the work of the Holy Spirit of God. What an amazing gift, Ive been given. God Bless you all