Diving Into Faith

Beginning to walk the Christian life is not easy but it is highly rewarding. Not easy in the sense that, you will face adversity from people you know or family that might not like you decision or approve of your conversion. Or not easy because of the blow back one receives from the adversary of God (The Devil himself). Yes, that’s what I said. For Example, When I got baptized into the faith, I would hear an aggressive ( F. Jesus) in my left ear for several months after the event, until I learned how to negate it. At which point I thought Yes, If this was not true, then that sort of thing would not happen at all, since I have not been diagnosed as a schizophrenic.

I knew I had challenges and disabilities, but I also knew I wasn’t crazy. This experience was the first set of bricks I laid down as a foundation to build my leap of faith in Christ on. On the other Hand, The Christian walk with Jesus Christ is the most amazing and rewarding experience of any mortal life. For once you actually get it (Believe it to be true), You begin to transform from the inside out. His divine love begins to float out of you like a unending fountain of wisdom and clarity that leads to maturity and spiritual growth.

In the beginning, understanding the depth of the bible can be overwhelming. The Holy Bible is written in concentrate form. In other words, there isn’t much fluff there, it gets to the point and it does so ASAP, so as to go on building on the point or cover another related topic. The Bible runs deep. Its stories span across thousands of years of Human experience and understanding. It is a collection of 66 books written by 40 authors and it is much worthy of serious study due to such depth and being time tested. The Bible also references itself to prove itself to be the work of one supreme God or Intelligence and therefore once again establishes itself to be divine and holy. Aside from going to Church on Sunday and listening to the Pastor preach on a particular passage or subject from the holy book, one can read devotional books by many of them to get started, as it is a simple a concise way to be introduced to the faith, without becoming overwhelmed and confused.

Devotionals help break bible passages down into concise topics of discussion and provide an understanding of the Holy Bible in little bits that are much easier to digest than going into a full study of a particular book from start to end. Although that will come as your interest peaks in the story of Jesus and the details surrounding his ministry on Earth. When reading the Holy Bible, the book somehow comes alive. This concept obviuosly is a hard one to explain and I shall not dare to either, except to say that it has a way of drawing in to the story, enough said about that. Also TV Stations like TBN and DAYSTAR can be a huge resource as you get to know all the television Evangelist’s doing their best to spread the gospel throughout the world. God Bless them all for the work that they do. Whether they do it for Ministry or Money, I will not be the judge of that. I will let God be that Judge as it is meant to be. That being said, many of the TV evangelist’s are highly reputable pastors and organizations doing the work of saving lives and bringing souls into the kingdom of God and true salvation. The two TV networks as well as others like (Hillsong) can be a huge resource for learning the Holy Bible and how to navigate your way around its depth and volume of information. Another great avenue to get your feet wet as a new Christian is to listen to Christian worship songs and prayer hymns on the radio Like California’s KWAV 107.9 FM or on Itunes or any of the TV channels mentioned above. This is a great way to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in your heart as you begin to understand the huge role Music plays in worship pf the Lord and creating the atmosphere of Faith, literally. Its quite an experience and it can only be felt in the heart on a very deep and personal level. And off course there’s always poetry and rhymes which can be found right here on this site to inspire thought and hopefully action in the direction of redemption and salvation.