4th Anthology

Listed Here are some of the later works in the later part of the second year of writing. Once again, they are not listed in alphabetical order. Instead they are listed in the order they were written, more or less. These series are much more direct and intense in their delivery of the message in my opinion from the Early Works Series. This in my experience, clearly shows how the Holy Spirit of God, aids and helps me get all this work done and at such a rapid rate. Otherwise this would have been a near impossible task to accomplish prior to my involvement in Christianity. Please note that everything you read here is also in (First Draft) mode and in need of editing and grammar error corrections. Thank you for your patience and understanding in this regard. God Bless your seeking for the truth of Jesus Christ.

Choice of Lies

If one puts their faith into a big heap of lies. From the death coffin of a dark grave they will never realize.

For once the short mortal life ends in the cemetery’s cold ground. There won’t be any free will left, for salvation to be found.

The grace lift of redemption is a holy gift from Christ Jesus. He was under no such penalty or obligation to appease us.

He did it out of pure love. Sent by Aba, his father above. Raised from the dead, so that we, one day can rise through divine love.

As oppose to being left behind, a lost soul in on this infested demise. A result of our diabolical devices and choice of lies.

King of Kings

When the excrement of evil hits the fan on a sunny day, so to speak. To put fear and loathing in our plans, at seasons peak.

We must give it all to God. For he is in full control. Over the lies and mayhem of the devil, for a countdown as to who keeps the soul.

For his omnipresence can & will allow for such a plague. To make us think a little, about life’s pitfalls, without vanity or being vague.

To think about how we treat animals, less any prayer, thanks or gratitude. For the blessings of God to feed our bellies with food.

About our stewardship of Earth, and our first oath. How we have destroyed it’s ability, to sustain any more of this greedy growth.

How we continue to pollute and spread our garbage, filth and grime. To invade & conquer everything in sight until the end of time.

How we can easily reach a point of no return, whereby the entire system can shut down. To keep that fear alive & its media spinning round.

To keep us all in global quarantine. To turn the big city into a ghost town. To paste a long face frown on losses left behind & home bound.

God is alive and well. There’s an easy way & a hard one, however you wish to pay. In his principles, we must obey. Came his son to say.

His name is “Jesus.” His truth and grace will suffice. It’s not a roll of the dice. His story is true. No one paid, to keep up a lie through and through.

Don’t hear it from me, ask a million believers, and they will speak of the same things. That Jesus is who he claimed to be. Lord of lords and king of kings.

Be at Rest

Jesus makes claims and promises, that to some may seem slightly outrageous and farfetched.

Yet also, onto the hearts of the faithful. Such promises are forever in their souls carved and etched.

Jesus said long ago, that just as he once rose into heaven, he will also return like a thief in the night to descend.

Onto the bluest earth when the time is ripe to lift up true believers from tribulations wrath to rescue and defend.

Jesus Christ will always deliver the promises he makes. This is why we choose to be faithful for this is what it truly takes.

To know his blessed reality above and beyond all the phonies and fakes. For when you actually put Jesus Christ to the test.

You’ll find his response to be answers best. You’ll realize that in the afterlife, instead of a lost restless spirit, you truly will be at rest.

The Grim Reaper

The grim reaper is a demon that comes in the last hour, a collector of lost spirit and Satan’s claim, primary soul keeper. He doesn’t come smiling and he’s certainly not cheerful. He brings about a whole lot of life’s ending fear on a deathbed of tearful.

He is no redeemer of souls. And if your body and spirit end up in a coffin headed for an unsaved grave, followed by a condolence motorcade. He will be there to fulfill Satan’s “Hath God really said” contract, Adam and Eve, long ago had made.

The grim reaper reaps the soul of fallen man while Jesus Christ keeps his promise to save a soul that couldn’t find his way home but now he can. He is the light and truth that leads one out of the dark caverns of impulsive stupidity from a cloudy youth. Crushing Satan’s manipulation agenda and plan.

Everyone in life is given the choice’s and experience to live out their grace period of days under one God, to hopefully accept the salvation gift of his son. To eventually put the pride aside to realize that all men are born sinners. From the well dressed professionals at the top down to its gullible beginners.

To cherish what gives meaning to life and what seems logical when it comes to the truth of God, prior to our time to expire and perish into its satanic fraud. It’s a ripoff no doubt. One that we bought, hook , line and sinker. Let’s see if you can figure out this puzzle since you’re such a brilliant thinker.

But unless you open your heart to Jesus Christ. Your mind will never follow suit no matter how many times its told to part ways with its evil counterpart. Without accepting the sacrificial gift of redemption and salvation through the love and grace of Jesus Christ. I’m afraid your sorry soul will not make it to his fathers paradise.

Hopeful Plan

Listen to me pilgrim and listen well. What I’m about to tell you will save you from a gravity drop into the pit of Satan’s hell.

We initially were created by God to be immortal. We weren’t created by God, to go through suffering and into hell’s dismal portal.

We were created to live in harmony with our lord for all time and forever. Yet we exercised our right to choose rebellion and with him, our kinship to sever.

Every human being ever born is branded by the initial fall of Adam & Eve from grace, thus every soul on this earth needs to be saved.

Unless of course if they happen to be the embodiment of creation’s perfection. In the way they believed and had behaved.

And being that there truly is no such kind of perfect man. Father Abba sent his perfect son “Jesus” to absorb the sin of man at hand.

Thank goodness and much gratitude for a loving God of mercy and grace without a condemnation attitude, yet with such a hopeful plan.

The Art of Being Dumb

Three types of hounding television commercials rule the airwaves, to keep the rich living at the beach, working hard to maintain everything prideful and vain. While they drive the rest of us bonkers and insane in the membrane.

Car Insurance by “Flo” and friends or the “Gecko” or “AAA” over and over and all day long to cover our potential losses from the mayhem of drivers that shouldn’t be driving while texting on the road. Making almost sure someday, one might never get back home in one piece to their safe abode.

Lawyers and attorneys holding the shiniest of keys to the latest and priciest Ferrari’s and Maserati’s, to sue the wealthy insurance companies for those fat paychecks. To spend on gambling at the tables in Las Vegas and Atlantic City to impress the whores for some of their freshest sex.

Then we have the healthy wealthy pharmaceutical and drug companies. Selling us their lame medicines we don’t really need. With warnings galore, like Otezla and Skyrizi. To attempt to heal our skin from the common practice of sin, while they make us feel queasy in the stomach and fairly dizzy.

This world is all about the rich, their lame and stupid ads and commercials on TV. Repeatedly drilling into our brains until we become robotic and numb. To keep us all subliminally salivating for their fear based products as we continue to practice the art of being dumb.

Here is a much better way. To gratefully thank Jesus Christ for the dear price he had to pay. When his divine body for the devils cohorts had to lay. To be crucified like an innocent lamb separated from the faithless herd at bay. So that anyone who believed would go to heaven someday.

Soaring Kite

Dear God, to whom shall we reserve our accolades of grace to applaud.

Within the plethora of earth deities, there’s got to be embedded fraud.

For all godly choices offered to mankind, cannot be wholesome and right.

There’s only one type of electricity needed to turn on the light.

Just as, there is one type of darkness it was created to fight.

There is only one rescue plan bar none, for the fallen human plight.

And that is through the spilled blood of the son of man “Jesus Christ”.

King of kings and lord of lords in all his holy authority and might.

His love extends to all creeds and colors, from the black to the white.

His truth is felt deep in the faithful heart, never by thought or sight.

Its burden is none and his yolk is light, In faith it soars like a kite.


Those of us in life who are bound by the roots of their culture, ancestry and heritage sadly, have no free will at all.

When it comes to the subject of God secular truth, they say “We would rather follow our ancestors beliefs into your mortal fall”.

However some will say. Satan blinds and binds with pride. The same foolish pride that got him banished from his role on the inside.

A wise man once said. “Foolish Pride I’m afraid won’t take you to heaven. Culture and heritage though will certainly take you on a joy ride.

Pride doesn’t allow man to think of himself as broken or a sinner. It does however provide delicious food & drink for the guest’s at dinner”.

He went on saying that, “It puts out a wide array of colorful feathers to build ego and arrogance that doesn’t necessarily get any thinner”.

Jesus Christ was sent by his father “Almighty God” to teach us honesty, humility and compassion. Traits required in the lord’s realm to become a winner.

John 3:16

His demeanor was one of guilt and shame from a lifetime of mistakes and blunders accompanied by self blame. Less a felony for a prison sentence, but with plenty a misdemeanor on his belt for a losers kind of game.

So when he got tired and old, he began selling his accumulation hoard of earthly goods until he had everything sold. Moved into a smaller town, as his life’s cheers over the years turned into silent tears and a steady frown.

He had tried all the different religions of the world except for Jesus the rightuos. Nothing seemed to give him lasting satisfaction. They never seemed to answer him on time or take on with ease any of their promised action.

One day, someone told him about the immense love of Jesus Christ for mankind. He said, “There’s actually a way to reverse the raisin back to a grape, you will find”. “Or a prune back to a plum. It’s through his redemption, gracefulness, and then some”.

He said it out loud and with much anticipated vigor. “If you ever want to get to his fathers heaven. Find yourself a bible. Start with John 3:16. Read it with an open heart and then you will surely see for yourself soon enough, exactly what I mean”.

He said it with so much enthusiasm, he almost had a spasm. “The proof of Jesus is in the pudding”, he said. “When you put your faith forward first. From your heart it begins to flutter like a butterfly or a hummingbird without imposing itself to forcefully quench your thirst.

He will become your journey’s oasis in a hot desert to stay hydrated and alert. He will change your heart so much so, that it will never wish to revert. His grace is overwhelmingly sufficient to heal all of your hurt. His gift of salvation is a resurrection from the dirt.

Heaven and Hell

Heaven and hell. Those are pretty much the two end choices as far as my mini brain, and minute wisdom can tell.

They each must have representatives in the form of angels and demons, accompanied by their own whispering voices.

Some from the angels of mercy and guidance, and others by all who from God’s graces fell into making all the wrong choices.

It clearly seems to me to be the only two possible outcomes in life, with a probable waiting lounge in the in-between.

They both seem to have corporate chief executive officers at the top delegating all the work behind the scene.

One for faithful believers in route to their salvation. The other for wandering lost souls in fallen captivity damnation.

One is, sweet faith served on a golden plate. For its promised fate at rapture. Straight up for a trip to the pearly gate.

The other, sadly a horrible and hellish place for chomping on the devils bit. For what he delightfully called, a perfect fit.

Heaven simply put, is redemption’s exclusive reward. Hell is for all who blatantly choose to reject the good lord.

Mary Magdalen

Life on earth is a rat race to wisdom, from discovery of what is true through careful study and knowledge.

Slightly beyond the Grade point average credits you earned for yourself back at university or in junior college.

The truest meaning of life, lie’s within the recovery of pure truth. Buried under a pile of dirt and settled dust.

The filth of a broken fallen world, where the devils trickery and diabolical secrecy has to be a must.

Because in the end, all except for truth will crumble & fall apart. From elements making rust, to what’s left in the heart.

Jesus Christ is such truth. Pure and uncontaminated to the core. So kind & loving to have given respect and honor to Mary Magdalene, who used to be a sinning whore.

A Rise

Nothing really changes at death except for the fact that the body of the deceased die’s.

An opportunity without much choice for an orb to be free of physical pain and from an aching body rise.

Apparently it’s the lifetime sum of feelings in a foundation, a dead person gets to build their spiritual house on.

Emotional energy remains intact and contained in an ethereal vessel to freely roam the building from dusk till dawn.

Never quite a happy spirit or home free. Except to live in a haunted structure for all to feel but only a few to see.

Some call it “The Bible’s Purgatory”. Yet for the spirit that’s stuck there, it’s just an invisible dormitory.

However those who signed up for the truth of Jesus get to experience a resurrection rise. A raise of the eyebrows for all unbelieving eyes.

Unconditional Love

If you happen to have the wherewith-all to look a little deeper into the mutiny of the devil & the mortal fall, to understand the sinful nature of man.

Then you should have the smarts, wisdom and intellect to see why God had to offer mankind another kind of truth in his offer of grace through a redemption plan.

Perhaps you will begin to believe the story in the holy Bible’s first book of “Genesis” that mankind chose for itself a life of disobedient sin.

Free will, was gifted to initiate a choice to begin. As the story goes. To explain all of life’s reasons for the pain and suffering that comes from the lords foes.

Four to five thousand years from the time of Kane and Abel’s parents until much later. Human beings still argue over the character of God as a lover of mercy or a wrathful hater.

So, two thousand twenty years plus in the past, Jesus was sent to a broken earth. To reverse the trickery of the serpent on its very first birth.

A deadly mistake made by the gullible Adam and Eve against God, so long ago. To end up delivering human souls, into the evil squawks of his crow.

So then “Jesus Christ” the compassionate savior and redeemer of all come’s on the scene. Miracles and healing for a whole other kind of show.


I’m afraid the stubborn dumb and highly stupid who reject the love of Jesus for that of St. Cupid. Will never see the kingdom of heaven when dead. Instead, they will have to Q up for hell’s drop without being quenched or fed.

Those who confidently, pridefully and blatantly reject God’s bestowed grace, and immortality’s salvation wonder gift. Will surely be left behind on planet earth, past the rapture, to live through its prescribed tribulation rift.

Those who arrogantly thought themselves to be so much wiser and smarter than everyone else on the run. Won’t have much leverage in the afterlife from which to negotiate or barter, once their grace period here is done.

Those who deemed themselves in life, to be the most conceited, “Sharpest tool in the shed” clever. In the afterlife their cries and moans will be laughed at by demons and evil entities who repeatedly shout the word “Never”.

Those who walked around the “Oith”, with their noses up to snub. With a notion that their sinful feces doesn’t stink. Will have plenty of time in purgatory, to ponder that truth and hopelessly think.

Those who thought and proclaimed their God of another name was far greater and much bigger. Will have the first opportunity on Judgment Day to pull their own unhappy mortal trigger.

Those of you who in their zany brilliant brains thought they had it under control and all figured out. Will not be heard from anymore, when they yell out to their greater god, to protest and shout.

And those who took much pleasure and fun in attacking Christians as prey for easy scoff and ridicule. Will turn over a leaf someday to find themselves labeled, the biggest fool.

Those who make a point of despising the good Lord. Won’t be given any mercy whatsoever for a one way ticket to board the spaceship of salvation into his heaven for all, to someday afford.

Those who exclusively focused on hoarding more than their need for money will have to drink their tea of bitter sympathy out of the cup of fear and trembling less any sweetener or honey.

Those who insist on rejecting God’s son “Jesus” and his sacrificial selfless love. Will descend into the lower levels of hades, with creatures of horn, as oppose to the winged ones from above.

Ultimate Sacrifice

When it comes to human judgementalism. One is only as good as their last movie. If their last picture was a flop. The dirty looks and disrespect coming their way goes back to the top.

However with the notion of the hereinafter. Your last good take and acting skills might be impressive for others. Yet for the lord it doesn’t suffice for a ticket to paradise for you or any of hollywoods sisters and brothers.

What matters to our one and only lord. Besides his disgust with human sin and it’s discord. Simply is,

the acceptance and gratitude you and everyone else on this forsaken planet show. To his delivered son of salvation “Jesus Christ”.

For having to descend into an ill, forlorn and broken society, as only some sincerely understood. To shed his blood on the cruelty of the cross. For being too perfect, sinless and good. To save anyone from the perils of hell, that believed in his ultimate sacrifice.

Plain truth

When you reject plain truth. It will reject you just the same. And if it forever abandons you. You will cry out in vain, with seething anger beyond what is visibly insane. Pout and protest in the bluest of rain for picking the afterlife of suffering and pain.

Jesus Christ is pure truth. He is the foundation of our world’s redemption, and our spirit’s fountain of youth. He is our public defender in the court of his father, almighty “Yahweh”. The giver of all life and grace and its mercy lender.

He is the sole Judge and jury, seated next to the judgment booth in between the love of Christ and Satan’s fury. This is the absolute reality of our world in a tiny nutshell. It is the only true way to heaven and its opposite is a sure promised path to hell.

Eternity’s Run

If you cannot find the story of Jesus to be real and true. Perhaps it would be easier to see it through the devil’s due.

He likes to reveal himself in more ways than one. To make room for his next catastrophe run for some of his type of fun.

He’s got entertainment right under his thumb. Takes all the glory for himself and the mutiny, never to leave a crumb.

He’s got more of the filthyy rich under his chin. For some of them surely love to reward their successes with indelible sin.

He’s got tricks of every kind and magical kicks up his sleeve. For all to be in awe, yet of him never to trust or believe.

He’ll even gift you earthly treasures. In all types of pleasures. Albeit with him, they’re just temporary measures.

With Jesus Christ, the gift of grace is a lasting one. It’s the reversal of mortal misfortune. For an eternity run with God’s only son.

Struggle & Strife

Everyone gets to run their life the way they choose to live. Some take pride in the take. Others smile from the heart as they cheerfully give.

For the time being, some might keep on doing what does not feel good. Others choose to suffer its obvious pains until it becomes confusing and misunderstood.

Some get their pleasure, out of random cruelty without a moral compass or measure. While others look for value in meaning and lasting truth, as their only treasure.

Some live to follow the Guru of trickery, illusions and magic. While others settle for the notion that life must have started out ill, broken and and inherently tragic.

And some just don’t give a damn anyway it goes. Or what might happen to their ignorant spirit and soul. Because deep in their hearts they might not believe, they have one as well, to roll.

But then, there are those who join a herd of the faithful. To escape the obvious hateful and absurd. To relinquish all the bitterness life throws at their souls into a higher word.

And after wisdom settles down, when they do, they realize had they believed in the truth of Jesus early on in life. To avoid the pitfalls of living in the fog of struggle and strife.

24 Chromosomes

Jesus Christ never ever lied, as those who once rejected him found themselves into the fathers heaven denied. As the lost would murmur and moan for a retrial while others in vain cried, never satisfied.

The Son of man didn’t need to lie at all. Didn’t need to cheat or walk a crooked line. The Messiah quietly and without being full of himself would turn jugs of water into talk of the best wine.

Like a God, he would walk on the surface of raging waters in the stormy sea of Galilee. For his anxious fisherman friends to clearly see, his divine calling from God and purpose decree.

He once raised a dead man back to life named “Lazarus” at the behest of his sisters and healed the sick. Never did he hurt or maim any other creature for a wicked laugh or a bully’s kick.

To be unjustly, yet purposefully crucified sinless. To continue in his father to abide until death, to heal & rise. From insult to injury up to God, a witness to the resurrection of a few centurion eyes.

What’s there to lie about for heavens sake ? Someone like Jesus doesn’t need to be sly or like a lying wolf cry. Human beings lie. Jesus wasn’t born from a human intercourse sort of high.

Lie for what reason ? To make up a story about God’s love and forgiveness through his son’s sacrifice. To save human beings from their choice into damnation, as a result of their own treason.

So man continued to defy, argue and protest. Claiming it was his right to go with what he thought was best. Despite every sermon or proof of the fall. A gambler of fate and a rambler and a pest.

What is so difficult to see. Unless of course you are sown into the pocket, already. Believing lies of a serpent over God’s word. A recipe for the blind, a ticket for all things hellish and absurd.

If Jesus had paid all the apostles and scribes with silver and gold to lie and make all this up to spread throughout the world and about. Their lies would have expired long ago, once the payola ran out.

Christ is a sure way out of the mess we are in. Its bondage to the arrogance of the devil from within. If you think life is fine the way it is, perhaps you have not confessed to the wages of personal sin.

As long as your blindness to the mortal fall of man never bothers to ask why. And Satan’s sudden bedlam & mayhem never sinks in to hit bullseye. It becomes easy to live in the riches and comforts of his lie.

But if one day it ever does, put in a 911 call to Jesus, just because. No one else will rise to your occasion, except for “He” who directly from the creator’s bosom came, never for us to deny.

24 chromosomes is the make up of his blood. Proven under the scrutiny of a modern microscope. The rest of us are at 23, from creation through the fall, into sinful elation, less the salvation or any divine hope.

The Bottom Line

We live in a world of perpetual uncertainty. A world of shifting polarities, and superfluous unpredictability.

Where things, can and will suddenly change on a shiny dime. Just for being in the right place, at the wrong time.

It’s the kind of world, broken up into a million pieces. By the occasional episode of shock, fear and trembling.

Whether we keep it in denial, all to ourselves. Or stay hidden in our burrows, to get busy with our own assembling.

It’s a revolving hotel door of mayhem, chaos & order. It’s the kind of living, with a need for protection and a border.

It’s a somewhat safe and secure place to live, until the devil cometh, evil uninvited, relentlessly knocking.

With smiles, and made up charms on file. Magical gifts, illusions and tricks. With open arms less his truth talking.

That’s when a shift in ones personal reality, might blindly take place. Where eyes grow cold and evil develops on a face.

Then might come a time for Satan’s payback plan. For a promised surprise attack. One that will sizzle hot, like a frying pan.

To do his bidding, and play by his wicked rules. For this was his way of recruiting the curiously blind, into becoming permanent fools.

Then, are those who clearly see, a desperate need for a loving God, indeed. One, to plant himself into the belly of a Virgin, a miracle seed.

A holy son of the divine, to wash away our sin with bread and wine. In one act of sacrifice. His name is “Jesus Christ”. And that’s pretty much, the bottom line.

Pilgrim of truth

Our world’s last greatest war. Will be when the lord “Jesus Christ” arrives, to render its temporary evil and wicked ways, no more.

To put a final ending to Satan’s subliminal reign, and usher in the lion of Judah, to rule it with fairness and a victor’s roar.

For this is the truest promise given, within the written word of almighty God, and the hopeful fate of our Mother Earth.

It is, was, and will be the result of our indoctrination into sin. Through disobedience and rebellion, since the very first birth.

For some will say: this is the way the cookie crumbles. As the planet delivers its deserved karma through the way it rumbles.

To the pilgrim of truth I say. There’s no other way out of this mess. Granted, simply by believing enough of it, so as by mouth to comfortably confess.

For the adversary of God “Satan”, will do anything and everything he can in his might. To block you from going to heaven and hold you captive, and in fright.

Buddha in Suffering

To be blind to the truth of Jesus Christis like a giant Buddha in karmic suffering.

These are the heritage choices we comfortably keep picking, streaming and buffering.

Earth’s redeemer and savior “Jesus Christ” gives true meaning and clarity to a broken world.

For crooked lines through his grace are straightened from being skewed & curled.

With him you’ll stop chasing phantoms and specter’s, like the unpredictable angry wind.

You’ll live your life of ups and downs, with a much higher purpose than one who has sinned.

You’ll be given divine grace, to put a genuine kind of love in your heart and a shine on your face.

You’ll be rightfully blessed. Simply for believing in God’s truth, and by mouth having confessed.

Mortality game

Naked and unafraid Adam & Eve, must have been so gullible, cheeky and naive. A virgin creation at birth, so easy to manipulate, coerce and deceive.

They themselves, also wanted to be just like their God. So in the words of a lying fraud. In a charming snake who worked for the devil, they chose to believe.

They took a bite out of the gamble, soon began to ramble with shame. Covered up themselves with fig leaves, then started to look at each other to blame.

As the devil began to dance and prance in circles, under the light of the moons flame. Celebrating his illustrious new found victory over God for fame.

Lucifer, the fallen archangel from heaven had easily gotten his way for now. To start the fall and struggle for mankind’s new found spirit of the age and mortality game.

Years and years would go by as man was sentenced to his prescribed toil. Bravery within ranks of Egyptian slavery to end it with a bit of a un-faith to spoil.

Through God, to put an end to the unfair. By a courage filled and worthy dare. Against a pharaoh in his lair. To free a city of slaves from Satan’s mare.

His name was Moses the great. Like Abraham before him, he was chosen for a job. He was given the power needed, to challenge the ruling evil’s ancient mob.

Jewish writers and scribes began to document and record this amazing history. A keen eye perspective of a bird, to reason with all of its truth and mystery.

They wrote for the good lord. Spoke of a coming messiah to save man’s affliction from bondage to blunder. A sacrificial lamb. To roar with quake and thunder.

His name was Jesus. A star driven child. Cometh to tame creatures who hath gone wild. To show them power over force again and again. To make out of them, fishers of men.

And since, those who have chosen truth to believe. Will keep preaching into deaf ears, out of love for their peers. Praying for salvation for all good people to receive.

So that one fine day, we can all be admitted into God’s Heaven altogether. Flocking about its splendid wonder. Just as eagles do high up, of the same type of feather.

Creation of Man

Upon the creation of man, the first human beings were given free will. A test of sorts, to trust their God or believe the lies of the adversary in all of its inherent totality.

So, by reason of stupendous insanity, they chose to believe in a serpent’s vanity. To acquire sin onto the next of kin. To fall from grace, to earn mankind, its new found mortality.

So man was given his one life of struggle and toil. To appreciate birthing pains and foods that quickly spoil. A life to adore with sickness and epidemics hard to ignore.

To easy killing and stealing. Cheating, hurting and waging war. Until this very day as the freshest victims on the daily news cry out, “we want of this kind of life, no more”.

Then man, was to die as his body went into the cold and dark ground. With his wondering, lost and confused soul left behind, hoping somehow to be rescued by a god and found.

Hoping in vain to have been forever saved and lifted by his creator God for an outcome of all things greater, should have been his only purpose, all the way around.

How much luckier can we be ? It turns out, there is a way out after all. A path of wisdom with a beating heart, to escape the death sentence of this satanic titanic of a mortal fall.

And then suddenly, red words jump off the pages of a testament. Of a God who came to offer hope for life’s beast of burden to be tamed to conquer death in totality, less its grief stricken lament.

For it is clearly written, that “God so loved the world, that he sent his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal and everlasting life”.

It is scripture from John 3:16. In the holy bible. Start your journey there. To get a good glimpse of how it unfolds in crystal clarity as the word of a God, most loving, merciful and fair.

How our lives are bonded by the ill will of his enemy to explain all that we wish to flee. To clearly see that Christ Jesus, is precisely and unequivocally who he claimed to be.

A divine gift, directly from above. So precious and full of love. To a damned and forsaken humanity. Not worth passing up by any means, or for any amount of money or fee.

How lucky are we indeed, to have a way out of the chosen trash bin of sin. We long ago in the very beginning, hath naively put ourselves in.

How fortunate of us to have a loving and compassionate God. With whom to have a relationship with, just as we do, with our own kin.

Judgment Booth

We spend a lifetime, passing judgment on each other. From brother to mother to the nephew of another.

Until the promised day of balance and world truth. When instead we get to have a seat in God’s judgment booth.

There’s just one prescribed avenue to paradise. All other boulevards lead to a sure dead end, paved on ice.

Without Christ redemption, a soul has already played out its life’s role. And when work and toil are done. It’s time to face truth at the end of one’s run.

Not by a panel of elected gods, but just by one. One God, one way to heaven and one simple rule.

And that is, to choose the real God among the fakes. To pick out the jewel, and avoid becoming Satan’s automatic fool.

At which point, all screams and cries for mercy won’t be heard. In the midst of moans and groans of those in agony. For shunning the Lords holy word.

Confidence & Clout

The Fig tree of “The knowledge of Good & Evil” has produced for us the fruits of sophisticated scientific instruments, that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt.

That walking souls of the dead, are alive and well, as they roam among us. Locked in purgatory without, but a whimper of a voice, yet unable to protest much or forever shout.

Under the control of dark shadows and demonic forces, in afterlife agony. Ready, willing & able to cry out in sorrow and regret. Stuck in endless suffering, to hope in vain and endlessly pout.

For not accepting God’s loving gift of redemption, when he sent his son “Jesus Christ” to die for us. To rise for a lift and elevation into heavenly realms. The one true way, and the correct route.

Believe in “Jesus Truth”, as crazy as it sounds. It will perk up your heart to the end field, way out of bounds. It will give you assurance in the afterlife. Of a destination to heaven with much confidence and clout.

Tussle and Fight

I gave this life all my love and emotion and yet, for the blessings of God, I still could not seem to qualify.

For this broken world of sorrows, anxiety and pain to love me back the same, without much of a solid alibi.

So I thought, there must be something other than this. Daily toil for a consumption function, to eventually age & die.

So I sought the wisdom of a higher kind of love, well over the fluffy clouds above. The kind unrelated to fame & fortune on the fly.

Some told a story of a man that was more like God. Performing amazing miracles, one after another to reveal Satan’s lies and fraud.

Spreading the good news across the holy land. Of a king of kings amidst mortal men. From one brother to the other, at hand.

So I passionately argued and protested, saying. We are taught to believe that God wasn’t born and never gave any birth.

Maybe he created different religions, to satisfy the pallets of all the creatures who lived on this colorful earth.

Maybe, he will also take me to his lovely paradise. If I lived as straight as I possibly could, shouldn’t that have to suffice ?

The mythical story of Adam and Eve is just a handed down bedtime curiosity. A pass time, and a dusty old fable.

Never to fully believe or put enough stock in it to take off the book shelf and put on the dinner table.

It doesn’t mean it’s necessarily true. Who are you to say to me that God became a man to love and save me too.

Then one day, Jesus came to my rescue. Passed the test with flying colors to pierce my heart through and through.

That’s when I couldn’t deny it any longer. For the love of Christ is beyond anything human and a thousand times stronger.

Finally to realize that without Jesus Christ, there won’t be any paradise. He clearly said “I am the way, the truth and the light”.

And all on the earth, will know this to be true, be they dead or alive. In a news capture day of bible revelation rapture to arrive.

Those with Jesus in their hearts and spirit into the clouds and realms of heaven will take flight.

For having true faith in his bible. Yet those who stay behind to hang with demons, will get to tussle and fight.

Meaning of Life

This poem is for any, and all who believe that mankind was created by God at best, to purest perfection.

In that, evil, mayhem and sin just happens to be apart of the order in creations evolving natural selection.

As our science would concur, that chaos and order are all part of the universe through its inner reflection.

For two of our extreme emotions to rise to the very top. Fear and loathing versus God’s love and affection.

Man was created to be the latter. With a choice to abide, or to subscribe to the ways of a mad hatter.

He chose to believe the lie of a clever snake. So Lucifer can consume the soul of men with the ease of a rake.

So God answered him by sending his son, to pay the price. To answer Satan with a master plan to suffice.

Through a crucifixion sacrifice to wash away the sin of the earth, we each would acquire in our hearts at birth.

To give fallen man a chance to be saved. From the perils of mortality and it’s sin attachment, from the way he hath first behaved.

Mank had earned himself a ticket to live the one short life in the sin he chose, and then to die for his eternity rights to be waived.

Jesus Christ is the only way out of this fallen mess. God’s love for us was so immense, it was something he had to address.

He promised us with blood, a rebirth back into his realm. Simply for believing what is true and by word of mouth to openly confess.

It’s a gift that keeps giving. It’s a smile that stays on file. It’s the love cometh from above. It’s the kind of news, the meek can use.

It’s grace on the face. It keeps your spirit in eternal youth. It’s the meaning of life, more or less. It’s how God chose to deliver his truth.

Century of shock

Necessary Bible predicted evils like the Internet, smart phones and sadly someday, to have embedded chip-sets under the skin.

Are but a few of the signs of the 2nd coming of the lord and future world upheaval, from mankind’s birthed sin.

Thanks to ABC, FOX, NBC, CBS & CNN for the day of news worthy capture.Of the cream atop salvation’s rock and it’s sudden rapture.

The righteous will not suffer one of the greatest events in our history at the pivot point in the century of shock, from any of its mystery.

That’s when every single person on this planet will realize. Bible prophecy, clearly on the rise. That the meek shall inherit the earth.

To surrender, once and for all by the proof of the fall. That redemption and salvation are not a gift ticket given to anyone at birth.


The story of Jesus Christ for the most part, is a cautionary tale.

It’s a runaway train to heaven that won’t crash or skip its rail.

It’s the promise of sure redemption from loss, without any fail.

It’s a free ticket for the soul from God, to get out of spirit jail.

It’s nothing you have to borrow against, pawn, or buy on Sale.

It’s truth roams this life’s sea of insanity like a giant whale.

Believe in Christ and assure your salvation by hitting it, on the nail.

Spin the bottle

Life is a series and sequence of blunders and mistakes. Apparently for the lineage of Adam and Eve, that’s all it takes.

You can stay on the fence, pretend it’s all nonsense. Look and browse all you want. So long as you keep off of another man’s cake.

Then the end-game’s challenge becomes. To find the one true God before your life ends, having believed in all things phony and fake,

To see the life we live for what it really is. To find purpose with the whole thing. The kind of meaning, only a savior can make.

Then, to find the resolve, humility and courage to admit that your beliefs might have been wrong, and a pivot might be what’s at stake.

For assurance of a ticket to paradise through “Jesus Christ”. After a life of hard work and toil. To go on for eternity, for heavens sake.

Life is merely a roller-coaster game ride of truth and lies. It’s a grace period of experience to wisdom needed to open the inner eyes.

It’s the sifting of Gods purest truth from lies of the devil. For the truest meaning of the world we live in, on every subliminal level.

You can spin the bottle all you want for truth or dare. Until the day of expiration. Where there’s no room left, for any salvation to spare.

This is just the way the cookie crumbles. Whether you agree or disagree, won’t change the truth of the story, or the cost of its denial fee.

Rise with Christ just as he did, or be left behind in anger and fear. Not a far fetched idea unless you chose to remain blind every year.

Serpent’s Fee

Jesus Christ is the central figure and savior of mankind from the perils of the mortal fall.

This principle applies to all and every person born onto this forlorn and dirty ball.

The fall from grace, from mans rebellious disobedience, and his initial disgrace.

Do, however come to absolute truth at your own pace. Plenty of time given to run your own race.

It’s a free will type of choice. All it takes is confession of it’s truth by voice.

If you still choose to disbelieve and disagree. Then I’m afraid your spirit and soul won’t be saved.

So that you may pay the debit or debt service of life in the form of a serpents fee.


Life ends with a tear. For both the deceased and the left behind. For the loss of a loved one once upon a time, so near.

Life is a short grace period to figure it all out. As one gains experience, about finding its truth to be precious & dear.

Life is both kind and cruel. Understanding and compassionate yet stubborn as a mule. Its a struggle between courage and fear.

Life is taken for granted by most until it’s taken away. When it suddenly ends. There must be a checkout fee to pay.

Life is many a choice and temptation, as to who will gain control of your inner voice. It’s God or the devil.

Live to learn how to love or how to breed and conjure hate. To pave the road to an eternal fate, on either level.


Faith in pure truth eradicates all pestilence and fear.

Faith in fear brings the devil and his minions dangerously near.

Faith in power shifts, while it charges it’s fee by the hour.

Faith in sugar lies keeps the cover tight over your eyes.

Faith in seeking trouble, will surely make it double.

Faith in vanity, doesn’t explain any of this world’s insanity.

Faith in paper money creates the illusion of happiness & sunny.

Faith in precious jewels wont change the game or any of its rules.

Faith in the real God shields you from his adversary’s fraud.

Faith in Jesus Christ, our lord is all we can truly afford.

So put your trust in what is safe, and faith wear it belongs.

To wash away the sins of life. To correct all natural wrongs.

This truth will surely set your soul and spirit free.

It’s the result of the forbidden fig of doom, picked from a tree.

The lords truth is surrounded by a plethora of sophisticated lies.

Satanic discord in the form of zeitgeist to keep one from a rise.

Loaded Gun

Everyone needs to blow off some steam. Like a locomotive train robbery, in a western moving picture, kind of a dream.

After all, one can only take so much of life’s fallen brokenness. While the rest of the time. We must do our best to impress & finesse.

It’s a ton of fun, until there’s no gas left in the tank, to keep up the run. When all is said & done, less any more to have bought, or won.

Instead of picking up that demon loaded gun. Look towards the holy one. The son of God, Jesus Christ, the one to put an end to Satan’s run.

He was , is & will be a free choice for you and all of us, to applaud & cherish. For making a way for us into paradise, before we perish.

So don’t go ruining your life pilgrim. By doing what the devil wants you to do. Seek out God & experience the type of love, you never really knew.

Unheard and Unseen

Some, are dear enough to say my words are well said. Then I must say. Take heed, and take them to heart, for a reversal of your soul’s fortune instead.

I’m just a salvation warrior for God, and an alarm conduit for the Holy Spirit. I won’t take credit for “Holier than thou” or being some kind of a perfect fit.

The good Lord of my choice, chooses a bloodless type of sword. His preference for word is the most powerful way to steer a lost and wondering herd.

I don’t rhyme, just to pass the anxiousness of time. I do it, to hopefully bring one, or a few to redemption before the passing of their youth and prime.

Those of you, who truly believe, must convince those you dearly love, who do not. It’s the love of Christ in action, as oppose to the blabber of a cyber Robot.

It is a matter of heaven or hell to the bone, with a waiting lounge in between. To moan and groan in anger for refusing to atone, and become spirit clean.

For whatever is left over, of a lost and forlorn soul of negative emotions. To wither and rot in the darkness of it’s promoter, unheard and unseen.

A wild Trip

It’s truly a wild trip. To have relations with God, like a humming bird does, to a honeysuckle drip.

When the shock of the day of Bible rapture takes place, to put bewilderment and awe, on a naysayers face.

To test the truth of faith without it testing you back. To have divine protection from the enemy’s slings & arrows to attack.

To know that death is nothing to anxiously fear. Because God becomes your soul’s receiver for it, to become dear.

To know this, is the most precious gift anyone can get. A ticket to salvation for trading in a losers bet.

For believing it in your heart, without much proof. That Christ is the one to free your spirit, from Satan’s wicked spoof.

May our amazing lord of grace and mercy, bless us all. To save humankind from its subscription, to this mortal fall.

To be Free

When the reality of what lurks beneath your living feet, down below. And the horror of its Holy truth you get to personally see and know. You’ll begin to realize that what you might have reaped. Must have been, from what you used to sow.

You’ll clearly begin to see, and then some. That after all, there were just two choices in life to eventually become. One with the good Lord, and the other with his foe. You’ll pout for all you hoarded on earth to become “Easy come easy go”.

You’ll realize that all the riches you valued in life became your afterlife’s low. You’ll learn much too late that shunning your lord wasn’t something you should have ignored for your chance at redemption into salvation, to blow.

So while you’re still healthy, breathing and alive. Accept the pure truth of God and put aside the devils jive. Before the forced flip side ride into oblivion and eternal regret, never to die or subside.

Perhaps then, you’ll hopefully seek the only true love there was, is and will be. The unconditional love of Jesus Christ that cometh from above, to sacrifice himself, for you and I and all who believe, to be free.

No such doubt

These are times of high fear and perpetual anxiety. Perhaps it’s time for a review of the ill ways of a sinful society.

We keep on uttering hope by saying, “We are all in this together”. Where love birds can no longer flock with the same type feather.

Maybe its a holy war for sudden change in gloomy weather. Might be a good time to thicken our gullible hide into leather.

Some will act bewildered, confused and surprised while others anticipate revelation delivered. On cue & swiftly surmised.

As the preachers and pastors from the pulpit continue to shout. “We told you so, over and over, as those of us who believe have no such doubt.

One God, one plan, one way to heaven and for simply believing what is already true. To beat the wrath of the devil by accepting nothing new.

Believe in the truth of our lord. His name doesn’t change. It’s Jesus Christ, crucified to rise like a God. It’s all we can afford within our range.

Wake up

Sometimes it feels like the four horseman of the apocalypse have been set free. To be unleashed onto the earth. Just as described in revelation since its birth, for all to see.

A deadly disease. An enemy unseen, might be a good time for a quarantine. Social spacing, everybody racing. A shake up in the form of a virus, written some time ago on a sheet of papyrus.

Wake up, ye people of pride and vanity and smell the words of our lord. For there will come a time when an ounce of this truth you will no longer be able to afford.

Wake up, to the truth of our fallen world of brokenness, through it’s dark history. Driven by the devil and his minions to bring fear, pain and suffering in a stew of its intellectual mystery.

Wake up, to the ancestral truth created by Adam and Eve.Truth that buries a mortal being into the ground for their loved ones and com-padres to bereave.

Wake up, and save yourselves from a sure ticket to hell. Through the blood sacrifice of the son of God “Jesus Christ” to be forever cleansed and redeemed from Satan’s spell.

Your way or the highway, anyway you wish to pay. The highway of truth is paved with gold. Your way is to stroll the yellow brick road until you get sick and old.

Wake up, and find your way to a promised Paradise. Created by the father of the one who came to save the children of innocence through the sacrifice of none other than “Jesus Christ”.


When you easily reject the Bible, by knowing nothing of it.

Except what you mostly hear from naysayers, or your own fear.

Or by glancing at it, here & there to refute its truth and wisdom.

Because perhaps it might throw a wrecking wrench in your social gear.

Angels and demons invisible, are at work behind every act & scene.

Directing this struggle in a played out play, without being seen.

Gathering the souls of men & women upon death, diligent and keen.

Be they assured & free or un-saved from the way they had behaved.

It’s a ticket to unhappiness. Everyone knows there’s no room

at death, with the grim reaper to negotiate, beg and/or finesse.

Believe in the savior of man, from the fall. All else, a Satan’s fable and a dead man’s wall. Do your best, not to go there.

All you will end up doing for the rest of eternity, is cry out to nobody in vain, how it was cruel and unfair.

Upon which you might hear the words “Yes, it was cruel and unfair how my son was crucified to pay your sin debt mare”.

The Messiah

When you have no issues or reservations making “Jesus Christ” the subject of mockery, laughter and ridicule.

You’ll eventually find that the good lords heaven above wasn’t made for the defiant or arrogant stubborn mule.

If you think of the Bible as pure heresy and empty lies. Satan becomes your default. Fear & trembling of the spirit, once your body dies.

It’s as simple as ABC. It’s one fate or another, baby. There’s hardly any room for ignorance, guesswork or even a maybe.

It’s an outcome of the fallen or the saved and not much else in between. It’s faith in silent truth or acceptance of what’s been seen.

It’s deliverance of a faithful spirit into paradise, versus staying behind an angry ghost in the decay machine.

Upon demise. one either goes to heaven or hell. It was the judgment of God, when Adam & Eve from the graces of immortality fell.

One straight and narrow way to heaven, as the bible describes. Written by accuracy driven historians and devoted scribes.

No other book guarantees a way to paradise, except for the one who foretold the arrival of the messiah, “Jesus Christ”.

The Most High

The ghosts and specters of people un-redeemed, who have sadly passed away. Will find themselves stuck in anger and disappointment, with much confusion and dismay.

Mostly, for living a life of abundance and luxury, to have it all. Except for the gift of salvation, a crucial safety net, from man’s first blunder and his subsequent fall.

For not taking the absolute word of God by trust to heart. To be left behind, just as warned. Ignored and bewildered and from Creator God separated, and forever apart.

For having so many chances over the years to wonder. From all our experiences on earth given to ponder. What truly was behind the depth and beauty of its sky’s blue yonder.

For shunning those who tried to talk about the gift of “Jesus” with ridicule and scoff. For allowing ego and pride to poke you in the eyes, and from salvation’s train, keep off.

For believing in just one of the many lies of Satan, Gods adversary. Instead of the message of truth, delivered by the most high, a holy son, born of the Virgin Mary.

Believe in love. Jesus is the one, to have delivered such a message from above. Over the clouds of red rain for man’s sin and all that is insane, of its consequence driven pain.

Ship of Fools

There is one thing you need to know pilgrim and gracefully accept. To open your heart to Christ Jesus, for your soul to be kept.

Is that the devil is ten times smarter than the smartest you, and the lies he crafts, are so well done they can, subliminally ring true.

He will use all we create at his disposal to imitate & attempt to initiate being a God himself. Perhaps even, an alien race.

Meant to scare us into deflection intimidation to cleverly steer our attention away from “Jesus Christ” and his risen grace.

He will also use music to his advantage, to the core. As he once was the worship leader in God’s heaven, before the fall, to praise and adore.

Prior to rebelling against God and the heavenly council. Demanding to be worshiped like a God himself, with much of his pride and vanity.

Instead, to be ousted for good from paradise. Along with all who supported his mutiny, into this living swell of insanity.

And then he deliberately lies to Eve to ruin her and Adam. And all who from that point on, partook in all the sinful pleasures they could fathom.

He knew that Music is what gave life meaning. Without music to follow words. Life would be still and confusing like a garden with no singing birds.

Many crimes are committed by the influence of hateful music into malleable & dark minds, were evil grows like a mushroom behind shut out blinds.

This is how the enemy of God “Satan”, uses so many of such tools, to steer a “Sheppard-less herd”, and the “Naive at heart”, to easily climb aboard his ship of fools.


Moses had a rod. It was his staff of miracles, and his arsenal of power from God. When he struck it to the floor. Pharaoh began to doubt his resolve and conviction, no more.

For the golden rod of Almighty God had turned into a snake, for Moses to gather all his people, for their dignity and freedom back from the ruling Pharaoh to take.

When he put his staff to the red sea, it parted on command into two separate halves. For them to cross over, and from the slave driver Pyramid builder, to flee.

When you have God on your side. Your skin is thickened, your faith is your staff. Your soul finds strength for a blessing of your spirit and a sweet “Rest In Peace” epitaph.

The golden rod of God must reside in the heart, not the mind to play its part. You’ll need all the will you can muster. To go the distance of living in a sinful world of bling and luster.

To share the good news of the “W.O.G” to those who wish to abide, as the devil is always trying his best, to stop you from spreading the news of salvation with Jesus, too wide.

This is when, you get to hand it (your life) over to the All Star Admiral of the Universe. To become his warrior, and save the common soul from the fate of Adam and Eves tainted curse.

Just as they themselves had to fight off the demons in their own hearts when murder from envy came to town, to regretfully attempt in vain to put it all in reverse.

People of the way

Every single day. A little closer we get to the written fray. On this beautiful earth of ours we get to see with glee, many examples of human ignorance and stupidity.

Everywhere You turn and look. Chaos to spare, mayhem and fear of the unknown. For a whole lot of body stress rigidity, way down to the bone.

Bedlam, violence and crime, coupled with arrogant and narrow minded views. As seen on television in its dumb advertising, and on its daily news.

Insurance ads are the biggest and thickest, and an obvious bestseller. Ever wonder why ? Look around, plenty of traps everywhere to be found on the fly.

The finest of cheese, to speak to our five senses to please. Raise your celebration cup, look out for “Numero Uno” to live it up, but make sure you never give it up.

Enjoy life for now, as much as you can. There will come a time for a change of plan. The “Ying & Yang”, and everything in between is not all there was to be seen.

The truth of the matter underground, is where the prince of darkness lays around. Dispatching demons and spirits of the dark, to ravage lost souls, with fear on the mark.

Hey, If that is what you’re looking for. Don’t have to look much further than the ground. That is where all the unbelievers of the way of Jesus Christ will be found.

Once upon a time, believers in Christ were labeled “The People of the way“. Because they came to realize, they were under the spell of Satan’s lies, yet through Jesus, they opened their eyes..

White Horse

The gates of hell are grand and wide, for the multitude of human beings, who refuse in the God and creator of our universe to abide.

The road to heaven is straight and narrow. A path through the wilderness of Satan’s wrath. For faith to deliver, from the bow to its arrow.

A few find it by the grace of God, as others perish less much applaud. It’s the way of the fray. By the bible’s promise, of fear & dismay.

You can huff and puff in arrogant protest, all you want. But that doesn’t change the holy book’s red letter, or any of it’s font.

The truth of our world becomes evident and clear. When a demon or a dark spirit within your terrified soul gets close and too near.

If it happens to sink your soul in a cesspool of fears. That’s when your spirit will cry out to lord Jesus, like a horrified child in tears.

The soul, knows it’s creator & its source As Jesus keeps his promise to descend from heaven. Whether in a flying saucer, or a white horse.

The internet

Let’s talk about the Internet, shall we.? The portal to the wormhole of time, faster than any missile or rocket can be.

Gentlemen, please place your bets. Google it to see its effects. Made many super rich. Fooled others into gambling on their debts.

This is the perfect example of the fall of man, when the two would partake of the serpents lies to believe in Satan’s plan.

For a joyride with the devil, now on the inside. To sway mankind away, to be forever blind from God, never to fully abide.

A loss of an eternal relationship with bliss and immortality. Into a sea of insanity, onto Lucifer’s pirate ship of pride and vanity.

For a mountain of high tech knowledge for both, we would climb up high. For a better view of its serene beauty over its cloudy awry.

So man and his curiosity got to do it their way instead. To live in sin and frolic. Violence, arrogance and mayhem until he was dead.

All along getting a taste of that very fruit of the fall, so great. For the knowledge of good and evil from which they both ate.

For every evil deed, delivered throughout the years. Ten good ones were needed, to atone and overcome the pain of its tears.

Then came along the blessed Internet. Information, quicker than a fighter jet. Promising to solve the worlds problems on a quickie bet.

Headed by a massive symphony, with a symbol of truth of the forbidden fruit. etched on its devices backside, so obvious and brute.

For a bad choice, made under the sun yet in the shade. A permanent reminder, of the knowledge of good & evil in our contract binder.

For the fat man or the skinny dude. The smarty pants or the dumb & rude. Home shopping or at the mall. The internet came, to deliver it all.

It delivered the fall, sure it did. An open portal to a curious kid. For the good, the bad and ugly, indeed. No clear signs or warnings to heed.

From hard core porn to the back pages of a young lady, forlorn. Easy access to temptations of flesh, to be fully engrossed in it’s mesh.

From teaching God’s holy Bible to its rival inspiring terrorism and wars. Trenching new ways to hate and build bombs behind dark doors.

Its access to info, just the same. After all both extremes are in its name. Fast & furious to keep us running high and curious, to play its diabolical game.

With all that, came scams, it’s malware, junk mail & spam unlike the stuff in a can. Spyware with viruses to mess it all up with need for a protection plan.

Apps of every kind with groovy maps. The latest iphone, to kick it up a notch. Access to facts, for criminals and their cyber attacks.

It has it all, as well as plenty of fiction. Goodies to satisfy any and every addiction, and a therapist # later on to feel for your affliction.

It delivers diabolical video games and rituals for kids looking to be numb. A course in evil and it’s wicked ways, and then some.

“Good and evil, each to his own”. Says one who spends most of his time alone. Who was made for bliss and what became horrific to the bone.

Can you see how microchips and processors of our computers and phones that provides it all. Are the proof of “Adam & Eve’s” mortal fall.

For a need for God to descend to earth as “Jesus Christ”. Risen from the grave to someday return, just as promised, to clean up this mess and fix it all.

On This Side

On this side of life, we feed on the love of God that comes from above, with an occasional lesson’s tear.

On the other side of life the energy of darkness, comes from a captive soul under demonic control, being fed fear.

On this side, we all get a life’s worth of time & experience to discover a real chance at redemption and spirit salvation.

Once we end up on the other side, there’s not much reason left in God to abide and no such grace period to consume or any inclination.

On this side of life, we get to play in the sand and wave. From the way we chose to live and behave, year after year.

On the other side, we get to pay the final bill for refusing in God to abide. Stung, in the devils sandbox for a waterfall tear.

One way or another, we made the choice. By our own volition, we secured omission from the book of life reserved for believers in Christ.

Or, by accepting the truthful notion, that Jesus paid the sacrifice price of Satan’s, to give us freedom from his grip & vice.

On this side of life, we could all take full advantage of the time, grace and free will given, to wisely pick and choose.

On the other side, choices for the un-redeemed are Judgment or Captivity for their fear by the devil, to consume and use.

By rejecting Jesus, you’ve rejected the creator, and by rejecting the creator, you throw your spiritual cash in the trash to miss out on all things greater.

You will get to live your one life and as promised, will die. For your angry soul to be sucked up with laughter by the devils cohorts, on the fly.

One’s like Lucifer who thought themselves to be too cool for school. Found their pride and vanity to be effective traps, for the mortal fool.

It was in the garden of bliss, where we chose to break the one rule for a serpents kiss, to dive into this sin ridden and shameful cesspool.


Spirits of the lost dead become an emotional orb. They fly around looking for energy wherever it is found to absorb.

As much as they need to come alive and manifest. To put the fear of God and the unknown, in your terrified mind to the test.

We are all Adam & Eve’s next of kin. Born to live in the shadow of their sin, woven into the fabric of our souls from within.

To withstand its outcome with a nerve, as the next passing fad goes around the curve. Or give a little credence to the story given.

Some realize the truth of our world, in God’s holy word and some of us choose to believe in nothing, to seemingly feel free as a bird.

We get to live a decadent and fast life. To quickly grow old. Without a ticket to redemption to keep the heart from growing cold.

Some say, we are all in this together, as if everyone gets a passport to eternity from the king, and a new set of wings made of feather.

Or perhaps, by choice to die unsaved. A thick skin of scarred leather. A sad realization for being tied to Satan by an invisible tether.

We are spirits in the material world. Fallen from grace, to live on Earth & create the Human race, to then return to our spiritual base.

In our journey of a life of pluses and minuses, we built into our spirit’s energy positive and negative polarities.

For some spirit’s to become light as a feather and others as heavy as a brick, stuck in the hell of purgatory’s realities.

Mutiny in Heaven

When the mutiny in heaven took place. Lucifer the most beautiful of them all became the re-creation “Satan”, with Sheol as his permanent base.

And since he hated God for being heavens primary host. He decided to drive the entire human race to bake and roast into his hellish space.

So he slithered his way into their “Eden” garden paradise. To thwart the creation into choosing to eat, from the fruit of sin, death and vice.

Satan, the serpent hath become the master lier. A deceiver of naivety and a sin multiplier. The seller of all lies, as we became the buyer.

His only desire, purpose and mission became for us to readily expire. For a rendezvous with him and his demons, into Hades and its fire.

In the Bible it clearly says. “Do not take the lords name in vain”. It’s simply not worth, any of its horror or the following pain.

These alarming words, will someday will hang on a wire. When the desperation for a save, from the grounds of hell becomes dyer.

That is, when some plead, cry & beg Jesus, for another chance at redemption. One more chance in the son of God, to believe and admire.

Born a Sinner

In our world of forces behind the scenes, of influences invisible and unseen. A shiny surface to impress with edges, so sharp and clean.

Tall Towers of wealth and power. Glass and steel to reach the sky. The higher up you elevate, the more sophisticated and corrupt becomes the lie.

Yet the closer you got to the ground, is where the wicked and mean streets of life’s filth and grime, in its inherent reality could be found.

Buildings and monuments of every size, shape and color to call a home. Far from the wilderness of where wild horses and the buffalo used to roam.

It’s a natural wonder and a beautiful place to be. Aside from a sub level undertone of evil and darkness behind a smiling user’s face to flee.

A powerful puppet master called “Satan” to pull the dirty strings. To play his only role. wherever there’s a hairline crack, to penetrate a ravaged soul.

The evidence is pretty clear in the horror’s of people under a canopy of paranormal fear, that prove truth beyond a doubt, that revelation might be getting near.

A truth, to bring much joy to redemption’s receiver of salvation. With anger and sorrow for the one’s left behind for being the subject of a deceiver.

How much more proof do you need, to see truth for what it is. As oppose to accepting the lies of the devil. To give him a lead into your spirit’s fizz.

This is all there is in life, one needs to realize. That man is born a sinner and in his denial of this fact, is bonded and blind behind the eyes.

For Satan’s only wish is for every human soul to slither down his rabbit hole of lies, for him to consume, as a lost soul’s last nasty surprise.

Wake up my friend and do not be the arrogant fool, to dive in head first into the devil’s lake of fire and tainted cesspool.

To think, you can earn your way to heaven by the genius of your mind with a set of your own made up beliefs to rule.

Only to learn that one can never get ahead of truth by a sudden yearn to make a swift turn, from the burn of a rude awakening into an urn.

By being a haughty and prideful stubborn mule. but only through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ can a soul be saved like a jewel.

Master Debt

The dichotomy and mystery of life, and all of its imperfections, are the result of one man’s cause and effect.

Mankind was clearly for-warned of life’s peril and demise, should it decide to choose God’s one rule, to disobey and reject.

When they partook of the forbidden fruit, placed in the middle of the garden, to make Satan their president elect.

For a tainted broken humankind, driven to sin for the awareness of good and evil and onto death, a ticket to embrace and select.

Then upon every human body, and burial from that point on, came out a sorry spirit for the devil to devour & collect.

Until the day “Jesus Christ” came along to pay the piper, his master debt. To put the equation in reverse, for a loyal soul to protect.

Have faith in the Almighty’s ways, instead of trying to reach God with statues, towers of greed or some pharaoh’s obelisk to erect.

There is just one truth, not many. This is due to God’s adversary. It’s a subscription to truth or the lies of Satan, for a disconnect.

Lord of Lords

Sooner or later in life, it becomes rather clear to every living person on this planet of joys & sorrows , as to who’s boss is a lover and who’s was a hater.

All human emotions, from A to Z eventually boil down to good & evil, for a soul delivered into either realm to serve and cater.

The love & grace of Christ to suffice. And nectar for the devil’s sector and his clan. To feed off of vulnerabilities of the ambiguous man.

To send as many of their souls to hell as he can. As he prances around the world, making trouble wherever he goes, like a Peter Pan.

You see pilgrim, the devil doesn’t want you to think, he is real. If you did, you’ll find a lord with the most genuine love to appeal.

One like Jesus to save you from hell. The lord of lords to redeem all the faithful and righteous, who unfairly into Satan’s trap fell.

A Bucket full of Sand

The sad but fortunate truth of our world, is simple to accept, believe in, and fully comprehend.

Especially when you can clearly see, the type of horror that is rumored to come around the bend.

The adversary of God “Satan”, a principality within our mortality, is an underworld super power of a nation.

Full of devils, demons, elemental’s and dark spirits in the millions, and all their terror driven to fear inclination.

Doing wicked old Lucifer’s bidding, to spread his clever lies. To conjure up and summon their powers, for a rise.

Unless you see this invisible reality as a fact. You will have nothing or no one, to keep your spirit and soul intact.

At that point Jesus Christ comes around, with a smile and a reaching hand, to give us hope, instead of a bucket full of sand.

Take his offer of love and grace. Nothing else will put a smile on one’s face. Especially when revelation begins to take place.


Oh Lord of the heavens and earth, of this life’s beauty and wonder. From days of sunshine and rain, to ones that light up like thunder.

We live to hoard and eat, to toil away and look for the easy meat, while we get to hold on to what remains under our feet.

Only to eventually die off amidst familiar tears. A sigh, for a hidden cry with buried fears, of a foretold judgment seat.

Here we are today, to be forever gone tomorrow. Whether for joy’s sake, or for sorrow. Better to always lend a hand than to stretch and borrow.

Be it a modern pandemic that kills, or an ancient plague. It all ends up becoming a meaningless coffin mare with answers, much too vague.

Some cried, there must be a reason for all this. Otherwise death is just a bad trip into the abyss. Is there something precious to miss.

Is there possibly a savior, to save the worthy souls, from the ones that would insist on bad behavior. Is his name Jesus or is it Xavier ?

How else to separate the genuine and true from the fake, the giver from the rake ? How else, will we end up in righteousness, for heavens sake ?

Without a savior from our mortal fall. The devil becomes the master of all. The Temptress on call. The destroyer of life at a dead end wall.

If you still it find in your heart to hate Jesus, the Messiah. It is because we all live in the zeitgeist shadow of a serpent, and Earth’s Pariah.

Jesus Christ brings unconditional love, mercy and grace to the table. He makes redemption and salvation, so easy for all to believe, and be able.

His gift is divine, he turned ordinary water into the best of wine. He produced many miracles as a sign. Then, he would put his sinless life on the line.

All out of pure love, by orders from his father up above. He paid the price through sacrifice, for you and I. And any & all, who believed the story of a mortal’s fall, never to be a lie.

Pick the Savior

I’ve lost interest in this selfie glamorous world. I’m done with being discarded like trash, once I’m done being used.

No more, am I amazed by anything or too amused. And I no longer wish to listen to any of its fear driven, alarming news.

I’ve experienced all I can fathom. Both physical & emotional for a lasting impression, and a permanent bruise.

I could care less about its idiosyncrasies made for fools and stubborn mules, along with their modern zeitgeist views.

My tolerance for Homo Sapiens and their bullshit hath become low these days, and I’m running on a fairly short fuse.

I cannot ever seem to get ahead financially in this fair game of life, or ever get to pay off all my debts and dues.

I could have used a bonus, or a bone of some kind, like some. Maybe a winning ticket, for a new ride and a fresh pair of shoes.

I’ve gotten all I could take of it to harness and use. From it’s barrage of slings & arrows to its underhanded subliminal cues.

So I decided, to pick the savior “Jesus”, to worship and choose. No one like me wishes to die a loser, to once again have to lose.

Live Your Life

Live your life your own way. To reap what you desire and hopefully may. To seize all you can in opportunities for the day.

Do it any way you please or legally can. Until a time comes, when you might want to pay some attention to God’s redemption plan.

For if you die unsaved, you might be judged for the way they behaved. Good or bad, didn’t matter. As a mortal’s end is rather sad to the latter.

After all, we are born to grow and learn from others as we get to hurtfully know, to find our best direction, with a raft that can row.

To reap from the seeds we used sow. To end up having a wonderful and meaningless life experience, be you high and mighty, or be you low.

Unless one is truly redeemed by faith and faith alone, through the savior of souls “Jesus Christ”, to be eternally saved.

To become God’s elect, before they realize with open eyes. That their rights to immortality were long ago waived.

By their ancestors who decided to obey the serpent. The devil himself who wants our soul for keeps, and does not want us to repent.

After all it is the grim reaper that comes to collect the soul. A demon by all standards, with a duty to fulfill his purpose & play his role.

A Cry to God on the Flip Side

“Oh my God, I think I might have just died, yet, I’m still roaming on life’s flip side of fears. The demons I’m seeing, are laughing at my tears. Yelling out loud saying Go to hell”, for cheers.

“Please lord, he cried out. Save me from the mare & horror of this wicked spell. I cannot stand the intense heat down in the pit of hell, nor will I be able to tolerate its putrid smell”.

“I now have come to fully believe and accept the living truth of your son and the hateful devil. Please rescue my soul from being stuck on his hellish and demonic level”.

“In life, I made a mistake. I chose to worship everything golden, phony & fake. And now the devil is staking his claim on my soul, to swallow whole, like a snake”.

“I followed what I was taught at home and school. I never bothered to think about it much, because I never knew it could become Lucifer’s worthy deception tool”.

And so, “I chose to honor my peers & ancestors without paying much attention to your rules. The ones you had given to Moses, for all, to avoid becoming Satan’s fools”.

“After all we were told, if we didn’t honor their ways, that with their Gods we’d become out of phase. To be punished for being arrogant and prideful for honors sake, like stubborn mules”.

“Dear God, can you forgive my choice. I am ready to confess your truth in full, by voice. Oh but wait, I don’t have a mouth to speak any more. will I be given another chance to be forgiven and soar”.

The Art Of The Deal

Satan is very much real. His was the scam of centuries and the art of the deal. He devours human souls with a healthy appetite and much zeal.

Get this fact of life through your wandering mind and thickened hard skull. Before your lights go dim, and the mood of your arrogance gets dull.

We’re born into satanic sin. To live it up, high on the hog. Drive fast cars into the splendor of fog. Spend the money we make. Until a time comes, when we get to that coffin or urn, for our final salute to take.

The data doesn’t lie. The outcome of evil is a cry. Spirits of the dead, are stuck in place. Without much freedom or any space. It’s a one word question, called “Why”.

Purgatory is a bible truth, told in the form of a story. Delivered to the unsaved upon death on the fly. Feeding on mortal fear and fairness gone amiss & awry.

So next time you feel true horror inside, with a lingering coldness by your side. Know that a possible dark spirit might have come close to your very essence and hide.

Know, that evil invisible entities are always at work. Able to do damage while they hide and lurk. Undetected, to take a spirit on their type of jolly ride.

Know that, none of this unsavory material is a cosmic joke. Made to fondle or tickle your yolk. It’s absolute truth, and it applies to all living folk.

God wasn’t, and isn’t kidding about who you choose to worship and for who you do your bidding. This is his plan, for the redemption of man. From a daft choice to follow Satan’s command.

Power or Force

Is it a result of subjected force or free will power, that a miniature mustard seed can grow gracefully into a budding flower.

Some evil mortals, for a short time in life can reign supreme by sheer force, but soon will run out of steam, like any other old horse.

However, the one living rose called “Jesus Christ” with his holy might and divine power, always sits on the highest perch and viewing tower.

“In God we trust”, or we continue to run with the devil, a must. The one to become friend will determine our game level, for a win or a bust.

As a beginner, one can hardly imagine how man as a whole could have been so daft, to poke a hole in his own raft, to become a natural sinner.

But once he got some life experience under his belt, to know a little better. He saw the evil that couldn’t be measured in ounces, yet felt to the letter.

Entities roaming around behind the scene. Manipulating and controlling what can only get through the skin in a dream. Like puppets played from an upper beam.

We spend our days chasing that precious dollar, then when we get in trouble. We call out to a lord, we never knew “Oh my god” as we cry out in vain, and holler.

Then the question becomes, which of these Gods you hath created for thy-selves are you referring to ? After all, the buffet of choices for deities presented on the menu, cannot all be true.

Rolls Royce’s

The Garden of Eden was the story we were handed down & told.

To to believe it, or doubt, if it was ever true or just a fable from our days of old.

Whether we can base our current reality on its solid foundation. Or simply succumb to its daft choice under a devil’s contract, for every nation.

Did God set it all up this way, for humans to purposely fail ?

Or did he provide a way, to launch free will into the human experience, never to go on sale.

Life is all about selections and choices. When it comes to God, there exists many voices. One of the Swami’s insisted on a fleet of Rolls Royce’s.

The truth of God and it’s golden rod is surrounded by many clever lies. It’s the devils way of shifting our focus through his temptations for the eyes.

Divine & Holy

Let me take you on a dream vacation to paradise. The one that’s run by our Lord & savior “Jesus Christ”.

We can call it a glimpse of truth or a fantasy excursion. Of life’s mortality flip and its perfect version. Aside any decay or sin perversion.

I’ve lived on this planet of sorrow and cheers for sixty plus odd years. I’ve seen enough for a whole other lifetime of its violence, sweat and tears.

I’ve cheered strangers on the street but never ones on the run. As we drank together from the same pitcher, just for the sake of fun.

But now I’m getting a little grumpy old, and on holy the wisdom of Christ, I’m totally sold. So with frivolity & emptiness, I’m done.

So I set out to recover my losses on a lottery of the soul, to take a gamble on its run, to find out with joy, that I had actually won.

Simply by believing in the savior of the world ” Jesus Christ “, the one and only truth, when it came to Gods divine and holy son.


The hospital is the great equalizer. Be it at The Mayo Clinic or permanentaly at Kaiser.

Everyone gets compassionate treatment. Be they filthy rich in character or the wealthiest miser.

All the sickly who end up in one, might have another chance at God’s grace to be discharged, spiritually wiser.

When a life & death situation seems to be beyond our control. We start praying to whosoever gave us a spirit & soul.

There’s not much else that you can do, except to put faith in truth to let it build up in your heart & accrue.

The holy Bible explains it all. In this room or much further down the hall. It sheds its light on the reality of the mortal fall.

A pretty good reason, to have a savior like “Jesus Christ” descend to Earth directly from God, available to us & on call.

Evil is purely the work of an ignorant and selfish man. Through the manipulation of a satanic controller with a master plan.

Beauty, Perfection and truth is the work of Almighty God. All else is the product of Lucifer’s vanity, and intentional fraud.

Savior to Spare

In his once long yet short life, he let love rule his heart, but he kept insisting on becoming the afterlife fool.

He stuck to his guns like a Modern Cowboy, being the smartest he could be, yet could not see value in a living jewel.

Instead, he played directly into the hand of the devil. To be claimed by command, simply by playing the part of a stubborn mule.

His pride might have felt for him, like a wall of protection from his inside. When all along it was for “Satan”, the perfect little tool.

He was told many times over, by so many of the meek. The sorry ones, who don’t back up truth with cash when they dared to speak.

About the amazing treasure truth of Jesus that existed up ahead, but they chose to ignore such wild stories, for a good laugh instead.

And now that he or she was dead, yet still somehow fully aware. They would call out to Jesus for help like he was their savior to spare.


Let’s talk about “Sin” shall we ? The stuff that can be a whole lot of fun, until delivery of its back end & diabolical run.

Until it drags one around town and beats them down to a pulp. To rob them blind, without the need for a gun.

Until one starts to beg for the day of their mercy, and promise their Lord, this time they are truly done.

Sin, I’m afraid is deeply embedded. It’s the fuel we use for a fallen mortal life. Just as it is with unleaded.

It’s where the story in bible revelation takes place, and it is pretty much, where we are all headed.

Sin is purely the work of the devil. It keeps us playing his game of thrones, to get stuck on his level.

Sin is no cosmic joke. It will surely fondle your yolk and make it easy for your young child to snort some coke.

Sin is the sole obstacle to God. It’s what keeps us all captive in the spider web of Satan’s fraud.

If you have ever lied, then you’ve sinned and into paradise, your plea in vain might be denied.

Everyone born in the world is a sinner. From the sophisticated and advanced, all the way down to the beginner.

Don’t fool into thinking for a blinking moment. That you never sinned, and are needless for forgiveness or atonement.

For that is the biggest and best of satanic lies. Meant to keep the need for God at an arms length, for the back end surprise.

The Butter

Truth openly flows where evil, under the darkness of a plank silently grows.

It’s the kind of silent reality only the faithful one eventually realizes and knows.

It’s what the sufferers of this world for themselves long ago hath seen as truth and chose.

The butter floating on top is the spread used for the tasty bread, everything else goes.

It’s a warning for war and battles in scripture, against the adversary and his army of squawking crows.

Lucifer and angels became the prime enemy. When their mutiny failed, they’d swear in as the Lords foes.

Christ Jesus, the savior from all ill intentions and bad behavior. King of kings and our living rose.

Fright or Flight

When it comes to the subject of Jesus. It’s pretty much an Either Or. It only comes in black and white.

For he either was precisely who he claimed to be, or a complete fraud with delight, less much of a worthy cause or a sincere plight.

He either lied and performed magic tricks for everyone without charge. Or he did all these things, to prove himself true and right.

His wisdom and teaching was freeing to the innocent and afflicted soul. It made them feel alive, high as a kite.

It became the peoples way, for those who chose to play, and for them it was something amazing, and out of site.

It could turn a cold and arrogant prideful heart, so rude and uptight. Into something sweet, light and polite.

Jesus Christ is the only truth that can suffice. When facing your demons in a state of fright or flight ?

Meaningful Creation

We live to eat, toil, piss & shit. That’s what we do, in a nutshell to make all of our stories come together and fit.

Then we get old, frail and not so ready to die. To wonder, if we get to hold on to our eyes, to watch our loved one’s sob & cry.

What kind of meaningful creation is this to miss ? To live it up, and collect sweet memories, to take with us into the abyss.

Doesn’t it seems rather odd. To have been created to be tossed into a shallow grave, without much celebration for life or any applaud.

To live a lifetime of devotion and prayer to a false God. To succumb to the mortal fall and Satan’s deliberate and hateful fraud.

To be told over and over about a savior from man’s ill behavior, early on. And still shun it as the the stuff of fantasy or con.

We are a meaningful creation, born into love’s fascination. Free to choose between Good and evil, to pick our destination.

Precious & Rare

In my life, I thought for a second or two, here and there. About whether there was enough good to go around for all to share.

That I too, might be something special like someone on a cereal box, to go from being dear to a few, to becoming strong enough to dare.

To be loved by a much bigger world than my own little one to spare, that showed little or hardly any remorse for the wrongs I did, or much less care.

When all it was, time and time again always verbally, never on paper & pen. Just another chance to compete, show and impress the masses, while in the bare.

Struggling by the hour, day, week, month and year. To make complete sense out of this difficult journey. without a tear through its many mare.

Until I began to see for myself and with my own two eyes, what was never meant to be revealed in full, as a satanic truth scare.

Dark experiences, specially designed to put the fear of God and creation in me or anyone, while it raised more than goose hair.

Enough times over, like a merry go round. To realize, there had to be a place for evil to reside, like Satan’s lair.

I began to realize that for every good fruit hanging from a tree. On the ground below in its own shadow, had to be laying its rotten pair.

I saw that all the sophisticated hardware human beings make to outsmart creation, will not work without the latest software.

Until it dawned on me that life on this planet was never fair since birth, and that the living energy on Earth, had to go somewhere.

I realized that God had to be the only way out, of a vain and meaningless life. As it ends up six feet under, in mourning & despair.

I learned that at some point in this “Game of Thrones”. There had to be an equalizer. An evil sanitizer, a choice much wiser, to be fair.

Then after years of struggle & pain, I gave up my life to Jesus, to know the kind of love he showed us was most precious & rare.

Save Your Soul

The denial and refusal to imagine the horrors of Hell for the unsaved, will not save one from the wrath of it.

What one hath chosen to believe might be all true on Earth. Any free willing way they might comfortably see it fit.

However, in the Heavenly realms up above. What is true, one will have to accept & believe in totality for faith to renew.

Whether it ends up bringing them eternal joy and happiness, or leaves them in shameful anger and confusion, chomping at the bit.

Some of them, will be so frozen in fear, from watching the show and trembling. They would buckle at the knees, and might have to sit.

As the giant video screens of purgatory put on a continuous commercial, about the features of “Hades” and Satan’s pit.

If you haven’t done so yet. Then Save your soul from the raging fires of Sheol. Where Lucifer’s minions have dug for you, a resident hole.


Sure, having lots of money is nice. It gets one skating off the thin ice.

It gives one the upper hand when it comes to common sense and giving advice.

It provides much more in earthly treasures than what is needed or should suffice.

When it gets soaked wet, there’s no need to stick it in a bag of dry rice.

Money might give a person or many a little extra time or short lived power.

But it can never bring back to life once again, a wilting or a dead flower.

It cannot knock one off of their highest tower, but when it runs out. It makes life rather sour.

When it’s time to go into the ground. It won’t even buy you one more hour. As some have found.

It cannot and never will take you to God’s realm or build you a stairway to heaven.

But you can always stick it into a hungry slot machine to dream away about a triple seven.

Sure, it’s nice to have lots of money, but if you wish to go to paradise after you die.

Then cling to The son of God, Jesus Christ, to make your exit light and sunny, on the fly.

Accept the greatest gift, ever given. A lift from unholy rift, for never allowing to be forgiven.

Cover Up

In this life, one can leave a legacy of pure self, or one of compassionate selfless love.

The one made of vanity, leaves one behind, embedded within all of its embedded insanity.

Yet the one left out of love, was the gift and grace of Jesus Christ from high up & above.

The gift that redeems the soul of man. The one that Eve & Adam spoiled by embracing a serpent’s plan.

For we all had to come from the source. The one to taint the Human race, less much blame or remorse.

Yet with plenty of guilt and shame discovered at the scene, to cover up in a hurry and endorse.

Graceful Greatness

In this glorious life of ours, even though it doesn’t seem obvious and apparently so.

Death takes over to ruin the experience, without much explanation for being such a low.

Because what is truly in control doesn’t need to impress, or put on a dog & pony show.

He just lets it all fall into place through the power of his word, and grace, for all to know.

To realize with open hearts, minds and eyes, that even though he had a formidable foe.

He beat and conquered the evil legion spawned long ago, and gave them a fiery place to grow.

God Almighty, is in control of every single detail of our existence.

In every single way, in terms of his loving equivalence.

Awareness abound, of every single person born on this planet, alive & well, or already dead.

He can count countless stars, and therefore knows the number of hairs growing on your head.

Can you even begin to imagine, the computing power needed to file and organize such mega data, alone.

Without even factoring in the creation of the universe, into the equation of what is already known.

To further blow our minds, so that we accept his graceful greatness for redemption from sin, to cleanse and atone.


Life without the mercy and grace of “Jesus Christ” in the end, becomes a sure regret.

If you could only ask all who have already died unsaved unscathed, yet still lost that bet.

This cosmic mortal judgment rule however, will never apply to your domesticated house pet.

For no companion dog or loving kitty cat has ever been known for its sinful ways, as of yet.

Life on this blue planet Earth is broken. it’s end in Sheol’s lake of fire, is its prescribed token.

As Lucifer’s fallen angels continue their evil agenda, lurking in the shadows of the dark.

While believers in the miracle of Christ, and the faithful can easily point to the whereabouts of Noah’s Ark.

As the cunning devil, and his wicked minions continue to ruin lives, into what was long ago forsaken.

When the enemy of God chose to fool Eve and her husband, for the their bliss in the garden of Eden, to be taken.

What’s the point

What’s the meaning of this life, someone would ask. Is it to succumb to a finale in death, as its last task.

When after many years of experience, learning and growing in character and wisdom, we get safety through a mask.

Then, we get old and frail, ill and pale, to perish into a grave with a headstone. Or an urn for bone and ash to be cherished all alone.

Whats the point of this sudden lifeline cutoff of a lifetime ? Like a disposable cup on its way to the dump or fire.

Shouldn’t the value and purpose of one’s life and good works be regarded as worthy of a continuance, to be lifted much higher ?

Shouldn’t there be enough reason to go on past death, with hopes in an afterlife by which to have faith and aspire ?

For all who believe that life is the product of a random storm. For them it’s the way it is, and it be cometh the sorry norm.

However if you happen to believe that we were created by an Omnipresent, Omnipotent Sovereign God.

Then a sudden ending into what a person couldn’t go on defending, will feel much like a scam and a fraud.

And indeed, it is a cosmic lie and a fraud. By the devil himself, and none other to blame or applaud.

Once deemed a most beautiful and proud archangel in the heavens, who decided to challenge his God.

To end up, ousted, fallen & recreated. Molded, as a beast of burden, to derail the train of man.

With a legion of his own demons and dark spirits behind the scenes, to carry out and execute his wicked plan.

So, a much better game had to come to town. One that could wipe away every forlorn frown.

One, where God himself in the son, will be born humbled, in order to put himself down.

To once and for all beat the devil “Satan” on his evil call. With a Jesus Christ crucifixion rise.

To open wide, mortal shut eyes. To give everyone a chance to believe what was true and most wise.

To gain access back to heavens immortality and away from Lucifer’s immorality and deceitful lies.

Aquarium Views

Freed souls and spirits of the dead and born forlorn, come in two opposing shades.

Light energy that lifts you up from the rift, and lawless darkness that quietly raids.

Evil spirit proves itself to be real. In an effort to gain fear, before it vanishes & fades.

The wicked soul remains in the dark. While righteous spirit plays love ball, hitting it out of the park.

Dark energy lingers in the shadows, to inflict fear driven pain. Infecting innocence, for Satanic gain.

When a skeptical, logical person suddenly comes across what they cannot fathom, understand or explain.

Might be a good time to check under the facts of life, with all things being rather insane, by a God given brain.

Check it for loose fasteners or screws, or maybe back to a time when we believed some of life’s fake news.

Before the “Titanic” we are on, kisses the sea floor. For a watery grave in the abyss, with nothing to adore, except for aquarium views.

Save thyself from the abyss of a serpents kiss. Give your soul & spirit back to God’s bliss, by wearing Yashuah’s redemption shoes.

Three Facts

Three facts you must keep in mind, at all times and at least from the hours of nine to five. No one gets outta here alive.

And no one gets to live on forever. Except for Jesus & Co. Along with all the ones that never said never.

Or the ones that looked a little beyond every wicked spiritual endeavor, wishing to be clever, so from the fall cut off ties and sever.

The souls of the unsaved dead, sadly get to stay behind. A plethora of reality shows to prove this fact, you can find.

Left to their choice and devices, while held in captivity by the company of a demon or in the blind for the un-forgiveness of vices.

Such is the third sad fact, behind the other two. So what will it eventually be for you.

A spot in purgatory until a drop into Sheol, or another Salvation success story, for a once forsaken soul.

Mercy and Grace

People lost in ignorance, and superficial arrogance all over the world, seem to have a natural disdain for Jesus Christ, and for no apparent logical reason.

As if, it were some kind of built in, embedded satanic emotion of rebellion, to be apart of every defiant naysayers revolving season.

Judging the good Lord, by the wicked actions of a few evil men. Yet “Oscar” worthy nevertheless, when it came to playing the role of a fake.

Who once might have claimed a believer’s status. When all along with self gratis, sinful nature would take over for the devil to claim his stake.

What does not resonate with “Christ” love. Judge it as a lie. Coming ashore to tickle your core, as it lurks about in the shadows, waiting for you die.

You must carefully study in detail, and examine all of the pertinent facts in view. To isolate the truth from all of its sticky fiction, to chew.

Otherwise, how will you discover where the golden goose lays its egg. Certainly not through sin’s affliction, or on the inside of a hollow addiction’s leg.

It is fairly shallow, easy and convenient for some people to simply say, that God just created the world and left it, to purposely be this way.

That man was initially created, to sweat & toil. Then to be buried, with homegrown tears. Forgotten in a little less than a week, or more than a day.

Or, maybe end up in some fiery grave, less any of God’s grace to save. As the ash of ashes, settle’s inside of a grey urn of clay.

To live joyfully, in an effort to die. To become apart of a tree, sidewalk shrubbery, or perhaps re- incarnate into a pesky flea or a fly.

Or, perhaps to believe one is born special, and make the best of it despite. By the sole use of ones clever wit, muscle and might.

Then, to suddenly pass away and unfairly perish. With nothing more, than a few memories on file, left over to reminisce and cherish.

“Jesus Christ” bar none and alone, brings meaning into the picture of our lives. For the redeemed and saved, to truly “Rest In Peace” and atone.

Otherwise, Im afraid more or less. It’s a life of meaninglessness. An existence of pleasures and pains, with no one to hear you confess.

However, when we truly accept & believe the notion, that we are an outcome and result, of a fallen race of bewildered freewill creatures.

Who chose Satan’s lying words over God’s . To adopt his way of thinking, before bed, along with a whole lot of its sinful features.

Then, it begins to fall into place. The puzzle of the human race resolves itself back to base. Truth is no longer a quagmire to wonder about & chase.

All the mystery of life’s history begin to add up, pencil out and make sense. Fear will disappear, as well as all of the devils nonsense.

Salvation is at hand. Assurance planned. Desperation & worry are a thing of the past. As the mercy & grace of “Christ” covers the land.


Life, sometimes can become a real bummer. From the beginning of the mortal fall, until the end of its hottest summer.

For some of its brightest minds end up growing, yet never truly knowing. Into what was most daft and much dumber.

Yet, some of the wisest of hearts within its ranks, in the end, get to transcend the fall, and become an over-comer.

Life never stays the same, or else it wouldn’t be called the adversary’s game. Otherwise every God or replica wouldn’t have a different purpose or some other type of name.

One truth goal with plenty of clues, to a hit or miss. For a whole lot of devils, demons & dark spirits. Lurking and looking to grab your soul, without a hiss.

One, and only one sure way to heaven, yet many a road to perdition and loss. By the works of the Grand Central Satan. Every wicked elemental and evil entity’s boss.

This is why it was necessary for Jesus Christ to come. A reversal of fortune for the meek, and then some. A ticket to paradise for those with faith who stick together, like gum.

First Blunder

This is where you make all your choices, from a long list of possible answers and ill whispering voices.

This is where you can try and pick yourself the daily winner, from breakfast, throughout the day, until dinner.

This is where you can study, and read into your heart and mind what satisfies your curiosity and every need, be it true or in the blind.

To see where all the knowledge you learn on this earth can take you, in this world of good and rotten seed, since the time of your birth.

For at the very end, what’s left of you will either go down six feet under, or it will rise above the thunder effect, of our very first blunder.

Daft Mortal

One of the dumbest things a mortal can do, is to believe the “Devil” doesn’t exist, and isn’t real. That is precisely what he wants you to believe, and how relaxed Satan wants everyone to feel.

After all why would we need a loving God or a Lord, if there’s no antagonist or adversary to fear. To spare us from the feeling, of being forlorn, forsaken and ignored.

We can manage on our own, with pride said the mortal. Where was God when we built this fabulous technology portal.

The wireless portal of knowledge. The awareness of good and evil. The good, bad & ugly, we all enjoyed and understood.

And the wicked evil that relentlessly keeps on spinning it’s agenda of chaos, mayhem & satanic upheaval.

We, are all gods, governing our own destiny. Says the wicked channeled spirit of disparity.

If a ghost of the new age comes knocking. Just pour some salt on yourself and burn some sage, less much talking.

The daft mortal says again. Every one can be God. If they can muster up enough fans, accolades and applaud.

Little Wing

I wish you had a best friend, one with a warm smile, a godly feel and a little wing.

To escort you into the Lords heaven someday, to freely dance happily, and joyfully sing.

But guess what my dearest ? You’re time on this Earth has come nearest, to be spirited and dying.

And when you do you’ll get to hang on to your precious emotions in vain. Perhaps to keep trying.

Then, when you realize, you’re stuck in place because of them, to face a lack of faith. You’ll start crying.

As all lost and forlorn souls, earthbound and unsure of their roles. Will be will be confused, angry or sighing.

Only to succumb to the terms of this reality, with what they chose to believe. In all the years, of their denying.

To see the truth of salvation, much too late. For accepting and embracing the devils lying, into that sorrowful fate.

A fate of the left behind. Where demons and dark shadows roam unkind. To gain energy from the art of Petrifying.

Lucifer’s Sheol

The angry dead, get left behind, to roam all around, as little orbs, with much, loathing & disdain.

For having to let go of their flesh vessel, while needing to hang on to sins unforgiven & all held earthly pain.

As a new wave of lost souls joins the dead. To rest on a wall instead of a bed. Once with a field view of the green, now stuck in purgatory red.

Lurking & looking for privacy, where there’s little traffic. In the basement or up in the attic or maybe in the garden’s shed.

They hate the living to the core. For being lucky enough to be alive while they get to live on nothing, to exist no more.

The forlorn spirit has nothing more to lose. They’ve already decided on the type of lord, they sought to use.

If the grim reaper is coming in the final hour for your soul. That’s when a demon just made for his lord, another goal.

If you’re saved, redeemed, and well behaved. Then you’ll be going up to Church in the clouds, instead of Lucifer’s Sheol.

Blue Eyed Earth

What most people on this fallen blue eyed Earth do not seem to get, is precisely this.

That we are all born mortal and forlorn. A life on credit, with never a balloon payment to miss.

In our fallen forsaken world. If you do not have God’s shield of grace and divine protection.

Your spirit and soul might be led to yield itself down the rabbit hole of Satanic affection.

This is why, any mention of Jesus, stirs up unregistered anger, as his tool of deflection.

One way or another. To the good Lord’s abode or down the wicked twisted road, everybody makes a connection.

Pretty boy Trump, spoke over the hump, to ruin his legacy straight into the dump, for an lasting insurrection.

Divide and conquer is what the devil does. He did it up in heaven for the mess we never confess, or even care to mention.

Heaven was created for the creators bliss, while Hell was made for group Satan as their place of detention.

So do yourself a favor, not me or the little piggy that goes “wee”. Give Jesus the benefit of doubt and to his words, pay some attention.


If the truth of Jesus Christ does not ring true for you, then by believing it, you have nothing in ambiguity fear, or worry to brew.

Absolutely no pain to gain, and nothing to forsake or lose. Except for wisdom and righteous living, to joyfully apply and use.

On the other hand. If you deemed it to be true. Then you have been gifted eternity in heaven, with a lifetime of folly & sin forgiven.

Think about that reality for a minute. When it comes to illusions made to sway the soul. Satan has more than one way to spin that reality noodle into his bowl.

It’s the kind of reality that presents itself as a game of thrones. Many ways to be trapped into his web of captivity, with only one way to win it, without Skull & Bones.


The story of Jesus Christ is deemed to be outrageous to some. Perhaps to others, somewhat Courageous

Yet quite contagious for the faithful, and for sinners, a way to pay their wages.

It talks about a virgin born man, some called a mere prophet. Who claimed to be, the son of God.

Who talked about defeating the devil, once and for all. With ample cheer from above & silent applaud.

To put a sudden end to Satan’s wicked traps and illusions of grandeur, made to derail and defraud.

Only to put his show of miracles on display for everyone who saw or not, to know that he, was the golden rod.

Those who do not accept the Lord. Will find themselves lost on the flip side of ignorance, left behind & ignored.

Alongside a host of creatures. Of demonic hatred, anger & bitterness, as part of the features. only they could afford to hoard.

In Between

I hate to tell you this pilgrim, but you might be sailing on a doomed sinking vessel.

You can dispute it all you want, but in the end, only with yourself and some hungry fish, you’ll get to wrestle.

When the Titanic went down, everyone scurried around, to get on a rescue boat. To stay alive and afloat.

But then some weren’t so damn lucky. Couldn’t find a life raft, or even a swimming pool rubber ducky.

So with the ship they went down. Into a watery grave. A future, with freak skeletons to be found.

The few, lucky enough to survive the shocking ordeal, lived another day, to tell their horror story.

While the ones who went down with the ship, if they weren’t saved, had to go to purgatory.

The souls of the forlorn, throughout human history are many. Gone through the gates of wide.

With yet more to be born. To live out their lives, in rebellion. To practice the art of sin, or in Jesus to abide.

It’s one or the other brother. In between a dead beat no good father, or a loving and nurturing mother.

In between the first fact and its relative of lies. In between dream denial and open eyes.

In between the assurance of a ticket to heaven, or one to Gehenna, as an ugly surprise.

From the Spoke to the Wheel

Sell the fear, sell it well, do it before it starts to smell. So that the corporate wiz, can put on his best showbiz to sell.

Would you believe it, if I said to you, we are all under a satanic zeitgeist, or spirit of the age, and its tarot card spell.

Started way back when the first two in creation hath fell. Bringing sin into our world, for a choice between heaven and hell.

Lets keep it all clear, no need to shift any gear. Its ok to shed a dry tear, and always hold on to what used to be dear.

We will all have to deal with the reality and horror of death someday, whenever it decides to get near.

Demons like the grim reaper, will never reveal themselves to be real, until they need to feed on life end fear.

So let’s keep it real. A deal was made, in the shade, to remain a raw deal. Back then, it seemed like a steal.

It was a clever temptation for the young little nation. To have the whole enchilada and nothing but, or the full course meal.

We were told that we too, can be like Almighty God, to know it all and more, with zeal. From the spoke to the wheel.

The wheel of life that keeps on spinning. Round and around on a losing proposition or a cycle of faithful winning.


Ye unbelievers of salvation, in our bright blue world, I will humbly say. I’m afraid, you’re in for a rude awakening, at bay.

When the day of tribulation arrives, revelation becomes loose and untied. As truth will open its mouth, just as wide.

A time to get to know, the King of Kings & Lord of Lords. From all the lesser gods, that deceive and blatantly lied.

A time to force open those big blue shut eyes. For some of the simple gullible, it’s going to be, one ugly surprise.

Naysayers will begin to reverse their prayers, in most unfamiliar pages. Less any faith in any of its layers.

Doing their best, to put on a good show. A fast one on God, to throw. When the Lord laughs out loud, saying.

“It takes a lot more than that, to win the Oscar under my hat. A bit more than, some last minute 911 praying”.

Everyone on this forlorn Earth was warned & told about the day of judgment, and Christendoms weighing.

A choice to play in the puddle of sin, we were given. By running with the devil, from the start. Instead of in God, obeying.

Myth & Folklore

The Holy Bible says, “Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior”.

When the day of reckoning comes along to enter the giant lift, as the unfaithful are left behind, yet not for their behavior.

Simply because, unless you accept and surrender. To believe the absolute truth of our world, from the very bottom of your heart.

How can you ever claim to be apart of a winners circle, if you didn’t put Jesus first. Before filling up your mortal shopping cart.

Two plus two equals four. Why throw away such a precious gift of God, deeming it, to be mere myth and folklore.

Detaching soul from its energy source, is dumb and daft. To be left in the desert, without a horse. Or in the sea, without a raft.

To be tossed in a hot smoldering fire, just as dry brush burns every fall season, at elevations much higher.

For rejecting the pure love of God, to succumb to the fraud of his adversary, through being a hater and a masterful liar.

Seek the treasure of redemption from Christ. You’ll find the road to salvation, that delivers a soul, less a shadow of doubt, into paradise.

Magic Bus

Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior of our world is truly the experience. that clearly transforms the human heart, from the inside out.

Like nothing else, he brings your soul closer to God, never to feel separated or apart, without any reasonable doubt.

His truth, is so divine and directly from above. It speaks of nothing but tolerance, forgiveness and genuine love.

All else, is an imitation or a lie. Made to blind one in the eye, even though they might be enjoying their cake & eating their pie.

By the principalities and powers, of the adversary of God. And all he can create in illusions of grandeur, to derail & defraud.

So God, answered via crucifixion. To establish on this Earth a redemption plan, and a golden rod to end this mortal affliction.

The golden rod of salvation, through a rise. Into eternity, without much of a surprise. Back to the bliss that was robbed from us.

So long ago, at the very beginning of this mortal experience. When we daftly hopped on Satan’s magic bus.


We are born with, and freely given valuable choices in life, as a buyer.

To either hate the fate of hand we’re dealt, or in our saving grace, to admire.

When eventually, the time comes for all , as well as our own experience to expire.

Instead of left and right as usual, we get stuck in a downfall, or we get to go much higher.

For, God says the choosing is all ours. Between Christ Jesus, or Satan’s principalities & powers.

Whether we transcend our souls into clouds of wonder. In a bountiful heaven, or the devil’s lake of fire.

That is when, the absolute truth of God’s Holy word, and ultimatum of faith, comes down to the wire.

That’s when the love of our Lord from above, separates itself from the filth of a serpentine liar.

That is when everyone gets paid in fate filled cash. When those choices made in life became dire.

Paid In Full

Life starts with a wow, and ends in a why. In just a matter of a blink or two, of an eye.

Such is the way, it might eventually feel, when the living get to eventually say goodbye and die.

In the midst of this moment or two of uncertainty, there still is a short window of grace.

To get saved on your last breath, into God’s gift of salvation, by the end of your race.

It is simply, the truest name, of this unholy rebellion’s purpose and aim, in a nutshell.

It’s a rather serious question of, whether one wishes for a fate in heaven or a reality in hell.

It’s an invisible, behind the scenes game of thrones, for all the living as well as the buried skull and bones.

It must have been a raw deal, we must have made long ago, with our Lords main adversary and foe.

And at the grim reaper’s death call, apparently he comes to collect his debt service cookie dough.

A fact to be known by all victims of the fall, for every forsaken spirit and un-redeemed soul, born to be forlorn.

So the Lord comes and goes like a thief in the night, to save man’s soul. On a cross for the payment of Eden’s toll.

Without the sacrifice, of Jesus. It is an obvious ticket to hell. Be you a doctor, a lawyer or some lonely Hollywood celebrity belle !

Be you rich, handsome & powerful, or a bum with a bad smell. Everyone on Earth gets paid in full, just as the holy Bible, does tell.

Christ is the son of God. If you refuse to invite him into your heart. You’ll reap the fruit of fraud. From him, to be severed and apart.

Raw Deal

The reason I and others in the faith, insist so much on your redemption and salvation from the mortal fall.

Is because the pure love of God wants your soul to flourish beyond death, to remain among the elect, and perhaps on call.

Those who accept truth, as it is written by God, from the pages of his Bible, will easily scale the death wall.

While the ones who reject his truth, from the heart. Will live out their spirits candle of youth, until death do them part.

If you wish to reach life’s ultimate goal. You must believe in the one and only savior that can save your soul.

Satan wishes you to reject Jesus anyway you can. For that is how he takes your soul to Sheol, according to his plan.

And if you choose not to believe, that the devils insanity is real. The time will come, for the proof of his reality & raw deal.

Cutoff & Dead

In this life, you are always debating and waiting for a critical answer while on hold.

If you want to be loved & cherished by your people, better start doing what you’re told.

Next thing you know. The years wiz by, and now you’re slow, grumpy, bitter and old.

This life hath hardened your thin skin, while it made your once warm blood, run cold.

And when time came to fold. Better have your soul saved by the son of God, from being undersold.

Down the river, to a fire mouth Dragon. A most beautiful of higher beings, before his mutiny & fall, off the wagon.

So, do yourself a little favor into thinking, and research the reality of our world’s flavor, through its sinking.

Before crossing over into a grave story. A state of limbo and confusion for lost souls, called purgatory.

For every forlorn spirit and soul. To relentlessly beg for missing mercy, from a drop into the bowels of Sheol.

Just as a Holy Book from God called the Bible says it, with so much passion, conviction and clarity.

“I am the way, the truth and the light, and no one shall come to the Father, except through me”.

That is what the king of kings and lord of lords named Jesus Christ once upon a time, said.

So that we can choose, to either believe or reject, the truth of our world, before we are cut off & dead.

Clouds & Sky

Oh Dear God in the highest of heaven’s above.

Show us your steadfast ways of compassion and love.

Teach us about, how you first intended for us to live.

After a release into a world of sin, with all the free will you give.

Show us the truest & best possible way to get to know you.

Teach us, with words of wisdom we can be sure of, to be true.

Teach us your humble ways of fairness and humility by example.

like you did when you sent your son, ample with love, to be crucified.

By those whose hatred for truth was politically motivated & amplified.

Show us your amazing mercy and universal grace, as you always did.

When, your son Jesus rose from the dead, for Satan to lose his bid.

Teach us your humble ways of wisdom, righteousness and truth.

So that our spirit and soul remains in the prime its youth.

As we gracefully age to die, in faith taken up, through clouds & sky.


Marijuana used to be somewhat fun to inhale, back when you were young, on the run, and had the lungs of a whale.

Weed is a happy lie, it might have been worth a try, but when it becomes a cry, might be time to let go, without having to wonder why.

Its tendency to make one feel paranoid, might at times be difficult to avoid. That is if they smoke too many toke of the weed, and then pick up a book all stoned, and try to read.

Weed can also bring about delusions of grandeur to some folks, when they believe in the lies they spin to justify their relentless craving and need.

You might lose some of your inhibitions, while you’re high to have a good laugh or two, to come out of an occasional sigh. But then, when you have to smoke it again and again to be normal by the hour of ten. That might be considered a bit much by most men.

Weed will put your emotions on hold. I’m sure when you started smoking the stuff, this you were never told.

Your body will grow while your emotions lay low, and after years of use. How you feel about anything, you will never know.

With weed, the need to stay under the tree is what will rob you from living free. Addiction is an affliction, never a dignified place to be. With weed adolescence becomes your soul’s essence. Especially when sobriety in the addicted mind doesn’t make any sense.

Because, eventually the nirvana high of daily marijuana turns into an expensive addiction to feed. At which point, Tom says, that a last dance with Mary Jane becomes your daily excuse. For one more chance to kill the pain. To take all your sunny days and turn them into rain. To make you wish long ago, you had changed your lane. To make you realize that it was all done in vain. And for all the money you spent, you got nothing to show, except for pain. Give the problem to God. Addiction is a tool of the devil’s lies & fraud. When you get clean and help others do the same. From the angels in heaven, you will get accolades & applaud.


Satan is very much a real entity. He’s not to be messed with, for he lacks divine integrity. He hates both humans and God.

Thus, he does what he can to destroy mortals. Via the trickery of his fraud. For his legion of demons to serve up and defraud.

For he is the prince of darkness. Master of illusions and cotton candy lies. He can easily pull the wool over anyone’s eyes.

He manipulates to deceive and ruin our fragile world daily, through his bidders movies, habits and almighty media.

He controls the fabulous internet, through his porn affliction and instructions to destruction on Wikipedia.

He whips up religions and doctrines to sway masses away from salvation. For such, is the sole role of his evil empire and wicked nation.

The Love of Christ

The Love of your own heart, will not save your spirit or soul, at the very end.

The love of Jesus Christ, lifts one from fires of Hell, perhaps coming around the bend.

Should you get to a place, were you urgently need someday, with God to make a worthy amend.

Talk to Jesus Christ, the son of God himself. Like he was your one best and only friend.

The love, generosity and kindness you brought forth in your life, is all well and good.

However its only value & worth, is in the one round. As some of us, must have understood.

The love of Christ, is our sole chance at reaching his fathers paradise, just as we should.

Art of Sin

He is, who he said he always was. All along, his story was all the rage & buzz.

He brought down the kind of spiritual gift, most difficult for us to believe.

Yet, all he asked for in return, was a little faith, for us to be able to receive.

Forevermore his name is “Jesus Christ”. Savior of this fallen world, it’s one path to paradise.

He didn’t come to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes. But did promise, his return to be the end of lies.

A promised prize of salvation for the faithful, yet for the naysayer, a rather ugly surprise.

If you happen to get easily offended and angry with such truth presented in a subtle rhyme.

Chances are, you’ve been under Satan’s sphere of influence, for quite some time.

Such is the happy and sad truth of the beautiful, fallen and ugly world we live in.

A world, created solely by God. For the bliss & harmony of free willing man and his kin.

A gullible and daft mankind, that chose to run with the Devil instead, to practice the art of sin.

Living Son of God

Jesus Christ is the living son of God, however living in the fall’s denial, won’t change the state of its illusion or fraud. Or erase what was written in the Holy Bible long ago, and currently on file.

It won’t make the transition into the afterlife of spirit and soul any easier. And there won’t be a good looking young fella in white garb with holes in his hands, to take you by the hand, with a warm smile.

Sad to say, there will be lots of afterlife fear, surrounding a heart, once dear. There will be heaps and mounds of pain. To replace a once beautiful face, so full of pride and plenty vain.

There will be mountains of confusion. From swimming, in the cesspool of satanic illusion. There will be anguish & sorrow, for missing out on the gift of salvation, and a lack of faith, for a better tomorrow.

All this, for choosing to live in a fog. Rejecting the love of God, to settle instead for the love of a dog. For refusing a gift of grace and mercy. From Jesus Christ, savior of souls by sacrifice. Our Lord and Messiah.

Instead, to be collected by a reaper of soul, for a trip to Sheol. By the adversary, and Mother Earth’s Pariah. Everyone must find their way to reach God, even though the road to redemption is the same for everyone, here at home or abroad.

Salvation into immortality’s eternal paradise. A gift of a lifetime from Jesus Christ. It’s a winding narrow path through the wilderness of life back to eternity. Worth, all one can fathom in faith, to cherish and applaud.

California Native

He was a California native and everything he did, had to be a little creative.

He must have been a legend in his mind. Could have been special if he had not hung with the blind.

All he wanted instead, was to lend a hand and help. Long before discovering the internet and the advent of Yelp.

The rest of his time he needed to be with his good & bad friends. The one’s he was always willing to fight for and defend.

Never did he want any ego driven fame, yet he wouldn’t have minded the fortune to ease the pain of the seniority game.

But even if he were to die broke, penniless and poor. He wouldn’t worry too much about a fisherman’s net or lure.

For, he was already fished out of the sea of insanity. By his lord and savior “Jesus Christ”, who had given him what was purest and most sure !

Questions !

We all get to die, be it a slow agonizing death, or one on the fly.

And when we do, some of our loved ones will relentlessly cry.

And some of them will prefer to turn the truth dial on deny.

All I can do at this crossroad of choices, is to entertain the question “Why” ?

Why can’t we have ourselves multiple incarnation rounds to try.

Is it really possible to live an entire lifetime, on an ancient clever lie ?

Is there plenty a reason for a wandering lost soul, to be angry and sigh ? And, what’s up with all those flying saucers people see up in the sky ?

Is there really such a thing in that big blue sky as salvation’s heavenly pie ? Or is it just a simpleton’s choice between holy sourdough and rye.

Is there an assurance of a sweet afterlife, for every gal and guy.

What about insurance ? I’m sure the Gecko can create one for us to buy.

Will the dark souls in death, remain an angry ghost, in the space they used to occupy ? On the promises and miracles of a savior like “Jesus Christ”, can we truly rely ???

Or, will all the lilly ponds and butterflies in a so called heaven be dead and dry ? Will the regret and sorrow level of an arrogant and prideful naysayer, be on high ?

Will God’s redemption plan into eternal salvation for man, and ultimatum through his Holy Bible, and divine word eventually come to apply ?

Reasonable Thinking Mind

Jesus Christ, was, is, and will be precisely who he announced himself to be.

As crazy as that sounds, he was the son of God, born through the blessed Virgin Mary.

Among not, the rank of lunatics, who got a few billion people to believe in him, just for kicks.

He was not an illusionist pariah, born to perform miraculous tricks, to prove himself a crucified messiah.

He wasn’t a mere profit among many, come to bring us hopeful positive thoughts, for an old rusty penny.

He was exactly and unequivocally what he claimed to be, the real enchilada. Need I say more, yada yada yada.

He was, and is the real deal & genuine article. Made up purely of a beam of holy light particle.

He will keep his promises to return. For the naysayers it will be a reckoning day to learn.

To realize through shut eyes, that what is reaped, had to be sown. That what they rejected, was the Creator’s own.

Cometh to gather those who belong in his kingdom, a place we called heaven, with a reservation for some.

A dream made up of faith alone. For all who chose to believe, without relying on their senses to atone.

A faith that leads to an expected place of fate.

A faith worth engaging a reasonable thinking mind into debate.

Crying Mention

If you do not accept the story of the mortal fall, from the very start and beginning.

How can you possibly admit toyourself, of the first man ever created from sinning.

How could you be on te road to a redeeming heart for your salvation assurance to be winning.

The story of a mutiny in the Heaven’s above, of the God of all life and love, along with Lucifer’s fall from his grace, is all very much true.

But it wasn’t just Satan, it was also a third of the Angelic host, who wished a takeover of the Lord’s throne. Who knew ? The Lord knew that’s who.

And so in spite of God’s punishment into the pit of Hellfire, the Devil decided to ruin mankind, with much celebration, and a toast.

For refusing to bow down to his creator, and instead in himself glorify, for his minions and dark spirits to worship and boast.

Once you make a list of all the sins and virtues you practiced in life as inventory. Bible says: All will Fall short of Gods glory.

No matter how clever the excuses, it simply will not change his rules or the validity of the Jesus Story.

When the day of Bible rapture happens. To suddenly capture your attention.

You will easily remember the holy name of Jesus, the one well worth a crying mention

Much Higher

From the beginning of time Man’s behavior towards his fellow man, was nothing short of a wicked plan. One that desperately needed a savior.

A plan by Satan and his minions to derail and divide all of mankind into a thousand and one of his own ideas & opinions.

When Kane killed his brother Abel, to root sin’s truth into the Genesis fable. When all of the Devil’s cards were put on the table.

From the destruction of the Earth by Noah’s flood. To the discovery of a petrified ark atop Mount Ararat, buried in the mud.

From the evil ways of Sodom and Gamora. To the fire and fury of hatred’s battle between good & evil on Bora Bora.

To all the amazing miracles and works of Moses. Who talked to God way before the arrival of his funeral’s bouquet of roses.

From three captives in Babylon saved from the wicked king’s fire. To the walls of Jericho crumbling from prayers of the faithful, to a God much higher.

Dialogue with God

God first revealed himself to the ancient Jews. Perhaps in one’s research for world truth, such facts they can use.

Moses was a Jew, he parted the Red Sea, for thousands of them from the pharaoh’s slavery to flee.

Abraham was a Jew, for God promised him a son with his wife, from whom a messiah would sprout, way before he knew.

Jesus was a Jew, who who was pure at heart and true to his calling from his ministry’s very start.

The Torah’s messiah, virgin born, never by fate forlorn. Cometh to teach us about faith, and that to know God, is an art to adorn.

Just as paint is brushed on a canvass, to produce a feeling. Communication with the creator of this vast universe has no ceiling.

It is actually possible to have dialogue with almighty God. That just blows my mind beyond any measure of accolades or applaud.


God loves everyone through his only son. He loves the Hindu just as well as the Jew.

He loves the Buddhist and how they are always happy to help and assist.

He even loves the atheist and wishes someday they too, will see his light, to get on the list.

Life is meaningless until you accept it’s reality. Then it’s a question of how to negotiate the duality.

The one of good and evil. The difference between a peace of mind versus unsuspecting upheaval.

Who’s side do you wish to be on ? One is good, the other is not. All the time, from dusk to dawn.

There is no neutral zone. It’s either a ticket to Satan’s domain, or it’s the way of Jesus to atone.

War is Unfair

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth will just make more of the blind, unable to see pure truth. Best, if you could conquer such holy wisdom in your prime and youth.

A haughty pride is the devil inside, looking to take every soul on a scary blind ride. The older you get, the costlier the bet. The gears on your clock, are already been set.

War is ugly, specially for the young bucks doing the fighting.

Every soldier needs his own fire besides his bullets for chain cigarette lighting.

Perishing in awful ways, too early to leave the maze. The general stays back. The kids of the politicians are not part of this deal. They get to live their lives with zeal.

War is unfair, it destroys innocent lives with hardly any compassion to spare. It’s the work of the devil, as oppose to God, for it is always the result of deceit, and back stabbing fraud.

Except for those looking to profit from the demise and misery of others. There is plenty of them to go around.

Many investors in mayhem to be found. As the need for some to practice greed continues to go round and round.

Jesus Christ or Bust

God almighty wrote his commands through the pen of trustworthy men.

The Holy Bible was written by and through such men of will & trust.

From the ancient times of Abraham onto his son’s lineage and by noble scribes.

Telling the story without taking any bribes, where accuracy, had to be a must.

For the story will clearly show, what everybody desperately needed to know.

That after all is said & done, it will be nothing more than “Jesus Christ or Bust“.

The Cost

Unless a person is earnestly willing to accept the gift of God, to atone & repent.

There will never be a way for a salvation rescue, in the time of need to get around and circumvent.

To beat and get around the tag & influence of this fallen world’s deadliest event.

To free ones self from the stain of disobedience, from the very first human blunder.

One, were curiosity believed the lying serpent over the word of God, should you wonder.

To forever flee in a rush and be free from the invisible attacks and snares of the devil.

For his sole purpose & mission of loathing & hatred, was to keep every soul on his lower level.

It will no doubt prove itself to be a lasting eternal experience, to cry over and regret.

Some choose to mock and ridicule the faithful, no matter what the cost of such a bet.

Breakfast at Seven

Man made religion, is subject to change within a pilgrim’s thinking range. To suit a lifestyle of sin, into what could possibly become deranged.

Sadly, there are so many of such examples on file. Also within Christianity. For those, who conveniently change its word.

To dilute its truth, For the curious gullible to be plucked up like a worm, out of the ground, by a hungry black bird.

Will come to find out like their predecessors, in the afterlife, that a plan as such, might have been somewhat daft and absurd.

As they relinquished their faith with God. To learn that the changes made to practice their sin, would be followed by the rest of the herd.

He preached the word, in his own style with a wide smile. His name was Jim Jones. Only to reveal a demon on file, ready to collect the souls of a thousand bones.

The charming David K, Holding his Bible, preaching the gospel of Koresh, while with the naked bodies of his parish’s wives, he would frolic & mesh.

Collecting an arsenal of guns, to suddenly turn his little piece of “Waco” heaven. Into a fiery hell, soon after serving his faithful breakfast at seven.

However God’s word doesn’t ever change to suit, it’s dependable and trustworthy, finite to the root. Once you get it, it’s impossible to refute.


One cannot refute, that Jesus Christ is the absolute savior of the mortal soul.

All else, I’m afraid is a winding dead end journey down a cold and dark rabbit hole.

One miracle after another. Born of Mary, the only known virgin of a mother.

Raised his friend Lazarus from wandering for days among the dead.

Instead of boasting about himself, he washed the dirty feet of his disciples instead.

Then he offers himself with open arms to Judas, as the lamb expects the slaughter sacrifice.

So that anyone and everyone born onto this forlorn planet, can get back to Eden’s paradise.

Finally, to prove himself as the real lord of affection. When he was crucified dead, to rise into resurrection.

Only to double down and return once more, to show the people, he was no subject of folklore.

That the holes from the nails driven in his hand. Was what the verdict of their judgments would demand.

Sin & Shame

Satan, the fallen Angel of light and adversary of God. Maker of all lies & life’s fabricated fraud. Long ago, kidnapped the heart & soul of mankind.

Jesus Christ, came already crucified, paid the hefty ransom, though many hath left him denied. To free us, from our mortal captivity in the blind.

Why is it, for some minds this truth, is so hard to believe. Once you are proven wrong. The same fate as the fallen shall be your swan song.

The spirit & soul of man, had to be redeemed, and rescued. From running with the devil, under the fig tree. Exposing himself to sin and shame, in the nude.

Worthy of appeal

I thankfully got what I came here to search for.

I got to meet God, through a book, that turns into a door.

I got to see what I could not see with my own two eyes.

I got to see how faith can make a cripple, get up and rise.

I got to see the difference between one absolute truth and a plethora of cover up lies.

I got to see how the book was written. By the pen-ship of forty authors. Within a few thousands years to surmise.

I’ve seen enough of the bizarre, to make heads endlessly spin, raising life’s mystery question bar.

Every illusion created by the adversary of God is made for the confusion of souls, into its default fraud.

Unless we are redeemed and saved, we get to pay the price of how Adam and Eve once behaved.

That is why the pastors preach with so much passion and zeal, as the truth they speak of, is worthy of appeal.

Proverbial Question

Christianity answers with clarity the ultimate proverbial question.

It’s much deeper and more than just a mere religious suggestion.

It solves the puzzle of purpose and life’s foggy meaning.

For, at the moment of a last faithless breath, there’s nothing more horrifying, or less demeaning.

When the soon to be dying have to completely and sadly sever, relinquish and let go.

Of a lifetime of reality, in a fade to black mare dream, without a safe destination, to eagerly know.


I’m reeling in the years, and stowing away the time. Next thing I knew, I was no longer in a state of prime.

Im certainly not the sharpest tool in the shed. Tools like me, would rather be left alone to entertain the dead.

So, Instead of going after the garden’s best and sweetest, to acquire for myself the biggest slice of cheese.

I thought it would be best to look for the real God among the fake and phonies, by the time I got old and on my knees.

And when God found me downtrodden, as he had all along, he found me doing what was most harmful and wrong.

He took me in, under an angelic wing, He taught me through his Holy Spirit, how to write what rhymes & sing.

He gave me the wisdom, patience and grace to handle the worst experiences within the scope of this human race.

He took my birth deficits and flipped them around, for a lovely and worthy purpose in me to be found.

One that ran parallel to his own will. One that came in at Godspeed never to quench its thirst, or reach its fill.

The Son

There is a God for everyone to suit, either to deny & refute, or to blindly choose.

Like it was the state lottery.

Be it a winning combination, or just another one to lose.

At the point of our death & departure, we get to find out, if what we faithfully chose.

Was a step up towards God’s heavenly realm, or a step down, from right under our nose.

Whether it yielded a rise into perfection to surmise. Or, a fall into the pits of Hell, to despise and oppose.

One God for all, yet all nee for one. The one who made the sacrifice was none other than Jesus Christ,the son.

Life is Truly an Art

I despised and negated this World, from the very get go, for this is the story of my youthful happy start.

Back when I was too naive, simple minded, young and daft, to have such a broken and bleeding heart.

Back when my innocence, should have been put aside, for pride sake, or learned to set itself apart.

For the hardened wisest man under the grassy ground (RIP), always used to say “Life is truly an art”.

For, if I only knew for sure with clarity so demure, that I would never hit the green bullseye, with my lucky dart.

Instead of her fat body as my peeving tart, I would have rather focused on her sweet and kind heart.

The trick to this ambiguous game of opposing thumbs & thrones, is to know what to put or not, in your shopping cart.

The freshest & best produce and goods, are usually found at the very back of the rack, at the mega mart.

Just as the purest truth absolute for me, myself, and I. Was the flame that Jesus Christ, hath put in my heart.

Most of which had nothing to do with my intelligence or a lack thereof, or being a wise guy made to be street smart.

Just like the old man always used to say, before he passed away. “We must persevere through fear, because Life is truly an art”.

Evil Acts

There once was an old Victorian boarding house in the capitol, for the alone & elderly, on F street.

Then one wrong day, the jig was all up, and in came the police detectives, also known, as the heat.

A pleasant looking old Oscar worthy lady ran the place, while doing nothing but the devils bidding.

Seven dead bodies buried and found in her front & back yard. Apparently the lost relatives were not kidding.

Her not so good name, on this diabolical Satanic Earth, was known as sweet granny Dorothea Puente.

Her penance, will be for killing her tenants, instead of sending the patients to a Kaiser Permanente.

Such is one example out of a heap of them. Of how the devil operates through his choice mortal subjects.

After all the prince of darkness and his many minions are known for such evil and ill acts & effects.

So if you are of the new age leaning, and persuasion, that Satan is a mythical character, and not at all real.

Look closely for such stories in the news. There are thousands of such cases to view, with much awe and zeal.

Maybe then, you will realize that behind all evil acts, there really is no surprise. Lucifer is the lord of all lies.

Jesus Christ is the one and only to save, any way in your past history you must have behaved.

Nirvana into the heavens through his eyes. Is the way to be rescued into an afterlife rise.

Inherited by the Meek

Death is a bad joke. It occasionally satisfies, when it comes to the demise of the wicked folk.

But it will never be welcomed, except in the most dire of outcomes to fondle a recipient’s yolk.

It’s an abrupt end to a disposable life that had to defend itself, by needing a last minute amend.

A life that was poisoned at birth by Satan, for his program curse to eventually come around the bend.

Death, was a vendetta gift from the devil. A way for all of us to end up in his Hell on a much lower level.

For creator God, a faithful, loyal soul will play a good worthy role, and is always a keeper.

While a sinning rotten one, bent on creating mayhem for some, into the abyss, will sink deeper.

Should you wish to get any closer to the proof, about this truth. You might have to meet the grim reaper.

Jesus rose from the silent dead, he was completely restored alive, after being killed bloody red.

Death failed to keep him down. That’s because Jesus Christ, wore the divine golden crown.

Not the mocking one for the “king of Jews” cross, made up of prickly rose bush thorns.

The Lord, both warns of his wrath, just as his love, he gives with grace. For the day our souls he adorns.

So, never shun the love of God. For those who do, will loop in regret. For losing the bet, on cosmic fraud.

For truth they never got to personally meet. For having to suddenly give up their power seat.

Hoping in vain for another chance to repeat. An appeal for relief through mercy, from the lake’s heat.

Attempting apologies to the poor and weak. For never believing that the “Earth, will be inherited by the meek”.

Dust In the Wind

The very last thing in this arduous life one truly cannot fathom, or afford.

No matter the size of their wealth & riches, and all the bling they could hoard.

For the most precious thing at the gate of fate, is to be embraced rather than ignored.

And the sole one to embrace our naked souls with cover, is named Jesus Christ, our Lord.

For he is the Shepard, the lamb of God and our holiest faith driven accord.

For he certainly paid the dear price, without the use of a shield & a sword.

For He was the one to hang sinless and humble, on the cross of sacrifice.

With him, it is a sure thing of knowing, never a gamble, or a roll of the dice.

Belief and faith in Him, is solely what for, our Father God Almighty will suffice.

In the end of this mystery chapter, nothing else but this Bible truth will matter.

For all the kindness & good works, to win favor, like dust in the wind shall scatter.

In an Instant

Life can change in an instant. From making the wrong move, in a daft state of mind.

To getting sentenced to life, locked up in a prison, rife with the rest of the morally blind.

And then from there, going straight to hell, for all those who never bothered to find.

Find the one truth that delivers the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ, to take their sinning into an unwind.

To realize once and for all, in completed redemption, a much greater love, of a whole other kind.

A Cosmic Gift

All the things in life you take for granted, are a cosmic gift from God.

For in the gift of salvation, there will be much to be thankful for, and applaud.

The rules of our all sovereign creator will always govern in balance & apply.

When the covenant is broken, they’re not necessarily forgiven on the fly.

So, the son of the Almighty descends from heaven to fix &

pay the master debt.

The one left over by Adam’s disobedience, in the garden of Eden and it’s blissful bet.

To give each one of us the freedom to choose & believe in an invisible safety net.

Investing your faith in full, in the unbelievable was its only rule and request.

To accept his pure truth as oppose to his adversary’s trickery and murky lies at best.

Not One Human Being

When Jesus was on the cross, the very last thing he asked the big boss was “ forgive them father, for they know not what they do “.

Not one human being on this Earth has such compassion in their heart, as to say that about his killers, upon his last breath. Would you ?

That’s because Jesus Christ was not of this forsaken world. Though unfairly, into our mortal dilemma he was thrust & hurled.

Cometh from up above, to save all of mankind. Save those who no longer desired, to be left behind, in the darkness of the blind.

Save those willing to jump into his pool of love & grace, heart first. Instead of otherwise rationalizing rebellion’s lies, with the aid of a corrupted mind.

Wholesome and True

True Christianity is a faith based, a soul saved made up decision.

It is not an old man made in the shade type of religion.

Competing for status, of its own kind & vision. It is the story of creation. With its gospel good news for every single nation.

It is, simply put, the transcribed and delivered word of God.

Not some Pagan demigod statue, seeking worship vanity & applaud.

To be utilized as a diversion tool by the master of lies and fraud.

Tangible proof of its validity & reality is everywhere.

From Noah’s ark to the ark of the covenant’s lair.

From Exodus to Sodam & Gamora. Two cities vanquished, as a pair.

The red haired humanoid giant cannibal of Kandahar. A modern day giant, found in a cave, in the land of Stan, never too far.

Killed by US soldiers in 2002. Shipped off in secret, by the few who knew.

What this unreality was really all about, to many more than just the crew.

Proving yet again, the story of the holy Bible, to be wholesome and true.


This Life we live, is a playground where many bidders for the works of the devil can sometimes be found.

If you let your guard at the wrong place and time down. You might find yourself in the narrow scope of the joker, his mortal clown.

John Gayce was a devil in the flesh. He would dress up as a colorful clown, so that with the people he could mesh.

Life can also be somewhat of a deadly battlefield, where the best possible outcome, is a drawback peace yield.

Luck to the power square plays a big part in who lives unfair and who sadly dies. It’s the kind of stuff that quickly opens the eyes.

Bullets willingly tend to travel fast. If they should hit their intended mark, someone will fade into the past.

They say Life is precious and dear, to those who believe in the Lords word and deeds, enough to fear.

Fear the outcome of his truth and resolve. For God is never flakey and neither does he shift his base or use a carousel to revolve.

The Lord your God

By the time Christ Jesus arrived on the planet Earth. The adversary Satan had already taken reign over everyone’s birth.

When Jesus fasted for forty days & nights, the devil took him to the highest peak. He offered him the whole world on a silver platter, while tired and weak.

His greatest temptation on the table yet. On the one condition that he abandons his father God, and worships him instead, with verve.

Jesus quoted the Bible and replied, by saying “Be gone Satan, for it is written. You shall worship the Lord your God, and only him, you shall serve”.


The Path to Eternity

Every person gets to live their life to the fullest, or maybe not. Since the time of their birth.

Until they get old enough and tired from living to rot, for their bodies to eventually return to Earth.

But what of the person’s identity & soul that used to live in that once vibrant and alive body.

Does its energy get sent off, into the cold void of space & time somewhere, perhaps with a hot toddy.

This is where the infallible choice for our true lords voice and identity, and its very outcome lies.

A place of shock and awe, or one of a happy discovery without the luxury of the once thinking eyes.

Whether their earthly lives, were lived good enough, for eternal paradise, or not.

Only to find out in shock, that all along, it had nothing to do, with what they were taught.

Therefore, It had to be everything and much more, to do with forlorn souls by birth, being saved.

From the wrong disaster choice of how the top man Adam and his Eve, must have once behaved.

The path to eternity, does not come about from practicing little or big sins in this life’s fraternity.

It solely comes about through the invited and embraced mercy and grace of Messiah Jesus Christ.

The promised & delivered Savior. The redeemer of souls, from Satan’s captivity and heist.


I wish someday you too could see what I can see. That this world is a cocktail mixture, made up of Creation’s glee.

Along with an adversary’s fall from grace and all of it’s adversity. A mutiny in heaven, with all of its creative insanity.

I wish I could show you proof of intelligent advanced winged beings, running the show behind the scenes, on both ends.

Ying & Yang illustrates, yet it rarely defends. The Goodness of God, and the truth of his adversary’s living lies, and fraud.

How two extremes came together for everyones life experience, under Earth’s sun, through hardships & stormy weather.

I wish I could show you how precious a divine rescue plan would be, of a most precious gift and a special treat.

When you suddenly might find yourself on the bridge of absolute truth, about ready to collapse and wither under your feet.

The gift of a “Jesus Christ” plan. One to save the soul of every living man. Simply for what faith will do, and very much can.

Lumber Yard

I believe man is a sinner. Some think it’s never too sinful, to be a ruthless winner.

If just one man among us all, on this blue planet commits a violent crime and kills.

The first res-ponders on the scene can never add that experience to their list of thrills.

We see this sort of thing all the time on television. From Netflix, to Hulu, to Amazon prime.

We watch examples of good versus evil daily. It is our way of entertainment on a dime.

But then some us can’t see it that way. They don’t feel a need for a loving God to adhere to, or to obey.

Some even think, that all is forgiven on a silver tray, and he will save everyone for nothing one day.

And then there are those who casually and freely think that God doesn’t exist at all.

As if the universe just created itself from itself, by itself, on Random Boulevard.

That’s like someone saying, you can create a brand new house, by blowing up a lumber yard.

These Stories

If you can truly believe that Jesus Christ was exactly and precisely, who he claimed to be.

You would be given salvation, and granted the precious gift of eternal life for free.

It’s that clear of a choice to the faithful believer, and the simplest way to hear God’s true voice.

The man God was never caught even once, with a foul mouth or a sinners stain on his tongue.

Never a mention of Jesus doing wrong to anyone, til the day of the cross, when he was hung.

These stories are proven, over the course of thousands of years, to be accurate and true.

From the book of genesis to modern times to accrue, and the rest of it, no doubt will be a due.

So don’t sit on the sidelines and wait. Accept what is wholesome & true, to seal your redemption fate.

Don’t Mock it and ridicule. For that is what devils do, and to do what they do, turns you into a fallen fool.

Give your woes to Christ. Give them away to the Lord of every dice. It’s the faithful that end up in paradise.