Lyrical Rhymes

This is where you will find rhymes written for song in genres from simple country to hip-hop. Thanks for visiting and exploring and we hope you enjoy your stay. Please bear with us as we are continuously editing and fixing grammatical errors to improve the readability of the content. Thanks for your patience in this regard.

Bible Says (Hip Hop)

It’s all happening before our eyes.

Feels much like a tribulation rise.

Watch the news, You getting the clues ?

One after another, they come in waves.

Battles and wars, from distant caves.

A perfect storm, to flood our town.

A rising tide, long face with a frown.

Quakes and shakes every month or so.

Don’t know, whether to stay or go.

Crime & killing, for a gold pawn filling.

On a tourist target, innocently chilling.

Safety no more, for the stripper next door.

Without a golden pimp to support and adore.

A dirty world, whirling out of control.

Chaos comes ashore, to dig another hole.

Hurricanes killing dreams by the square mile.

Flipping the old hood into a garbage pile.

Fires, making a deal with winds of wrath.

incinerating lives, into hell fire’s path.

Sickness, epidemics & disease running amuck.

A Winter’s flu to kill, with some bad luck.

Tragedy and comedy get to live side by side.

Buckle up buttercup, It will be a fun ride.

There is no such coincidence or slippery chance.

Just a wash in scripture revelation, at a glance.

As the day of reckoning will soon come for all.

The arrival of Earth’s Jesus, our savior on call.

Everything that is going on in the world today.

Was written in biblical non-fiction, yesterday.

The Bible says we will endure such stormy times.

Never spoken in riddles, even though it rhymes.

Truth’s Other Side (Rap)

In the springtime, some buds into flowers bloom

While others get to go on, until June.

The day of my celebration is almost here,

As another birthday comes too close, to be near.

A melancholy time, to both reminisce and remind.

Hope all you wished for, you eventually will find.

This is a song, I sing to the ones I leave behind.

Ones full of love, with hearts so generous and kind.

A forever beast of burden I was to the ones I love.

To become a believer in Christ, risen high above.

To return this great love, by sharing this news.

Of a way to heaven, aside false religious views.

Wouldn’t you be dismayed if I suddenly won the lottery ?

Shared none of it, to hide it in some clay pottery.

Knowing Christ is a winning a ticket to paradise.

Given only to those, who accept his loving sacrifice.

The kind of ticket, that cannot be bought with cash.

Be weary of lies, made to rob your heavenly stash.

A game of truth or dare, needing to be a must share.

Yet, on another hand, such an unworthy and risky dare. 

By the very mouth of God. To end up in a devils lair.

If life truly wasn’t fair, then its afterlife surely,

must be just its mere reflection, not an identical pair.

Once a good life comes to its dead end mortal close.

In a casket, six feet under with a basket full of rose.

A chance will exist no more to discuss, argue or oppose.

Any false doctrine or lie you might have already chose.

So don’t be ruled, by the blinders of foolish pride.

One that keeps you, from uncovering truth’s other side.

Armando (Hip Hop)

His name was Armando, made a little money, bought himself a condo.

Living the dream down south, with cash in hand & a dirty loud mouth.

Didn’t have a steady girl, so he hit the bars for a one night stand.

And if he didn’t score, he’d be home alone, to work his magic hand.

He knew what he was doing was wrong, so he started hitting the bong.

Soon the weed didn’t fill his need. So he went on to use harder drugs.

Next thing he knew, he was hanging out with hoodlums and happy thugs.

They invited themselves into his home, as their eyes wonder & roam.

At all the treasures belonging to Armando, scattered all over his condo.

So one day they decided to rob him blind. By drugging him to sleep

While they stole all his keep. In a heartbeat, he’d wake up to find.

That his unholy friends were only interested in what he could offer

in lofty things, and only when he was generous to a fault and kind.

Then one day, sitting at the beach, wondering how it all went wrong.

He remembered his grandmother and how she found her solace in a song.

Telling him about the story of a loving Jesus, way back in his youth.

At the time, his eyes were on the world. He didn’t accept its truth.

Until he’d seen enough of the devil, for his world never to be on level.

He thought he ought to think a little more, perhaps to reconsider.

The possibility of world truth, and validity in the Jesus figure.

After all, his ego and bravado thought it had it all under control.

Until the evil one behind the scenes struck out to claim his toll.

So, he decided one day to surrender and give it all to the good lord.

To let go of his dark days and evil ways of living in fallen discord.

Soon he realized, that following Jesus had to be a daily endeavor.

That a relationship with Christ is so dear, it’s meant to last forever.

With Love & compassion so real. Grace and forgiveness with a warm feel.

What a deal, Armando thought and so he grabbed on to the steering wheel.

Where the rubber met the road to steer his life into the Lords abode.

Eden’s Key (Hip Hop)

Life can surely be a hassle.

Whether you live in a mud hut, or some big castle.

Ups and downs, smiles and frowns.

The only ones doing both are circus clowns.

Life is also a daily bustle.

Some toil away, while others would rather hustle.

This is no random, situational kind of paradise

Even though parts of it, seem just as nice.

It’s a blue planet, of sorrows and pain

With an army of the devil’s brutally insane.

Wrecking havoc, and weekly mayhem among us

Just as a cancer would, just like a fungus.

In our fallen world evil runs cunning wild.

Seeking to claim the innocent soul of a child.

The hateful devil pays the highest in commission.

for the most heinous crimes, are his sole mission.

But God pays in one of two ways, a ticket to heaven.

Or one to Hades, for the lost soul roaming in a haze.

If you don’t wish to believe any of it could be true.

When the demon comes knocking at your door, what will you do ?

Will you invite him in to your place, for a meal & an operation base.

Now that wouldn’t be very clever, smart or too wise

As you will find, the devil can craft the smartest of lies.

But Jesus Christ, not once ever lied. All he ever did was provide.

Wisdom for life, needed so in our true God to abide.

To once again be given the keys to the gates of paradise.

For all the souls who believed, in his redeeming sacrifice.

So don’t just sit around like a potato head & foolishly wait.

The day will come, when it becomes much too late to alter fate.

Come in to the kingdom of almighty God and be forever free.

If only for a copy of Eden’s key. a golden replica of Eden’s key.

Junkie (Alt Rock)

He was a full time heroine junkie. when he shot up, his face would get kind of funky.

Started out with marijuana, and then after some time, met his kingpin in the sauna.

Soon his drug choices began to demand him to escalate, for ones that could higher elevate.

When the junk finally caught up to get a hold of him, she would fill her numbing role to the brim.

He lived to shoot and shot up to live. Lost it all on a horse that didn’t wish to give.

Couldn’t pay his bills, or the rent on time, didn’t have a dollar left, a nickel or a dime.

He got evicted onto the street, with nothing but clothes on his back and trash muffin to eat.

But he made sure his junk was near, that he could lay in her demons bosom and shed himself a tear.

For this was his only escape, from the cruel world he had created for himself, to self destruct and rape.

The one day a kid came up to him and said, Jesus loves you too much man, to see you rot and be dead.

With bright eyes and a wide innocent smile, he pointed to a church and said, let’s go see pastor Lyle.

He will pray for you, with others that care. In the name of our lord Jesus, to mend your lifestyle & rid your mare.

You will be amazed at the power of his grace, to cleanse your body and soul, to give you a fresh new face.

So get up off the dirty sidewalk. Let’s go to the house of God and with Jesus, let’s have a little talk.

For what you got is a demon on your heart. Running your brain wild, to maintain its duty and part.

The best way to make him flee, is to ask Christ for a clean heart with his grace, as your cup of tea.

After some time, I saw the old junkie walking a straight line, with a big grin on his face, looking fine.

So I asked him cheerfully, what was new. He said, a heavenly kid angel got him saved by Jesus too.

Ever since I’ve known Jesus, he said: I’ve been a brand new, clean & sober happy man instead.

I thank the lord daily for such a blessing, for without his mercy and love I’d still be messing.

If you don’t believe it from anyone else, take it from me, a heroine junkie. Christ will set you free.

Caboose (Alt Rock)

Sitting on a train, chained in a caboose. On his way to the state Capitol to face his noose.

For a crime he said he didn’t commit, but the evidence on the scene
he wasn’t able to omit.

He killed another man and took his life, robbed him dead and blind as
he was stabbed with a knife.

He claimed it was all in self defense, but the dead mans holster
was still on the fence.

He grew up an orphan on the street. A child of a fugitive, always in trouble way too deep.

He learned to steal and hustle too young only to find himself now at the end of a rope, to be hung.

A time to realize his life was coming to an end, his soul somehow he would have to defend.

He had shunned God throughout his existence, only to live a life of a fugitive running in strife.

After all, this wasn’t his first rodeo. He never took the time to think it through into the after show.

But now that he had been caught, wondering if the story of Jesus is real or just another wishful thought.

As the devil kept whispering in his ear, it was all in his head. There was nothing to fear.

But he was much smarter than that. He knew his self would leave his body, and stay perfectly intact.

Some people called it soul and some called it spirit but too him it began to feel like a regular fact.

So he began to pray for the first time ever, now that his life was to embark on this new endeavor.

So to himself he said: Jesus if you’re really who you are. Is there still time, to be saved this far.

Suddenly he heard a voice that clearly said: Yes but you must focus on your repentance instead.

How do I repent, how do I wash away oh lord, a fruitless and criminal life of thievery and discord.

You will still have to pay he said, for the crimes you committed for no one’s Inequities will be omitted.

You simply cannot enter into the good Lords kingdom of heaven, wearing a tainted robe of lawlessness and sin.

Only after a spirit cleanse with a pure and new heart can your soul truly be fairly forgiven.

But once you do, You will be free of your guilty shoes, for a new holy pair in heaven to use.

For mercy and grace are at hand for all who bow to the truth of our lord in the past or now.

Blessings into heaven are given by name. Not by playing the field of
honor and shame.

Here is a man who was once a crook. On his way to the noose, looking for a way out in a book.

So he asked for a bible, since he had a day or two. To read as much as he possibly could, he knew.

He thought to himself, I’d better ask Jesus to forgive me of my sins, before Its my time to die.

I’m surely going to a fiery hell were devils & demons roam, as I beg for a piece of that heavenly pie.

Please forgive me Jesus, for I have lived a life of sin, as I pray for salvation and your mercy from within.

Come into my heart and take residence, to be my lord and savior, and
take over my life in full precedence.

By the time he got to the noose, and the rope was put around his neck. He put a big smile on his face as he slipped off the deck.

His Appeal (Country)

Jesus is the savior. Who can change a mans behavior.

He’ll put some love in your heart. In tough times you won’t fall apart.

In tough times with him you wont fall apart.

Jesus came to save us all, from bondage to the mortal fall.

Jesus is the only truth. Whether you old or in your youth.

Whether you old or in your youth.

Jesus is for real His love is his appeal

Jesus is for real His love is his appeal

Jesus is for real His love is his appeal, his appeal, his appeal.

In life today our disappointments are many.

Some have too much while others pinch a penny.

Some fall in love way to fast, only to learn the flame won’t last

Only to learn the flame won’t last.

And for some killing & stealing is a way of life.

The kind of life that cuts like a knife.

Making wounds that last forever.

As if sinning and evil were some kind of treasure.

As if sinning and evil were some kind of treasure.

Jesus is for real. His love is his appeal

Jesus is for real. His love is his appeal

Jesus is for real His love is his appeal, his appeal, his appeal.

Jesus is king of kings.

The love he puts in your heart forever sings.

Jesus is king of kings.

With him, you’ll have a new set of wings.

Dont be fooled by all imitations.

Almighty God has no limitations.

Dont be fooled by all imitations.

Almighty God never had any limitations.

Mercy on Me

Oh my good lord up above, please have some mercy on me.

I’m still walking like a stubborn mule, though I believe in thee.

One fine day when salvation’s grace, our way will finally come.

Many an unbeliever will finally have to see it all in one lump sum.

How the hidden devil will flee just as your promise comes to be.

A day of celebration, joy & elation for believers, the world over.

And yet for some, sudden shock & awe as proof positive becomes sober.

And for those who chose to oppose you. A brutal reality will ensue.

As some won’t see past the devils plan to rob lost souls from you.

In our sad blue world today the temptations are many & wide.

Swimming with sharks in rough seas. In Jesus I chose to abide.

Halelugia, shout the good news, there’s a way to float this high tide.

Haleluga, Halelugia. The good news is at hand, there’s a life raft that can find its way out of the fall from grace to follow Gods divine plan.

Believe in Jesus, the one truth of creation surrounded by crafty lies.

Lies told to keep you in blindness to tempting curiosity of the eyes. Curiosity that begs for solid truth.

A faithful promise from God to keep our redeemed souls in Jesus’s heaven as immortals in eternal youth.

Milk & Honey (Alt Rock)

Once upon a time America used to be. A dream come true. For many, a fruitful tree.

A place people called “land of milk and honey”, Were some could make a whole lot of money.

A place of freedom from religious persecution. A place of smarter technological evolution.

But now that same America has become an awful place.
A haven for thugs and murderer’s running its race.

Like the Psycho with his demon on the loose. Hardly a notice or a clue to cooking his goose.

Evil is once free from its noose & off the cuff, It’s about to get bloody and a little rough,

Evil driven Manchurian candidates running demon wild, killing one too many an innocent child.

And for who you might casually ask ? Does this evil man complete his wicked task.

For the one and only adversary of God who seems to have,
a bit of a slight of hand in this promise land.

A land of rotten milk and sour honey for those who lost their kids to a lunatic with some gun money.

Or maybe just enough dough for an assault rifle or two. For hell’s bedlam to unleash its wrath upon you.

To hell with this new age type of golden rule. With fire and fury as its only fuel.

To hell with this broken promise land, where the devil gets to have an upper hand.

Killing innocent lives and peoples livelihood by the dozen. Not your problem until it’s your child or my cousin.

some will say “Freedom’s new ugly face”. Is were a psycho can thrive at his own pace.

A promise land where the devil sometimes gets to have the upper hand.

But be rest assured my friend that our Good God above is very much in control.

The only one to embrace victims of the devil. As he attempts to kill the human soul.

He will take under his loving grace the suffering of Freedom’s new ugly face.

As he once hath done and many times before By paying our exit toll and a whole lot more.

Jesus Christ Superstar is the surest and safest way out of our chosen grandiose of a mess.

The mess, the great spirits of our grandest ancestors Adam & Eve will happily confess.

Many Forms

The devil came in one too many forms, not necessarily with a set of glowing horns.

Even masquerading as good people. To inflict sudden harm on the sheeple.

But God only came in one true form. He came as the son, a virgin born.

His name is “Yashuah” or better known as Christ Jesus. Crucified with a crown made of rosebush thorn.

But instead the tricky devil creatively came. He came as Saddam Hussein.

A master of extracting sick pleasure out of his own peoples pain.

He came as an angry Stalin who kept on killing even when they’d fallen.

He came as a brutal Nazi who killed thousands of innocent Jews by proxy.

He came as Reverend Jim Jones who had no issues killing his very own.

And he came as preacher David Koresh A self proclaimed messiah.

An avid gun buyer who burned his parish into a hellfire.

And the Oregon Guru Rajneesh, who was some of the people’s choice.
He too loved lots of money and riding his many a gifted rolls Royce.

And a psycho villain who kills and mows down fifty plus party goers in Las Vegas who had just gotten off the bus.

Or the countless lunatics bringing horror Into our schools. As the kids run for their lives while changing all the rules.

And yet so many other forms, the devil will take to claim a stake in our wondering souls.

As the battle rages on between almighty God and the one for whom his judgment bell tolls.

And still so many people refuse to believe how the devils only aim. Is to bring much pain to a fallen humankind in the form of red rain.

Humankind that prefers to be ignorant blind than to change its stubborn and fickle mind.

Truth of our Spirit’s reality as plain as day Yet many will choose to go the wrong way.

Almighty Yahweh, father God only came in one form. He came as Jesus, the son to grab Satan by the horns.

To counter the evil driven devil and his many forms by a bloody crucifixion with a crown of thorns.

And give us all a lifeline rope into hope through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

A precious gift of grace to cling on to for dear life when the bottom eventually falls out of this heavenly race.

What Do You See ?

Look around in the world today and tell me what you see I see a whole lot of mayhem and much sensational misery.

I see Evil lurking for an opportunity to start a bloody killing spree.

I see mass victims negotiating with fear, a ravaging war. Migrating treacherous passes from a home no more.

Searching for hope, looking for love were none is found. Dreaming of a better life, got to be plenty to go around.

I see kings & Queens on fluffy bottoms having tea and crumpets. Tooting their battle horns and Blowing their war trumpets.

As they launch their deadly attacks from a tall ivory tower. Spilling pools of warm blood to hold on to their power.

Hatred and War no more, cried out the few who knew ? While some of the people cheered on from a distant view.

As the toll of war, ugliness and pestilence grew and grew. Fear and trepidation crept in the heart for me and you.

Generals said there wouldn’t be a whole lot of tactical dead. Drones, technology & smart bombs will be used instead.

Some lost brothers, sisters and mothers in a puddle colored red. And then some made a killing in the shade instead.

Profiting from the painful cries of a deliberate raid. After the news is gone the story will surely fade.

War is good business they said, we must keep supplying both sides with guns and bread.

Some stood with aching hearts, frozen and stunned,
by the horrors of mans love and kindness shunned.

His willingness to be Stubborn and blind
to a golden opportunity in the heart, not the mind.

Golden truth that can and will free a lost soul. From its captivity in the fallen mortal role.

What Golden truth ? What fallen role you ask ? Some glorify him name as God, others just not up to the task.

Is it not obvious to the naked eye ? That illusion dwelling man.
No longer can pry himself away from Gods divine plan.

The choice in Christ needs to be made before your time to die, for once you’re , you wont have much of an alibi.

Raisin is dead (Alt Rock)

Raisin is dead, raising the dead.

With a wide smile and a big heart instead.

He lived his life, always giving what he could.

Never by many to be understood.

The man was his own legacy, pure and refined.

He was to predict his own death on time.

Once a boy liked his shirt,

so he took it off his chest in the dead of winter just to give.

A man full of heart and anguish.

This is how sweet Raisin chose to live.

Raisin is dead, raising the dead with a big smile and an sad heart instead.

I once was hungry, desperate and cold.

I was told that I needed a huge favor.

He came through with flying colors of kindness and a sweet flavor.

He believed in Jesus and the cross

As we would ask him why his own religion he lost.

He used to say that Jesus was the only true way.

For him to stick around this place another day.

As we listened and took another hit off the pipe,

Joking laughing at people his type.

Little did we know that mocking his lord

was a sure way to be left to our vices and discord.

Raisin is dead, raising the dead.

But this time with a big frown and much sadness instead.

Because in his heart he knew many of his friends & family

would see the color red. In the eyes of devils that came to claim

and collect their souls at the close of a death bed.

What’s the point of Heaven if your friends

and loved ones are not there, he said.

Believe in the truth my friend he’d say,

and the truth will always set you free.

This life might be fun and games for now

but later on it surely is no cup of tea.

Believe in Jesus Christ and follow me

all the way to heavens pearly gate.

Instead of believing in deliberate lies and deceit

By getting hooked on Satan’s bait.

Follow me, he’d say and I will be your holy grail.

Don’t wait until you’re tired, old and frail.

Follow me to meet with the king of kings

Where everyone in glory to almighty God sings.

Mutiny on the Yahweh (Country)

My friend the holy one. One truth & the only one.

Born of a virgin, pure and divine. His name is Jesus, a one of a kind.

He didn’t come to earth to please us.

Not to offend or try to appease us.

He came for him and her. And for you and I.

He came to die on the cross, our only alibi.

He came with a divine purpose and a plan.

To save the soul of man, not to just prophesy.

For all of us had followed in fate’s history.

Into the fallen footsteps of Adam & Eve.

Long after a time, when humanity would be deceived.

He wasn’t going to let us pay, to decay and fade away.

Jesus, who from the start. In his heart, knew he’d come to pay.

And we all know how everything in life has a tag and a price.

Like a role of the dice, Satan said, the soul of man shall suffice.

Mutiny on the “Yahweh” put us in the middle.
In between a choice for salvation or a riddle.

He wouldn’t leave us long. To the wicked snares of the devil.

Instead to lead us into an honest place, fair and level.

He came to save us from many painful and wrong choices.

Choices made into trouble by wicked ill whispering voices.

Encouraging rebellion and sin, from stranger to the next of kin.

And down the trodden chain of emotional pain from rain within.

To save us from our fast pace, fallen from grace, faulty selves.

Not to just bring us gifts on Christmas, driven by Santa’s elves.

For his promise is, that no living creature, woman or man.

Will ever be exempt from the chance, to escape divinity’s plan.

Mutiny on the “Yahweh” put us in the middle.
In between a choice for salvation or a riddle.

My Day on this Earth

When my day on this Earth comes to perish. Ah Yeah

Please find in me, what you mostly could appreciate & cherish.

For I will be, in heaven, you’ll see. Come be with me, if you believe.

All you got to do, is to believe. All you got to do is to believe.

One of these days when my time comes to die,

Please don’t shed a tear for me, or even cry.

For I will be, in heaven, you’ll see. Come be with me, if you believe.

All you got to do, is to believe. All you got to do is to believe.

That Jesus Christ is our lord.

He came to save us from our ways of discord.

He came to die for you and I.

Came to be crucified our alibi.

Yes, he Came to be crucified our alibi.

Jesus Christ is the only one to take you there.

Nobody else came to play fair. No,

No one else could possibly play fair.

Jesus Christ is who he said he was.

He will come through for us just because. Yes, Just because.

He made a promise to keep, never did he lie.

A lie to blind your eye to heavens pie in the sky.

Yes, heavens pie in the sky.

So don’t believe in the many lies told by the devil.

To deceive you from reaching up to heaven’s level.

Jesus Christ is who he said he was.

He will come through for us just because.

Yes, Just because.

He made a promise to keep, never did he lie.

A lie to blind our eye to heavens pie in the sky.

People of the Earth

We are the people of Earth. Masters of grandiose illusion.

We’ll believe in anything, that could lead us to confusion.

We are a people that get to choose, one direction or another.

Some of us send a Tesla into space and some steal from a brother.

We are people of color. Not the rainbow that leads to gold.

We maim, hurt and kill each other. Lost souls both young and old.

We are the people of earth. A people of much hatred and shallow love.

We worship our money while we shine on the promise of the one above.

The good lord that says he will forgive us. Forgive us with loving ease.

So that we show our true colors, with little or no appease.

As we go through life’s forest, a dark and windy twisted road.

Looking for a promised haven, an everlasting safe abode.

Eventually, to sail up or down one of two ancient rivers.

One to quench your thirst for truth and one to give you quivers.

One called the “Tigris” and another named the “Euphrates”.

One that sails to heaven and the other comes from Hades.

The Rapture

You won’t have to go to this one particular show. This show will come straight to you.

It’s the kind of show that leaves the blind behind. As it splits our fallen world in two.

Some claim, It will be the greatest show on earth. Coming to every city, village and town. 

Leaving all the believers with a smiley face. And others with shock and a frown.

It’s name is “The Rapture” and on that day. Everyone’s attention it will capture.

If you believe it all to be Hocus-Pocus then perhaps. On the absolute truth of God you should focus.

This world of good and evil and all who live in it, need to give salvation a try.

Because unlike all other holy books in our fallen world, The holy Bible doesn’t pretend or lie.

On that day it will be too late, given the proof. To switch over and change your fate.

An event, most difficult to imagine and conceive. Until it happens to deliver God’s promise, for all to receive. 

Get off your high horse and ride the Jesus train, lest you prefer to remain in much of its reality pain. 

Lion of Judah

Global warming, locust’s swarming, mega storms and hurricanes forming. Floods and fires all day long. From midnight until morning. 

Quakes and after shocks, twisters and tornadoes from Joplin to Barbados. To wreck a town. To de-root citizens as it takes their life and loved ones down. 

Crime and violence, mayday mayhem with bedlam and chaos. Riots and looting with Koreans on roof tops ready for a shooting to protect their lives from loss.

Mass killings every other day by lunatics on the fringe spreading hatred and fear. As they come off the hinge for another year of random violence with a lifelong tear.

If all this uncertainty isn’t enough to convince you that life on earth is about to get rough. As the planet fiercely heats up to deliver bible revelation off the cuff. 

Then I’m afraid your milk is black as only the blind will claim that to be a fact while those who see know otherwise. They know Jesus Christ is the one that never lies.

This isn’t it pilgrim, there’s a whole lot more. Read the book for a glimpse of what it took to take back the earth from Satan’s hook. When the lion of Judah cometh to roar. 

At the end of the day

At the end of the day. Just as the faithful will say, almighty God provides the one and only way.

At the end of the day, he and only he ultimately decides who gets to go and who gets to stay.

At the end of the day. Every soul on earth will tally up their debits and credits at the register to pay.

At the end of the day.

I will hopefully see the need for a savior of spirit to lift me from this battle’s fray.

At the end of the day it’s “Jesus Christ’s” sure ticket to paradise, or an invite into Satan’s may-lay.

At the end of time in a day, the lord will be back for a final attack against Satan, for a much better day.

Thelma and Louise

Chasing the wind in our lives is all we seem to do.

We do it over & over until we’re tired and through.

We do it knowing, there’s nothing new under the sun to appease.

We chase it, looking for the comfort of riches, with much ease.

We run after it all day long, to score the freshest of cheese.

We build giant ships to conquer lands and sail the seas.

We work and toil to pay our bills and cover the fees.

And for those of us who expire lost and unsaved.

We get to drive off the cliff, like “Thelma and Louise”.

Heaven is for Free

Heaven is for free. A gift of his love for you and me.

Believe in our savior “Jesus Christ” before you die.

You will be happy to get to heaven, on the fly.

It’s a sure thing, no matter what you’ve done.

Just for believing the truth of God’s risen son.

Heaven is for free. A gift of his love for you and me.

The sinless Man/God who came to Earth to wash it all away.

The inherited sin of man on a cloudy crucifixion day.

Take a chance on his faith, and you will clearly see.

How amazing God is, to gift us his redemption for free.

Heaven is for free. A most genuine love for you and me.

Through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ as God’s decree.

Reality Chips

When reality chips to the ground fall, most will lay flat and a few will stand tall.

Some of us get to living high on the hog and others torn into a desperation fog.

Such is life, sometimes it’s a ton of fun and other times an opportunity to struggle and run.

One person believes in this and another person believes in that. Question is what kind of truth lives under your hat.

Who do you believe ? Are you up to the task ? Heard of a man called Jesus Christ, should I have to blatantly ask ?

When reality chips fall to the ground fall, most will be lost while a few will be found.

He walked the earth two thousand years ago. He taught much to both friend & foe.

He offered himself to save the soul of man, a blood sacrifice, such was the plan.

He is no match to any of the God wannabes. Roaming the earth and across the seas.

He talked the talk and walked the walk. Never to once fail, flail or even balk.

When reality chips to the ground fall, most lay flat and a few will stand tall.

When miracles were needed and a must, he cheerfully heeded and was just.

He was sinless to the core no mention of him hitting the floor or slamming a door.

Jesus will come into your heart and be present in your life, never will you be apart.

If you find it to be true and choose to believe. Proof of this promise you will surely receive.

When reality chips fall to the ground fall, most will be lost and and a few will be found.

This is not a game of cat and mouse. Neither it is a shame to enter God’s house. .

Without him, it’s dark, cold & void of love. God is our only illumination from above.

It’s really your choice in the end, for free will is the cornerstone of this game.

A game of truth or Consequences and salvation through redemption, only in Jesus’s name.

Which of these paths will you choose. The one going to heaven or the one to surely lose.

The Devil

The devil came in many forms, not necessarily with glowing horns.

Masquerading as good people, to inflict sudden death on the sheople.

But God only came in one form. He came as the son, a virgin born.

His name is Christ Jesus. crucified with a crown made of thorn.

Satan in a variety of colors came. He came as ruthless “Saddam Hussein”.

A master of extracting twisted pleasure out of innocence and pain.

He came as “Stalin”, who kept on killing, even when they’d fallen.

He came as a Nazi, who killed thousands of innocent Jews by proxy

He came as “Jim Jones”, who had no issues killing all of his own.

And the vanity preacher “David Koresh” who thought, he was the Messiah.

An gun buyer of collective paranoia, burned his parish into hellfire

And Guru Rajneesh,some people’s choice, loved riding many a rolls Royce.

A psycho who kills five dozen party goers, from the perch of luxury.

Or countless armed lunatics bringing death & horror Into our schools.

Kids running in all directions from evil, changing all the rules.

And yet, many other forms Satan takes, to claim a stake in our souls.

As the battle goes on between God & the devil, for whom his bell tolls.

And still, so many people refuse to accept and believe how his only aim.

Is to bring pain, to a bereaved human kind, in the form of blood rain.

Humankind, that prefers a satanic blind, than to slightly change its mind.

Truth as plain as day, and yet so many of us choose to go the wrong way.

Yahweh came in only one form. He came to grab “Lucifer” by the horns.

To counter Satan & his many forms, by a crucifixion with a crown of thorns.

To give us a lifeline to real hope, through the gift of his amazing grace.

To cling on to salvation, when the bottom finally falls out of this heavenly race.


Faith in truth is equal to trust.

Trust in the creator. Our God is a must.

The devil’s deceit and fraud is a bust.

Christ is the Gold that never turns to rust.

Chasing wind around, Won’t settle the dust.

Pure love reigns supreme over lust.

Our Father in heaven rules fair & Just.

His love & grace becomes our life’s thrust.

While Satan, gets to live under the crust.

Amazing Day

Gone, are the days of yesteryear.

Gone, with a silent sigh and a private tear.

Gone, are the people we once used to know.

Never to show what they reaped, they had to sow.

Gone, are the people, we used to cherish and love.

Gone, is all we took for granted, from up above.

Gone, are historical figures like Pharaoh & Cleopatra.

Gone are larger than life entertainers, like Hope and Sinatra.

People come & go. Some best forgotten, waiting for the Judge to show.

Others are idolized with portraits, for the way they made us feel.

It is what was chosen in the end, as their mortality’s memorial appeal.

The one coming clean, transparent & by many seen. Was crucified dead.

Who’s body & soul rose up to God, to come again, for proof to be shed.

Gone, leaving in place, a Holy Spirit. Promising a return, one amazing day.

To pick up his church, then let tribulation play out, as the Holy Bible will say.