Most Recent Works

Here you will find mostly some of the latest poems and rhymes I have produced as the body of work continued to press on. I hope you enjoy the read and your time here and thanks again for visiting the site. Come back soon. Please note that everything you read here is also in (First Draft) mode, and in need of editing and grammar error corrections. Thank you for your patience and understanding in this regard. God Bless you & your seeking for the truth of God, in Jesus Christ’s holy name.

Many Thanks

Many and much love, thanks and appreciation, accompanied by a whole lot of gratitude. To all who serve on the front lines of this pandemic, amidst it’s fear stricken deadly multitude.

Risking their precious lives to serve others in peril and dire need. It must be the immense love of god in their giving hearts, a worthy and godly compassionate seed.

Some of whom will surely become severely ill and die. From their selfless ways of compassion and service to others in peril, and without any reservation, ready, willing and able on the fly.

As the rest of us hide on the inside until it passes by. For our safety and peace of mind. The dedicated continue to serve in the thick of death as if to be purposely out of sight and mind.

When all there is to see in them is a heart full of love and a smile that is genuine and kind. We should be grateful and thankful for such selfless people for leaving their selfishness behind.

This is what our good Lord Jesus Christ admires in a human being as some of the wise will find. For his sacrifice was selfless until the end, while on the cross he hung, asking the father to forgive the blind.

“Forgive them Father, for they not what they do”, was his last breath to utter selfless love directly from above. To show the world, the passion of the Christ and the true example of selfless love.


This is my ultimate commission. It’s value and worth is in its purposeful mission.

It’s primary goal is to save a lost soul. For God must have loved and trusted me enough to grant me such a role.

So I write these rhymes to do a little more than to just pass over the current hard times.

I do it for the ultimate glory of the lord. As long as I have a brain and fingers, to fight the devils discord.

His evil wrath against humanity should be fought with the passion and courage of the holy spirit”s sword never be ignored.

I do it for the sake of the people I love and adore. And if they don’t believe it, I’ll have to insist on it a little more.

I bring it to people I never knew. Praying for their redemption and salvation, no matter who.

I write and write and write because it happens to be life’s most precious of a fight.

I do it for God. Because he’s always recruiting soldiers of salvation fortune to battle Satan’s fraud.

I do it for “Jesus Christ”, my only lord and savior. For making a decent man out me from the ashes of my past behavior.

I do it despite everyone’s scoff and ridicule. I do it to save both the arrogant joker and the prideful fool.

I do it whenever I have a chance. I do it for all the good people to make it to the party. For a celebration and a happy dance.

Heathens of Slaughter

Most human beings, eat animals without much thankfulness to God or any appreciation or gratitude.

For the sustenance of their own health and well being. The pleasure of eating a cow, pig or wingless bird as food.

Slaughtered, in a most cruel and inhumane way of a callous heart, ice cold and killing rude.

Done without prayer or grace and much arrogance with a most warranted and expected attitude.

And so, Sars, bird flu, swine flu, mad cow and now the corona virus come on the current scene.

To try and educate the ill ways of humankind, and his treatment of animals as a survival mean.

To once and for all, let this human beast know. What cruelty towards helpless animals, will produce spread and grow.

A karmic disease to wipe out humans, by the hour and the dozen. From aunts and uncles to brothers, sisters and a possible cousin.

Wake up ye heathens of slaughter. For the next life taken by a deadly epidemic, might be one of your own sons or a daughter.


They call it a pandemic. It kills at random and without prejudice by making everyone in its circumference, scared sick.

It turns masses into lonely hearts with cyber shopping carts trying to get it right, by picking out the safest marts.

It dominates the daily news with fear and loathing as the casualty numbers grow into alarming rates according to their changing views.

For the unlucky some, it’s a dash to “game over” in a flash. As others sob and cry ,for taking life for granted. By stashing away most of their cash.

Some will boldly claim “We are here today, gone tomorrow”. It’s forced gratitude less the attitude Hoping for just another minute of grace to borrow.

One more chance if you please Oh lord, to get it right. When I eventually “Rest In Peace“. I wish no more to tussle and fight”.

After all the choice for me, became pretty clear. In between lurking in darkness, or faithful surrender into God’s heavenly light.

A royal scam and a ripoff of the devil through temptations of the eye. Or the mercy & grace of our lords holy might.

Take your pick, because that’s all there really is. Truth over lies presented in the form of wisdom. For the simpleton as well as the genius wiz.

Beam me up Scotty

In times of a global, viral, spiral blanket of trouble.

When casualty numbers hit the roof in a day or two, to double.

When world war takes place without any bombs or rocket ruble.

When a pandemic kills the sick and old without much prejudice.

To wipe out innocent lives by the thousands on a hit or a miss.

When faith in yourself and you alone will no longer suffice.

Give your granted short earth life to the lord “Jesus Christ”.

Put all of your trust and faith into the will of almighty God.

To protect you from what the devil might cheerfully applaud.

It all boils down to the two extreme earthly emotions at work.

Beam me up Scotty, this planet sucks, would have said “Captain Kirk”.


Wuhan’s Covid Nineteen was able, to completely shut down this giant polluted consumption, of a machine.

It’s the global pandemic, that broke the backs of all the living angels, who care daily for the comfort of the sick.

It must have been, a divine plan from above, allowed by the good lord. To go on and on, by it’s own volition and accord.

Perhaps, it’s just a form of world census population control. A time of collective harvest, for the sorry mortal soul.

Or maybe It’s a forceful compassion dare. For a “Me first” generation of an aggressive species, too selfish to care.

Everyone on Earth now, must wear a face mask. To breath, just a little less oxygen, while completing a bigger task.

Everyone must social distance, and space out. To protect themselves, and all others pouting on their shopping route.

For this is a broken life, of a serpent’s way into chaos and sudden loss. A time for some solidarity attention to pay. To please the big boss.

Perhaps, a good way to survive these tumultuous times. Is to put your faith in Jesus Christ for protection and safety against the devil’s crimes.

Deadly Kiss

In times of lottery peril and random sorrow. When all faith can do is wait for the breaking news of tomorrow.

It becomes interesting to see who becomes selfish in fear and who’s compassion for humankind shines with a tear .

While others put on their best face in front. For the sake of survival as a shift takes place in the rules of the hunt.

A dog and pony show for all to see on a big screen tv. About how much we we would if we only could genuinely care.

When all of what we care about deep down, is saving our own skin first from any or all of demise in a day’s mare.

Big fish business eat little ones for breakfast. Hoping to have some left overs for compassion, to be fair.

When truly they will have little or none of it left in any and all of their cash registers for some to spare.

Breaking quarantine on covid 19. Walking around at dawn. Social space slows the race as it puts everyone on the lawn.

Trying so hard, yet failing to remember. To be mindful of the fear coming a little too near until December.

Pretense done best for the rest of us to be happy. When we too are terrified of sudden death, feeling ill and crappy.

Some say, it’s all made up of mortal nonsense. I pray for the day when the son of God from this world takes final offense.

When Jesus Christ decides it’s time to bring the story to its state of prime. A time when his truth will shut it down on a dime.

A time to sing aloud on our way back home. To a place of peace, where evil will cease. Where once we were to flourish and roam.

Once and for all of eternity, back to the garden of bliss. To crush the serpent’s head before another deadly kiss.

Silent Revelation

The devils reward is revealed in the form of a deadly virus. Written about, long ago on a sheet of papyrus.

He’s come to collect human souls by the pound. In all shapes, colors & sizes. Be they a square peg or perfectly round.

The zany ones as well as those who’s mind is perfectly sound. It’s how Satan wages war. By surprise, and a delivery to the core.

Plenty of time to isolate and waste no more. It’s the kind of reaction to a fallen world, much difficult to adore.

To leave us all wounded and bewildered from a fight we couldn’t see or win, like we could have done once before.

It’s the kind of enemy that doesn’t tolerate to negotiate. It’s purpose and mission is to instill fear, then to swiftly eradicate.

Taking out innocent lives one by one and then some. For a shock and awe, silent revelation prior to the lords kingdom come.

Make a Believer

In these tumultuous and unpredictable times of peril and uncertainty. When I finally get to close my eyes and go to sleep.

My only worthy dream request becomes never to wake up from feeling numb and going into reality’s fear, way too deep.

For at the end of another quarantine day. What is so exciting to wake up to ? With no zest for life or much enthusiasm to reap.

A fallen broken world of mayhem, deadly disease and pandemics and the scurrying sirens of police, firemen and paramedics.

Or a world of sudden violent crime, planned on a dime, less any warning or a hint, yet with plenty of rapping beats that rhyme.

Or maybe a world of global wars and or rumors of wars. For a morning cup of fear and anxiety to seep deep into our pours.

Or perhaps wake up to hear the ill news of the day by the experts and their shallow views, cocoon safe in studio and at bay.

Or to watch daft commercials on TV, all day long. Made or the impulsive and dumb. To wrap all this nonsense into one lump sum.

To see repeatedly how it comes together to spell out “mortal fall”. A degradation in the quality of life, until its end for all.

So, I had to go further out and wide. Past the prison bars of foolish pride, to seek the absolute unwavering truth of God.

To know for sure and secure certainty where my soul is going, once I’m done with this ridiculous life of lies and fraud.

So one tumultuous day I asked Jesus Christ to save my dad. To prove himself beyond the status of a maybe or a fad.

So he did, with enough proof to blow the cap right off its lid. To make a true believer out of me and the kid.

No More

The entire freakish world must go into a panic as if stuck on the sinking Titanic and suddenly shut down. Someone forgot to say, there’s a deadly virus coming to every country, city, and town.

Behind every window pane’s happy clown, there will be a permanent pasted frown. It is the crown jewel, to overrule all of life’s germs. It’s a giant toxic, open can of worms. Playing out its deadly game, on its own unfair terms.

Its the invisible biological enemy, underneath the stairs unseen. It’s the work of an ancient serpentine. There will be time yet again, for another future fear festival to quarantine.

Animal cruelty no more. Ungratefulness to God, no more. Picking up chickens by their feet and ducks by their necks in sets of three. to the slaughter blade to collect a quick fee. No more.

They say it started in the Magog. Then it rolled all over the world like a thick poisonous fog. Anyway you slice it. its not fair. It’s time the world paid attention to the ways we slaughter the gift of animals without mercy or any care.

Without thankful prayers or gratitude or just a little compassion for their day-mare. No More, once again said the turtle to the Hare.

Save a Soul

Life is a pit stop of grandiose illusion. When it ends, thus begins the process of a lost soul’s confusion.

The hints and clues to its untainted truth are a few. With its proof eventually coming ashore to swallow & chew.

We did the best we could, they’ll say for not having much of what took place, clearly understood.

But those of us who did, found ourselves to be little sinners and brats, since the time we were a kid.

Less than perfection in Gods eyes. Yet confident enough to be worth a sinners raise for a snakes & ladder rise.

For we, by the default of our own freewill and choice, chose to disobey God to listen to a dragon’s manipulative voice.

A deadly inherited mistake by the gullible first. An attempt by Satan to quench Eve’s curiosity thirst.

And from that sorry day forward, the promise of God became to let man and his kin do it his way instead.

To live the one life of toil, heartache and strife. As the planet’s stewards that would bear the children of sin.

Just as “Kane”, the first born son of Adam & Eve had done out of envy, by killing his own next of kin.

And from that point on, the killing, stealing, hurting and flirting with disaster has been embedded under every chin.

But then there were more than a few mortals of this fallen creation that God admired, loved and knew.

There was “Noah”. A master ship builder, who loved the Lord and was always righteous and true.

Given a big job to do, with its petrified proof sitting atop mount Ararat on google earth to view.

Then came along another faithful, righteous and godly man from the sinful and forlorn city of Nineveh, named “Abraham”.

From whom a promise of a great nation was given, and a savior for all mankind from his lineage was to be born.

Then came “Moses”. Who, by pure faith alone and a strike of his staff splits the red sea into half.

To set free, a city of Jewish captives. Enslaved to build pyramids for the devils pharaoh’s that misbehaved.

Then comes “Yashuah” our Messiah. To once and for all conquer death and defeat earth’s ruler and pariah.

With the mighty sword of his holy love. By the truest word of his all knowing, omnipotent father, in the heavens above.

To give us fallen mortals who accept and believe. The best possible way out of damnation to be gifted and receive.

A gift like no other of its kind. A name registered in the book of life for an afterlife smile and a peace of mind.

A gift, so precious and dear. yet not easily realized should you never face the devil with any fear.

So, do your best not to go down Satan’s trap of lies and illusions into his deeply dug rabbit hole.

Two forces at play here. The devil wants you to suffer our choice. While God wishes to save a soul.

Thoughtful Plan

Someone once said, “Life isn’t fair “. That’s right, I said. It certainly wasn’t fair to crucify, a sinless man, who’s character was flawless and most rare. His name was Jesus and until his last breath, all he had for humanity was love and care.

Some will say life is a bad joke. Created by mortals for fondling the devils yoke. Back when we chose to believe him over the word of God. To inherit all of his shortcomings in a delivery bow tied package of clever lies & deliberate fraud.

So that anything that seems unfair. Is the result of our own doing with no other blame to spare. But then God so loved the world… is what the holy Bible says. That he gave his only begotten son…to be crucified on a cross.

Shedding his blood to absorb the zeitgeist of Satan, inherited by man. That whomever believes in him, shall not perish but have eternal life……at which point those who believed, thought. “Wow, what an incredibly thoughtful plan”.


Hey there Crank, let me be frank. All I’m saying, is that there is a way out of the mess we are in. It starts with praying to confess and be forgiven from living in a world of sin.

To agree to believe, worship and praise the true creator of all there is to see and know. As oppose to the self gratis gods we sculpt out of stone, or the ones we decide to grow.

You can laugh, all you want. But that doesn’t change the meaning behind the font. You can feel rich in a moment to ridicule. But in the end, you just might become its centerfold fool.

Jesus Christ is this life’s most precious jewel. You should have come to know this fact like the millions before you, had you not been such a prideful stubborn mule.

Jesus Christ was raised by God from the dead. That just happens to be all the proof anyone else should need instead. To accept his truth and to believe, enough of that being said.

Yet, if you don’t believe this straight up fact of life to be absolutely correct and true. Then I’m afraid the bad joke “Satan” crafted long ago against all humanity was tailor made, just for you.

We Christians, are not selling trinkets, gizmos and stereos out of the back of a mini van. We’re holding a truth giveaway event without the tent, under the hot sun for a holy burn through the tan.

For the glory of God’s one and only son. For he is the sole truth ticket. All else, I’m afraid is a run through the devils thicket. Take it or leave it as a free will gift of God.

Yet, if you suddenly crossover into the flip side to find that you have expired. That’s when You’ll hate your ignorant self for being late. For all of what is left of your unrequited faith into a sorry fate.

A shock & awe, a slap in the face. A sorry twist on the experience of the human race. Delivered by none other than the devil. To make a reservation for the wandering soul on his horror filled level.

The Very Best

When I was naive, gullible and young, I always wished I wouldn’t live on this broken planet of sorrows and pain long enough to see and smell its putrid dung at the rock bottom of life. Where everything stinks, is contorted and skewed. Out of control, hopeless, fearful and stinky rife.

I guess I never wanted to be present and then again “Who the hell does“. In a world of fear from everyone and anyone who came too close or near. To hospitalize our lives in perpetual panic from a hidden enemy that is on par with all things organic, coupled with a sudden tear.

Everyone on the planet is perplexed, in trembling fear of its invisible deadly effects. This is no life, “I worry about the kids and my wife“. Says one man to another. Go ahead, here’s a gun, pull the trigger for me and then begin to run. Kill me brother. Do me the honors and send me to heaven. I’m done shopping at this infected seven eleven.

Christ will come after my hurt locker soul I believed in him over any other wannabe who tried to play his role. True, there were lots of charlatans and fakes. Yet, none close enough to the difference Jesus Christ makes. But hey, there are no bullets in the gun. God doesn’t approve of bailing out on the fun. It’s just a necessary test. To see which deity comes out on top and who’s the very best.

Know Him Personally

The name “Jesus Christ” is known for its awesome and pure divine power. Among those who fight the devil and his minions from the highest holy tower.

He is called upon by them to harness the holy spirit’s omnipresent invisible energy. That makes demons and dark spirits around them give up their fright show of fear to flee.

It’s the most powerful name in our massive universe. It’s the name of our lord “Jesus Christ” and it has already banished Satan’s curse. By his spilled blood on the cross of sacrifice.

We believe it to receive it at the pearly gates of paradise. That’s all folks, that is all it takes. Just to believe the truth amidst the plethora of fakes.

How much more fortunate and blessed can we possibly be ? For God to have a son born to save the good and forlorn. For having the chance for each one of us on earth to know him personally.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is our one and only true Lord. Is his gift to humanity something we can all afford ?

Sure he is, lest by God, his actual father, you wish to be fatefully discarded and ignored.

This piece, just happens to be, the absolute unequivocal truth of this world, folks.

If you don’t accept it, you might have to take part in the master serpentine’s bad jokes.

Jesus wasn’t amazing. He is way beyond that, thus worth all the attention and raising !

He raises Lazarus from the dead, as those nearby, stood shocked, yet truthfully said.

He brought in a bounty of fish on a bad day at sea, out of a fisherman’s sorry net.

He turned jugs of drinking water into the best of wine at a private wedding, for all to get.

He calmed down the stormy Sea of Galilee, to walk on it, without sinking or getting wet.

Then, he’d show them humility like no one had ever seen or will again, not by any commands.

He would kneel down on his knees, to wash his disciples dirty feet with his own hands.

Imagine God’s son, washing your dirty feet ! Wow…that just blows my simpleton mind.

It’s like looking at a light, so bright and intense only to have to go temporarily blind.

And then they put him on a cruel “Roman” cross to die, and in pure pain & agony, he says;

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do“. “Wow again” I said. This needs to be fed.

If this kind of “beyond amazing: love doesn’t move your heart pilgrim, nothing ever will.

Im afraid, Heaven won’t be a happy place for you. If, every bit of its truth you have to kill.

I’m Sorry

Positivity and bravado in life can easily flip into an afterlife of negativity and depression.

For simply, not separating absolute truth from its surrounding lies, before the end of the session.

Doomed, by the rebellion of the first two, from the very start. To own up to a time stamped expiring heart.

For all our hard work and toil, to eventually take to the winds of time’s wrath and fall apart.

Can you tell me, oh ye pilgrim of truth or dare. Where is the meaning and grand purpose in all that is unfair ?

To live our lives of ups and downs, to end up becoming food for maggots under a headstone’s mare.

A lost spirit in the underworld, to navigate through the thicket. A whole new set of creatures, grotesque & mean as a meal ticket.

That’s when you’ll cry out to “Jesus” the only true lord your soul ever knew, in much chagrin and vain.

At the run down station’s dilapidated platform, waiting for a long departed imaginary train.

When you might, just hear truthfully the words of the Messiah himself in your ear, just yet.

That will surely respond with compassion, to say. “I’m sorry pilgrim, but I don’t believe we have ever met”.

Perils of Hell

At last, and after all is said and done. Jesus Christ will prove bar none and with flying colors, to be the holy one and the Almighty’s only begotten son.

Upon which, true believers worldwide will be raptured into the heavens above, alive and well. As naysayers and the unfaithful, will be left behind to fall under Satan’s spell.

You see pilgrim, if you so choose not believe or accept that mankind, through his rebellion and disobedience, from the grace’s of immortality and mercy of God hath fell.

Then, it might be a challenge to find distinction in the truth and meaning of the world. For your intellect to decipher, a desperate need for a divine savior, from the perils of hell.

Choosing & Election

At the very onset, and beginning of life on Earth. Mankind was given a free will platter of choice.

To obey his one and only creator “God”, or fall for the allure of a clever serpent’s voice.

So, he chooses to believe in the lies of Satan, through charming words of a cunning snake.

For an eternal damnation inheritance. For his disobedience towards God, a deadly mortal mistake.

For a minute’s worth of yummy taste in haste of the fruit of mortality’s death, decay and sin.

To sprout above ground, yet to never fully bloom, like a rotten spirit seed, rooted from within.

An since then, from their first born, all of us were to suffer as a race, forsaken & forlorn.

When the envy and jealousy of an ungrateful “Kane”, had to kill his good blood brother.

For a chain of fear envy and hatred, to link one fallen human emotion to another.

And from that early point in time, when Man began to create for himself a proud history.

Proof solid, of the broken world transparency we live in, wasn’t meant to be such a mystery.

Accolades to us for putting our best foot forward, in pursuit of our world’s perfection.

Through architectural wonders and genius science we created a prideful ego, of our own deflection.

When we decided to run with the devil instead, and from God almighty, refuse guidance and direction.

For the burdens of sin and death we placed upon ourselves, by our very own choosing & election.

Every Soul

Unless one can clearly see, the reality and meaning of the human condition, and it’s reason for survival existence.

In the face of adversity, the devils taunts and sudden mayhem. They wont be able to put up with a whole lot of resistance.

For on judgment day, when all is revealed in bible truth. As one and all sit in the heavenly courtroom of Judgement’s booth.

Satan & Jesus will be seated. One as the accuser of man’s behavior and the other as his redeemer, from being defeated.

The prosecutor of human spirit namely “The devil” and the private defender of the saved “Jesus Christ” will be present.

For every soul and spirit on earth to be eternally claimed, one way or another. Be they a billionaire or a simpleton peasant.

Weird Stuff

This rough and bizarre, off the cuff world of ours, is full of wild and crazy weird stuff.

Most of it, conjured and made to terrify, for the brain to go sideways, never to testify enough.

Like, moving shadow figures, ghosts and apparitions on uninvited, yet assigned terror missions.

It’s called the scientifically proven, beyond a shadow of doubt, world of the paranormal.

Flying saucers and UFO’s that zip in and out of our reality, without having to be too formal.

There are strange creatures that live among us, and unlike a fungus, they want nothing to do with us.

Like lady Lochness, as those who’ve seen her will readily confess. Bigfoot, the Yeti and Sasquatch.

Running their own time table. Without the use of a smart phone or an apple watch, yet quite able.

Grey Alien space creatures, abducting people. With big black eyes, and horrible looking features.

Then, there’s the truth and grace of our lord Jesus Christ. Who pierces through all of Satan’s illusion and zeitgeist.

Made to create lost souls to claim. Who remain in a state of afterlife confusion, with nobody but self to blame.


When the living stop giving of themselves for being too old and weathered , bitter and unforgiving.

When they go unsaved, with a reaper so grim. A help along, into their selected master’s grave.

Hoping to be holy and unscathed, for being in comparison to others, so righteous and well behaved.

Spirits of the fallen and lost, sadly will be stuck in a place of much anger, loathing and frost.

Every single person on this planet, will hear the offer and truth of Jesus absolute, before their body dies.

A final choice, as to who will receive the spirit of the departed, upon its heart opening its eyes.

A time, when our Lords truth of the world won’t be denied any longer, from the cover of satanic lies.

For all of those who chose, ready, willing and able. To live in a thought controlled bubble.

Will find their afterlife confusion and sorrow, of its alternative horrors of tomorrow, easily double.

Faith or Fear

When a Pandemic hits the fan. To make all of us sick, without much of a remedy, or any kind of a plan.

Peter Pan, starts to jump around like a madman, around the sizzle of life’s chosen frying pan.

At that point, the choice to worry, freak out and fear becomes pretty necessary, and obviously clear.

Some, will run towards the “Holy Son”, while others prefer to live with a prideful tear.

It’s faith forward in a world of the invisible, or succumb to whatever, was never meant to be dear.

Almighty God is still in full control, as to who gets to stick around this place, and who will go.

Nothing, or no one will overcome his divine plan, for any amount of treasure or dough.

It’s down to faith or fear. Farfetched yet near. All on the Earth, about the sacrifice of Christ, will hear.

Some readily frown, others will cheer. Everyone got to choose, what they believed to be true.

Be it their chosen way of the mind, to lose and remain confused by what was sublime to accrue.

Or a win win, from the perils of mortal decay and inherited sin. For all and anyone who truly knew.

Reversal of Fortune

We dance and prance with the devil, to experience his lofty temptations on every human level.

Then we wonder about the stormy weather that follows. To rumble our spirit’s thunder, into the creepy hollows.

We live under the Satanic umbrella of a global zeitgeist regime, and that’s the plain truth of it, it would seem.

The adversary of God is alive and angry. He runs the spirit of the age. A lifestyle that’s hard to break, to be stuck on the same page.

You see, when our greatest ancestors ate of the forbidden dirty fig. We adopted the Serpentine’s thoughts, to set up this rig.

Where sinning and killing became justified, and ok. Hurting ourselves and others was normal, from early June until the close of May.

Defending our ego & pride was all good for our fortune and fame. For blame and shame to become the name of this deadly game.

They say “Truth is stranger than fiction”. All wrapped up in our affliction from addiction.

A Desire for constant frolic and sin. Embedded under the skin, into our make-up from within.

For the one life of devilish fun to live up and enjoy its every adult toy. Under a Satanic cloud, to block rays of the sun.

Versus, a reversal of fortune less its game of fame. In eternity bliss with the Father, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, his son.

After All

It’s a ripe season for the harvest of divinity’s truth and mystery reason.

To detach our spirit’s tainted subscription to subliminal satanic treason.

To know the absolute reality of our world, by the downloaded word of God.

To pry our fallen lost souls, from the deliberation of the devil’s mortal fraud.

The soul of man can only reside on one side of this divide, or the other.

No one else can save you, be it a brother, your mother or the god of another.

Jesus Christ paid the highest price. No mortal being or prophet, was ever that nice.

He laid his body down, for sinless persecution and punishment, as your freedom sacrifice.

If I told you, that you are going to heaven, for being a good guy, smart and way cool.

Would you believe me ? Or would you think I was some kind of crazy babbling fool.

What if, I told you that without Jesus Christ, everyone on this giant tree hath gone to hell.

Would you believe me then, or would you rather wait for a closing of the markets bell.

Because once the deadline school bell of our worlds absolute truth finally rings.

You’ll feel much like a coal miner, deep underground, when that alarm canary sings.

Jesus Christ, sits at the right hand of the Father, and is Heaven’s only Host and Lord.

Without his graceful welcome and smile into salvation, you are not to climb aboard.

Redemption and forgiveness from this mortal fall, no little wing or bigwig can afford.

Salvation, is a mercy gift of grace, directly from Almighty God’s son crucified.

Risen, body and soul into the highest heaven, to render The wicked devil nullified.

This is the truth of our worlds reality. It closes the circle of reason, to explain its insanity.

It all started when free will gave way to Lucifer’s rebellion, pride and vanity.

The serpent’s lies must have been charming enough, to shutdown their open gullible eyes.

For shame and blame to start this game along with Satan’s pride and glory to rise.

The devils ultimate goal was to inflict his own punishment into Hell on a mortal’s soul, for our downfall & demise.

Just for believing his reality, Jesus Christ,Lord and Savior, puts it all in reverse.

Instead of your own, to have to continually rehearse. After All, we do live in his Fathers Universe.

Holy Warrior

I choose to be a holy warrior for the salvation army of Almighty God.

I was left with no choice, but to fight the devils subliminal fraud.

The acts of demons with evil whispers, that much encourage and applaud.

My faith in Jesus Christ is my sword and staff, our golden truth rod.

Our amazing God, is omnipresent and in full awareness control.

He creates and runs this grand Universe we see, to reach his goal.

After all, he was the one to breath the spirit of life into your soul.

Every invisible trap laid by the devil will dig your spirit, a deep and dark hole.

God wants every true believer on this Earth, to take on redemption’s warrior role.

It’s an invisible battle, fought behind the eyes. Where the soul of man lurks, before the body dies.

The hateful devil, started out as a poisonous slithery snake, looking for a rise.

Evil is very much alive and real, and the damage it does, will break the Achilles heal.

It needs to be crushed by the very word of God, in all of its Holy might and divine zeal.

The living word of the most high, will never deny, while it reigns itself justice supreme.

It does so, in a winning effort to crush Satan’s mutiny and animosity dream.

It comes alive through belief, to fight the fight, when faithfully called upon.

To slay and vanquish the wicked snares of the devil, through the night & from dusk to dawn.

It wins the mortal battle without much of a hum or a rattle, every single time.

It has already won this holy war, back when Jesus was crucified sinless, and in his prime.

It must be the mission and purpose driven life, of every true and committed believer.

To do what they can, out of care and compassion for the living, to block the cosmic deceiver.

This old fight against God’s might, was the result of our own will and choice to endure.

In the hopes of reaching the garden’s bliss through Jesus once again, and all that is pure.

Common Sense

Life doesn’t make a whole lot of common sense. To live, love and then die without taking much of a licking, or offense.

But when life is looked at from the perspective of the mortal fall. It all begins to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle, after all.

Many a friend came and went. Some sent away, others would repent around every sharp bend. With none left, who will be your character witness, to defend ?

When Satan stands in accusation of your mortal sin. Without a friend in “Jesus” to come to your rescue. You will be prosecuted, for him to win

That’s just the way life’s giant sugar cookie will eventually crumble. To make an example out of every living sinner, who refused to get humble.

So make sure pilgrim, you don’t miss out on the lovely gift of grace. The one from Jesus our Lord, and savior of the human race.

Hell, is no place for the faint of heart. It’s pure agony, fear and sorrow, that doesn’t depart. All at the checkout stand of an ignorant shopping cart.

The one in life, that you casually took through the shopping isles. To hoard and consume desires of the flesh, and temptations by the miles.

So do your very best, not to go there. Simply by believing in the truth of Christ and of the word of God, should you someday need to dare.

Good Bye

Upon the instance of mortal death and its mark. For the soul, remains two choices. To enter the light, or stay in purgatory darkness, with its fallen ghostly voices.

The first, requiring courage, faith and confidence. While the other, is for all, who in the truth of the afterlife, took much insult and unwarranted offense.

Those who by the grace of Jesus Christ were lifted and saved. Go into the lords loving pure light, joyful, sure and unscathed.

Yet those, unsure of their mortal redemption. Get to stay behind in half reality, with little or hardly a mention.

Because deep down, this world of ours is skewed and amuck. It’s all about the pricey brands and the prideful shiny buck.

Beneath its mantle skin, is Satan’s belly of souls and operations domain. Thanks to Adam & Eve’s blunder and curiosity gain.

Jesus Christ came to crush the curse of the serpent. To give every forlorn soul, a chance for salvation, to confess and repent.

This is just one of the many stories in life, we are told. To believe it or not, from our time of youth until the time we got frail & old.

For life is truly a grace period, that will end on a dime. For a new kind of game, and a set of new rules with a different rhyme.

For once we entered into the hall of shame and sorrows. There will be no mercy ears left over, for the regrets of our tomorrows.

Jesus Christ, bar none is the only paved road into paradise. All else is a clever lie, by the master of evil and his cry wolf type of sly.

Jesus is either the truth of the world or a lier’s lie. If you pass on his gift of redemption. His father will part ways with your soul, to once & for all, say good bye.

Dr Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, were two opposing characters in one, and then some, at least for those who cried.

One for double the wicked trouble, and another in his genius master, never to abide.

One to show his love for discovery and care, another to deliver the flip-side of its mare.

It is when a devil, hidden on the inside of a mortal crawls out, to take control of his next ride.

To flip the switch of emotions in evil’s favor, for an upheaval of a flavor and its upside.

We all were fooled long before getting schooled, by a charming serpent that lied.

To mesh and become one with a satanic world, so subliminal, phony and blind wide.

With everyone getting on board, to become lovable outlaws, just like Bonnie and Clyde.

The Human heart had accepted Lucifer’s rate & term, for a split in his soul’s divide.

Only to lose our rightful place in heaven, and from the pearly gates also be denied.

Jesus is the way out of this ill contract we signed so long ago. If there is anything else to confide.

It is that when he was hung on that cross, Even though he was killed, he never really died.


When you become old and overwhelmed by life’s relentless demands. By the over stretch of its rubber bands. By the constant shifts and tangents in its commands.

You begin to look forward to a happy day, away from the fray. When your wandering spirit blowing in the wind, eventually settles down to rest and lands.

To take root somewhere near the house of the lord, as oppose to remaining in the desire for unquenchable thirst, of a mirage on desert sands.

A street bum once said to me, with a genuine smile on his face, “Come to Jesus and follow the captain of grace, and put your destiny in his steering hands”.

So I thought to look for God, from being hung to dry, absorbing all of life’s illusions & fraud. When it dawned on me that he had been after my heart from long ago.

To cleanse my spirit and soul, through faith. For a life with divine purpose and a significant role, as oppose to living in the sin shadow of his foe.

He said to me. “With him a lifetime of pain, anguish and sorrow will evaporate, as he dwells faithfully in your heart”. A promised deliverance for believing the truth of his part.

Almighty God will flip your polarity. He will turn your weakness into a strength with clarity. He will renew your blackened heart for a spiritual elevation in your personal reality.

The Giant Onion

The day of shock and awe will eventually come for some to sadly learn. When the silence of naysayers of a god most high will yearn, to find anyone on the fly who is familiar with Bible prayers.

Some of whom, with a fresh pair of ears and eyes wide open, will be frozen in worthy fears, drenched in a lifetime of invested tears. When the giant onion of truth has peeled off most of its crying layers.

For once the global network screens of CNN, begin to capture the stunning news on its paper and pen, of a promised rapture. All who knew scripture well, hath already been lifted into its next chapter.

All others are sadly left behind, who chose to reject the delivered son of God, will start running at the first signs of his second coming. For the banishment of Satan’s legion, his minions and his wicked fraud.

There won’t be too many places to run and hide. The divine light of Jesus is coming to fulfill his father’s will inside every corner and crevasse, to free the captive souls that chose to fully abide.

In case you never heard. It’s the truth of the Bible and the pure love in its word. Not the revenge of a warlock raven’s or an angry bird. Jesus is alive and well. Once proven true, where will your spirit dwell ?

From the warmth of a womb into the darkness of a tomb, is all the time we are given to choose fate by an ultimatum of his word. Or get to watch our once vibrant bodies rot back into the dirt, amidst all else, that is absurd.

You might ask yourself ? So, which one of these God’s will truth deliver ? Is it the one that resonates at the frequency of love. From one that hates it enough to make you regret, rejecting its blessed gift from above.

Darkness is always cold, it shouldn’t have to be, a truth told to the wise & old. If you get left out in it without cover, you will surely die without the warmth and grace of Jesus Christ, the celestial lover.

Some will blindly choose to remain in the comfort of their pain. While others who lived wicked lives, robbed their brothers or killed their wives, will hardly repent from going astray. Everyone has a bill to pay.

Some, become a purgatory poltergeist or an angry ghost. Looking for strength at any length to be its most. Eventually to join the company of Satan’s for an unholy role, to play a part in his wicked nation.

So don’t be the fool seated on the devils pigeon stool. For your soul to be bonded into his lair and under his permanent rule. Give it to Jesus to be saved from it all, lest you wish to remain a stubborn mule.

Similar In Kind

Hey there pilgrim of the arts. Have you taken enough slings and arrows yet, of the adversary’s darts ?

Have you ever thought about what drives wicked and evil deeds ? A driver is always necessary to satisfy every software’s needs.

Evil doesn’t just happen by itself. By collecting dust on a shelf. It is driven from behind, to inflict the most damage on the blind.

It’s the product of manipulative whispers, by demons and dark spirits. For nothing is easier than to fool a gullible mortal mind.

A temptation here and a desire full there, for a whole lot of distractions, and a reroute into Satan’s lair, a grind.

Once you start prancing and dancing with the devil. It becomes way more difficult to undo that deal, for an unwind.

The forces of darkness and evil have a goal in mind. That is to hold lost spirits captive, for a bonus in a lockup bind.

If you read the Holy Bible’s true stories long enough to imagine, it will begin to come alive, you shall discover and find.

You’ll play a little part in the movie’s saga & story. Just to get a little closer to Jesus Christ, our lord of grace & glory.

You will find refuge from the fallen world, and all it’s troubles. So much so, that when you come back to it, it doubles.

You will yearn to return to Jesus, to learn from him, how to be full of his immense love & grace, to become similar in kind.

Great Balls of Fire

I wake up every morning from a long and sleepy slumber. To find that, not much has changed in the world except for a clock or a calendar’s number.

To see that life, is just as challenging as it always has been. That everyone’s preoccupation is consumed with survival of the fittest and the practice of shallow sin.

That we all, fall rather short from the perfection and glory of God. And yet somehow, we find plenty of time to stroke our pride & ego’s, for some of that selfie applaud.

Somewhere, somehow down the sequence of all time, we must have signed up with an agreeable nod, for this whirlwind of truth and lies, all mixed up in a stew of Satan’s fraud.

Made under the tree of the forbidden fruit’s shade. So long ago, that we won’t remember much of the details. Of a rebellious deal, done with the dragon, to come off, Eden’s rails.

So a Holy Bible of truth was created, over a span of thousands of years. By the good Lord, to remind us of what we would never really appreciate, cherish or on our own, could afford.

To let us know verbatim, once and for all. That we are a fallen creation, forsaken and forlorn. From the moment we come in to this world’s grace period, to be born.

Until the day we get old and frail, to eventually perish. For nothing but bones and dirt, with a hoard of pictures and memories, left over to look at, reminisce and cherish.

After having lived, laughed & loved a lifetime, to eventually hit a dead end wall. God would send his son, “Jesus Christ” to save us from our choice to subscribe to the mortality fall.

Someone sang out loud. “Goodness gracious, great balls of fire”. For God to love us enough, to sacrifice his son for our salvation ticket to someday appreciate and admire.

To find our way back into immortality, for a seat up in the heavens. An eternal place of bliss, with nothing more on earth to miss. An outcome from death, so much higher.

Every Believing Sinner

Smile through that mask as best you can, and don’t stop paying your recurring debts. Ladies & gentlemen, please place your bets.

In any round of poker, we found. You must accept the hand you’re dealt, but if it doesn’t feel lucky, you post blind to reject.

A global pandemic that kills, gives our cunning devil the biggest of his thrills. Lost souls, coming in by the dozen, to hoard & collect.

No time or energy will be left over, for the poor souls who have to go. Except to reminisce a short life, and reflect on its sad after effect.

A hard days work, for the unlucky rubber ducky. Yet for Amazon’s King Cobra, it’s survival with a dirty blessing, from a cyber genius of an intellect.

Some will say with much horror & dismay. You ain’t seen nothing yet. It’s about who will carry credit, for the up and coming big one, and it’s master debt.

As life’s giant Roulette wheel, keeps its spinning appeal, for a lucky number. For one to win the spin, as the rest will have to settle for a losers slumber.

For the adversary of God, in this case, winner takes all. This Earth is his gambling house and Casino. For every believing sinner from the mortal fall.

Like Gold

When it comes to the truth and subject of God, I was told by the Holy Spirit to get bold.

To tell it like it is, without dipping it in sugar, to get it off the shelf and sold.

To clearly explain how “Adam & Eve” chose to disobey the lord and defiantly rolled.

To do it with as much conviction for salvation, before I got too complacent, slow and old.

The word of God is absolute in its message, and can never rust, or turn to mold.

Its reality and truth of all visible time and space, can run super hot or icy cold.

A faith into either fate, that becomes eternal. A final Judgment that will hold.

When the last bell of this century rings. The house of illusions made from the adversary’s cards will fold.

And when Bible rapture suddenly takes place. The gift of Jesus for the “Left Behind”, becomes like gold.

Satan’s Heist

These days, I must write and write for the good Lord above, that’s all I truly care about and can afford of his immense love.

To glorify his true name above all others fake, who are not at all the same, looking to claim that throne and sword.

For the father of Jesus, almighty “Yahweh”, creator of Heaven & Earth and everything in between, is the real deal unseen.

All else is a construct lie by “Satan”, coming in all colors and sizes. To make sure his power and influence on the human soul rises.

After all, no man on earth was worth his weight in gold since his birth, except for Jesus Christ. Born, into crucifixion, then risen to put an end to Satan’s heist.

The Deity

When life is no longer at your fingertips and in your control. Might be a good time to give some thought, to the state of your mortality and soul.

How else, can you be sure of reaching your afterlife’s aspirations and goal. Unless you put a little of Gods truth in your faith to fate bowl.

Faith in a much higher creative power than your own. One that can easily prove itself to be true, by amazing feats and wonder, to the core and bone.

A faith into the fabric of spirit, will be sown. One that cleanses a soul to atone. A fate, to an eternal slate. Never to be left behind or alone.

For if God is truly your friend. You’ve got nothing to anticipate, coming around the bend. Except for a celebration & a party in heaven to attend.

Jesus Christ is precisely, the deity he claimed to be. Healed the sick, fish filled the net. Raised the dead, and turned water into wine, without a fee.

If all that isn’t convincing enough. perhaps you like it tough. For once rapture takes place, it gets plenty rough. For those who thought they already knew.

The Soul of Man

The soul of man, is up for grabs, and on sale. For the test in life isn’t for a score or grade, but it surely is for a pass or a fail.

From the very time bloody holes of pain, were driven into the hands and feet of God’s son in vain, with a seven inch square nail.

Until a time, when we wither and die to perish and find. If we stayed on spirits survival track to cherish, or if we skipped off its rail.

After all, pure love is the only truth that wags a dogs tail. So ominous, it has to stay under water to swim the oceans, like a whale.

The holy Bible is a book of true stories and much divine wisdom, and not some fantasy prone witches “Harry Potter” type of fable or tale.

Until you begin to open your heart to it, to play its part. You’ll never know this kind of truth, from the grounds of Harvard or at Yale.

You’ll find it on Google, Yahoo and Yelp. With plenty of rebuttals to refute, or to hopefully clarify and help, but never such with mail.

A great escape plan gifted to us. To escape the wrath of the devil and his demons, from bondage onto our souls, to forever run from and bail

Absolute Truth and fabricated lies sit right next to each other. They come side by side, an escalator & a slide separated by a dark vail.

Life without the redemption of Christ, is a short vacation. A grace confessional period, into elation. Prior to a drop into the Satan’s hellish Jail.

Master Debt

The dichotomy and mystery of life and all of its imperfections, are the result of one man’s cause and effect.

Mankind was clearly for-warned of life’s peril and demise, should it decide to choose God’s rule to disobey and reject.

When they partook of the one forbidden fruit placed in the middle of the garden, to make Satan its president elect.

For a tainted broken humankind driven to sin, for the awareness of good and evil and onto its death, to embrace and select.

Then, upon every human body and burial from that point on, came a sorry human spirit, for the devil to devour and collect.

Until the day Jesus Christ came along, to pay the piper’s master debt. To put the equation in reverse, for the faithful to protect.

Have faith in the Almighty’s ways, instead of trying to reach God with statues, towers of greed or a pharaoh’s obelisk to erect.

There is just one truth, not many. This is due to God’s adversary. It’s a subscription to the truth or lies of Satan, for an eternal disconnect.

Destiny’s Destination

Let me ask you this peculiar question pilgrim. What fills your cup of faith and truth up to its brim ?

Do you like your religion to be brightly lit or somewhat dim ? By the way, may I ask, who is your God anyway.

Did he form the first human being out of his breath into a piece of clay. Those who wrote and copied the Holy Bible, will surely say.

For paradise lost. Did he make for you a back way ? Will he forgive your sins or will he frown upon your forlorn soul with shame & dismay.

Does he have a particular special name. Does his reality play into the mutiny of a fallen Lucifer and his treasonous end game.

To some it’s a “Game of thrones, others call it “Truth or Dare”. It’s an either, or of an affair, with no margin for error to make, or ignorance to spare.

The truth of God, or one of the serpent devil and his mare. Delivered from Eden’s dare. Made long ago by the very first two in the garden.

A gamble taken, for a mortality fall and its acquisition of sin. It’s one or the other. We are born into one, to be saved by another.

The Inherited sin of Adam to die, tossed into hell’s fire. To be saved by Jesus, savior of souls back into what is much higher.

But then, There are those that don’t get it, no matter how it’s put. Some just don’t see God as a need in their lives, to cherish, be thankful towards & applaud.

Some folks want no part of a loving deity at all . Until a day when they come face to face with visible Satanic fraud and proof of the mortal fall.

When an apparition of a demon becomes clear, a little too near. They yell, at the top of their lungs for the lord, out of pure horror and fear.

Only to find that the neglected lord “Jesus” doesn’t respond at all to faithless prayers of naysayers. In a sudden wake up call, and upon a frightful tear.

For, if faith never played into their life’s equation. Then a soul in distress, is left to embark on their solo mission at the station.

So they can proudly say with excitement and Hooray. “See, I told you so, there’s no such thing as Jesus or any of his salvation”.

As they wait for their train to arrive. For the unaware to be picked up, on their way to their destiny’s destination.

Thought Level

Christianity’s roots run way deep. Back to an ancient time when “Adam and Eve”, took possession of our mortality, to rape, pillage and reap.

Back to an era when everything must have gone wrong. When we tuned in to daft curiosity, and began to waltz with the dragons swan song.

Then comes along a savior named, “Yashuah” or “Jesus Christ”. Who’s face at times was long, from all the sin going on, everywhere in the land.

Had to put an end to its curse at hand. To set the captives free. To give all human souls a chance, from the clutches of Satan, to be free.

Redemption and Salvation, simply for choosing to believe. Because once it resides in your heart, you receive its gift of grace. The kind that ends the devils chase.

When you believe in the true creator of our Universe & his son. Your heart will begin to change. You’ll see it in a new perspective, a much wider reality range.

You’ll get to a real place of contentment & joy. Where relations with God take place. At which point, the mutiny that took effect in heaven, won’t seem so strange.

It all boils down to a lifetime subscription, to either the pure love of God or the rebellion and evil hatred of the devil.

They are the only two sources of primary emotions, to be felt inside every human heart and on every existing thought level.

All on Earth can Afford

When you die and perish without “Jesus Christ”, being your spirit’s redeemer, savior and keeper.

Your wandering soul will be up for grabs by the one and only, scary looking grim reaper.

That’s just how they say it goes. Whether you love the fruit of truth, or dislike what it grows.

No one gets to make all the rules, despite ruling over all the land, and owning most of the jewels.

This world’s soul is split into a couple of pools. One for the faithful, and another for the fools.

Those are the only two ways to go. Whether you beg to ignore it, or choose to best know.

What is to come will eventually come, foretold long ago in a collection of books, sequential by some.

A book called the holy Bible of old. One that surely has no rival of any merit, and certainly a most welcomed arrival.

It wasn’t written by God and man in faith, to be kicked to the curb, thrown under the bus, or shunned & ignored.

There will certainly come a time when everyone on this planet of pain and sorrows, will realize it to be from the Lord.

And that all along, it was made for us to be so simple and easy to digest. To become the kind of gift, all on Earth can afford.

Live On

A life gone wrong is as easy as 123. Most of which is free of charge until it’s his turn to pay the fee, locked up and at large.

Every ugly situation gone south, is purely the result of a reckless loose cannon, coming in the shape of a foul and crooked mouth.

Our prisons, penitentiaries and jails are full to the brim. We keep building more of them to house all the new ones that keep coming in.

No one ever goes there to get fixed or rehabilitated. They just get to learn how to become smarter thugs, once they become seasoned and gang initiated.

Then, are those that are freed as others get to stay in for life indeed. The ones that go free, end up come back. From yet another round of stupidity.

As the Earth spins to go round and round. Nothing much changes anew under the sun to be found. What comes around always gets another chance to go around.

A broken dream record. A world of bling for the ignorant to hoard. Until war comes along to pull the fresh into a draft with a fast gun, less faiths sword.

To screw up their lives some other way. With patriotic honor instead of lockup dismay. Those who dance with the devil say. Some of them get away while others got to pay.

Such is life on planet Earth for many of its young. One wrong turn, around a hot bend, for a friendly slug in the lung. Who blew the whistle and who are the unsung.

This is why Jesus Christ to Earth came. To reverse the ill fortune we all inherited at birth, just the same.

The tendency to sin. To experience it as a form of a competitive win. To do whatever it took, to create that feeling within.

That’s the fallen life. From lying to get ahead, to lusting after another man’s wife. From drugging self, to robbing & mugging someone else.

From drinking to a stupor to becoming a motor mouth trouper. From being insensitive, hurtful & aggressive to becoming controlling & possessive.

From killing another soul for whatever justified reason, to cheating, manipulating and rebellious treason.

Everyone on this earth has sinned at least one time. No one was as squeaky clean since birth as Jesus, and on every dime.

Yet he was the one crucified on that cross. So that you and I can live on. Not live for a awhile, and then to die.

But live on past the point of death. That’s what what he came here to give us straight up, and on the fly.

Good Actors

Keep your eyes on the Jesus prize. Perhaps, if you didn’t you might become the victim of a serpents lies.

Keep your mind sharp and fully aware. To save your spirit and soul from a sure biblical satanic mare.

Keep you spiritual self squeaky clean. Fallen angels are not happy creatures, and are known to be mean.

Once you find your faith. Keep it steadfast and strong, to skip over the possibility of your afterlife gone wrong.

Once you find Jesus Christ. Trust him enough to know, what’s best for you and how his grace will suffice.

Don’t let fallen mortals impress you with anything they do. They might be good actors, but only Messiah Jesus will come through for you.

Righteous Nation

Truth is, there can only be one Godhead at the apex of all creation, to reign over his created domain supreme.

All else made to lookalike, must be a masters illusion packaged as a diversion product for some lofty dream.

One omnipotent and omnipresent God and much sophistication in the way of his adversary’s trickery & fraud.

Made by none other than “Satan”, the devil. To drive us away from the truth we should rather hath given applaud.

The truth and mysterious ways of a universal creator and maker Lord as oppose to a power house faker.

It’s really as simple as that, it ends up becoming one choice or the other, under everyone’s top hat.

it’s truth is told in a very long story. It talks about a place of in between limbo called “purgatory”.

It talks about good and evil. Love and hate. Fear & courage and how those emotions all came to be.

A book that weaves history into a fabric of justice and truth, called the Bible. A collection, that couldn’t produce a rival.

It talks about the sin of man and God’s plan, to forgive us for one more chance at receiving heavens key.

It talks about the gift of free will and its choices. In a game of survival of the fittest, by one of two voices.

It talks about a savior. Long before his arrival. One that comes to replace “Adam” as a role model of rebellion from bad behavior.

To teach man a much better way to live. Not to always take from, but learn to also humbly of himself give.

It talks about redemption from the ways of the devil, to avoid a quick judgment drop onto his hellish level.

It talks about Salvation into a Godly heavenly place. Where perfection becomes the harmony that creates its space.

Where dirt, grime, dust and filth do not insist. Where, snakes, spiders, bugs and insects can not exist.

Where there’s no criminals or any crime, or even a half a million men in prison, doing their lonely time.

Where no gurney’s, medical machinery or much need for a wheelchair. In heaven, there is no option for demise or any of life’s despair.

Where’s there’s no hospitals or even a single police station. Because, cleanliness, law and order govern over this righteous nation.

Trust in God

Most of us mortals on this forsaken earth do not trust in God. If we did, we wouldn’t do what we do & do it with such fear and cheerful applaud.

We were taught from the start, not to trust the Lord God, from the bottom of our hearts. By the clever serpent in the garden of Eden, when we were first struck by Satan’s darts.

We were told by the lying snake under the tree, that God had lied when he told us about the forbidden fruit. Deliberately by the hateful devil himself, for his own thinking to take root.

This is why, God made us a son, one to take back what Satan had done. His name we all know by now. It’s Jesus Christ alone, for no one else would step up to the plate to take such a vow.

With a promise to save all who believe. Save them from the wrath of a Satanic world, made up to bereave. Save those with faith into salvation from the blunder of Adam & Eve.

After all, at some point in life, everyone goes through enough pain and sorrow. To see the broken world we live in, for what it really is, through the insecurities of its tomorrow.

To see the world and its random cruelty as something insane. To see it through the eyes of the devil’s anger and disdain. His hatred for all of humanity and how his only aim, is to hurt, kill and maim.

It takes faith to have trust and it takes trust to have faith. Without trusting God. it’s impossible to have faith in anything except for the all seeing eye of Satan’s deception and widespread fraud.

Save Mankind

Look here, to all my good brothers and good sisters. Aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews and nieces. Along with some of their better half’s of misses and misters. Either wholesome or in pieces.

Good friends, bad ones, enemies and adversary’s. Acquaintances and strangers, and anyone else who might wish to know more of the mortal fall, and its inherent dangers.

Now, I will openly admit in the public square to be most fair, that I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I could certainly always tell where there was a deficit in life’s fairness, delivered by eyes colored bloody red.

I wasn’t the one in life to worship and hoard a whole lot of the dirty deity called “The Super Green”. To be able to dip whatever talents I might of had in some pure honey to be sweetened clean.

To impress all, and their cohorts with what matters from winter until fall, for both short and tall, in some old fashion way. To walk away talked about less in the aftereffect of gossip and its usual dismay.

To have a little dignity left over, after all the fired slings and arrows. With enough prowess, to hide my skeletons deep in the closet narrows. Instead of having to display as a public attraction mess.

To have the leverage of mind. To teach something about the kind of love, so magnificent of a light to the blind. To share, a gift from above, less a mortal mare, a higher wisdom some might find.

To put a lot of money I did not have where my big mouth was, instead of having to continuously chase survival’s anxiety buzz. Desperately preaching to the choir as a self righteous man always does.

When I eventually came to the realization that there had to be a wrench in the cog of this particular civilization. That life was never fair and never will be, until the day of its up and coming resignation.

That, there had to be a master equalizer. A God that was loving and just, yet jealous as he must have been true to faith and much wiser. One to condemn us for abiding in his enemy, then save us through a sacrifice, and a death riser.

Imagine this for a second, oh ye most thirsty of a pilgrim. Because there really is nothing greater out there. It’s Love and attention from the one behind all that you see, as its sole creator. Fair and square.

It’s the kind of super love most difficult to imagine, understand and believe. Compassion, grace & mercy, is its lift from the rift. For receiving absolute truth from under your sleeve.

From the mighty and sovereign cosmic star maker. Who churns out quasars, pulsars, supernova and every single galaxy. From its beginning to its end and beyond, and as far as the mortal eye can see.

This is no random chance or much of a coincidence. Evolution is apart of its grand design in relative equivalence. After all is said and done, it is absolute perfection amidst intelligent order & random chaos.

And believe me when I say. It is none other than “Jesus Christ”, the Emissary and Lamb of God. Born of the “Virgin Mary” and a miracle maker, never a faker. Crucified and then risen, to save mankind from inherited loss.

Oak Tree

A vulnerable creature we are. Open to the possibility of extinction nestled amidst the stars in a vast, cold and unforgiving universe.

To live a life of capturing moments in memory nestled in photographs, until our last ride to the burial site taken in a shiny black hearse.

How can there be no God, someone said. In itself, a notion with hardly much meaning to applaud. Unless it was written in blood martyrdom red.

This cannot be some kind of a random event. It’s a transparent downfall or it must be Faith’s ascent. It’s a happy reunion, or a time to languish in sorrow, and lament.

It’s the precious, we’ve failed to invent. A way to save ourselves from our sinful intent. A mortal fall we could never fix ourselves, or even try to circumvent.

If we wish to find the path, on our own. For truth to seep into our blood stream, to the bone. Than with Jesus Christ, we must do the math.

If we deliberately choose not to believe, for whatever reason. We become a perfect candidate for Satan’s wrath.

That’s just how it goes. Our God happens to have an adversary with some gruesome looking foes.

Everybody gets to reap, what anybody else sows. This kind of truth, the faithful one among you, already knows.

Like the oak tree. It’s the kind of truth root that deeply grows. Its burden is light and its yolk is nothing heavy to impose.

It’s the story of how God became the son of man by becoming Jesus Christ, true savior of our broken world and its one living rose.

I learned

When I was young, all I cared about was how I could be made into something super cool.

I wanted all my half baked ideas and inventions to come out on top as the winner, and over rule.

As time went by, quick & ready to fly, I found myself stuck in a web of my broken dreams, like any other fool.

I found that I could only get paid, when I agreed to being molded and made into someone else’s tool.

I learned that I wasn’t going to make a whole lot of friends, unless I jumped in, to swim in their dirty pool.

I also learned that life wasn’t fair at all and never will it be, just as it always was in every western duel.

One man challenged to be fed, another man dead, the one with a quicker draw, standing in his place, instead.

I learned, the sooner you accepted world truth absolute. The less you had to be labeled, a stubborn mule.

I learned that “Jesus Christ” Lord & Savior was the sole path out of life’s wilderness and its sole precious jewel.


It is always a question of True or false. On every one of life’s quizzes and exam levels. It is made for either the truth of God or the reality of Satan and his invisible devils.

It’s a choice to make for every deity’s claim. Made for the afterlife’s sublime rule for fame. Through a voice of truth and wisdom, or a bitter one of sorrow and shame.

Such is the one and only way to play this freedom game. Every story ever spun is either someone’s fiction or a tale of true affliction on its mortal run.

Wake up to the truth of Christ before you are dead, some said. After all, there really is nothing more disappointing then dropping into hell, when all along, you thought you’d go to heaven instead.

When it comes to God’s day of judgment, what you think, doesn’t come into play. However whatever was written by the lord that was ignored will be the only outcome at bay.

All I’m doing is letting you know, before mortal reality has a chance to take root in you and grow. Please trust me on this. It”s a sure way out of illusion and quagmire from its prescription into the abyss.

Looking to be Saved

When you are all alone, with a desire to re-adjust, yet without much need to atone. From the kind of trouble that can hurt a person to the bone

When you feel deep down in your soul, you are all held up against the big blue world, as its filth tempatation gets flung in your direction and hurled.

At some point in the game, without a personal soul savior for a name, you will have to give up on all the frivolous vanity and useless fighting.

After losing every other righteous battle worth its weight in scripture gold, or perhaps someone’s holy spirit inspired writing.

You will have to give up trying to bend personal favor, into your own rules. Because somehow, it always places you in the category of fools.

You give up trying to own the wind. When it becomes much easier to admit that at some point in your life, you must have rebelled and sinned.

That, after all you’re really not such a mortal model of pure perfection. Certainly not clean enough to win a heavenly election.

That you might be, yet just another frail and confused human being. Born to pass or fail while being blinded from truly seeing.

Hopefully not as many as the unsaved, will become. Just another lost, confused and unsettled soul on their way to Hades or Sheol.

Pay some attention to the name of the Lord. The name you should have never ignored. A name every soul looking to be saved can afford.


When you tell someone close or even one who is morose, about a huge treasure you have found.

One, so large, rich magnificent and abundant, you couldn’t possibly measure it all by the pound.

One that could change a heart of many, full of pain and disdain into one of pleasure, all the way around.

Only to hear rejection and ridicule. From those who arrogantly chose to play the role of a stubborn mule.

Only to be scoffed at and put down, and what is amazing, is that there’s no commission to be grazing to produce a frown.

For once we got a taste of God’s mercy and grace, we learned it came from a much higher love and elevated place.

We learned that to give from the bottom of one’s heart was better than to receive it from the top with a dart, so to speak.

We learned that when we got slapped in the face more than twice, we are told to keep turning the other cheek.

We learned that one day sooner or later, the saved Earth, will be inherited by the meek.

We had accepted the word in scripture that says that God had put it all together in just a mere week.

We also learned that should you wish to find the same kind of cosmic fame, you must begin to openly seek.

We learned that the love and offer of Jesus Christ was the best advice, be it in English, Chinese or Greek.


It’s obviously an invisible war. Battles of good & evil rage on as they have since the beginning of time, from shore to shore.

Life on Earth, made up of myths and folklore. A Satanic scam. It’s living in the sublime to the fullest, until it becomes a sham.

Merry Christmas everybody, Tis another joyful season for gifts & goodies from Christ Jesus, your personal sacrificial lamb.

Sure, Life can be a whole lot of crazy and innocent fun. Until the devil puts an end to its sinful frolic and wild run.

It’s living life in the fastest available lane. And it’s riddled with plenty of ample poetic justice, sorrow and pain.

It’s all over in a few blinks of an eye. Upon which a reveal takes place of an illusion weaved into a masterful lie.

It’s redemption sung in a song. For all who long for a relationship with God & restoration of their own mortal fall.

A return back into a state of original Immortality and creation with the immense love re-birthed behind its call.


Moses had a special story. One that started so long ago, to connect a fallen life to its end times in purgatory.

His story hath made history. He was a historical figure, and it wasn’t made up to mold anyone’s thoughts to disfigure.

He laid down the foundation books for the Holy Bible. He was chosen by God to lead the reprisal for this, a World Revival.

He was the top General for the Lord, who got to climb aboard. He had spoken to the creator, when there could have been nothing greater.

Moses was given the law on a clay tablet. Then came along Jesus in the pure and raw. To bring them grace & truth, for all who clearly saw.

Saw that life on Earth was a scam. A choice to listen to the truest voice, before spirit leaves the body, for a soul to go on the lamb.

No Other Name

Accept the son of God, for who he was, is and will be. From the beginning of time until the end of his century. The one whom the faithful will praise, glorify & applaud.

Anything, other than calling on the name of the most Almighty himself, is the devils diversion into a clever package of his deceitful soul tripping fraud.

I’ve said it once or more than twice. I’ll say it again and again and a thousand times more, should it pierce through the wall of his/her, or your own embedded rebellion, to suffice.

There is no other name under the sun except for the son of the holy one. By which to play this ancient game, except through the glory of Almighty Yahweh and savior “Jesus Christ”.

Put this worthy advice in your bucket list. Someday, It might be the one message of wisdom to aid & assist. Like a hospital band, the faithful wear it to stretch from wrist to wrist.

Release confusion in the mist. In the Army of God you must enlist. Once you meet a demon, face to face. The name of the Lord, you will never resist.


Death requires pre- qualification. You need to die before you are dead, in full preparation.

You will never get to leave your life’s baggage in the lounge of the departure station.

It’s a journey of the left over 21 grams of soul, onto its next lovely experience and final destination.

You need to board that train in confidence and elation, never in blind hesitation or a choice to remain in stagnation.

You need to know what your death ticket voucher will say. As oppose to finding out in reverse trepidation.

This trip however, is a little different than going to the zoo, or on some Hollywood tour, or on an extended vacation.

It’s a one way ticket to either, paradise elation through salvation. Or our own prescribed mortal damnation.

When it comes to the truth of God, wishful thinking, leaves no room to look for a life raft, while the boat is sinking.

Passing away into oblivion is the final curtain call, and the end all be all, to one of two places of affiliation.

A place in Heaven where fate could not wait with Jesus Christ, or down in the depths of Hades with the rest of Satan’s nation.

The Righteous

The righteous get to get close to Almighty Yahweh, our father God.

While the self righteous become enveloped by the fogginess of his adversary’s fraud.

The righteous live and act according to the Bible’s holy word.

The stuff, the self righteous regard as nonsensical, useless & absurd.

The righteous are always praying for the well being of others.

The self righteous put the well being of their cash before brothers.

The righteous are always willing to serve, while the self righteous always seem to have a short fuse a loose nerve.

The righteous stand by their truth to defend until the end. The self righteous only stand by what they will not amend.

The righteous could care less about this world’s riches. The self righteous, through the art of back stabbing turn into snitches.

The righteous will always tell you the plain truth. The self righteous are mostly preoccupied with their pride, ego and youth.

The righteous are looking forward to paradise, while the self righteous have their own agenda to suffice.

The righteous accepted and believed in Jesus Christ, while the self righteous were satisfied with living under a Satanic Zeitgeist.

Pie in the sky

If you don’t believe it, you will never qualify to receive it. Like it or not, this news is hot. Do yourself a favor to retrieve it.

Thats just the way of God and his only rule. So If you think you know better, go ahead and challenge it, to become a self made fool.

For, you might find yourself held up on the flip side. Begging for a savior, to save you from the perils of your own arrogance and prideful behavior.

The not so gullible celebrity multitude, who lived it up, untouchable. Who perished without saving grace, will sadly end up in a biblical kind of place.

That’s all we are preaching. News about God who became man, not the other way around, to learn about his wisdom and teaching.

No need to get upset. It’s not like you’re stuck under a Ouija boards planchette. Before the cards hit the table, you can always change the bet.

Save your fallen soul before you die. Every sinner can repent to cleanse, to fly. Every believer is a receiver of salvation’s pie in the sky.

Let go of foolish pride. It’s the attribute of “Satan”, the one who lied. It’s what helps him hide on the inside. To keep one bound & blind on his joyless ride.

Moan and Groan

When people of no faith eventually die, only to realize much too late that they will end up in Hades, Hell or Sheol, for rejecting the gift of God’s salvation, to ridicule in vain, like a stubborn mule they were to deny.

They will begin to moan and groan, crying out to Jesus Christ. “We are sorry Lord, while we were alive, we simply could not tell. Surely we thought that we would make it to heaven by living good & well.

There were so many deities, claiming to be the one and only God. How would we know, which one was the one to revere, and which ones were the fakes, made up of satanic lies & fraud.

We just followed what we were always told and taught. By our ancestors, and their social circle. For the doctrines and beliefs, they had long ago believed to be true and bought.

We simply did not have the will and courage it took, to challenge the status quo. We just wanted to be accepted by our peers, friends and family, or else we had to go.

And even though we were conquered, bewildered and divided. We decided to stick to our guns. We just could not accept the notion of God, having any kin or sons. This is what for ourselves we decided.

Heaven’s Key

When she was young & pretty, she was everyone,s celebrity dancer.

She would turn all the heads and get every cute boy to romance her.

She lived her life to the fullest, like a thoroughbred horse & prancer.

Until she got old enough to receive her sorry ticket to a deadly cancer.

It was time to go. Where to she’d ask Dr. Joe. She had no clue or simply didn’t know.

Way too busy choreographing a show. She never bothered to think about her soul.

By the time she got frail and aged, she knew it must have played some kind of a role.

She really wanted to believe that she was something special enough to keep, but didn’t know how.

I kept on telling her about the love and grace of God, yet somehow she wouldn’t let go of her Dao.

Even though her cruise Ship was about to go down, she kept holding on tightly to the bow.

As it met frigid its waters, to go into the abyss. She let go, in case there was something to miss.

Swimming away from the sinking wreck. Screaming for Jesus to save her drowning neck.

From ending up at the bottom of the sea. To being saved, for the way he behaved with glee.

Reaching out to the son of Almighty God, by faith and faith alone. For a promised copy of heaven’s key.


Adam & Eve disobeyed God, and thus they misbehaved. For we all got to play the field since the immortality of man had caved.

Then came along, a good looking fella, with a smile. His name was “Yashuah” and he was the unexpected Messiah on file. As some disbelieved and others raved.

Cometh to Earth to absorb the sin of man, from Edens slithering pariah. For all on tainted Earth, freely sinning comfortably since birth, to be saved.

It’s so damn easy, it almost sounds cheesy. All it takes is to ask him to occupy your heart. Otherwise you get to live life to the fullest, until it all begins to fall apart.

Over there, down yonder at the cemetery, where some of the family tombstones seem to be hereditary. One more wish, one last request for the truth fairy.

Hey there “Jesus Freak” suddenly yells out an angry man. Are you telling me that after a lifetime of toil, sweat and tears, I’ll be going to hell. Is that the plan?

Is that God’s plan. Just for refuting and refusing to believe in what you believe, as if it were some kind of juicy gossip or hot “kiss & tell”.

I’m afraid that kind of ridiculous judgmental nonsense doesn’t sit with me too well. Perhaps you should put it for me in simpler terms, like in a nutshell ?

Sure I said, “Jesus is God incarnate. He became human to change your fate. Your life is merely a grace period, should you happen to be late”.

So take advantage of this precious gift. The kind you’d regret for refusing its lift. The kind that pulls one out of tribulation’s rift.

A son

The Love of God, reigns supreme. All else is a sugar coated Luciferian dream. Jesus gave the best & biggest type of love. The kind that has no conditions, except to accept and believe it came from up above.

God hath met his faithful promise and paved the road to his paradise through personal sacrifice. Making it the easiest thing for a mortal to achieve with plenty of his grace left behind to suffice.

He gave us a sure way out of the mess we long ago hath made. Despite our unwillingness to acknowledge its truth, sincerely confess it, either in private or in the shade.

He gave us a son. To put an end to Satan’s wicked type of fun. He called him the son of man. To put into effect his redemption offer and execute his salvation plan for man.


Lucifer, the fallen archangel wants every Human soul born, to remain forlorn, to share in his punishment and hellish upheaval.

This is why, from the start he insists on the first two, to eat of the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge and awareness of both good & evil.

And that is certainly the life we have today. The knowledge to create and to destroy. To bring back our troops or to deploy. To steward the planet or to waive an “Ahoy”.

When an un-saved soul’s time comes to pass & perish. They only have the honor of meeting the terrifying Grim Reaper, to look forward to and cherish.

The Grim Reaper, who works for the master soul keeper, is a fallen entity. He’s dark hooded, and doesn’t come with a friendly smile or a face that’s pretty.

You see pilgrim, our God of creation is a loving Lord. He doesn’t wish for anyone’s pride, vanity and arrogance to come aboard.

That is how his adversary “Satan” chose to separate himself from God to become fallen, forsaken and ignored .

“John Wayne”

The smart phone today, is the proof and source of all of life’s pleasures and pain.

It’s the product outcome of humanity’s choice in Eden. To be prideful, arrogant and vain.

Just like Lucifer was before his free will hath exercised its right to fallen envy & worship disdain.

Such is the way our ancestors chose to live this life, to make it simple to understand and plain.

Concrete truth of our fallen mortality, so frightful & heavy. To move it, you might need a crane.

A life experience, where there seems to be plenty of recurring pain, with hardly any lasting gain.

Get off your high horse pilgrim and drink your milk, once said the great late actor “John Wayne”.

Humble thyself and accept the gift of grace, if salvation is something you wish to attain.

Life without the redemption of “Jesus Christ” does not add up, is quite meaningless, absurd and Insane.

It’s a funeral finale wish, after its last meal. Between being buried on a sunny day or in the rain.


Pay real close attention pilgrim, to the manipulated thoughts swimming in your head. If not during your busy day, then at least prior to going to bed.

Give some serious thought to what silently roams in your minds eye. Instead of what you might have recently bought, for some short term pleasure on the fly.

Begin to slowly surmise the obvious truth before your eyes. To realize, the power of good & evil, and how their agenda’s are always at work behind the eyes.

Start to take notice of the sudden subliminal actions you take and act upon, along with all of its subsequent trips, traps and interactions from dusk to dawn.

You’ll clearly see how the devil and his wicked minions, are only interested in sending you to Hades or Hell, instead of listening to your lofty opinions.

When it comes to the word of Almighty God, give the subject the benefit of the doubt and take serious heed. Through the grace of his Messiah & trusted Son “Jesus Christ” indeed.

Faith & Science

Science discovery and Faith’s recovery, are at two spectral opposing ends.

The first is made for life’s progress while the second is for worship and amends.

Science requires proof, to be believed. Faith provides the proof, once belief is received.

Science wants to put faith in a jar to re-examine. Faith, is what it takes to find food amidst a famine.

Science lends itself, for the hateful to create weapons of war, to promote rebellion & defiance.

Faith, is built on believing the word of God. For a real relationship built on trust and reliance.

Science, is what it takes to make hospitals and machines, that can possibly save a life.

Faith, is what it takes to be content with yourself, and the hand you’re dealt, in living strife.

Science, was the result of our chosen disobedience and the knowledge of its good and evil.

Faith, is what it took, to get back to God. Amidst a rising tribulation within its sinning upheaval.

Black Hole

Cosmic truth, albeit invisible and unseen is clear, clean and pure. It’s on point, and in & of itself, it is plenty confident and sure.

It’s like a black hole. Once you get too close to its event horizon, it easily grabs on to your curious wandering soul.

Before you get to pass away and perish. Look at the Universe, to cherish its awe and wonder without the blunder, one last time.

Prior to climbing into the back of a lincoln hearse, for better or for worse. In an afterlife, so ambiguous and sublime.

This expanse of space, is no random happenstance. Perhaps more than an academic idea, to study and chase, around its celestial dance.

It’s the work of a God, so Omni and mighty, amazing and bigger than himself. Who made us in his likeness, and gave us the freedom to play our own gig.

To will and choose between a win or a lose. A voice in-between Eden’s garden of bliss, or its forbidden fruit, to also become like God and go big.

Because every bigwig in life came from a mother and then another up the chain of mortal pain, into the belly of Eve. Who got a good taste of the fig !

Game of Thrones

When the son of man “Jesus Christ” decides to save the lost soul of a faithless naysayer.

Perhaps, because of a loved ones deep faithfulness and continued supplication prayer.

He first, takes them down to the bowels of Hell or the place uncommonly known as Hades.

For a glimpse of the forsaken & forlorn. Be they demons with horns, or dark spirits of evil men and wicked ladies.

A scary trip down below the main stage and show. A frightening reality check of sorts to tow. A rude and much deserved fear awakening.

For some of the loving unfaithful, who chose their earthly pride and arrogance, over a game of thought and reasoning.

A celestial game of thrones. One for the recovery of immortality, another for the cremation of skull and bones.

I Write

Ive begun to write for an overflowing fountain of Holy and truthful words. Praying its living water into a fine wine, for all the guests and their lady birds.

The truth of the lord always speak out loud. It shines bright with the purest of light. To become courageous, genuine and mighty proud.

It quenches a thirst for wisdom in every type of person, soloing or part of a bigger crowd. The bloody face of its Messiah, is imprinted on the Turin shroud.

It’s been a journey of faith delivered. If I met a demon or a dark spirit before knowing the Lord, I would have quivered with fear and shivered.

Now, I am a warrior for God and his Holy son “Jesus Christ” to revere & applaud. Born to battle the devil’s lies and deceptions for his divisional fraud.

I write these words to bring redemption to the lost and forsaken, the poor and lean, or one with all his bacon unseen.

I write to share the gift of salvation and it’s truth. From getting old, frail and dead, back into a state of eternal youth.

Instead of lurking like a ghost, running scared and earth bound. Playing purgatory’s host. forever wandering if by God you’ll ever be rescued & found.

Holy One

The entire blue world at large, and its collective soul called humanity are under a fallen spiritual heist.

One that’s invisible and plays it’s satanic game of vice, behind the scene as its most defining Zeitgeist”.

One that calls, for the son of man to arrive. Crucified & risen, to reverse a curse of Eve’s, throw of the dice.

The lion of Judah next to God’s sacrificial lamb. Offering redemption from sins, to all mankind. By the will to pay its price.

Then after his departure, back to heaven. Gifting a blanket of mercy and grace, to cover our mortal wounds, to plenty suffice.

Was God really born into his son ? By the un-forlorn miracle of a virgin birth. Who’s name is Jesus. To save the good people of Earth.

Suit thyself ye mortal one, God said. When Eve broke his rule. Adam became her fool, as we all earned a ticket to the grateful dead.

Then comes the Lord in person. Foretold in a book, in the form of his one son. With a plan to save by faith, any, all, and everyone.

A complete reversal of cosmic fortune in the history of our world, and all in the name of “Yashuah”, the Holy one.

Ice Berg

When a person dies well behaved, smelling good, with his last close shave, less any redemption for being saved.

By the one to begin with. Who gave them life. Even though they thought they couldn’t afford any of its pain, or mortal strife.

By the one and only Yahweh. The good and compassionate Lord. The one they should have never disrespected, shunned or ignored.

Their borrowed spirit of life, leaves its flesh and body for good. To depart back to its mothership heart. Up & above, as some might have understood.

As a lost soul got left behind. In between the shadows of demons and dark spirits of the unsaved blind.

Stuck in place, and on timeless death row, for a quick drop into Sheol. A sorry soul devoid of God’s Holy love, of any kind.

If anyone thinks, they can reach God on their own terms and by their made up rules. Such is the recipe for a pie in the sky, made for fools.

The spirit of this new modern age is Satanic. And its headed straight into the ocean’s abyss, just like it did with the once cheeky “Titanic”.

A ship made of steel, with damage proof as its sex appeal. One of luxury, frolc and fun. Until it kissed the Ice Berg, to sink to the bottom of the sea, putting an end to its voyage and run.

The planet Earth and all of its folk, are under the devils heist. The adversary that wished to overthrow God, off of his throne, as his unforgiving fallen vice.

The devil’s zeitgeist is the only worthwhile reason for the savior of our world and the souls of its stewards, who’s name is, “Jesus Christ”.

Salvation is open to every, color and creed. Rich, poor or in need. God’s redemption is the greatest gift ever given to mankind, and is most worthy of a mention.

So, save your soul and get on board, or sadly be forever ignored. I’m afraid there’s no room for wishy washy choices, when it comes to the good Lord.

Reality Check

In the truth of the afterlife. Evil and lost souls get to hang around for a little while.

Earthbound, and in place, not to be found. To torture the living as a ghost manifesting in style.

Until the great day of the Lord’s Judgment alone Where God and his son, sit on the throne.

To show and present all the evidence to the accused, less any of grace’s forgiveness or a way to atone.

Before they are carried off into oblivio, onto the perimeter horizon of the drop zone.

That’s when a reality check ensues, for fear and trembling to lose, down to a shivering bone.

A gnashing of teeth, just as described rife. From seeing the truth of the Bible come to life.

As the unredeemed forlorn & forsaken soul drops into the fires of Hades or Sheol.


When one vainly attempts to relate to God, only on their own terms.

That type of arrogance will become their afterlife’s can of worms.

Behind every body sickness, are a set of willing and offensive germs.

Earth’s Cancer, is the work of the devil, and his legion of minions.

Through all of their false religions, doctrines & devilish opinions.

However through the rise of Christ, are earn a whole new set of terms.

Ones, that give every man assurance of salvation, as he confesses truth and affirms.

No such things

The beauty of faith, is that it will always rhyme.In its truth it will deliver proof, just in the nick of time.

It’s like an old ship, coming into harbor amidst a raging storm with its underbelly assured & sublime.

It’s the promise of the highest name given in all the land and sea, and the most gracious and pure.

To believe with all your heart, and nothing but the heart instead of using your eyes & ears, as an adversary’s lure.

To believe in a heavenly place called “Paradise”. through the promises of the builder’s son “Jesus Christ”.

For the fears of life and all of its stain embedded strife, to vanish and disappear. For the sake of goodness to suffice.

For all who choose to believe. Each will receive a ticket for one, to our Lord’s wonder place, in the cloud.

To give glory and reverence to the good God above, and celebrate his love for us, proud and out loud.

To have a final sigh of relief, after living in so much of Earth’s fallen mortality grief, and for so long.

To finally get to the heavenly place of promise, to do away with all things wicked and wrong.

A fabulous place. where there are no hospitals, or police stations. No need for rituals, or the pouring of libations.

A place where, there is no more crime, or a single desperate criminal. Or any daft ads and commercials, made subliminal.

No Trumped up division or bitterness towards driven hate. The kind of emotions, spawned by Satan, for a sorrowful fate.

No more killing, stealing and robbing, from the defenseless and weak. As Earth shakes off its filth. To offer itself to the meek.

No more wars, or rumors of wars. No more pain and strife. Fears on one end, cheers on another.

Between a sorry husband and his frustrated wife, or a cunning sister and her simpleton brother.

No more sudden mayhem, or big catastrophes. Only smiles and laughter in the hereinafter without the hefty fees.

With Jesus Christ, they tell us we will have new and young bodies. For all eternity, some with wings.

That in heaven, all things are made fair, good and beautiful. For, from the wicked ways of Earth, were there are no such things.

Love & Money

Love divine and money off the vine are at the extreme opposite ends of the life spectrum.

Such is the truth. To keep it all in perfect harmony and perspective. Despite its relentless conundrum.

Love in its pure state, was born as a man, amidst and within the most innocent of animals, in a manger.

While money, kept on insisting on a big palace, with security cameras. To protect it from worldly danger.

The stuff that comes from above, kneels down to lather and wash the feet of its loved ones, or a dear friend.

While money hire’s someone to do the dirty job. As the hoarder gets dressed up for his glory party to attend.

Love is what turned water into the finest of wine. Yet, all of King Harod’s money couldn’t kill the Messiah, in line.

The love of Christ will always turn the other cheek. While money’s bigness, always gets to control the meek.

Love fills your heart with courage and desire. In a relationship with our God of creation, to seek, before the date of expire.

Yet money, forever and ever, needs to have the last word. To be the one above the crowd to speak and alaways be heard.

Love gives Jesus Christ, lord and savior of this world, the power and might, of God’s amazing mercy & grace.

While money gave the devil, foothold for a stronghold on the people of Earth. For every raw deal made under par, and on his level.

Among many things, Jesus said, you cannot serve two masters. Such is one of the wisest sermons, for all richest pastors.

A true and deep love of Christ Jesus and the desire, for money and mammon cannot exist in the same place.

Such was the sorry deal made between the devil and man, at the onset of this mortal fall and rat race.


When you have in your heart, a deep and true love for the lord and savior of this world.

Your soul status in its afterlife of faith to fate, shan’t be ignored, or into a pit of fire, sadly hurled.

When you come to the undeniable realization, that Jesus Christ, is truly who he claimed to be, and the son of God.

You will want to know a little more of the Man Deity, who descended from the Heavens, to wipe out Satan’s fraud.

You’ll want the same relationship every believer talks about. When they believed without the slightest doubt.

You will also want to be saved and redeemed. For the simple request and condition, in his truth purpose and mission to believe.

The story of the world in the book of “Genesis” and its mortal fall. Through the serpent’s deception of Adam and Eve.


Once upon a time, there was a great rift in the heavens above. God had created a new being from the dust of the Earth, with his grace & love.

He told the angelic host, that it was a must to serve this new creation. From the very time of their birth into his trust and relation.

Then, Archangel Lucifer, the most beautiful of them all. Refused to obey his God and bow down to humans, by standing firm and tall.

For being created from fire, no matter the fall. He insisted on his status, and those of his angels, to be superior and much higher.

So he starts an insurrection, and a sedition against his creator. As his last issue & final edition, within heavenly realms, to become greater.

Gets thrown out of God’s place in heaven, along with his followers to admire. Gets recreated, to smell and look awful, less his attire.

To be tossed into the Holy Bible’s lake of fire. And because of that, his hatred and loathing towards mankind grew even higher.

So he decided to ruin man, by becoming a serpentine lier. To cause him to fall from grace. To become one, under the thumb of a Satanic race.

To be wide eye blind, and join his fate. Just as he did, when he took the bait. The one of pride & vanity. The stuff at the root of this insanity.

Then came along Jesus Christ Super Star, the Savior from afar. To save the goodness of mankind, from its acquired sin and rogue behavior.

Foretold in a holy book a thousands years prior. To bring about a souls redemption, into a place of eternal salvation, much higher.

To give the human mortal, one more chance to walk with God. Or, with the devil, continue to dance, and be apart of his deliberate fraud.

Forest Gump

Truth is, what truth does. Just as Forest Gump once said “Stupid is, what Stupid does“.

The absolute truth of our planet is, that God needed to save the world, from a stupendous free will blunder.

Made by the very first creation, despite his warnings of wrath, death and living thunder.

When someone good or bad on the Earth gets saved by Jesus Christ, among any of the natives.

The hateful devil, gets mighty angry, for losing one of his “Easy Meat” future captives.

He tries to reverse the situation, as best he can. But at that point, God had a whole other plan.

By the spilled blood of his son, he saves anyone, for just a seed of faith, looking from the devil to run.

Forest Gump also said. “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get”.

Except whatever you got, was also coated with sweet chocolate. Whether or not your redemption was ever met.


Jesus Christ superstar is the son of God, our one redeemer, savior of soul and true lord.

To get to know him, all of the adversary’s false religions must be shunned and ignored.

To be eternally elected and saved, to be lifted from the hot fires of Hell, Hades or Sheol.

By the one and only genuine Master Creator, and giver of every bit of Life, Spirit and Soul.

A true rosebud of a God, amidst the thicket of satanic wickedness and existential fraud.

A devil and an angel, to sway a wandering and ignorant soul, either or, one way or another.

And a savior of soul, to save every faithful believing father, mother, sister and lost brother.

From the damnation and peril of the mortal fall, we chose for ourselves, in all of its sham & shame.

From accepting the derailing lies, trickery and deceit of Satan’s deathly hateful game.

Freedom for good, from the shackles of every demons horror and sub-glory, within their hall of fame.

From association and subscription into their agenda and plan for every man, less a revealing name.

Leap of faith

If you take a leap of faith towards the good Lord, to make a real connection.

You’ll find that God, will also take a faith filled step, in your direction.

All it takes, is a tiny mustard seed’s worth, of relentless faith and hope.

What you, might have left over, by the time you reached the end of your rope.

Before you decide to let go, ask Jesus to show you, how you too can truly know.

When his holy spirit, takes residence in your heart. You will be seated, at the show.

Then, you will experience faith’s spiritual clout. The stuff that lets go of satanic doubt.

Then for yourself, you will know. For it is a relationship unlike any other known, to nurture and sow.

A personal kinship towards God. With a departure ticket from all of the adversary’s influence & fraud.


“Oh My God, Oh My Dear God”. Please save us from this assault, coming to our shores from abroad.

A world war breaks out, and the people begin to plead for peace, and for fear, some will angrily shout.

Make believers out of us. Through your blanket of mercy and grace, less any of the fuss, or the slightest of doubt.

How about a global pandemic named, “The Corona”, hits the fan, like a Steely Dan. To make everyone sick on the fly.

While the people cry out, for the Lord’s invisible shield. As their loved ones catch the rift, to get ill and die.

Someone would repeatedly, task the sanitizer and ask. Through the thin fabric, of a “made for the occasion”, type of mask.

Where is God in all this ? Why does life have to feel like such a down trodden spiral, into a dark abyss ?

Why does the good Lord make us feel, as if we are all alone in space, by feeling shunned and ignored.

Is this all of this creation, he could afford. To create the world, and soon after, snip its umbilical chord ?

Leaving us, to fend for ourselves. To figure it all out. By the mind, heart and all we could muster, in spiritual clout.

The answer to that question is perhaps a (Yes). After all, it was us and only us, that created this mess.

As we became immersed, in Satanic pride and arrogance, unwilling to ever admit to its truth or confess.

When we chose to run, with the devil’s lies. Over the word of God, for his blessed wisdom, to escape our eyes.

When we chose, to go our own way, instead of remaining in the bliss of his gift of immortality, every day.

Holy Name

Our skewed fallen world, runs on the accuracy of timing and synchronicity.

Not for it’s obvious perfection, and neither for its ambiguous simplicity.

Not because of its multi cultural diversity or any of its racial intensity.

Or, even its mega lands and water size, in seas and oceans of grandiose immensity.

Not for it’s blatant political hypocrisy, or any of its diluted democracy.

Not for any of its kindness and generosity or piety. Or its religiosity or decadence.

Not because it does to some, or does not to others, make any common sense.

Not because it’s an act of kindness that resides within the boundary of a heart breaking offense.

Not because of its internationally mapped borders or someone’s protective high fence.

Not because, some minds are arrogantly brilliant while others are pridefully stubborn dense.

Not because of life’s latent peaceful efforts here and there, or any of its random violence.

Not because, of its system of accusations through the culture of honor and shame.

Not because, we haven’t learned to play its “survival of the fittest” acquisitions game.

Not because, of those Hollywood celebrities we love to cherish, and admire into fame.

Yet, however it is both surely and truly, much because of one particular Holy Name.

And that is none other than God himself. In the form of Jesus Christ, the very same.

The one by which all things on an upside, aim to synchronize & suffice, just the way he came.

Perfect Fit

Get off your back. I’m getting hungry for a Big Mac. Let’s head out at dusk, on a lumberjack attack.

Into the golden green abundant forest, to earn ourselves a dollar, before the woods take notice, and begin to holler.

Like we always used to do. Cut down the biggest trees, so that Trader’s like Joe, can bag their groceries.

Let’s go sailing the seas, and hunt our massive water ways and oceans, for those giant Beluga wales.

So, that someday we could tell our kids the craziest bed time stories, made up of fisherman and their fishy tales.

Let’s go to wilder Africa, on a jungle killing Safari tour. To hunt for some fresh dinner, in a fleeting deer.

Get to kill some slow moving Elk and Moose, a head to hang on our walls, as as our trophy of conquering fear.

Let’s pollute and ruin the mother planet, yet even more and more than we have ever done before.

For the mega storms to roar, and grow way beyond the talk of global warming, and that whole folklore.

Let’s devour and consume all of it right now, depleting our once abundant plentiful resources.

So that our future generations, their kin and children, can go back to riding donkeys & horses.

Let us continue on the path to rape, pillage and plunder, our only home. A rare and most beautiful Earth.

For that is all some of us seem to understand, and be good at. Since the time of every one of its forlorn birth.

Lets look at the masses of filth and garbage, we diligently produce and hoard daily. It has to go somewhere.

No matter how much we bury it. It comes back up doubling as a pair, to become everyone’s problem and mare.

Look around and see for yourself, that this fallen world is nothing short, of a lumberjacks falling tree.

Or, how it’s maybe more like a rusted ship, with holes that leak, trying to navigate the stormy sea.

How it’s urgent need for a mayday call, was in decree. How it had to be saved, by the Holy Trinity.

How through God, his son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. With eternity we can become a perfect fit, and truly free.

Meet the Mockers

When it comes to the story of Jesus and the redemption of man. It might be worth an ounce of your attention. Before its next chapter in plan.

Those, too cool for school. Always ready to judge, condemn & over rule. Perhaps for the cheers of their peers snarl, scoff & foolhardy ridicule.

Ultimately will have to pay the steepest price of them all. For becoming Satan’s pawn & smart tool. Used up and discarded, like any other stubborn mule.

Meet the Mockers. As they poke fun from the safety of their opinion lockers. To mock the truth of the Lord. As if wealth gave them free passage for ignorance to afford.

Jesus Christ likes the poor folk. That’s cause they have no choice, but to be down to earth and pure at heart, as their true character, essence and yolk

They’re not filled to the brim, with peacock pride. They’re not like the super rich, who are always looking to bitch or be a snitch, and then hide.

They’re not like the arrogant and prideful wealthy, hoarding all the treasure for themselves, by being plenty sneaky, secretive & super stealthy.

They are kinda simple, when their children smile, you might see a dimple. They value the Lord. Because only through his goodness, their faith is restored.

They’ve suffered through years of pain and sorrow. Enough to last, well into tomorrow. Long term rejection, less any lasting social affection.

Jesus said “The meek shall inherit the Earth”. For suffering the wrath of the devil , without changing in character, since the time of their birth.

When the pure at heart are redeemed. Their salvation becomes nothing to question or cure. For as long as it’s not a selfish act, they can be plenty sure.

Conquer the World

It’s quite perplexing and amazing to me, how people worldwide. Will arrogantly tell God who he is, or what he thinks, or in their opinion what he should be like.

They generalize his name, hoping that he will accept and understand their confusion game, and forgive their ignorance, just in time for their plight, up the pike.

They take absolutely no interest in the details of his reality, so long as they think are able, to post bail. They say. How could a clever approach such as this possibly fail.

They utter words like “Oh My God”, in times of their mayhem and fear. Only to hear nothing from the generic Lord of choice. Until a whispering dark host shows up pro tem, drawing near.

This world and all of its sleek and well packaged vices is somehow, is nothing short of walking up to a Casino craps table, to toss down those lucky pair of dices.

Sometimes you win, to help bring in more fools into the gamblers wheel to spin, but most of the time you lose, for believing you were special enough, to be on the six o’clock news.

It’s a continuous chance and opportunity for a maybe daily draw. Usually in their favor, except for the occasional taste of their dream flavor, always according to their law.

Life, doesn’t really make any sense. It could, if you looked at it from its, present past tense. Only then, you might see the difference, between the love of God and chaos driven violence.

If only there was a way to conquer the world, without offense. There would be no need for defense. Jesus Christ was one, to do such. His passion for humanity, was nothing short of immense.

We live. We die, and in between of it all, we get to laugh a lot, yet we seldom wish to cry. But, in the end we get to stand around our own funeral, watching our friends & loved ones, sob and cry.

Then we wonder, if perhaps they made a folly, and with God, didn’t bother to make it right. What and where, we thought. Would be the state of their spirit’s fate and plight ?

Would it reside in the bosom of the Lords love, or would it fail to take flight ? After all, those unsure of the light, will not wish to enter it, until it is out of their sight.

For the fear, of being judged by the generic God, they never bothered to get to know. For then they realized, what they missed was true, to have earned the right to this legitimate fright.

Satan’s conquest over the Earth was rooted in creating fear, for his loathing of human kind. So God had to conquer the world, through the risen mercy of Jesus Christ, for the scam to unwind.

To give every one of us, and every forlorn birth on this fallen Earth, and every repentant believing sinner, a fair chance at entering his Fathers paradise, just in time for dinner.


Way deep down in the soul. The spirit of God, residing in the heart of man, knows without a shadow of a doubt, who Jesus Christ really is.

Even though his mortal, malleable and manipulative thinking mind, thinks. It alone, is the only possible spiritual wiz.

For when a heart is in fear driven peril, and its mind is frozen petrified. It calls out to Jesus Christ, pleading never to be denied.

When the adversary’s minions and legion, reveal themselves to be real. Your soul runs to the Lord, begging for a nine one one mercy deal.

When it comes to God, listen to your heart & soul, not your mind. For it is a tool for both truthful thoughts, as well as ones that are blind.

Heart to Laugh

I will always glorify the good Lord, whether he blesses me richly or not.

For, it is all I can really afford to make, for my life’s one time hit or miss, of a shot.

For God is sovereign, and all knowing. His wisdom is much deeper & wider than mine.

I’m just always looking for the quickest way to cover up the latest mistake I could find to unwind.

For putting another man’s salvation together in words that rhyme. Is my only worthy living time.

I always will seek my refuge, from life’s deluge of strife, in the bosom of our Father God.

Just as, with my own paternal father in life. To earn his respect, love and support, with silent applaud.

I do so, knowing full well, all else is is of Satan’s trickery and mortal fall’s package of fraud.

The good Lord in the heavens above, is my sole shepherd, my strength and my truest staff.

My very reason, to go on living for the sake of faith alone, and the only way for my heart to laugh.


Life on this planet of ours, is but a gift of grace from God, that eventually expires.

Unsaved, to miss out on God’s redemption and salvation, by believing in the works of liars.

Christ Jesus, lord and savior, is the rebirth, out of the ashes of the mortal fall, and its inherent fires.

Moses was the man who talked to God. He laid out the entire story for us to either boo or applaud.

He started the book that shook the world, and still does today. To save the soul of man anyway.

The Holy Bible is true and precise. Any changes made to divert its message, would not suffice.

Open Eyes, Shut Wide

The flaw that is the human condition, is a result of God’s broken law, for our initial immortality’s end all, be all and its eternal omission.

From then on, every problem, required a solution. Wishing its resolve might or might not automatically evolve into a fair type of restitution.

Instead to become a bigger, more challenging kind of quagmire. To bring anxiety and stress levels much higher. To cover up the tricks of a liar.

A fearless flyer, into the shopping cart of every mortal buyer. To live it up, until it became dyer. An eventual farewell, most difficult to admire.

Hoping to come to a place of solace. A point of success, a lift from life’s mess. To accept the reality of life ending in a smile, or a frown.

A spot in heaven to strive for, or a pit on the lake. The one described in God’s Holy Bible, made of fire. Made for wicked souls to roast & bake.

So then, our God of mercy and grace sends for himself, a holy savior of a son, to redeem the chosen sinful nature of man, and alter his sinful behavior, undone.

His name was, and continues to be “Jesus Christ”. Coming to us, crucified. To either embrace his truth, or turn away, with open eyes, shut wide.

Saying, “I am the way, the truth, and the light. No one comes to the father, except through me“. To win this fight, put faith in the son of God, to overcome the human plight.

Written in Red

If one has to be cruel, to be kind at the finish line. The value of their kindness will diminish, just as it does with sour grapes and old wine.

Because the forces of evil do not wish to unwind. It’s the devil inside, that controls the weakest link, within the depths of the fragile human mind.

Every single one of us, has the devil in their mind’s eye lurking inside, through our ancient ancestry, once having refused in their creator to abide.

A wicked yet charming snake, who deliberately lied. A fallen mortal, unwilling to confess his sin to the Lord. Or in faith and trust, to confide.

Evil rolls up from behind, on your side. Happy to give you a lift, or just come along for the ride. How else to know, unless you’ve tried.

It comes in too many forms. It hides and waits, until vulnerable, then it forms. It’s the type of horror that creates spiritual storms.

In the End, Jesus Christ will beat any throw of the dice. A sacrifice to save us from all sin & vice. Accepting a plea, at last breath, for Satan to flea.

Just as the criminal hanging on the cross, next to Jesus on that day said, “take me with you to heaven my lord, before I’m dead”. Jesus said to him,

“On this blessed day, you shall be with me and my father in heaven”. Just as such words in the Bible one day, will be written in spoken red.


The only time a new soul can truly “Rest In Peace” upon its body’s eventual death and demise.

Is when it is redeemed by the cross, saved by the blood of “Jesus”, less any wicked surprise.

Otherwise, there truly really is no rest of any kind, or peace, to securely attest to, as one will find.

Or even, a sure way for fear & anguish of the unknown, to cease. As nothing else will suffice.

Except for a soul save, by the grace & mercy of God. through his risen crucified son, “Jesus Christ”.

If you can’t get this bit of precious reality, past your manipulated brain, and into your heart.

The after life will be a place of agony, horror and from Gods love, you will eternally be apart.

The Word of God

There is great power in the word of God. The words of the Holy Bible, as oppose to any other well covered ornate book, looking to be its competition and rival.

The one and only book, written by man & God, that can rebuke and banish all the works of the Devil and his deceitful faith in fraud and all things flawed.

It proves itself over and over. With miracles upon miracles abound, from the snowy top of mount Everest to the sea shores of Dover, as we have found.

When it’s spoken in faith, It valiantly comes alive. You can swim on it’s beaches or jump in the depth of its trenches, for a much deeper dive.

It’s the place to go to when your other ideas and beliefs have all failed. It’s the living book, one can rely on when their life has derailed.

It’s the precious gift of our Lord Jesus, to all of humanity. For choosing to run with the devil, by putting himself on a cross to be nailed.

So give thanks and gratitude to the savior of souls. Should you suddenly need him in a hurry, when the trumpets of tribulation blow and the bell of your truth tolls.

You’ll find, that even though you chose to be blind to his truth and gift. He is still willing to love and save you from the reality of tribulation’s rift.

Judgment Fall

Our lives are falling apart says a desperate father on the six o’clock news today, who’s young daughter Gabby suddenly goes missing.

When she and her new fiancé, took his last check of pay and went on a cross country trip, filming their Facebook selfie video, hugging and kissing.

The soon to be married man shows up, back home without his pretty girl, as he pleads the fifth at the police station interrogation frenzy whirl. He takes his vow of silence. Demanding a top notch lawyer, he can afford,, to hopefully cover the tracks of his sudden violence from the Lord.

Such is the reality of our fallen world’s insanity. From happy days and illusions of love, to sudden mayhem, in a bitter stew of wicked vanity, from down below, never above. He was the only person of interest on Facebook and to the authorities, yet he wasn’t saying much. Despite all the pressure tactics of the police and such.

He wore a pair of shiny black shoes, and clean white shirt with a big Christian cross to use, but that didn’t impress the chief much or his evangelist boss, as his ruse.

A clever killer of souls on his latest endeavor, will casually wear a cross on his chest. To fool those around him, into thinking he was a believer at best. To use the Christian faith as a shield and his cover for practicing evil. While he rapes and pillages every opportunity, into the frenzy of an upheaval.

To pretend to be righteous and holier than thou, under the dice of illusion. To make a mockery of the messiah’s sacrifice, as his main course to confusion. Rotten souls of the forlorn, to be thrown into Hell, as if they were never born. Without a dignified funeral, or a drop of water in the hereinafter to quench their hellish thirst, sworn.

These are the dark souls and spirits, driven in life, by minions of the devil. For the sins they committed, less a redemption cleanse to end up on his level. Fallen and forsaken mortal lives, to stay in place as a lost soul. As an angry ghost, a dark shadow before their judgment fall into the fires of Hades or Sheol.

A lifetime in question ?

My days in these times of worry-some haze are numbered. My life of pain and sorrows in vain, are encumbered.

It’s time to depart from this skewed world of folly, struggles and fine art. It’s time for me to mend my broken, heavy and blackened heart.

I’ve had enough of the devils bitter candy, and every flesh temptation. I’m beginning to desire closeness with God, as my only inclination. This life, in its current state of unpredictability and strife never made any sense to me whatsoever.

Sure, all the well packaged and shiny products we make are made to be fun & clever. Though their lives also end, to make room for the next endeavor. We work hard for a lifetime, to live, hurt, laugh, fall, and attempt to love. Hardly paying attention to the source of it all, who created the Earth and heavens above.

We give very little of ourselves, looking for much to take. Some of us can afford the best, while the rest of us, settle for a fake.

We spend the hard money we earn, to feel good and show it off. We lend our extra cash on hand. To tax them, while they graze on our land.

We buy the fancy stuff we want, on instinct, and on the fly. To hoard it all into a storage unit, before our time comes to die.

Where is the logic and sense in all of this ? When it cometh to a close with such an offense, and into a darkened abyss.

Where is Love’s relentless mercy and forever grace. The kind of compassionate smile, that shows up on a saints face ?

It is in none other than, Jesus Christ. Christianity’s truth and holy redemption. The only spiritual rise into heaven, from a world of insanity, worth another mention.

Last Dance

Mankind says, let’s build more prisons and jails. For every rotten fruit, the system produces when it fails.

God says, from mess to mess, an opportunity to confess, to the one I send, who by numbers will bless. To bless the rest, still caught up in this mortal chess.

Man says, Let’s lock up all the fervor and hate. Perhaps we can somehow change their poor attitude & sorry fate.

And then he adds. Let’s arrest and handcuff anyone of color who gets out of line. Unless, like Jesus, they can turn water into wine.

And God says, at the onset, you failed the first test. Any other God, would have given up on you, to work on his best.

But then I decided to give some of you another chance. To stop romancing the devil, as your very last dance.

2nd Peter

Make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue.

The kind of virtue you can easily build on your faith & accrue.

And virtue with knowledge.

The kind of knowledge you’ll never earn in college.

And knowledge with self control.

The kind of self control that will save your self & soul.

With steadfastness and Godliness.

The kind of Godliness that doesn’t require much charming or finesse.

And Godliness with brotherly affection.

The kind of affection that cements and grounds your election.

And brotherly affection with Love.

The kind of Love that cometh strictly from above !


A rose is a rose is a rose, an aroma so sweet, no one can oppose. Just as a word, is a word, is a word. Be it in any of Earth’s language’s, anyone ever heard.

It’s meant to convey a message, explain a meaning, and transfer knowledge. It’s how the pastors graduate from seminary college.

It’s how human beings are able to communicate. Words are so powerful, they can change a persons fate.

Words can either harness love among the people, or it can churn out violence and hate.

Words can be used to lie, in a smiling way to charm and manipulate.

Words can be used for both good and evil. To speak truth or to fabricate.

Just like a serpent in the garden of Eden once spoke words, to shift their relative base and immortal slate, right out the gate.

Thus creating the fallen world of chaos and order we all know of and can clearly see, as of late.

A world of tragedies, hurts and pain. A world of invites into sudden disadvantage and Satanic disdain.

Words can be put in a song. One’s that elevate our spirit into a state of grace and others, to tempt us to do wrong.

Words are used to confuse the mind into habits, hard to break.

Making us a slave to its beastly ways, caught up under the rake.

God almighty, used words to build a relationship with us, for those, who were malleable enough to believe without making a big fuss.

He worked his words into the holy bible, to warn us of the powers and principalities of his adversary and rival.

Through the belief and faith of Jesus’s apostles.

For his truth to be embedded into a timeless rock, as do the fossils.

The Lords Fraternity

We laugh out loud so that one day we can have the courage to weep. We work hard so that we can play, and what we buy, we can keep.

We live on, just as they did, until our time comes around to pass away. On the saddest day of our lives, specially for the loved ones left at bay.

Nothing much matters anymore, at the time of our departure. Except perhaps their arrival, to give a little comfort to the forfeiture.

Such is the way in a temporary world of the contemporary.

A world of sudden changes, rust and decay. A world of sudden mayhem, to keep it all locked in the fray.

From the curse of mortality, to gifted immortality, is what it’s all about. The privilege we forfeited at birth. Back when Eden was on Earth, without a doubt.

The gift of Jesus is the return ticket to eternity, a way out of this insanity. Just for accepting the pledge to the Lord’s fraternity.


Our lives are falling apart, says a desperate father on the six o’clock news today, who’s young daughter Petito suddenly goes missing.

When she and her fiancé, took his last check of pay, and went on a cross country trip, filming their Facebook selfie video, while hugging and kissing.

The soon to be married man shows up, back home without his pretty girl, as he pleads the fifth at the police station’s frenzy whirl.

He takes a vow of silence, before fleeing into the wild. wanting a lawyer, he couldn’t afford, to hopefully cover the tracks of his violence from the Lord.

Such is the reality of our fallen world’s insanity. From happy days and illusions of love, to sudden mayhem, in a bitter stew of wicked vanity from below, never from above.

He was the only person of interest to the authorities, yet he wasn’t saying much. Despite all the pressure tactics of the police and such.

He wore a pair of shiny black shoes, and clean white shirt with a big Christian cross to use, but that didn’t impress the chief much, as a ruse.

A killer of souls on his latest kill, will wear a cross on his chest. To attempt to fool those around him, into thinking he was a believer at best.

To use the Christian faith, as a shield and a cover for practicing evil. While they rape and pillage every opportunity, into mayhem and upheaval.

To pretend to be righteous and holier than thou, under the dice of illusion. To make a mockery of the messiah’s sacrifice, as a course to confusion.

Souls of the forlorn, thrown into Hades, as if never born. Without a dignified funeral, or a drop of water, in the hereinafter to quench their hellish thirst, the Bible hath sworn.

These are the dark souls and spirits, driven in life, by minions of the devil. For the sins they committed, less any redemption cleanse, to end up on his level.

Fallen and forsaken mortal lives, to stay in place as a lost soul. As an angry ghost, a dark shadow before their judgment fall into the fires of Sheol.


Those who sincerely chose to ignore the gift of redemption for a salvation lift, from the Lord Jesus Christ.

In the end will sadly come to a place of uttermost beauty, they cannot afford, at the pearly gates of Paradise.

When they find their first & last names blotted out & omitted from the big book of life and its admission list.

Even though in their minds, they lived a good life, gave to the poor, perhaps found a cure, and were always willing to assist.

Everyone falls short of the glory of God, due to the sin bug. The one we slipped under the rug. A result of angelic pride, having gone smug.

No one makes it to heaven, without the cross of Christendom. For such was the way God chose to recreate his kingdom come.

The God of Miracles came from his promises to Abraham. From Moses and the plagues, to David & Goliath, to Jesus, his holy lamb.

Not from Abraham’s mistakes, or any of the adversary’s pagan religions from the past or future deemed as the devil’s fakes.

Jesus Taught Me

Jesus taught me not to be so selfish, to be humble and selfless. How else was I going to clean up a lifetime worth of a mess.

Jesus taught me to be kind and generous to the stranger. He did not judge the poor and destitute, for he himself was born in a manger.

Jesus taught me to share his good and trustworthy word. How else could they get to know him, unless they had heard.

Jesus also taught me how to love others unconditionally. Like the dogs we all love so much, love us back, for all to see.

Jesus taught me how to forgive. For that is the only way to be forgiven of my own trespasses, in an effort to once again live.

He teaches me how to become more patient and mature. For that is the best way to filter out all that is not holy and impure.

Trip Ticket

Here on Earth, until a person falls flat on his face onto the cold unforgiving ground. There isn’t much of a rescue plan, to go around.

Except for the one who saves the soul of a person through their faith alone. While still in good health, able to rise up and atone.

One, that can replace a bad deal in life, a curse delivered from a tree. With a much dearer and loving hand, for a faith-spirit, to be free.

One, who claims to be the only son of God. Asking the father, for one miracle after another, without the need for cheer, or any applaud.

For the will & truth of God is anchored in one spot, on the ocean floor. What is not from God, is from his adversary, producer of all deceit to come ashore.

If one does not do the Holy homework. From behind the tall feathers of pride. Darkness will patiently hide, for a chance to find an upside.

Looking to devour the unaware soul, once it crosses over to play its next surprise role. A trip ticket, clenched in trembling to Sheol.

Just One

In our world today, Love needs a super lift and a worthy raise.

Because there are so many ways to block the sun’s rays.

Dark clouds of doom and daily pain, following one around overhead, to keep us all in a spinning daze.

So many unfair & crooked ways to get super rich. Locked into foolish pride & arrogance, for the rest of days.

So many ways, to get lost, enveloped by frost, while you attempt to navigate through this world’s diabolical maze.

So many ways to keep our minds locked on the boob tube of subliminal fears, to keep us in a confused Haze.

So many ways, to hurt, kill and destroy our own and others, to grow our spirit into a much darker phase.

So many ways to lose all of your cash money. So many ways to lose the love, patience and resolve of your honey.

So many flu variants to keep your nose runny. So many ways to be sad in your life, for another man’s funny.

But there is absolutely just one, positively assured way to get to God’s heaven. From John 3:16 to Revelation 22:7

All Said & Done

You can put your faith on science but at some point, you will be heart broken, upon its lack of any divine reliance.

When a mortal soul forms with his God of creation, a faithful alliance. They are shielded from the zeitgeist of the adversary’s defiance.

When it comes to the truthful existence and reality of demons and dark spirits, there are a lot more than just a few.

Thousands of them roam the earth, perhaps a million or more, to influence the lost and wandering, out of both sight and view.

Hell was solely made for Satan & company, never for the mortals, who pompously chose not to see, how all this rif-raf, came to be.

God also made some basic life rules, never to be broken. Except by those looking to be logged into the registry of fools, as their token.

For those who obey his laws and follow Jesus, his model son. Will be elected to live in his governed paradise, when it is all said & done.

Trash Baby

A white car pulls up to a dumpster, a young lady gets out and throws in a bag of garbage, then casually leaves.

Behind the town’s mall, where there was a camera on the wall. In cold freezing temperatures, as low as thirty six degrees.

Three good Samaritan’s, going through the trash, looking for cans, to trade in for cash. Hear a crying baby, wrapped up in a bag.

Tossed out like filth by a young mother with a video tag, for all to see, how the evil deed on her face could never flee.

Her devil inside, had struck gold, when he got her to abide, as her conscience denied. To follow the ancient dragon that hath lied.

“Just put it in a plastic bag, he said, wrapped up in a dirty blanket, and pretend that it suddenly died.

He didn’t advise her on what to do next, if she got caught. Nothing about the dirty bath water she was bathing in getting hot.

About her life from that point on will be over and shot. For deciding to become Satan’s Manchurian robot.

Broken Earth

Life wizzes by, so fast. Wherever you happen to be born, and into whatever social status, or religious cast.

I begin to cry, thinking how quickly the good and bad times flew by. When I listen to “old blue eye’s” from my youthful past.

Invincible like a flock of seagulls, flying free. Looking for the fish from up high. Even though we were told, it would never last.

We arrogantly refused to believe, through the devil’s art of denial, deceived at trial, that we were no longer immortal.

That we had crossed over that ancient bridge of truth & lies, so long ago, into the devil’s playground, via hell’s portal.

We had made our own choices. Dug our own graves. Gave our minds to whispers, and ill voices. To keep us from the one who saves.

We were taught a thousand & one ways on how to sin. Some taught by the Devil himself, to back stab and kill the next of kin.

Make good use of your gullible birth, and your school time on this broken Earth, to find its truth, at the apex of God.

When he comes after your soul with the passion of Christ, over and over, to save you from Lucifer’s lies and fraud.

Don’t tell him, to leave you alone & scram, just because you got used to living life to the fullest on the Satanic ship of scam.

The name is Jesus. He cometh, to separate the cream from the crop. Through the book of life, as to who gets left behind, and who ascends to the top.

The Spirit of the Dove

Lives, lived to love, and lives lost, to the mercy of the spirit of the dove. In a split moment of emotional frost, from way up above.

The space they used to occupy is left empty, to wither and die, as it was soul and spirit filled when they were once able to fly.

Then they suddenly had to say a bad bye bye, with a silent sigh, and a little tear. An ugly cancer, no longer able to deny.

For having to leave so abruptly, with no time to sob or cry. Without the need for its hollow emptiness, or its fear, or even its bitter jelly on rye.

To reach out, for just a taste of the golden goose’s cherry pie. Perhaps a last minute promise of salvation, from a God, high up in the sky.

To beg for the makers mercy, and the bakers grace. To finish this arduous mortal race, having found that most of it (life) was an elaborate lie.

And that pure truth had to have itself an umbilical extension chord.

A chance for a continuance, past death, onto eternal life, through a relationship with the good Lord.

The one we call Jesus Christ. The one born & raised sinless to become our main dish sacrifice. The one to pay the Devil’s ransom, for a faithful’s ticket back to paradise.

The Day of My Reckoning

When the day of my reckoning finally comes. A time for adding it all up into lump sums.

The day I hear from Dr. Dear about my own death sentence coming ashore & getting rather near.

I shall rejoice in my soul for the courage and gift I am given. By the true grace & mercy of Lord Jesus Christ.

For his assurance of my salvation through living in faith and repentance, to eliminate death’s legitimate fear.

For I’ve found, multiple colorful lies abound when it comes to the absolute truth of God.

I’ve found so many avenues to use, when it comes to the adversary’s rooted lies,(otherwise known as the devil) deliberate trickery and ultimate fraud.

Then I found that no matter how much I rejected Jesus Christ, he kept coming after my hungry soul.

As if to already know the vast importance of my new arduous evangelical role.

As an unshakeable believer and a poet to accomplish his meaning-full goal.

For in my roller coaster life, I could not find much in true contentment and meaning.

To fall in and out of love, to the point were love itself became demeaning.

To make all of this money for expensive toys, only to have to surrender them, to the vultures, or perhaps to a widow, and her boys.

Jesus Christ gives meaning to life. He completes the story. He finishes the race. He does not do an about face.

He is the deliverer of good news, the redeemer for those who believe in him enough to choose. Cometh to save everyone, besides his own people, the Jews.

With Jesus, there is no dead end. There is no reason to defend your soul from the way you played your role, attempting to amend.

Christ crucified was the Lords answer to a devil that tried to ruin the plan for man, souls to apprehend. Jesus was truly a God send !

Stranger than Fiction

Yes, truth is much stranger than fiction. When you catch its bug, it turns into an addiction. Never to grow into an affliction.

But how can all this secular craziness possibly be true ? For all of us to go to Satan’s hell, except for Jesus freaks like you.

I did not write the Holy Bible book, he said. It was written by 40 ancient authors, instead. A span of a few thousand years it must have took.

If you take a good honest look, you’ll find the message to be the same. It’s no bait and switch with a fishing lure’s hook.

It is however, the written account of our collective birth, as an evolving species on this Earth’s revolving creation.

A complete sequential story, of how it all came to be. The way it is today. For all to see the reality of its indignation.

A Holy book, written by the chosen apostles of God. Who’s role became to scribe the scroll. Words that save and serve a believing mortal soul.

The Lord loves by faith, into a higher consciousness state. Through the trust and surrender to his will and fate. To reach Yahweh’s Heaven and its pearly gate.

In Disguise

If one never bothers to question the validity of what they choose to believe.

How would they ever have assurance of an afterlife in paradise, when it’s their time to leave.

After all is said and done, this blue planet of ours is made up of one truth, mixed in with too many diversion lies.

An unfair rogue world of cutthroat, and ruthless successes, or perhaps a slow agonizing demise.

The work of once powerful Kings & Queens that eventually fall to the ground, for new pillars to rise.

An ambiguous world of frolic and fun. Living in joy and laughter, only to end up with sorrow & cries.

Some will live clean for today. To love some, yet deeper tomorrow, until their loved one dies.

Then, there are those who live a lifetime of blindness, that can only see, with unrighteous eyes.

World Genius Isaac Newton once said, for every action, there must be an equal reaction, that applies.

This worlds Savior and Messiah Jesus Christ, was all heart and more, when it came to size.

Placing in our broken blackened hearts, a deeper love and humility, not one true believer denies.

Bringing us all, not some the gospel of crystal clear truth, to the frail and old, as well as our reckless youth.

Higher wisdom and a written answer. To once and for all eradicate every believing soul’s cancer.

He gave us a sure way out, from a daft & inherited mistake, collectively made so long ago.

By two immortals gone rogue into a state of mortal decay. Into the adversary’s portal, down below.

From the clever lies of a garden variety serpent, should you wish to grow, this you’ll need to confess to know.

The Holy Bible clearly says. “Believe in truth, absolute and the absolute truth will surely set you free”.

Free from bondage to the devils decree. Free from life’s insanity and its prescribed future calamity.

If one chooses to believe in such lies. Their soul will belong to the angel of light, who cometh in disguise.

A Special Kind of Man

Once upon a time, there briefly lived on the Earth a special kind of man.

He proved himself over and over, to be apart of a greater divine plan.

Though powerful, he humbly prayed to his Father, before he paid

our ransom.

Then he was crucified alive, sinless and clean, while in his prime, young and handsome.

After 3 days, his body left the grave. Rose up into the clouds, a resurrection rocket save.

Only to come back to Earth for a brief moment in time, after a couple of centurion eyes saw him rise.

Five hundred believing souls would bear witness to this, to counter the devils future lies.

His Holy name was Jesus Christ, his only game, was to be the highest lamb laid sacrifice.

To lead every one of us, by our own choice, by grace, through faith, back to Eden’s bliss & its paradise.

My one golden question to you pilgrim is this; Do you believe any of this old story to be wholesome and true ?

Or, do you think it’s just another lie, made on the sly by a legendary figure, meant to rob from you ?

Maybe a constructed human fable placed under your dinner table, to suddenly bring you down and low.

Or, perhaps the story of our being, and how all of its sin from within came about to fathom & grow.

How our world was poisoned from the very start without a doubt, to reap what we now see and sow.

How it desperately needed saving, by God’s mercy and grace. For those yearning to learn & know.

Or perhaps, It’s the one absolute truth in this world versus the tales of powers and principalities of another.

Where there’s nothing but dark emptiness and fear in between it all. From one sinful act to the other.

A School of Sea Bass

Oh my Lord of Lords, and King of kings, to whom every flower in the heavens joyfully sings.

I have a question or two. In regards to logical barriers of faith that seem to build up and accrue.

What of the freedom-less women of Afghanistan. How will they ever qualify for your redemption plan.

How could they ever be, when they are brutally and relentlessly abused by the evil and wicked Taliban.

What about the good people of Iraq and Iran. Stuck in an honor or shame culture, of forceful beliefs via a thoughtless freedom ban.

What about the poor people of Ukraine, where bombs and rockets come down on them daily in the form of burning red rain.

What happens to the captives of the devil and his minions. What about the folks that live under an evil tyrants opinions.

What about all the innocent blood spilled. Souls that perished long ago, without a chance, to know our savior prime.

Death and destruction way before their time. By disease or sudden crime, or some lunatic’s violent behavior, just at the right time.

How will the innocent forlorn be redeemed, to be once again reborn, from Satanic bondage and regional control.

A blanket of wicked fog and blindness to cover over God’s truth and role, and to easily capture every one of their souls.

Just like an unsuspecting school of sea bass caught in the net, for losing a direction bet. Out of water, and onto hot fiery coals !

Back to Eternity

The world wide web of the internet. An invention for a fact left intact, or some other kind of intention ? A way for future generations to get most of their attention.

A portal to pages and pages of both good and evil combined. Passwords and fast words aligned. Perhaps a carbon copy of life on Earth, and how it should be defined.

The so called information highway. Entrances and exits that lead to either Gods way, business as usual, or the devils fray into permanent dismay.

I would say, to hell with such a cold, and robotic virtual world. Never a steady reliable straight answer, yet with plenty that are twisted & curled.

Full of every hidden trap, websites that offer nothing but crap. The stuff that settles on the brain, like dust mites. Ready, willing & able to invade our privacy rights.

All set up on auto pilot, with a click or two, to fall into your lap. And if they won’t deliver, it, they’ll certainly provide you with a colorful map.

Full of disinformation, fake news, and outrageous lies.

Looking for any, or all the fools who surf the mortal moral fringe, and are ready to compromise.

For it was a forbidden fruit that first took its root, for a daft choice, a Das Boot most unwise. One to rob us from bliss, for a pair of soul shut eyes.

Full of dirty porn, devilish young women with a couple of horn. Nothing but into descent, to worship & adorn. To get to the rose, you must climb up a stem of prickly thorn.

Full of useless things and expensive bling, to shop happy, hoard and buy. Scams made to deliver their ugly surprise swiftly, and on the fly.

Sin entered the Earth at birth, as we carried on with our own ideas, as best we could. For God, to be long forgotten and much misunderstood.

From a story of a tree. One of knowledge, of good & evil. How else can this world, be so full of greed & violence. Random folly, to pave the road to its upheaval.

Therefore the adversary of God must be powerful and very much real.

To be able to delegate the fall and fate of a third of the angelic host, with such zeal.

Producing a legion of terrifying invisible demons, to do his evil bidding. To hurt mankind as best as they could. For trust & loyalty for our Father God, was a must and befitting.

And that’s pretty much what we are taught. From a Holy Bible and gospel, with no other rival. Telling the story of truth, from A to Z. As to how to bring us back to eternity.